The Boys of Summer

Published on Mar 6, 2023


The Boys of Summer 9: The Fine Art of Picking Up Men

This story explicitly depicts young men forming erotic bonds with each other. Generally they are between the ages of 14 to 17, and they "generally" agree that peer relationships are best. However, among this particular group of youths, there are some who consider scoring some hot older fellow a coup, while there are others who remain enchanted by younger lads. These liaisons appear as dangerous edges, and the author has attempted to depict such outlawish trysts in a realistic way. Also, some of the fellows depicted here do other "bad boy" things like experiment with drugs and get in terrible fights. Last, being sexually versatile, as jocks typically are, they occasionally even have sex with girls. Ultimately, many are the spirits of the young who, in these pages, simply say, "Fuck the rules."

There is plenty of raunchy sex in this tale, but if all you are looking for is pure fapping material utterly devoted to some precise specialty, you might want to look elsewhere. In publisher's lingo, this is a "Coming of Age" novel.

Author's Note: Our hero, released from the chains which had previously bound him, is actively hunting now. Who knows what game he will bring down?

Part Two: The Three "R"s — Ryan, Roan, and River

The Fine Art of Picking Up Men

Ricky was frustrated. His infatuation with River's beauty had taken a disturbing turn. He was feeling all sorts of thoughts he considered far too "bottomish."

Ah! But River was so cute! Those big, pretty brown eyes with those long lashes, that sweet, shy smile, and that longish brown hair with the sun-bleached, golden highlights! Skinny, yes, but with nicely formed ripples on his darkly tanned belly, lovely bluish veins on his forearms, and shapely, long legs. Ricky never quite could get a good glimpse of River's package in the baggy shorts the guy always wore. He figured River was "smallish" down there, but that was OK. Certainly the sweet boy was not hairy bear, but he had delicate wisps of armpit hair, and the hair on his calves, though sparse, was not that of a little boy.

That day, at the swimming hole, Ricky had even noticed that River had just a few delicate brown hairs growing around the aureolas of his small nipples.

Yes. River was quite delectable!

He was astonished to find himself excited by fantasies that merely a week before he had found repulsive. He was not much imagining that River would be inclined to return the favors.

Being gay, Ricky could accept. He was surprised to be learning just how gay he was.

But Ricky was honest with himself. He did want to suck that cock, and he did want to get fucked. Just thinking about River moaning as he blew his load in Ricky's mouth or slapped his balls against him while he pounded his ass made Ricky's dick start to harden.

He simply could not, however, conceive of a any way to approach River about that without ruining the relationship they had. River looked up to Ricky, and Ricky could not imagine that changing for the better if he played a submissive bottom. Around and around Ricky's mind whirled, trying to find the way into River's pants, whip out the cute dick he imagined River had, and give the dude the time of his life shooting hot come anywhere he wanted.

However, as it happened, a new and exciting challenge presented itself. For a time, he set aside the problem of how to get a straight boy let a gay guy get him off.


Ryan had come down to the swimming hole with Diane. It was evening, not quite full dark. There was no one there. It had been a long drive from Berkeley. He was tired.

"See how pretty it is?" Diane cried, running down to the beach.

"Pretty. Yeah." Ryan said without enthusiasm.

"You're just tired," she said, kissing his cheek. "Thanks for driving. It means a lot to me."

Ryan studied her once again. He enjoyed looking at her. Diane was a knockout beauty. She drove the boys mad! She had, indeed, a "Barbie doll" figure. Astonishing, really. Her skin, in particular was spectacular. One could describe her complexion as "swarthy." She was naturally brown, with brown hair and eyes, yet her features were Northern European. It gave her an exotic look. She looked nothing like her parents. When he had mentioned that, she told him she was adopted. She had no idea who her genetic parents were, but she suspected that she was of a mixed race.

The truly extraordinary thing about Diane, in Ryan's estimation, was that she had no trace of vanity. Her personality was sweet and kind, and she was remarkably intelligent. She and Ryan had become friends because he appreciated the many qualities she had beyond her stunning looks. When he had told her he was gay, the first day they had met, she liked him even more.

Diane was cool, no doubt about it.

Her parents trusted Ryan enough to let him drive her up here without them. It was her first time at their tiny cabin without her parents. And it was tiny!

One room!

Ryan's sleeping area was the back deck; Diane would stay inside. They had pitched a big tent for him out back, behind which was a lovely Victorian gazebo in the large, wooded lot. It looked like a park, even in the dark, with many maples and oaks. Amusingly, Diane was far more adept at pitching the tent than Ryan.

Her parents had no idea Ryan was gay. They thought he and she were a couple, and somehow Diane had them believing that they had chosen sexual abstinence. But they had colluded in a scheme to enable Diana to meet up with a guy. Billy? Ryan forgot. A military dude. She had enticed Ryan with the prospect of beautiful guys. She had said the place was full of them.

