The Boy's Stable - High School

By Rome Krone

Published on Jan 22, 2008



The Boy's Stable

Author's note: This story is completely fictitious and pure fantasy. It contains depictions of sexual acts between minors and adults. If easily offended or if it is illegal to read such material where you live, please refrain from continuing or do so by your own volition. This story is the work of the author and should not be copied or posted elsewhere in any way without the permission of the author. Comments:

A few years ago, before the internet reached the whole world, there were still counties that were relatively remote, even in our otherwise crowded east coast state. Our largest town and county seat would be considered a village in most countries. We had a small country store, post office, courthouse, county office building, the grade school and high school were next door to each other, we didn't need a middle school, 5 churches (that's the way it was), etc. The town's population was less than 150 people. Most of the counties' people lived along unpaved back roads.

We lived just a little over a mile outside of town along an unpaved road. There were three small ranch style homes near each other that one of the county businessmen rented out. My Dad and I lived in one. My name is Roman, but friends and family call me Rome.

It was late summer about a couple of weeks before the school year started again. I was going to be in the ninth grade, 14 years old with hormones raging, soon to be 15. New neighbors were moving into the third house down. My entertainment today was watching them through my bedroom window. I could see that there was a boy that looked about my age, a younger girl, and a man and woman that I guessed were the parents. Otherwise my entertainment would have been playing with myself. All I thought about was sex, food, sex, sports, and sex.

I was so bored that I decided to walk down, introduce myself, and see if they could use some help. For a 14 year old to do this, you can imagine how life was in the country. They were so busy they didn't notice me walking into their yard. I said hello and they all looked toward me. The man was young like my Dad, and really nice looking, and the boy was so damned handsome it almost hurt to look at him. The Mom and girl were only what could be described as attractive, but nothing like the two guys.

The Father put his hand out to me and in very halting English introduced himself as Mr. Ramon. Then he introduced his wife and daughter, and finally the boy. His name was Diego. I asked if they needed help and without waiting for an answer, picked a box off the back of the truck and started walking toward the house. Diego grabbed the next box and ran to catch up with me. He looked at me and smiled. I've never been keen on guys, never even thought about them in that way, but this guy had me with a look and a smile, and I didn't even realize what the feeling was, only that I wanted him to like me.

I started talking with him and asked him how old he was. His English was minimal, but his very male voice made me pay attention and want to communicate with him. I was able to figure out he had just turned 16. We continued to work side-by-side the rest of the afternoon, and this began a strong bond between two guys. When we were finally finished, his Mom made us some lemonade.

I headed back home, but before I left I asked Diego if he wanted to hang out tomorrow. I knew he was tired, because I sure was. Between the two of us we got the message across and he was going to come to spend the day with me tomorrow. It was kind of fun helping him with English, and in turn I was learning a small amount of Spanish ^Ö no easy task for me because I don't seem to have an aptitude for languages.

When I got home, I immediately went to the shower to wash off the sweat and grit, and found myself jacking off while thinking what it would be like to watch him jack off. He was about 5'10" with thick, silky, dark hair. His skin was smooth like lightly tanned porcelain, but I loved his dreamy brown eyes and those long eyelashes. His smile was genuine and warm and displayed almost perfect white teeth against his skin tone. The girls in school were going to go nuts over this guy.

Dad came home and I had supper ready for us. I loved my Dad and would do anything for him and him in turn for me. I told him about the new family and that Diego and I were going to hang out tomorrow. It was always nice to chat with my Dad. Everyone told me I was just a little version of him and I couldn't wait to finally become a man and look like him. Especially, I wanted to have hair on my chest like him. I already had the start of some great looking hairy legs like his.

My Dad worked for a large landscaping company. His body was toned and nice. I had never seen him totally naked, only in his underwear, but I knew he filled them out well, and I knew that I had inherited his crotch genes and I was proud of it. Dad's hair was brown with sun dyed tips from working outside. We both had deep blue eyes with great eyebrows that we could both wiggle and raise in an erotic teasing way. We got a kick out of this and would do it to each other as a joke.

