The Breeder

By Michael Arno

Published on Apr 1, 2017


This story is pure fiction. It contains sex acts between men and boys. Do not read it if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Leave comments if you like at


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The Breeder Pert 1

The summer between high school and college Jasper Breeder worked garden jobs. Fridays he was on Senator Suckler's estate at the Carolina coast clearing brush. The great-grandson of a breeding slave Jasper had all the qualities of a prime black breeder: lean, muscled physique with broad shoulders, slender waist, bubble ass, and most important a horse cock and stallion testicles that could shoot sperm across a dining table.

Young Sam Suckler, the junior senator's creamy blond son had nothing to do all summer but play with his fifth grade friends. On Friday with just the butler and housekeeper at home he was happy to do as his father suggested and take the lunch Bessie had made up the hill to the woods behind the house where Jasper was working.

"Hello. Anybody there?" He called out as he walked up the hill with the metal tray of food. His father had told him the negro would be working near the pavilion overlooking the bay. "Hello. Where are you?"

Jasper wasn't going to answer some pampered kid calling out for him to come get fed like a dog. He took off his tee shirt and wrung the sweat out, then hung it on a bush. When he saw Sam out of the corner of his eye he opened his pants to relieve himself against a tree.

In the open V of the pants Sam saw the milk chocolate skin where pubic hair should be, shaved as smooth as a Moroccan leather covered book. When Jasper pulled out his magnificent breeding organ, a cock so big and smooth it glistened like melted chocolate Sam's mouth wobbled, "Oh wow."

After peeing a strong stream the black youth squeezed his thick, sweat glistening shaft with sultry pleasure as the ten year old stood transfixed near the table of the pavilion. He grinned when he heard the empty water glass tinkled against the metal lunch tray. Sam watched the last drop of golden urine hang from the purple brown prick head before being flicked off, ending the show.

The boy licked his lips when Jazz licked his and watched the magnificent sex organ return to his pants,

"Ah, that felt good." Jasper turned and acknowledged the boy. Rubbing the shaved V above the root of his organ he sighed, "Yeah, feels good." He slid his hand down his cock shaft. "How you doing, pretty boy?" He looked at Sam's cotton shorts that tented out in front now.

"I brought you your lunch, Jazz."

"So I see. And some meat too."

Sam eyes were on the open trousers and the root of the organ lumped under the dusty work pants. "Where should I put it?"

Jazz reached into his pants and stroked down the long inches to the prick head that showed under his pants. "You can put it wherever you want, Sammy boy." He walked to the boy, leaving the button open and the shaved V showing. His sweat covered torso exuded the smell his pure maleness, and Sam's open mouth could almost taste it. "That's a real fine shirt you're wearing, Sammy." He fingered the hem at the neck.

"You like it, Jazz?" Sam felt his whole soul melt into the soft dark eyes, the most beautiful pools of desire he'd ever seen. He sucked on his lower lip.

Jazz slowly unbuttoned the boy's shirt. "i like what's under it better." He rubbed Sam's chest. "Nice soft nipples, like a baby boy." His lips moved like succulent ripe fruit.

"That feels --. Oh, that's nice. Ah-huh, like that." His breath came in short purrs as his nipples were gently rubbed.

"Only they're getting hard now." Jazz put a finger in the boy's mouth.

"Are they?" Sam sucked the finger and waited. He'd never thought of touching a black before. They were servants, but the glistening smooth muscles, the most beautiful brown he'd ever seen, gave him gooseflesh.

The nineteen year old black slid his hand down Sam's slender belly to the front of pants. "This is getting hard too." He massaged the boy's cock. "And it feels like my little lamb is going to have a nice big one too."

Eight -- a little more --. " Sam panted. "In-- inches."

"You measured it?" Jazz grinned and stroked the swelling shaft. "I bet it's going to be real pretty too, just like you."

"My Daddy did, when I was younger. He and my uncle, well, we've been having kind of fun for a while now."

"Your Daddy and his brother been playing with you, huh?" Jazz's breath was on Sam's neck. "You smell real good, Sammy." He fondled the boy's ass and cock now.

"No. My mom's brother. They've been sleep-over buddies since they were kids, and I get to be a sleep-over buddy too, for a few years now, sometimes with just my Daddy. I'm good and broke in, my daddy's poker buddies say."

