The Boys of Summer

Published on Aug 2, 2023


Each Other's Other Half

This story explicitly depicts young men forming erotic bonds with each other. Generally they are between the ages of 14 to 17, and they "generally" agree that peer relationships are best. However, among this particular group of youths, there are some who consider scoring some hot older fellow a coup, while there are others who remain enchanted by younger lads. These liaisons appear as dangerous edges, and the author has attempted to depict such outlawish trysts in a realistic way. Also, some of the fellows depicted here do other "bad boy" things like experiment with drugs and get in terrible fights. Last, being sexually versatile, as jocks typically are, they occasionally even have sex with girls. Ultimately, many are the spirits of the young who, in these pages, simply say, "Fuck the rules."

There is plenty of raunchy sex in this tale, but if all you are looking for is pure fapping material utterly devoted to some precise specialty, you might want to look elsewhere. In publisher's lingo, this is a "Coming of Age" novel.

Author's Note: As I said, our heroes cracked the local gay teen net. One of the early rewards happens here.

Each Other's Other Half

After all the mad sex and crazy passion he and Nicky shared, at the end of the day, under covers, Nicky would cuddle up to him, and then, snuggled together they talked and talked. It had begun to be a habit of theirs.

Ricky had not had this with Joshua, Ryan, or Collin. He could imagine that little Roan would get it. But even so, he and Nicky really had something different.

Laying there together, in that old bed in Ricky's family cabin, Ricky was patient. He had learned that if he a had a long story, it was best to wait until this time. Nicky would not get distracted or change the subject. And Ricky knew he listened because Nicky's questions showed he was paying close attention.

This was what he was thinking when he asked Nicky, "You ever heard of Plato's 'Symposium?'"

"I am fucking Greek, you silly! I have read it in Greek. I cannot read the old language very well. It is strange, but I know Tó Sumpósio!"

Ricky always loved it when Nicky surprised him and reminded him of his intelligence and education.

Testing him then, he asked, "So which of the speeches do you think I was about to talk about?"

"Aristophanes," he said, without hesitation. "That's the 'gay love' part of Tó Sumpósio!"

"Yes! You tell me the story then!"

Nicky charged himself up under the covers, wiggling around that way he did. Using his "storyteller voice," he said, "At the beginning of time, there were three kinds of people, those descended from the sun, those descended from the earth, and those descended from the moon. But the people were all round, and they had two faces. The sun people were both males; the earth people were both female; the moon people were mixed male and female. They were powerful! But they were vain. In their pride — we call it 'húbris' in Greek; it is a much stronger word — they attempted to beset Olúmpos, but Zeus, seeing this, sundered them apart and cast them to earth."

"Yes, Nicky. That is the story. You tell it well! But what then?"

"The spend all eternity looking for their sundered other half. Only sometimes they find each other. Like us. And then they become powerful again."

Ricky smiled. "You are my muse."

"And you are my music!"

Nicky was silent then. After a moment, Ricky noticed he was snoring in his almost silent way. God, but he was so cute! Why is it? Ricky wondered, that I worry?

It was almost dawn. Still dark. Nicky awoke. He only appeared unflappable, but Nicky was sensitive.

"What is it, Ricky?" he murmured.

"It's nothing."

"Then why are you restless?"

"I am afraid of something, but I do not know what it is."

"I know the feeling," Nicky agreed. "Now go back to sleep. I need you rested. I command you."

That was all Ricky needed to hear.

In his dream, He and Nicky were running naked on an empty beach. As the rising tide washed over their nude bodies, they kissed and kissed.

Morning Rituals


Nicky had been dreaming he was on a beach with Ricky. The waves were washing over them, and Nicky was enwrapped by his arms looking at him with adoring eyes.

"Your dick is in my fucking eye! It woke me up!"

"Huh?" Ricky was not quite awake.

"Arrgh!" Nicky shouted. "Stop fucking my face! You smell like urine! And I need to piss!"

Nicky burst from under the warmth of the covers and dashed to the bathroom. When he came back, he told Ricky "Brush your teeth. You smell like skatá!