After they had set up his tent, they had come down to the beach.

So far, Ryan had seen no beautiful young men. He had not seen anyone at all.

"Where is everyone?" He asked.

"Probably off to bed. People turn in early."

Ryan looked at his watch. It was only 8:30!

Diane said in a cute way, "You want to go for a swim?"

The way she said it caught Ryan's attention. She had brought a towel. She had said it was for sitting. But there she was, slipping out of her jeans and blouse, popping off her bra, and stepping out of her panties!

"Keep a look out!" She hollered to him to as she waded into the water.

Ryan had never seen her nude. She was supremely beautiful! What a rich, dark, lush bush she had, and what big, round, brown breasts!

No wonder she made the boys crazy. Ryan was almost turned on himself.

Laughing, Ryan undressed too. He followed her in.

Shit! The water was cold!

He hissed, "You said it was cold, but damn!"

Diane was swimming on her back, looking him over. Ryan was only up to his knees. He was on full display. He changed his mind. He didn't want to do it. He's freeze his balls, and Diane would see that.

"Oh, don't be a pussy, Ryan!" She laughed.

That did it. Gay or not, Ryan was not going to be called a pussy by a girl!

He dove in. It was so cold it hurt. But it also felt good. It was a rush.

In the darkness, he had no idea of the lay of the bottom or the current, so he stayed near Diane. Treading water, breathless, he said, "Thanks."

She was panting and grinning, her long brown hair plastered wet to her round head. Ryan could see a little girl look in her then. She said, "Thanks for what?"

"Thanks for cheering me up."

She smiled brightly. "Anytime, man!"

They got out and dried off. They should have brought two towels. Ryan shivered as he waited. Damn but his balls were fucking tiny! Then he laughed.

"What's so funny, Ryan?"

"Us. Nude together. I wish I were straight sometimes, Diane. You're hot!"

She grinned. "And both your balls together are about as big as a little wrinkled pair of walnuts!"

"You say the nicest things! Hand me that towel, bitch!" They kidded around a lot. Ryan knew perfectly well that Diane thought he was gorgeous too.

Diane said she wanted to call Billy. They had worked out a system. If the front porch light was on, he could come in. If it was off, he was to go around back. There was a wash basin and a port-a-potty looking thingy on the deck. The place actually had a fucking outhouse!

It was "primitive," but that was part of the "charm," Diane had said.

Ryan was not charmed. He had expected a log cabin in the woods. He had not expected a pale green clapboard shack inches from the road, surrounded by a hurricane fence with a tiny deck in the back. It was not at all charming. Ryan had seen trailers in trailer parks that were far more lovely.

He had no desire to go back there until he was tired enough to sleep.

Also, he knew Diane wanted to hook up with Billy.

For these reasons, he said, "I'll stay here for a while. I got my guitar. I got my phone. I got a towel. I got some pot. I'll just chill here and play guitar."

She looked at him, concerned. "Really, are you cool?"

"Actually, I'm fucking cold!" It was a lame joke, of course, which Diane ignored, yet she suggested that he go sit on the rocks at the other end of the swimming hole. The sun, she said, warmed them all day, and they remained warm until two in the morning sometimes.

Ryan said he'd try that.

Diane was right. The rocks were warm. They formed a large circle, he saw then. There was a sandy area in the middle. A good place for campfires. He saw the remains of a fire-pit.

The rocks, he knew, were basaltic lava. They formed a single mass. He estimated their age at about twenty thousand years. They were run-off from the volcano looming high in the far the distance, its snow capped peak still hot pink in the remaining sunlight.

The geology of the region had interested him. It was one of the reasons he came. He was looking forward to driving around and collecting rocks. The area was famous among geologists. One of his professors at the university had given him a "Treasure Hunt." He had a list.

This could be cool, after all.

Diane had told him Sweetwater Falls was a "magical" place. He was, at that moment, feeling a hint of that magic.

He unzipped his gig bag and pulled out his guitar.

He tuned it. It was way off. It was all out of whack because of the trip. Probably the elevation and humidity change.

Tuning up, he kept experiencing an odd sensation, like he was missing something. He looked around. Everything seemed normal. He looked up and watched the acrobatic aerials of bats. He resumed tuning his guitar. There it was again! Like he was being watched!

For a few seconds, he was spooked. Nor longer cold in the still air on warm rocks, the hair on his body yet stood up. He got goosebumps.

Looking up, he saw he was not alone.

He had just appeared!

A boy, maybe fifteen? Tall for his age, but young looking. How did he suddenly appear?

He is stunning!

Standing there, hands on hips, weight on one leg, in short shorts with a big, blousy, archaic looking, untucked shirt with the long, loose sleeves partially rolled up, and he is looking at Ryan most intriguingly.