"Do they?" Jazz undid the drawstring of Sam's pants and let them fall to the ground. The boy stood naked but for his open silk shirt. "And you like it, don't you?" He stroked the thick boy cock to steel hardness in no time and milked out the first drop of pre cum.

"Ye--, yes." The boy panted. "I been liking it since as long as I can remember."

"Of course you do." Jazz stepped back and looked at the boy. "Ain't you the prettiest thing I ever saw. So white and smooth. Anybody around the place now?"

"Just Adam and Julie, in the house. They won't come way out here though." Sam stepped closer to Jazz, fearing what he wanted.

"Not like you will." Jazz stroked the boy's hard shaft again. The other went between his ass cheeks. "Whoa. My little lamb is already greased up."

"Daddy told me I should bring you your lunch. That you might want some company." As usual Sam began to pant when his anus was finger pumped. "Oh, Jazz. You making me feel real good back there. Daddy always means something special when he sends me to keep one of his friends company."

"Does he?" Jazz continued pumping into the soft, warm anus.

Sam panted as his ass hole was made happy. "I'm getting kind of flustered." He's only ever heard his mother use the word when a man at a party reached between her legs, and it seemed the right word right now.

Jazz grinned, pulled his finger out of the mushy anus and put it in the boy's mouth who sucked it dutifully. "Leave some spit on it." He pushed his finger back into the inviting anus. "Your ass is plenty flustered all right." He looked around, a little nervous, then undid his pants and stripped them off. "I liked being naked. Don't you?"

"Yes." Sam stared at the sweat shining coco coloured muscles. "But I've never touched a --, you know." His eyes were fixed on the magnificent black organ that hung like a stallion's.

"A nigger. Say it, boy. You never touched a nigger dick."

"No." He let Jazz stroke his cock and pump deep into his anus. "I never have." They both waited, Jazz patiently pumping the nervous boy's ass. "Touched a negro's penis." Sam pushed back when another finger entered him. "Oh, yes. I'm feeling flustered, good flustered."

"And feeling like you want my big nigger dick up your pretty white ass. I know you do." Three finger now sloshed around the soft anus ring.

"I think I do. I never have... Oh my, you good at that, Jazz. I never touched... oh, yes."

Jazz took Sam's hand and put it on his limp horse cock. The fingers curled around the thick shaft softly. The other hand came too, and the boy reverently held the glorious sex organ. "Now you have." He grinned at the boy who trembled hard.

"Yes." Sam stared at the shining glans, as smooth as glass. The taboo was broken now. The forbidden desire rested, swelling, in his soft hands. "I have now. And it's so smooth and beautiful." The small white hands coaxed the giant organ to life. "Just look at you, Jazz."

"Maybe your Daddy sent you up here to get broke in by a big nigger." Jazz's finger pumped into he soft anus. "So don't be nervous. White men pay big money to watch one of their boys fucked hard by a black stallion."

"Do they? You think he did?" Sam smeared cock drool over the smooth black prick head as another finger went into his anus. "Think he did? Oh, that feels so good. Oh, maybe yeah. You're making my ass feel so good, Jazz." His hands skid up and down the swelling beauty.

"You like it, don't you, boy?" Jazz rested his hand on the boy's soft blond curls as his cock was stroked. "Ah. You do like it."

"Yes. I-- I never done anything with a negro before." Sam's tongue ran over his lips. The smooth glans was like a piece of smoky amethyst, catching the light like a gem.

"Well, you better watch out because they say, Once you go black you never go back."

"Yeah, I heard my Daddy say that." He held the swelling black beauty in both his hands. "Is it true?"

Jazz took hold of his cock and gently pulled the boy's head to it. "I think your mouth better find out. Don't you?" He pushed the boy's head down.

Sam bent over and tasted the beautiful purple cock head. When it filled his mouth with sweet nectar he throated the whole thick, twelve inch tumescent fuck organ, gulping it down like he'd been taught as a child. Jazz held his head and let himself swell inside the boy's throat.

"Good, boy. Daddy said he trained you good." He soft fucked down his throat, then let him off his shaft.