For the next two weeks Diego and I hung out every free moment we could and had a great time. I made it my mission to teach him English and he was learning fast. It made my head spin. I was later to find out the true intelligence of this boy.

When school started we and his sister walked together being only a mile from the schools. Diego and his sister went to the office and I didn't see them for the rest of the day until we were ready to walk home.

He was really depressed, and explained to me that they had put him back two years, because they had a hard time understanding him. That made him a year below me in school. That night I told my Dad about it and he and I went to the Ramon's home. I introduced my Dad to Mr. and Mrs. Ramon and he talked to them about Diego and the school.

The next day our Dads, Diego, and I went to the office and met with the principal (not my favorite thing to do). After much going back and forth the principal brought in the high school Spanish teacher to help translate and it was decided that Diego would be in my grade and assigned to all my classes. This was because we were friends and lived near each other. I could help him with anything he didn't understand until his English was better. I readily agreed and Diego left with me to our first class together. His spirits had lifted 100 per cent. The only thing was I had to drop an art elective and we both had to take Spanish. The Spanish teacher wanted a native speaker in his class to help us all.

When we got home, Diego came to my house to work on homework together. When were finally alone he looked at me with those dreamy eyes and thanked me. When I looked back I could see the glaze of tears he was holding back. I just stepped forward and hugged him, like my Dad would do for me.

Our last class of the day was gym. For the first week and a half we had health and sex-ed, classes, while waiting for our high school gym outfits to arrive. They were late this year. All of the new guys in high school didn't have outfits. One thing though, the two coaches we had were young and fun. Class was ok. The sex-ed part caught both my and Diego's attention. The really great thing about it was I had to talk with Diego about it when it came time for homework. This was the first time he and I had talked about sex and the more we talked the more open and closer we became as friends. It wasn't long before we were talking and laughing about things that weren't just homework, just horny teenage boy stuff.

Our gym clothes arrived going into our second week. Diego and I had lockers next to each other. We were chatting while undressing. When he opened his shirt I noticed the perfectly defined chest with half dollar size deep brown areolas. Between the nipples and areolas, soft black chest hair had started to grow. It was hot! A treasure trail beginning above his belly button disappeared into his jeans. I noticed him looking at me while I was undressing. When I looked at him, I smiled and wiggled and raised my eyebrows in that erotic way. We both laughed because I had done this to him before when we would talk about girls. I looked around. The other guys were so busy; no one was paying attention to us. They were all kind of self-conscious and trying to hurry up so we could get out on the track field.

In the fun of it I lowered my jeans and then my underwear. I wiggled my hips and laughed. He looked at my cock and then back at me. Quietly, he said, "damn.., nice". Then he lowered his jeans and underwear. "Holy shit" I said, "where do you put that thing to keep people from noticing it"? He told me he hadn't put it anywhere yet, but he'd like to, then he wiggled his eyebrows.

He was a 16 year old stallion. Uncut, thick and so big the tip of the penis head always shows. He never had to skin it back to piss, it was a work of art. I thought I was packin', but he definitely was. His cock was a magnificent tool. Creamy tan with big firm tight balls that pushed it out further, and surrounded by the softest silkiest black hair I have ever seen (even to this day). The hair was naturally shaped like striking butterfly wings framing his shaft. And to top it all off, his legs were covered by the same soft black hair. I had to look away because I felt my cock stirring, and you know how difficult it is to stop a 14 year old's cock from getting hard.

I quickly removed my pants and got my gym clothes on. We were working on track stuff that day and every time I could sneak a peek, I'd look at Diego and those long masculine hairy legs. Sometimes I'd catch him looking at me, and wondered if he knew I was checking him out. I just chalked the feelings up to being almost like brothers.

After gym class we went to the showers, I noticed his perfect shaped butt with a dusting of hair and a little thicker soft hair in the crack. One of the guys said, "Wait till the chicks hear about you two, damn, now that's what I call hung". We both got embarrassed and all the guys laughed.

The girls did hear about us, and sometimes I'd walk with my books in front of my crotch, because it was a bit embarrassing that everyone seemed to be trying to glance between my legs. I'd even catch some of the teachers looking at me. On the other hand, Diego seemed not to notice at all. He is the most genuine and unpretentious person I've ever known. People really liked him.