What a beauty! Long, tousled, light-colored hair, long legs, barefoot! He has a square, masculine face. Ryan feels his eyes burn into him.

"Hi!" the boy says. His voice is a cheery tenor. A beautiful voice. He waves a hand. He looks young, but but he is buff. Tall and strong. Not a little twinkie, but a young muscle stud.

Ryan feels his dick stir.

The boy scampered across the ridge of the rocks toward him on the balls of his bare feet like a wild cat, swift, silent, graceful, and, Ryan felt, deadly.

No wonder I got the chills!

Ricky had seen the car pull into the lot. Everyone used his family's lot to park. It was private property, but long tradition supported its use for others.

He was just getting ready to bed down in his gazebo when he saw the lights.

Curious, he had watched. Was that Diane? He recognized her voice. Ricky liked Diane.

In the light of the tall street lamp his uncle Dan had installed one summer, he saw another figure get out of the car. Who was that tall guy? Kind of Emo. Long brown hair, parted at the side, the glitter of earrings. Tight clothes. Kind of... languorous in his movements. A little fem, but... Hot! He looked to be Diane's age, maybe eighteen or nineteen.

He watched them unload. He watched them carry their gear around the front of the Carson cabin, disappearing from view, only to reappear on the back deck of the cabin, not twenty-five feet from the gazebo. This was an intrusion into what had been Ricky's private domain. They hauled things to the deck and set up the tent. They laughed and argued over how to do it, but they got it, eventually. Then it grew quiet. He heard their voices going to the river.

On an impulse, he got up, tossed on his shorts and big pirate shirt, and followed. They must not have seen him standing on the path to the river, but then, he was in stealth mode, and he was hidden in some foliage.

Ricky was pleased to watch Diane undress. Even in the dark, Ricky could see her dark triangle of pubic hair and big boobs. Ricky felt a little stir.

She had sure grown up!

Then, to his greater delight, the guy had undressed too!

He had a long, slender body and a hairy chest. Ricky could not see his junk in the darkness, but the little glimpse he had seen suggested a man-sized package.

He saw him wade out then stop. Ricky chuckled. The guy was discovering how cold the water was! He got a good view of the guy's ass.

Now there was a hot ass! Big. Not fat, but big! Yow! It rode high. It looked muscular. The dude had very narrow hips. But he did not have broad, he-man shoulders. He had a long back. He had fluid, sensuous movements.

Diane may have given Ricky a stir, but this guy made him throb.

He watched them swim around. As they did it, he moved through the trees to the other path nearby. That one led to the rocks. He found a spot. He squatted. He waited. He watched. They would get out. He would see them naked as they dressed. They would take the other path, the path he had been on previously.

When they emerged from the water, try as he might, Ricky just could not see the guy's dick in the dark. He saw him shivering, hopping from foot to foot as he waited for Diane to finish toweling herself off. He noticed that the dude actually covered himself down there as he waited. He was shy in front of her? Interesting.

Then she had left, and he stayed!

Even more interesting!

He even had a guitar! Sick!

This had to be explored!

So Ricky decided to go talk to the guy.

He skipped down over the rocks. Over the years, he had worked out exact paths through the rounded folds of the rocks around the swimming hole. He had, after all, been running around there ever since he could run.

He startled the guy when he greeted him. He actually jumped a little.

"Hi," he had said back, recovering his composure. His voice was warm and deep. It was a rich voice. Ricky guessed that the guy was a good singer. He did have a guitar!

The dude added, "I didn't hear you come up. You startled me!"

"I'm barefoot," Ricky explained. "My name's Ricky. What's your?"

"Hi, Barefoot Ricky," He said, reaching up and across his guitar to offer his hand for a shake. "I'm 'Pleased-to-Meet-You-Ryan!'"

Ricky shook, happy the humor. Politely, he asked, "May I sit down?"


"I do not wish to interrupt your playing," Ricky said.

"You're not interrupting."

Ricky said, "I saw you drive in with Diane. Is she your girlfriend?"

"No," Ryan said, "We're just friends."

Ricky confided, "She used to be my girlfriend."

"Really? How old are you?"

"Sixteen." Ricky chuckled because he was actually joking about the girlfriend thing. He told Ryan the story, how when he was six, she was eight. She had followed him everywhere. He had played Little Lord Not Interested. But she had worn him down and they had played together. Best Friends Forever, and they had remained friends, meeting again and again, summer after summer.

Ryan said, "That's funny story, and cute, too, the way you tell it. It's funny too because it's like that with she and I too, BFFs, ya' know?"

"Yeah. That's great. How old are you?" Ricky asked, curious.


"Oh," Ricky said, startled. Ryan did not look that old. In Ricky's mind, anyone in their twenties was old.

His thought of a few things Joshua had said about older guys as he said, "Uh, how'd you meet Diane?"