Ricky was awake enough by then to play with Nicky. "Say it again, Nicky! no one says 'skatá' like you!"

"Skatá!" Nicky shouted. Then he just laughed. "Seriously, Ricky. Brush your teeth. You smell skanky."

Ricky could take a hint. He had his morning piss, and he brushed his teeth.

Back in bed, Nicky was all game. He was hard as a hammer handle and eager as an affection crazed kitten, "Let us break the record! Six times! That was the most we have ever made each other come in a day! Let us make it a sacred seven!"

But once again, Ricky was resistive. Sometimes he seemed so old. He did not want to come. He wanted to "edge."

Nicky thought he could easily get him off anyway, but Ricky would push him off or away just as he was about to come, and he did not try hard to get Nicky off.

Finally, in the living room, they watched the "Today Show", nude, their feet on the coffee table and their lips on each other's. Then Ricky told him, "That was funny, Nicky. Earlier, you said 'Dude.' You are learning to speak like a Californian!"

Nicky merely smiled and flopped his pretty feet from side to side.

While they watched television, Ricky opened his laptop to check his email and Facebook page. He never did get to Facebook, for Joshua had sent him several attachments. There were some pictures of the boy, Vasily, Joshua had told them about, and there was a new copy of a video.

"Hey Nicky! You wanna see that video of me and Joshua fucking? He sent me a new copy! Also, you must see this new boyfriend of his!"

Vasily was slender with very light skin and dark hair. His intense blue eyes and lush eyebrows were astonishingly beautiful. In one picture with Joshua's face next to him, it could be seen he was smaller than Josh. He did not look "twelve" as Joshua had said, for his features were sharply defined, not baby cheeked, but he did look young. One of the attachments showed Vasily pulling down the front of his surfing shorts, and he did have a good rack. A nice little dark bush and a long, slender, uncut cock above a couple of meaty balls. It was, as Joshua had suggested, a stunning contrast.

"I'd fuck him," Ricky commented. "Would you?"

"More than once," Nicky smirked. "He has pretty, pretty eyes. But his skin is so pale!"

"Joshua mentions that his family just moved to Santa Monica. They were living in Vancouver, Washington. It is not so sunny there."

"Ah. Does Joshua say anything about his tastes?"

"He says he's a 'bottom boy.' But let's watch the video of me and Josh!"

Joshua had evidently reworked the video. It had better sound, and he seemed to have adjusted the contrast in several scenes. It was a polished montage of he and Ricky having mad sex in the many outdoor places they had found. Nicky was delighted, and he would not take "No" for an answer when he insisted on gratification, so Ricky slipped off the couch and blew him, ever delighting in the soft-hard, fleshy wonder of a tasty boy cock in his mouth. Nicky's high pitched squeals as he shot a delicious burst of jizz down Ricky's throat were hilarious.

They took a shower together, but despite Nicky's continuing passion, Ricky still wanted to edge. Nicky suggested that they get Roan and Mason and see how many times they could get them off.

"That again? You will not give up on that, will you?"

"No," Nicky answered, giggling. "I like those guys. They are insanely cute to me. I think you are missing out!"

Ricky sighed and shook his head. Nicky had learned that when Ricky did that, there would be no further argument. He was done. He would not change his mind. Even so, Nicky suggested, "Well, I was thinking I would like to fuck a girl, so if I did that, then?"

"Even then. No."

"Hmph! Well! OK! Fine! So I guess that means this game is over!"

"No. It doesn't have to be. Maybe you could come up with a better challenge for me is all."

Nicky looked at him and frowned. Then he said, with his voice as bossy as he could make it, "Well if we do it that way, I promise you my challenge will be difficult, for you have posed a strong challenge to me!"

"Of course!"

That reminded Nicky of Mason's birthday present. He said, "Let's go gift hunting for Mason!"

"Yes! But it is early still. I need to do laundry."

"Yes, OK. I am going to see Mama now though. All right?"



While Nicky was gone and the laundry was going, Ricky texted Joshua, thanking him for the new version of the vid and the pictures of lovely Vasily. He told Joshua about the hot musicians he and Nicky had done. Joshua, as always, fired back texts and questions. As always, he wanted more. Vasily, Joshua told him, wanted Nicky's number.