The first semester went well. Diego surprised everyone except his family and me. He is brilliant. The principal even took him aside one day and asked him if he wanted to move forward to the year he was in before he came to the States. He declined and laughed when he told me how he seemed to find it hard to speak English very well when he was with the principal. I think the principal was on to him, but we like to think he pulled one over on the principal and we were able to be in the same classes.

During the Christmas break I turned 15. Dad had Diego's family over for BBQ sandwiches and cake, my favorite. Diego's Mom, Dad, and little sister gave me a photo of Diego and I together raking leaves and laughing at something that I can't remember. Diego gave me a frame for it that he had made. It is still one of my favorite things.

One day, during the Christmas break while Dad was at work, Diego and I were snooping around in my house looking to see if I could find where Dad hid my Christmas gifts. I was looking in the closet in his room and Diego was going through his dresser. Diego tapped me on the back and when I turned he was holding a handful of pictures. They were pictures of people having sex. Now you have to remember, this is before the internet. "Where did you find those" I asked.

"They were under your Dad's underwear in an envelope", he said.

That stopped our snooping and we both went to my room and sat on the bed. I had never seen such things. My dick immediately got hard, and so did Diego's. There was no hiding this. We sat there handing them back and forth to each other saying little. I tried to adjust my dick, but I couldn't get comfortable in my jeans. Diego was doing the same. The more we looked the harder we got. I noticed a wet spot in the front of Diego's jeans. He was leaking and so was I.

There were a lot of photos of girls giving guys blowjobs. Diego said out loud, "I wonder what that feels like"?

"I don't know", I said. Then, I'm not sure to this day why I said it, but I did. "If you promise never to tell anyone, I'll let you put your dick in my mouth just to see what it feels like".

He hesitated, and then said, "are you serious, you would do that for me? I'm not sure I can do it for you".

"You don't have to", I said. "It's just this one time so you can see what if feels like". "You are my best friend", so if we're going to do this you'd better hurry up before I chicken out".

Diego stood up and began to undo his jeans. I opened mine up at the same time to release the pressure. It felt good not to have my dick constrained.

"Take yours out" he said.

I stood up, lowered my jeans and underwear, decided to kick them off, and sat back down. My dick was sticking straight up and leaking like crazy. I was afraid if I touched it, it would shoot and embarrass the hell out of me.

Diego lowered his jeans and underwear. I sat on the bed with his big hardon near my face. I looked up into his eyes. I wanted to look at all of him. As if he understood he took his shirt off and then stripped everything and stepped in front of me totally naked. I didn't know exactly what to do. He took the shaft of his dick in his hand and put his other hand behind my head. Gently he moved my head toward him as he moved closer to me. He was standing between my legs. I could feel his warm skin and hairy legs pressing against mine. His legs opened more as he presented himself to me. I looked up at him again. I realized that his eyes were full of deep feeling. He trusted me as I trusted him.

I opened my mouth and leaned forward on my own. I took his dick in my mouth and wrapped my lips around it. We both stayed very still. I could hear his breathing. I started to move my tongue along the underside and heard him moan.

Diego's instinct took over and he began to move his hips. I realized we were beyond seeing what it felt like. He was gently fucking my mouth. I took my hands and touched his balls for the first time. They felt warm and tight. I rolled them. He moaned. I moved my other hand to the shaft. He was big! He jerked when he felt my hand on his shaft. I took my hand off, but he took it and moved it back to his dick. I grasped it as best as I could. It felt powerful.

I began to move my head up and down to keep up with his rhythm of fucking my mouth. He was beginning to moan louder. I knew at this moment I wanted to give him a gift for being my best friend. I was going to let him finish in my mouth.

"Rome, I'm getting close", Diego said.

I said nothing, but continued to hold his shaft as he fucked my face.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum", he said, as he started to back away. I put both hands on his hard hairy butt and pulled him into me. "Oh God, Rome, I'm finishing in your mouth^Å. I can't hold it". He arched forward to fill my mouth. I could feel the fluid building in my mouth. His ass was contracting over and over as he spurted into me. I began to swallow as much as I could. My eyes watered, but from deep emotion, not discomfort. His ass gradually began to stop contracting, but he kept his dick inside my mouth. It was as if he didn't want to ever leave this kind of pleasure now that he had experienced it. I took the time to savor the erotic smell of him. I nuzzled into his soft black crotch hair. It was like silk.