Sam licked and kissed the prick head, not quite understanding what he's just heard. He held the heavy, almost animal testicles, all so clean and shaved and smelling like man sweat. "Yeah, I been trained real good by my Daddy, and his friends." He grinned up at the negro, then throated him again until the horse shaft was too hard to keep down. "But I never had anything as wonderful as you." He mouthed the prick head like a true cock slave.

"You learned real good." Jazz took his cock shaft and slapped the prick head across the boy's face. Young Sam looked up with begging eyes, his tongue hanging out, trying to catch the swinging prick head. "You want it, don't you, boy?"

"Ye-- yes." Sam panted and sucked in the dripping cock head. His whole brain concentrated on the beautiful shining brown flesh. "I want it bad, Jazz. Please let me suck it some." His mouth pulled in the meaty wonder.

"I'm gonna fuck your ass."

"I know:"

"With my big nigger dick."

"I know. I -- I know you are." Sam kissed the shining glans. "It's so wonderful. Then sucked in one giant testicle.

"That*s it, boy. Eat some nigger nuts." He slapped his dark wet shaft over the white face. "Yeah, good boy. Stretch my nut sack. Damn, you're good, boy. I'm going to fuck you extra good for that. Make you a real nigga lover. Show you what nigger heaven is."

After another minute of cock worship Sam stood and turned. He slobbered in total submission to this black god.

Jazz rubbed his drooling prick head into the pinky white ass crack. "Damn. We going deep in there, boy?" He pushed his prick head into the loose anus. Sam let out a soft yelp. "You OK?"

"Yes." The boy panted. "I never had anything that big."

"It burn?"

"Yes, a little, but it's OK. It's --. Ohhh, it burns real good." Sam rolled his ass pucker over the prick head until Jazz pulled out. "Oh, no." Sam begged.

"Come over here." Jazz padded the edge of the picnic table and leaned his ass against it. "Get up here on the edge and face me." When Sam squatted, his feet on the edge of the table, in front of him Jazz sucked in the smooth fat boy shaft. "Ooowee, nice cock, boy."

"Don't suck me too much, or I'll come, Jazz."

"Oowee, but little white boy." The black bull lowered the squatting lamb until his glans slid over the ass pucker. Then he held his shaft and said, "Sit on it, Sammy. Sit on my big black dick. I want it up your white ass."

"Can I kiss you?"

Jazz pulled his face close. The touch of his soft lips electrified Sam who kissed like a sex crazed addict. He sucked the full lips as his ass worked quickly to swallow the massive horse cock. After a few minutes he could sit in Jazz' lap and stretch his legs out behind him.

"You got a hungry ass, don't you, boy?"

"I think you're so beautiful. I love you in me."

"Well, ain't you sweet. Just like your Daddy."


"Yeah. He can't take it as easy as you, but he likes it as much. Him and a few of his white assed friends, those who like it big and black, and can pay for it." Jazz stood up holding the boy's ass cheeks.

"Daddy never told me that." Sam held on to him with arms and legs as he was raised and lowered, his anal muscle sliding over the thick dark meat that filled him with all its fuck magic.

"You're still young. Maybe he wanted you to find out for yourself how nice black cock is." Jazz let go of the boy's ass, and he slid right down to the root of the mighty shaft. As thick as his biceps the black organ stretched his sphincter muscle tight.

"Oh, oh, oh my." Sam rocked his hips, grinding his ass over the horse shaft pushing way into his bowel. He stretched his head up, and they kissed again. "It's real nice, Jazz. My first, oh, my, first n-- n--."

"Say it, boy. Your first big nigger dick." Jazz sat him on the edge of the table and pumped his ass hard and deep.

"My first n-- ni-- nigger dick, fucking me, fucking me so good."

"Your Daddy's poker friend, Judge Parkers says: You fucking me good goddam, Nigger Jazz,"

"Fuck me good goddam, Nigger Jazz. I love you in me so much. I'm seeing stars."

Jazz stopped pumping, and they kissed again, soft, smiling. Then he walked them down to the dunes where he found a patch of sand, laid his lamb on his back with his legs over his shoulders and began slapping his huge horse testicles against the soft white buttocks.

As the giant black cock pumped him Sam looked up full of wonder and happiness. He licked the beautiful succulent lips. "I love you fucking me, Jazz. You feel better than any white man who done it. I love it so much. And you're so pretty too."