"At Cal. She came for an orientation a few months ago. I have a part time job at those things."

"Cal?" Ricky asked.

"Yeah, you know, Berkeley? University of California Berkeley? I'm a grad student."

"How come Berkeley gets to own 'Cal?'"

Ryan laughed at him pleasantly. He said, patiently enough. "I think it was the first U.C. Like, why does the U.S. get to own 'America?'"

Ricky was glad to get the guy talking. It gave him a chance to think. He thought, Weird. My dad went to Berkeley, but he never calls it "Cal."

He wanted to hit on Ryan.


Even better!

The more he looked at Ryan and listened to Ryan, the hotter he got. Ryan had large, dark eyes with lush eyebrows. It was these large eyes that made him look so young, Ricky thought. That and his smooth skin. A little brownish, his skin. Like Diane. And River too, when Ricky thought of it. He was attracted to that color of skin, he was seeing.

Ricky said, "Yeah. I get it. You wanna play your guitar? I'd listen. It's boring here at night."


Ryan started playing. Ricky knew how musicians were. He knew Ryan was just warming up, fooling around, playing riffs as he hummed. Even so, his fingers made beautiful sounds, and his humming enchanted Ricky. He had beautiful hands, Ryan did. Very strong looking hands.

They could talk about music. Good. But later. Ricky liked classical music. He would wait for an opportunity to bring up his piano playing.

But for the moment?

Ricky remembered what Joshua had said about older guys the last time they had talked on the phone and Ricky had told him about a guy he had met fishing. "It's a problem for them. They could go to fucking jail! So they are not gonna hit on you. The good ones won't, but the bad ones will. That's why you have to hit on them!"

Joshua had also said that any gay guy who says he does not find teenage boys beautiful is a "fucking liar."

"But," Joshua had explained, "that doesn't mean you'll get any action. They might look, but the good ones won't touch."

"So what do you do?" Ricky asked.

"You have to persuade them," Joshua said.


"You figure it out! My ear hurts. When are you getting a fucking computer?"

Ricky had hung up.

And here was a guy who really had a gay vibe. He could feel the guy's eyes on him. Ricky's "gaydometer" was pegged in the red zone with this guy.

He decided to just brazen it out. When Ryan took a break from his playing, he simply asked, "So, are you gay?"

Ryan stared at him. His words sounded measured. Careful. "Why do you ask me that?"

Ricky shrugged and looked down. He fiddled with some bits of sandy gravel with his fingers, feeling very shy, but he carried on. "They way you talk about Diane, I dunno. Maybe, but the thing is, uh, really? Maybe it's just me being hopeful?"

Ryan laughed. "Why. Are you gay?"

By way of answer, Ricky said, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell Diane. I'm out with my mom, but the other kids don't know."

"Your secret is safe with me, Ricky Boy."

Later, Ricky was amazed at how fast it had went. How easy. How natural. The way the words just flowed out of him. He was sure Ryan was gay. Ricky felt much more relaxed and comfortable just saying what was on his mind with him than he had felt since Josh had left. There was something peaceful about the way gay guys simply connected.

He hugged his knees. Without any shyness, he looked at Ryan and said, "I think you are beautiful, Ryan. There are so many things I could say about that, but before I make a fool of myself, can I ask you? Do you think I'm hot?"

The strength of Ryan's answer had surprised him. He had expected Ryan to deny any attraction, but instead, he said, "You're a fucking Adonis, Ricky, but you're also jailbait. Don't you know the score, man?"

"So you are gay!" Ricky exclaimed, exulted by the compliment.

"Yeah. So? But like I said! And also, you won't be outing me?"

"I know the 'score.' That's why I was glad to hear you say I was 'jailbait.' That means you're one of the good ones."

"You're a very, very interesting kid, Ricky."

Ricky noticed that Ryan used words like "boy" and "kid." He did not care. Recovering his poise, and beginning to feel his "role," he said, "I'm glad to hear you don't just love my body. I do so hate being used that way!"

He made Ryan laugh. Ryan said, "You are trying to seduce me."

"Yes." It was not even a confession.

"Well, it's working, but like I said, we can't."

Ricky, not even slightly giving up, changed the subject. He said, "I saw you and Diane swimming. I followed you. I was up on the path. I hadn't meant to spy. I really didn't. It was an accident. I wanted to say, 'Hi,' to Diane, and then you were all undressing, so it was awkward, and then, well, I watched."

"Did you now?"

"Yeah," Ricky answered. His game was on. He was finding this fun and easy. "I liked what I saw. You have a beautiful body, Ryan. I'm really turned on by the hair on your chest. I'd love to run my fingers through it. Is it as soft as it looks? I don't have any chest hair. Yet."

Ryan shook his head, "You really have to stop this."

Ricky sighed, but he was not going to take, "No," for an answer.