I backed off his dick and looked up. He was staring at me. I wasn't sure what to think. He knelt between my legs. I opened myself to him. He took my dick in his hands and began to stroke. The shaft was slick with all the precum that had run down it. I had never had anyone touch me there. It was amazing. He squeezed. I pulled him close to me and he released my cock. My dick was now nestled in the silky hair on his chest. I groaned and I started to cum. He pushed his chest tight against my dick. It got hot and slippery. I couldn't stop. I kept cumming. I felt it run down my balls. He put his arms around me and pulled my dick even closer to him. I kept the fucking motions against his slippery gooey chest. His chest hair touched every sensation in my cock. I slowly stopped my pleasure convulsions. My body went limp but he held me up.

Looking down at his beautiful head of hair, I leaned forward and pressed my face to it and smelled him. He turned his head toward my chest and kissed my nipple. When he moved back, he was covered in my cum. It was only a short time, but seemed longer as each of us said nothing.

Finally he stood up in front of me again. I looked up at him. With a mischievous grin he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I just laughed and wiggled my eyebrows back at him. All I could think to say was, "how would you like to have your own personal cocksucker anytime you want"?

For the rest of the year, when were able to get some time alone I would suck him off and he would get me off though he never sucked me. With his instructions about what he liked and much patience on his part, I was finally able to bury my nose in his pubic hair while his dick was deep inside my mouth.

Our houses backed up to woods, and as the weather got warmer, Diego and I would go into the small forest. Most of it was a bramble under the trees but I knew the way to get through and even showed him a clearing where we had fun in the sun.

One weekend, we went a little further and I showed him an old abandoned stable. It only had 4 stalls, a tack room and loft that could be reached with stairs in the tack room. I used to go there when I was a little younger and play all kinds of make believe games. The stable was really in the country and could only be reached by going back a few unpaved roads, but most of the locals knew about it. The owners of the property where the stable was located lived in the city about 90 miles away and never came there. From the road front you couldn't walk around the stable because of the blackberry briars and honeysuckle. You could only get in through the large barn type doors. I showed Diego my secret entrance in the back that I could reach through the woods. It came directly into the tack room. No one could see me come or go because of the briars and thick woods.

When we were exploring the stable, Diego walked into one of the stalls and noticed a hole in the wall where a large knot had fallen out of the board. The hole opened into the tack room. Diego took his dick out and put it through the hole as a joke. I told him to keep it there and I went into the tack room and got down on my knees and gave him an anonymous blowjob. He unloaded in my mouth with a loud grunt.

He pulled back and came into the tack room, took my pants off and began to play with me as he nuzzled into my neck and whispered dirty things to me in that deep male Spanish accent. I came all over his hand and the floor.

We stayed there for awhile before deciding to head back home. Just before we left he took my arm and asked me if I liked sucking him off. That's a no brainer. Of course I did.

He said he had an idea, and wanted to talk to me about it. He and I never had any fun money, because our Dad's didn't make a lot. We sometimes missed out on things other kids got to do because of it. He was wondering if I would be willing to suck other guys off anonymously through the hole (we would block and lock the tack room door). After some discussion, I began to get excited about earning money if it would work. If no one would ever know, I would be willing to give it a try.

For the next couple of weekends we got the stable set up so it would work for what we planned. Old hay and straw bales were stacked in the loft so we could hide behind and see who was coming to the front of the stable. I even got a little stool with a cushion to sit on while giving blowjobs. This would give my knees a rest.

We made 20 flyers about the stable and when the blowjobs would be available. Each blowjob was fifty-cents (that was a lot of money to us). There were more rules; a white towel would hang in the front loft window to let you know you can come in and get a blowjob, you had to be clean or no blowjob, only tell those who you trusted (or if you ruined it for everyone else, you would get the shit beat out of you), if you arrived when someone else was there, just wait, you will get a blowjob before you leave, if you see someone you know don't worry, just smile because he's there for the same reason, and finally, you had to notify the anonymous cocksucker when you are cumming.