Oh ho! So that is how it is? Ricky said none of that, however. He only texted to say Nicky did not even have his own cell phone or even a Facebook page. Joshua told Ricky that he should help Nicky with that, and Ricky agreed. He also explained that "V," as Joshua called Vasily, was interested in them both, not just Nicky, but he already had Ricky's number.

Ricky checked his Facebook page then. Sure enough, "V" had sent him a friend request. He and Josh agreed that the next v-chat would include all four of them.

Finally, Ricky texted him to say that he was going swimming, and he would not have his cell phone.

That was not quite true. Ricky simply wanted to talk to other people. The laundry was not done anyway. He texted Collin who was out hunting jack rabbits with his friend Jim. He texted Ryan, who was just hitting the beach for surfing in Santa Cruz. Ryan sent him a great picture of the beach and the hot guy he was with. Ricky then emailed his dad, telling him everything was fine, but he had "borrowed" the truck to get some groceries for the dinner he wanted to make for Uncles Doug and Paul.

Then he called his mom.

She sounded happy. The place was much calmer without his step-dad around. He had backed off on the vicious lawyer attack. This was after Ricky's mother had spoken to the minister of the church who was able to exert pressure on his step-dad. It was not that his step-dad was pious at all; he merely pretended to be, so his reputation at the church could be used as social leverage. His mom understood that. She could be clever. Ricky approved of this tactic.

She was worried about money though.

Ricky had a partial solution. He and Patrick would stay with their dad and his dad could continue to pay pay child support. He did not tell his mom that, however. He would email his dad and arrange a phone appointment.

Also, he knew, his mom would have to get a job. Ricky thought she should teach art to children. Perhaps she could work in a day care center. She loved little children and babies. The pay would not be great, but she would feel satisfied. He suggested that. She said she would "think about it."

Ricky knew what that meant. That meant she did not agree but did not wish to say so.

Mothers! So difficult!

The laundry done, and all evidence of their debauch cleaned up, Ricky made his way to the swimming hole.

He found Nicky with Roan and Mason. They were all practicing diving.

Ricky, after greeting the little boys politely, went for a swim. After sunning himself briefly, he got Nicky's attention with a look. Nicky said, "Gotta go, guys! See ya'!"

Nicely dressed again, this time with Ricky in his "safari" outfit and Nicky in one of Ricky's shirts with his own slacks, they drove uptown. As a touristy place, there were a lot of little galleries and bookstores. Once there, Ricky texted Justin to see if they were around, but instead of texting back, Justin called.

"I have someone I want you to meet."


"His name's Wesley. He just broke up with his boyfriend. He could use some cheering up, but he's into, uh, young guys, like you guys, you know?"

"Is that what we are?"

"Oh, you know what I'm sayin'. Wesley's fourteen, and he is gorgeous! I'll send you a pic. You two send pics back of yourselves!"

Justin hung up then, and a few seconds later, a picture arrived.

"Wow!" Nicky exclaimed. Wesley had soft curls of the kind called "Strawberry blond." His features were exotic. Lush, full lips and a broad, butch nose. But his eyes were the lightest most golden brown. He was shirtless, wearing baggy jeans, and he had his thumbs hooked in his pockets. They could see the outline of a a nice cock in the jeans.

Ricky sent some pictures back, texting, "We're down. Show him these." He had a few images of Nicky and himself on the phone.

A few minutes later, Justin texted back: "He's into it. Where can you meet?"

There was a fountain in the center of town. Ricky suggested that.

It was a date!

Meanwhile, they went into several galleries and gift shops. In one, Nicky found the perfect gift!

It was a hand-made arrow in a glass case, but not merely any arrow. It had been made by a Klamath Indian and represented an authentic transitional type made from a reed, with duck feather fletching, but the tip was made with scrap iron stained, save for a wicked glittering edge, to a dark patina. It was a large arrow. It looked dangerous! The artist was famous for his authentic recreations of Klamath Indian artifacts. The signs said he also taught traditional techniques.