"Hey! I know what we could do," Ricky said ingenuously. "We could kiss! That's not against the law. You just can't touch my little boy wee wee!"

Ryan was flabbergasted.

He could not believe this kid was hitting on him, and he was not just hitting, he was pummeling! Ryan could hardly gather his wits. He felt his heart thump so hard his throat pulsed, and the surge in his loins told the rest of the story. He would have liked nothing better than to rip each other's clothes off and tear into each other!

He had to rein this guy in! What a strumpet!

But he did not get up and leave. That was what he should do. Just leave. Walk away.

But he couldn't. Diane had said there would be beautiful guys. He had expected to find appropriate ones. What to do?

Ricky was not giving up. He was going for the kill.

Ryan kept talking. He said, "So kissing is a part of your action?"

"One of my friends says I'm a 'snuggle bunny.' He's always going, 'What's with all this kissy kissy stuff? Let's fuck!'

"But, anyway, Ryan, what kind of action do you like?"

"It's really not appropriate," Ryan protested.

"It's not against the law for a gay man and a gay boy to talk! Don't be dick! Don't you know what it's like being my age? The other guys are all, 'Eww that's so gay!' Or, 'Gross! You FAG!'"

Ryan sighed. He had him there. "Yeah, Ricky. I know. I was only sixteen a few years ago. It wasn't until college that things were OK. You'll like college. Are you going to college?"

He succeeded in getting Ricky onto another track, for the kid said. "My dad says that when I'm eighteen I should come live with him and go to college at Berkeley... If I can get in! That's where he went. But I never heard him call it 'Cal.' Weird, huh? I'll have to ask him 'bout that."

"It's a great school. It is hard to get into. Are you a good student?"

"Straight 'A's, and I'm on the swim team and the wrestling team. I'm a total jock. When it comes to wrestling? It's a rampage! Total slaughter!"

Ryan thought it was cute the way Ricky bragged. "Cool. You look like a wrestler, all muscular. Not an ounce of fat on you."

That last comment was a mistake, for Ricky was back at it again, "See? You think I'm hot! Don't lie! Don't fucking lie!"

He actually wagged his finger at Ryan when he said that. The kid had some very cute, boyish mannerisms, and he changed tone so quickly!

"I'm not lying about that, Ricky. Shit, you make the very air itself crackle with electricity. Your physical presence is palpable."


"'Able to be felt,' usually referring to things not ordinarily touchable."

"See? That's what I like about a man like you, Ryan. You excite me with expressive language."

"You won't give up, huh?"

"You don't really want me to give up, do you Ryan?"

"It is not appropriate, Ricky. We must live in cooperation with our society, not war."

Ryan could see that Ricky was beginning to breath hard. "Yeah, I get it! I get it! It's not 'appropriate!' It 'cannot be!'"

Hugging his knees then, the poor kid buried his head and looked very sad. He was taking big shuddering breaths.

Ryan felt a wave of sympathy. It was like he was seeing himself just a few years ago, tormented by desires beyond his understanding, and flowing with strange new powers.

Ricky said, petulantly, "I can't believe you're refusing me!"

Ryan reached over and rubbed the back of Ricky's neck. He couldn't help it. It was like his hand moved on its own.

Ricky, evidently, took that as a green light, for his body arced up, over, and behind Ryan, then, he was kneeling with his hands on Ryan's shoulder and his hot breath on Ryan's neck just beneath his ear. With one hand, the boy then caressed Ryan's jaw, and gently turned Ryan's head back, up, up to meet Ricky's lips, and Ricky kissed him sweetly.

Ryan almost dropped his guitar. His lips parted. He let the kid kiss him. He parted his lips to let Ricky's probing tongue gain entrance. It was a gorgeous kiss.

Ricky's tongue tasted like...


And Ryan's cock was hard. He felt the boy's hand on it. It was over. The "gig" as they said, "was up."

Shocked, Ryan pushed him away, and then, catlike, Ricky was squatting next to him, his eyes wild, panting, ready to pounce again.

"You can't tell, Ricky. I'd get in trouble." It was a whisper.

Then, serenely, Ricky quietly said, "Like I would tell. Like I would get you in trouble. Like I would tell even if I were mad at you. Like I would tell even if I was beat on! Besides? In England? Sixteen is a the legal age of consent."

"This is not England, Ricky."

"We could pretend you are eighteen and I am seventeen!"

"Ricky, you are not even making sense."

Ricky just laughed.

He knew he had won when Ryan touched his neck.

Joshua had described this. He had said it was a "fantastic rush" to have power over an older guy. Ricky would be gentle. He would be kind. He would smooth Ryan out. Ryan would learn he could trust him.

Ricky told him, "I'm in the gazebo right behind Diane's cabin. It's a good spot. No one can see us. No one can hear us. There's water and a towel. It's nice there!"