"My little lambkin's going to take a big load of nigger juice real soon." He pumped hard and deep. Sam whimpered and rocked his ass as the heavy testicles slapped it. He's never felt so hot.

Slam, slap, slam, slap. The testicles swung as the horse meat pounded, driving Sam into the semi-delirium of pure anal bliss. "Ah... ah... ah..." Sam grunted as his ass was hammered with the thickest, longest battering ram he'd ever had. "Oh, Ja-a-a-z-z-z-z-z-z." He began to tremble as the swinging testicles tightened up. "Oh, jazz my ass, jazz me hard." He whispered over and over.

And Jazz did, Pumping his steel shaft hard and deep, banging Sam's ass into a hot, slimy pucker, beating the living daylights out of the boy ass until Sam saw stars again.

"Oh, fuck, boy." Jazz crashed into his ass. "You got it."

And Sam felt it, the throbbing swelling. He didn't think Jazz's cock could get any thicker, but it did. As the flood of sperm shot into him with a force he felt deep inside his bowel the root of the mighty shaft stretched his anus wider. He could feel the flow of ball juice tickle cross the tight muscle in pulsating spurts, warming him inside.

When the animal snorting lessened, when the savage pounding settled down to a soft pumping Jazz rolled them over. Sam curled on top holding the precious cock meat deep inside him. He felt shell shocked, his vision blurry, the sound of the sea a faint buzz in his ears. He hardly noticed Jazz jacking his cock. In a moment his ass muscle clutched at the thick black meat still hard inside him and he sprayed semen over the muscled chest.

They held each other. "Oh, baby. You're a damn good fuck." Jazz poked hard into the loose anus. "You like your first nigger dick?"

"Mmm, more than anything." Sam sighed, trying to hold on to the last moment of bliss, feeling the negro's cum swarming like a black cloud spreading through him, the sperm swimming inside him, the thick shaft up his ass owning him, comforted him. He felt loved.

Jazz pulled the ass cheeks apart and pumped deep. "Tell me then. I want to hear you talk, white boy."

"You're my first negro, Jazz --."

"I'm your nigger." His soft lips kissed the boy's.

"You're my nigger." He sucked the full lower lip. "And I want your big nigger dick up my ass every day. I want your nigger juice in my ass, or in my mouth if you want. I want it to turn me dark like you, make me beautiful like you. Ahh, yes, like that. Pump my ass like that."

They stayed locked together for a long time. Even Jazz's limp cock was big enough Sam could hold it clenched in his ass, and he did until Jazz's stomach growled.

"I'm hungry. Let's go wash the sand off in the water and have something to eat."

Afterwards they sat on the picnic bench where Jazz had his lunch. Sam sat, totally devoted, rubbing their thighs together, holding the beautiful organ in his hand, looking at the smooth shining skin of Jazz's chest. "Jazz?" He finally whispered.

"What, Baby?" He ate a mouthful of potato salad.

"Did you like it too?"

Jazz leaned down and kissed his soft white lamb, pushing the food into the boy's mouth. "Good food, ain't it?"

Sam chewed and swallowed. "Did you?" He lovingly stroked the black organ.

"Get down on the ground between his legs and suck on it some, and if I think you still like it I'll fuck you as often as I can. How's that?"

Sam slithered down between the smooth brown legs grinning and slurped in the wonderful man's cock. Like a huge animal's organ he thought and worshipped it, gagged on it, smeared it over his face. After a minute he said, "I love your cock more than anything in the world now."

"That's real good, boy." Jazz gagged the boy on his pulpy cock meat. "Yeah, that's real good. I'm gonna add you to my stable."

"What stable?"

"The one filled with white man and boys who got to have my nigger dick regular."

"Thank you, Jazz."

"Thank your Daddy, Sammy. Now throat me real good for a bit because I think I'm done here for the day." After multiple, breath taking dick diving sessions Jazz pushed the boy off him. "Why look at that. I'm getting hard enough again. Bend over the table and pull your cheeks apart again."

"Yes, Sir." Sam sprang to his feet and did as he was told. Jazz held his shaft in both hands and forced it back into the pinky white anus. "Oh, yes. Yes, Jazz. Ahhh."

"Yeah, nice and creamy. I like it that way." Then he pulled the boy's head up by the hair. "Hey, look. Here come your Daddy. He going to want some too, I bet."


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Next: Chapter 2

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