But Nicky sighed. The arrow was a hundred seventy-five dollars!

The owner of the place, a short, middle aged, balding man in jeans and a plaid shirt, detected that and said, "Sticker shock, huh?"

"Yeah. We're just kids, you know, but it is for a friend of our's birthday! He is a Klamath Indian! He would love this. It is perfect! It is his twelfth birthday. Important!"

The guy said, "Let me call Fred. He has been known to deal. Besides, if it's for a kid in his tribe, I think he'll want you to have this."

He got on the phone. They heard him talking, explaining what Nicky had said, saying they were just young boys with little money, but they "got" it.

He looked up at them and asked, "What's your friend's name?"

Ricky told him it was Mason. His father, Thomas, worked at the hatchery.

The guy smiled then as he talked on the phone. He winked and gave them a thumbs up!

When he hung up he sighed, "So much for my commission! He said to give it to you."

"We can't do that," Nicky protested.

"He told me to say that when you said that, to say he insisted. It is his gift too! We shall include some of his literature, and Fred expects he will then see Thomas and Mason at one of his workshops. You know how Indians are."

"Yes. Instead of petty battles of self-interest, it is a web of obligations motivated by mutual respect."

The man cocked his head and looked at him for a few seconds before he said, "Well put! Shall I wrap it for you?"

Nicky said, "Only if you will let me give you twenty-five dollars!"

"That will work, but for that, you get my wife's hand made paper painted by yours truly. My name is Don, by the way, and make it twenty, huh?"

"Ricky and Nicky! Er, I'm Ricky, that's Nicky, and... OK!"

Ricky looked at his phone, "Dang! We were meeting someone at the fountain! Can we come back, Don?"

"Sure. Besides, I'd rather take my time."


They dashed out of the shop then and ran down the street. It was about a half mile. They saw him by the fountain, his spectacular hair catching the light, but looking small, lost, and forlorn, yet, nevertheless, extremely beautiful.

They ran up, apologizing, saying they got carried away buying a present for their friend's birthday.

Wesley looked younger than fourteen. More like thirteen. But his body had a strength to it that only older teenagers had. His voice had a young tenor quality, musical, beautiful! But it was a young man's voice, not a piping little boy's voice. Ricky was enthralled. Beautiful male voices always touched him.

Wesley's eyes were puffy. He looked like he had been crying.

Nicky immediately took charge, locking his arm in Wesley's. "Come with us! We will cheer you up! Look at my Ricky! Is he not divine?"

Wesley looked at him shyly. He smiled sweetly. He had to agree, almost whispering, "Way beyond hot."

"The feeling is mutual, Wesley," Ricky answered back.

They went back slowly then to the art gallery. Nicky asked, "So Justin said you broke up with your boyfriend?"

"He fucking dumped me for a fucking girl!"

Nicky chirped, "Oh, don't you hate that? Fucking closet mother fuckers!"

Ricky was amused once again at how quickly Nicky was learning to imitate California speech and accents.

Wesley sniffed and wiped his eyes, looking around, embarrassed. Ricky could see that he was about to begin crying again, and there were a lot of people around, so he tugged them all into a side street and then between two buildings, taking a back route he knew through the town. Wesley did cry again then.

"It is OK!" Nicky soothed him. "My Ricky cries when he hears a bird sing. I am used to it!"

This made Wesley laugh, though Ricky complained, "Oh, that is a terrible exaggeration!"

Wesley asked then, "So you guys want to do something together? I know some great places!"

Seeing the sudden, merry twinkle in his eyes amazed Ricky. He was bouncing back quickly. "Did you have some place in mind?"

"You ever hear of "The Bodhi Tree Hole?"


"It's a swimming hole on the South Fork above The Lake. There's a campground there — uh, an 'unimproved campground', you know? With no toilets and water? It's a hippie hangout. The gang sets up a communal tent, and the hole is a nudie hole. You down?"

"Dude," Ricky answered, "we are so down."

"I hope," Nicky said in his cute way, "you are down for some really gay sex?"

"Only if it's really, really gay," Wesley shot back, getting into the spirit.