Ricky operated on the assumption that Ryan had already said, "Yes, let's fuck!"

Ryan told him the code that he and Diane had agreed on. Ricky saw, even from that place by the river that the light was off. So Diane is scoring? Good for her!

"Come on, Ryan," Ricky said, silkily, taking a hand, and standing up smoothly. He led Ryan to his gazebo by a circuitous route that would avoid the tall front of Ricky's two story cabin.

When Ricky explained what he was doing, Ryan said, "I appreciate your discretion, but I'm very fucking freaked about this, man!"

"We'll be careful," Ricky promised.

Ryan felt like he was in a dream. He was under a spell. This man child exuded an eerie confidence and power. When they got to the gazebo and dropped the shades on his family cabin's side, Ricky immediately started undressing him, saying as he pulled Ryan's shirt off, "I've been crazy to touch your chest hair!"

"So you indicated," was all Ryan said.

His hands in it, he cooed, "Oooh! It's so soft! Wow! I love this! I can't wait to see your dick! Hmmm... Do you, like, trim your hair?"

"With clippers. Yeah. A little. I'm pretty hairy. Do you like that?"

"I like it! I've been wanting to fuck a hairy bear forever, Ryan."

Ryan massaged Ricky's strong shoulders. He said, "I thought you saw my dick."

As he continued to run his hands through Ryan's chest hair, Ricky answered, "It was too dark and too far away. I saw that you were hairy, and I got into that! I just love that that your hair is so soft! I never knew a man's body hair was so soft! You have, like just the right amount! Hmmm. What kind of animal are you, Ryan?"

Ryan chuckled. "What? Ricky?"

Ricky was rubbing his hands on Ryan's chest. "A fox!" he answered, "Or, maybe, uh, a lynx! Ryan the sexy lynx! You have a long back, you know? Like a cat!"

As he said this his hands slid down Ryan's back, and when they reached Ryan's butt, he added, "And a hot ass! Fuck! You have the greatest ass!"

Answering Ricky's question, Ryan said, "I'm more like a bear, Ricky. I like my comforts. I like my routines. I don't like to get all riled up."

Ricky writhed against Ryan, his cock ragingly hard. He could feel Ryan's own cock against him. He was delirious with pleasure. He said, "But I'm breaking all that, huh? You are outside your comfort zone, huh? I'm getting you all riled up, huh?"

Ryan ran his hands through Ricky's hair.

"Yeah," was all Ryan said. Then he asked, "How about you, Ricky? You do have hair, don't you?"

"Yes!" Ricky threw off his shirt and lifted an arm to show him an arm pit.

"Kiss me there!" he ordered.

Ryan did not obey him; instead, he held Ricky's head and kissed his lips, very, very softly.

Ricky sighed, "That was like being brushed by a butterfly's wings!"

"Lovely, Ricky. Lovely words. Thank you."

Ricky tried a similar kind of kiss, brushing his lips back and forth on Ryan's. Then, he gave Ryan's lips a delicate lick. Teasing!

Ricky then began getting Ryan's trousers off. He wanted at that cock! Ryan laughed lightly, "Go ahead. Have a grope. Have a look. Have a suck, if you want."

But Ricky didn't suck his dick. He felt him first through the man's sexy underwear, and then still standing, pulled down the front so Ryan's fat cock laid beautifully in one, slightly open hand. He had a good look.

"I like your dick, Ryan. It's nice and thick! My fingers just go around it! But mine's longer! I have a big dick!"

"Is it? Let's see!"

Ricky dropped his shorts and flicked them away with a little toss of one foot. "See?" He bragged.

"Damn!" Ryan gushed, "You got the goods, bro! Good! So you are not a little boy. I gotta tell you, if you were all dinky and hairless down there, it would have turned me off. It would have been over, you know?" He kissed Ricky deeply and slowly.

Ricky broke the kiss and frowned. "So you were really taking a risk, huh? Because if you had spurned me; well, that would have been bad!"

Ryan shuddered against him, "Just sayin' man, just sayin'. We gay guys have our 'types' you know?"

"No. Not really," Ricky confessed. Big dicks were hot, true, but he'd never kick a guy out of bed for being small. He couldn't understand that.

Changing the subject, Ricky suggested, "Let's lay down together and kiss and touch each other, OK?"


Once there, Ricky continued to run his hands all over Ryan's body, praising his beauty, enjoying his hair. Yes, Ryan was all carefully groomed. Even his bush and armpit hair were artfully trimmed. He could feel it. Ricky felt Ryan shiver in wave after wave of chills.

Ricky would make him laugh sometimes with his comments, like, "I'm so fucking horny! I haven't come since this morning!"

Ryan laughed at that. He asked, "So what's your bag, Ricky? Are you a top or a bottom? You like to suck dick? You like your dick sucked?"