We took the flyers to school and stuck them in some of the guys lockers we knew when we got a chance. By the end of the day one of our buddies told us about the blowjobs and said we could each get one after school each day and every Saturday and Sunday morning for 50 cents. The world was getting around.

Right after school Diego and I headed straight home, dropped off our books and headed through the woods. We got there with time to spare. We went to the loft, hung the white towel in the window, and then we waited to see if this would work.

It didn't take long before we saw three bicycles coming up the rutted road to the front. It was three of our classmates, but what surprised me was one of them was the coaches son. I went to the tack room and waited.

I saw the guys come into the stall and notice the hole in the wall. We had put a sign over it that said, hand coins through the hole first.

The guys had already worked out who would be first. I saw two quarters come through the hole and I took a box we made and he dropped them in. Next I watched as he unzipped his pants and reached in to pull out his dick and stick it through the hole. It was a beauty, but nothing like Diego's cock. I took it in my mouth, and all I heard was, "oh fuck", I'm gonna cum soon. He did, and it was the first cum, other that Diego's that I had in my mouth. Not bad. I looked up at the loft and Diego was watching me. I smiled and held up the two quarters. He gave me a thumbs up. That day we made four dollars.

Word got around quick. For the next three weeks, I was busy blowing most of the teenage males in our county and a few beyond. We were finally able to have a little spending money, so much in fact that we had to keep it secret and not spend it like crazy. I was also lucky enough that 90 percent of the guys who came to get their cocks sucked were in good shape because of the hard working rural area we lived in.

I would go to school and the guys would ask us if we had had our dicks sucked. Of course Diego and I both said yes, when we had the money. We played along and even tried to guess who was giving the blowjobs. Diego and I said we thought it was some girl or woman who just loved doing this. The guys loved it, but one day our world changed.

It was Saturday morning and we arrived at the stable to find a couple of cars out front waiting for us. We couldn't see who was in there. Diego hung the white towel and I peeked out the dirty window to see who it was. I almost panicked and bolted when I saw two grown men head for the doors.

Diego calmed me down and said to be quiet. I did and went to the tack room and waited. The first guy walked up to the hole, handed two quarters through followed by his dick. It was nice and smelled good. I licked it and heard him moan. This wasn't going to be so bad after all.

I went down on him and even played with his balls. He must have got the word, because he told me to get ready to swallow his load. I did and it was a load.

More and more men began to show up on a regular basis. I sucked off the sheriff, a couple of deputies, both our coaches, and some guys I had never seen before. If they met anyone there, they just said hello to them or joked with the teenage guys about getting their nuts off. There were a couple of times, a Father would meet his son there, or vice versa, but they were always cool and accepting that this was a world of horny guys.

Late one Sunday morning, Diego and I were getting ready to leave for the day. We heard a car pull up and looked to see who it was. We both froze. It was my Dad and Diego's Dad. We knew we were going to be busted and in deep shit. I went to the tack room ready to open the door and Diego took the white towel down and came down to join me.

We heard our Dad's talking with each other and my Dad said he would go first. Diego and I looked at each other. They wanted their cocks sucked. There was no way to get out of this without something looking suspicious. The money came through and then for the first time in my life I was looking at my Father's dick. It was splendid. I reached out for it and ran my hands around it. Diego got down next to me. He looked me in the eye and nodded to go for it. I did. I took my Dad's cock in my mouth and heard the most wonderful grunt from him. I did all of the great things Diego had taught me about sucking a large dick and didn't try to hurry it along like I did the other guys. I played and toyed with him, bringing him to the edge then backing off, finally hearing him whimper and begging me to let him cum. I took him to the hilt and felt the first pulse in my mouth. My Dad was cumming inside me. He made a sound like exquisite pain as he kept shooting. His knees buckled and I almost lost him, but he caught himself. The pulsing subsided and I let him soak in my mouth until he was ready to pull out. "Fuck, that was the best cum I've had in years", he said.