"Really, really, really gay!" Ricky added to the silly game. He was still not so "old" that he could not enjoy kid humor.

Wesley, to all appearances, was fully cheered-up already. He then became effusive.

"My parents used to go there a lot when I was a kid. It's a hippie place, you know? And my dad? He a pro guitarist. Studio work, mainly, but he's played some famous bands, and I sing! Did Justin tell you I sang in their old band, but Joey fucked all that up, but anyway, my dad is black but my mom is white."

Ricky interjected, "I wondered, I saw that 'kiss of Africa' in your look!"

"'Kiss of Africa'!" Wesley enthused. "I like that. That is a nice compliment!"

It was true. Up close seeing that broad nose and lush lips were telling. But he had noticed the boy's physique had an African quality. His skin was golden colored, and those curls! Then there were his narrow hips and high, strong buttocks. Also, slender calves like some Africans had. He asked, "I'll bet you are heavier than you look, too? You sink in water?"

"Yep! How do you know all that?"

Nicky then happily asked, "So do you have a big black cock?"

Ricky shushed him, saying that was rude, but Wesley was not bothered. He laughed, saying, "It's pretty big, but not very black! Will that do?"

Laughing, they arrived at the gallery. Then, the talk was all about Roan and Mason and Indians. Wesley's ex, "Joey," was a distant memory there in the embracing love of brothers.

Ricky had not, at that time, yet found a gift for Mason in the gift shops, so Wesley suggested they go to "The Mountain Shop." There, they found all sorts of great things for active guys, but what pleased Ricky the most was a fine camping hatchet of light, but sturdy construction. He purchased this for for Mason using his father's ATM card. It was not too expensive, and they all knew Mason would love it.

After that, Wesley directed them to "The Bodhi Tree Hole". Driving the old truck, three abreast, was a fun and cuddly time for the three gay boys as they made their five miles out of the town and up the twisty river canyon road to the east toward the high country. Ricky recognized it all. He had fished that whole part of the river with his grandfather and uncles many times, but they had never stopped at that particular campground and swimming hole.

It was an "unimproved campground" as Wesley said. That meant you had to dig a hole to crap, and you had to bring in water. No one who knew anything trusted the river water. Many of the campers were basically bums. Ricky recognized their style immediately, for he had grown up with a hippie mother. He knew that despite all their talk of equality, there was a hidden hierarchy.

Ricky elaborated to Nicky. "They call themselves 'Travelers'. They hop trains and hitchhike around. They are a kind of high class bum, really. Most are beggars, but a few'll sing songs and play flutes and guitars and shit. They are often really stinky though. They take the 'natural' thing too far!"

Nicky laughed at Ricky. "You seem to know a lot about these 'Travelers.' Have you ever done any of them?"

"No. But I'm pretty sure there are plenty of bi ones. They are often really good looking. Lean and tan, you know?"

"Wesley added, and they have beards and are all hairy!"

Nicky said, "Ricky likes that. He says it makes him feel all 'girly!'"

"Ewww!" Wesley sneered, "Icky!"

"I know!" Nicky agreed.

Ricky laughed at them. He said, "But we are not here to pick up hairy hippies! We have our own action going."

The campground was a deeply wooded spot with a rutted, bumpy dirt road almost invisible from the narrow, winding, tree-lined road of the main highway. They thudded along the dirt road that went through the camp. There were many cars and tents. Nicky pointed out the big, golden, dome tent. "That's ours! Hopefully it will be just us!"

"You just leave it here?" Nicky asked.

"Yeah. No one messes with it. Pull up here, Ricky. Your truck will claim it for us. No one will barge in now. They'll wait if we tell 'em, even if anyone comes."

"Well," Nicky kidded, "I know three guys who are going to come several times! Right now!"

It was a bit hot in the huge dome tent, for it had been in the sun for a few hours. Ricky knew that would change. It was how it was camping. No matter where you pitched your tent in summer, there was always a hot period in the day. In the summer, Ricky liked to catch the morning sun but pick up afternoon shade. Here, he saw, one had little choice. In this case, since the tent was so big, they had had to find a big enough, flat spot. There were few of those, so the tent was pitched where it could be.