"I like to suck cock, I'll tell you that, but what I really like is to find out what turns the other guy on and do that!"

"So you've been fucked before." It was a statement.

"Yeah. The last time, my ass was sore for days! That guy was into fucking me, over and over, but he was, uh, resistive about a flip-flop.

"I fucked him though."

The way he said it made Ryan chuckle. Ricky sound so smug.

"Well, I'm basically a 'bottom.' You know what that is, right?"

"Yeah. But you say, 'basically?' So you like to fuck butt too?"

"Occasionally, yes."

"You can fuck me if you want, but you gotta take it slow."

"Sure, Ricky, I'll keep that in mind. I have rubbers in my backpack, by the way. We must use protection. It's a rule. Are you with me?"

"Yes. Even for cocksucking?"

"Do you have any opens sores or cuts in your mouth?"

"No, uh, I don't think so. I have a little flashlight. You wanna check?"

"Yes, Ricky. I would."

By the look in his eyes, Ryan could tell that Ricky thought he had joked. It was no joke. Ryan knew of men who had died because they thought it was a joke.

Ricky insisted that Ryan only turn the light on when Ricky's head was covered by a blanket. He was that careful. Ryan chuckled when Ricky said, "We must not reveal our position to the enemy!"

This made Ryan laugh.

He told, Ricky, "You know, I've never been with a minor, since I was, myself a minor."

"Yeah?" Ricky said with his hands on Ryan's thick cock, rubbing it against his own.

"You don't care about that at all, do you Ricky?"

"No." Ricky rolled over on top of Ryan and ground himself into the man. He kissed Ryan again. Then he added, "I have a friend who says that all gay guys are turned on by hot boys, and if they say otherwise, they are fucking liars."

"I don't know about that. Maybe there's some truth to that, but there's a difference between the things you think and the things you do. A lot of gay men find twinkies like you boring, if not irritating. Shit. You're not even a 'twink,' you're a 'chicken!'"

"Do I bore you, Ryan?"

He said this as he sat up and straddled Ryan, his hands once again on Ryan's chest.

"No. Far from it." In fact, Ricky was impressing him with a streak of maturity. He was boyish in his mannerisms and his appearance, but he was all man in a certain way. Ryan felt himself relaxing. The kid was cool. No doubt about it.

"Good," Ricky teased, scooting up to get his extremely hard cock near Ryan's face, "I'll tell what, I'll let you suck my dick if you let me fuck your ass!"

Ryan laughed at the cute joke. "You're a bossy little top, huh?"

"Shut up and suck my dick, bitch!"

Ryan caught the spirit of Ricky's role playing, so he said, effeminately, "Do I have to?"

Imperiously, Ricky commanded, "Yes. You have to!"

Ricky, a bit awkwardly due to the angle, forced his dick into Ryan's mouth. Ryan made gurgling noises as he sucked, hard!

"Whoa," the boy said, pulling out, "I'm ready to pop!"

This was funny to Ryan. He laughed.

"What's so funny?" Ricky asked as he scooted down to suck Ryan.

"It's just how you talk, Ricky. So exuberant!"

Ricky smiled in the dark. "And you like that, huh? It's the fun of fucking boys!"

Before Ryan could answer, he was licking Ryan's shaft enthusiastically, getting it all slippery, and always taking a few moments to breath deeply around the hair at the base of his cock. He really seemed to relish every moment! Despite his misgivings, Ryan was enjoying some great sex with a fine lover. The teenager could only take it so far without gagging. He tried to cover that up. But Ryan didn't care. It was marvelous.

"Oh!" Ryan moaned. "God damn!"

Ricky could not talk with a mouth full of fat, wet cock. He gave Ryan his special "thousand dollar whore" blowjob, slobber dripping down his chin, feeling really, really gay. It was glorious, having a big, man's cock is mouth with those pretty balls slapping his wet chin. He held onto Ryan's hips, rushing on the strength of his new lover's sleek, powerful body.

Then, suddenly Ryan gasped and forcefully pulled Ricky off his stone hard, spit drenched dick.

Ricky looked up, curious. "You want me to fuck you now?"

Ryan was gasping and laughing. He panted, "Uh. No. Not yet, I gotta tell you something."


"Yeah. Before we get serious," Ryan said, "When you're about to come, pull out."

"Why? Isn't that what rubbers are for?"

"Just to be safe."

"Ick. I can jerk off any time!"

"I'll do it for you. You can squirt on me."

"OK! I like to lick it up. I'm nasty that way. I even sucked come out of a nostril one time!"

Ryan laughed. And then, his manner changed. Suddenly, he said, "Hey dude, let's take a break. Let's take our time, huh? I like to get high and have sex. Do you?"

"I've only smoked weed a couple times."