Diego's Dad moved up to the hole and put his cock through. He was so excited he forgot to put the money first. I looked at Diego and he nodded for me to start, all the while staring at his Father's big cock. I took the warm tool in my mouth and gave it the same special attention I had my Dad. I wanted to taste the sperm that had made my best friend. As I was blowing him and backing off to tease him, I heard my Dad talking to him. He was telling him to take his pants off. Diego's Dad pulled his cock back through the hole to pull his jeans down, and then gave his dick back to me. I went down on him again.

As I was sucking him, he grunted and pushed forward quickly. At first I thought he was cumming, but realized that my Dad was behind him. I turned to look at Diego who also had figured it out. My Dad was fucking his Father while I was sucking his Dad's cock.

We heard my Dad say, "Oh, yeah, take it stud", as he pushed hard against Diego's Dad. That sent Diego's Dad over the edge and I was getting a mouth full of thick creamy cum as Diego's Dad was getting his ass filled with cum. I let him soak in my mouth until he finally pulled back.

Diego and I waited for them to leave and then just sat there trying to fathom what had just happened. He was staring at me with this expression that I hadn't seen before. Then he stood up, and took me forcefully by the upper arm and led me to the steps going to the loft. I went up ahead of him. When we got there he started undressing and nodded for me to do the same. I did, but was getting a little apprehensive. Not a word was spoken. He still had this strange look on his face.

When we were completely naked, he looked at me and his eyes started to mist. "You have my heart", he said, "you have always had it, from the first day I met you."

I melted. He stepped forward and pressed his body into mine. Slowly he started kissing my forehead. Diego licked my lips tasting our Dad's cum on them. He knelt in front of me and took my dick in both his hands. He leaned in and nuzzled my crotch, something he had never done before. I could feel the warmth of his breath blowing through my dick hair. I closed my eyes.

Then I felt it before I saw it, the wet warmth of my first blowjob. Diego had my cock in his mouth. I opened my eyes and looked down at him. He was looking back at me with his lips wrapped around my dick. I started to slowly fuck his mouth. I could feel his tongue tasting me. All of my pleasure senses were on overload. Now I knew how he felt when I did this for him the first time.

I couldn't hold back. "Diego, I'm gonna cum", I said. He pulled me closer and I let loose inside him. The pleasure spasms caused me to moan and whimper^Å "Oh, fuck, yeah. Eat my cum you handsome stud."

He let me stay in his mouth until I was ready to pull out. When I did, he stood up and put both hands on my shoulders and pressed me down. I knelt before him and opened my mouth for him. He took the offering and put his dick in my mouth. I played with him and knew I was driving him crazy. It was exquisite torture and I was his torturer.

He finally couldn't take it any more and without warning knelt beside me and pushed me onto my stomach. He crawled onto my back, mounted me, and laid his entire weight on me. That big cock of his was lodged in my crack. I could feel the slimy precum and my spit making my crack slick. His ass started moving his cock along my crack in slow fucking motions.

I was scared and excited. Then it happened, the big head of his dick was pressing against my opening. I trusted him. I felt the pressure and then the pain when the head slipped into me. He stopped as I gritted my teeth. I began to relax. More of that long shaft moved into me. Finally I could feel that soft pubic hair against my butt. He lay still on top of me with his arms locked under my armpits holding me down and nuzzling in the back of my neck and hair.

The pain was going away replaced by the awesome feeling of being fucked by him. I wanted him to use me for his pleasure. He began to fuck me with audible shallow breaths. I was his first fuck. I could feel him inside me hitting my prostate. My hard dick was pressed into the straw.

He began to ride me faster. I didn't want it to end. I wanted him to fuck me as much as he wanted. His breathing became more rapid filled with deep grunts as he fucked me.

He whispered in my ear, "You like this don't you. I'm going to breed you and make you all mine, you cute little cocksucker." Diego stiffened and began to cum heavily inside me. I could feel the contractions of his dick. This caused me to cum into the straw. I saw stars.

He stayed mounted on me until both of us got our breathing back to normal. We got up, dressed and headed back through the woods toward home. I was floating on air. He asked me if I had thought about fucking him. I just raised and wiggled my eyebrows at him in that mischievous way.

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