"I really like to have sex when I'm high, and I'd love it you fucked me really, really slowly. Could you do that?"

"Sure! Uh, well, I may need to pop off a quick one first. Then I could do it slow. Let's smoke out!"

The night had taken on a chill; either that, or their sweat was cooling them, for Ricky began to shiver as he leaned up. Ryan, meanwhile, rolled to the side. It made his fat cock flip over a thigh, and Ricky petted it. He fished into his pack for what Ricky presumed was his weed.

Ricky, tearing himself away from Ryan's cock, turned around and flipped up the seat of one of the benches. He pulled out a large comforter.

Ryan look up and said, "Good idea." He sat up then, and Ricky then brought the comforter around them both.

He snuggled into Ryan's side with a contented sigh. "This is great sex we are having, huh, Ryan?"

"Fuck yeah."

"You were not expecting me to be a good lover, huh? I am a good lover! I'm surprising you, huh?"

"Beyond that, Angel."

Ricky laughed. "I love it when you say nice things like that, Ryan. This is all pretty new to me, ya' know?"

"Could have fooled me, you hussy. You like to brag, do you?"

Ricky laughed lightly, but he felt a little edge to Ryan's comment. He suspected that Ryan was chiding him, if gently, for being boyish. Then, feeling devilish, he said, "I seduced you, you know."

"Yes. Quite adroitly, I must say" Ryan agreed, packing his pipe. "Hm. Just how many guys have you been with, Ricky?"

Ricky was silent for a few moments. "Is that a polite thing to ask, Ryan?"

Ryan snorted, "Oh, you are fucking slick! But, no. It's not a polite thing to ask."

"Well then, since you put it that way, how many guys do you think I've been with?"

"You've been around, I'd say."

"Well there you have it, Ryan. Say, are you gonna let me hit that pipe or what?"

"Oh. Sorry." Ryan handed the hot pipe to Ricky.

Ricky waited for it to cool a bit, then took a small hit. Holding it in, he passed the pipe back to Ryan. Ryan took a much longer hit, but he immediately passed the pipe back to Ricky. Who once again took a tiny hit.

"Take another one, Ricky. The trick is to take just one more after the buzz comes on. Take your time. That way the weed lasts. You only get so high, then after that, you're just wasting it, and you'll feel tired, sooner."

Ricky did that, and in a few minutes was feeling rather balmy. His big cock, he noticed, was stiffening up again. He reached over the stroke Ryan's man meat then, and that made Ricky hard. He was ready for action again.

"Before I fuck your ass, Ryan?"

"Eh?" Ryan laughed.

"I wanna sissy ride you."

"'Sissy ride?'"

"Yeah, you know, grinding? Rubbing our cocks against each other?"

"Oh. Yeah. 'frottage,' they call that."

"Yeah. Fronttage."

"No, frow-TAHJ."

"Yeah. That." Ricky said this as he manhandled Ryan onto his back. He slipped between Ryan's legs and ground his long sixteen year-old dick into the man's fat cock.

Ricky sighed as Ryan moaned. He could tell Ryan liked it that way. He teased him. "You're such a sissy bear, Ryan."

Ryan agreed with that.

It only took a few minutes of that before Ricky was ready to fire off a wet load. Without a word, he moved up and positioned himself to shoot on Ryan's face, and before Ryan could react, he sprayed hot come all over Ryan's neck and face, making Ryan laugh, "Damn, dude! You're a gusher!

Ricky, true to his word, knelt down and licked it all up, slowly, deliciously, savoring each mouthful of still warm come.

"I like it when it's still hot, don't you Ryan? It's icky when it gets cold."

Ryan could only pant, "That was hot!"

"I'm gonna fuck you now, Ryan. That's the fun of fucking boys, you know. We can come over and over!" He moved into position with Ryan still on his back.

Ryan laughed loudly despite himself.

Ricky wanted to eat his ass before he fucked him, but Ryan stopped him, saying, "No. It's not safe sex." And to Ricky's disappointed look he added, "Seriously. There're all kinds of parasites and shit besides the usual STDs. Use your fingers. Get the lube."

Ricky did that. Ryan's hole was looser than Joshua's. It was, his fingers discovered, shaved!

"You shave your ass!" He exclaimed.

Ryan chuckled. "Yeah. And my balls too. Even the base of my cock. You didn't notice?"

Ricky laughed self-consciously, even as he fingered Ryan's man hole. "No. Guess not. But it's pretty hot. I'm gonna try that!"

"I'll do it for you," Ryan suggested.

Ricky liked that idea. He stored that away for a future hot sex scene and asked, "Where's those rubbers?"

Questions? Comments? Critiques? Don't be shy. Let me know. All feedback is useful. Your letters have been helpful and encouraging. Heck, I'll even write you back. I like to do that.

Cheers, Dorian

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Next: Chapter 10

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