Inside, it was a sex den bathed in golden light, all pads, pillows, and blankets. "We are going to need water," Ricky said. He returned to the truck to get a few of the bottles he always carried.

When he returned, he saw the other two had wasted no time getting busy. Wesley was down to his skimpy green bikini undies with white piping, the long, slender length of a splendid penis sticking up and to the side. Nicky, even as he struggled with his pants, was nuzzling it with his cheeks! "Oh, Ricky," he exclaimed, "Look at this boy! Is he not purrrrfect?"

Ricky wished he could trill his "R"s that way!

His cock almost instantly stiff, he ripped off his shirt, kicked off his sandals, and hopped out of his trousers. As always, the sight of Nicky's ivory skin, bubble butt, fantastic abs, powerful chest, and perfect cock excited Ricky. Seeing him him behind Wesley with his hands all over Wesley's front was alluring.

Nicky laughing, said to Wesley, "You ever been fucked by a god?"

Wesley's eyes grew big, staring at Ricky's cock. He laughed nervously, and looked Ricky in the eyes.

Nicky, seeing the look persuaded Wesley, "Ah, do not fear. Ricky is gentle!" And to Ricky he said, "Let us kiss him all over!"

Ricky agreed without a word. He took the trembling Wesley in his arms and began petting him and kissing him, outflowing words of praise, "Ah! So strong! So hard! So lovely!"

Wesley was sleek and golden, covered in soft, fine, hairs, and utterly sensitive to the touch. He was all rippling muscle beneath his golden skin. He had all the nicks and scars of guys who spent a lot of time outside. Another tough country boy. The Kind.

This gave Nicky a chance to get fully undressed and then pull down Wesley's underwear, revealing a lovely little golden brown bush, tinged with red, and a very long and slender, uncircumcised prick, fully stiff. Wesley had the kind of foreskin that covered his head, even when fully hard. Ricky was discovering that he really preferred uncut cocks, and he wished he still had his foreskin.

He thought this as he gripped Wesley's cock to pull the skin back and like the musky, sweaty, boy flavored glans, Making Wesley gasp. He looked up into his golden, gorgeous, long lashed, lustful eyes and gave the head of Wesley's prick a good wetting before taking his first deep dive on it. Ricky had gown even more skilled at deep throat. He made Wesley gasp!

It is so fun to be gay!

Nicky was then kissing him, turning his head, and all this made Wesley writhe and moan.

Nicky took a break to comment, "Is his penis not kalos? It is the perfect size and shape for what I have in mind!"

This made Wesley curious. "What?" He asked.

Nicky answered, looking at Ricky but talking to Wesley, "He has never had his ass double dicked. Have you ever fucked a guy that way? You know? Two pricks in one hole? It is best with long, slender cocks! Yours is a bit longer than mine, so it's best you get in him after me! But suck his cock while I get him loose! He has a tight ass!"

Ricky kneeled so that Wesley could work his front while Nicky worked his back, and Wesley did as directed, his mouth hot and fierce on Rick's man-sized tool. Nicky, meanwhile, dug into Ricky's pants for the lube, and went to work with his fingers, rather roughly, in Ricky's opinion.

But he did not care. The thought of getting fucked by both at the same time thrilled him.

Satisfied, Nicky then pulled Ricky back and sat him down on his cock, ramming it in full length, making Ricky gasp. To Wesley he said, "I hope your cock is really hard, Wesley! It needs to be really hard for this!"

Wesley's cock was really hard.

He looked into Ricky's eyes as he got up and leaned over, sticking his big, long boy nail into Ricky's strained hole.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

"Yessss!" Ricky hissed. "But do it!"

It just keeps getting hotter and hotter!

Getting fucked by Wesley with Nicky inside him from the back, facing Wesley... God!

To Wesley he said, "Paybacks are a bitch!"

Wesley laughed in a bossy, boyish way. "I'm counting on it!"

Nicky stayed still while Wesley did the fucking. He popped out a couple times, laughing, but he was soon making the cutest, scrunched up, "I'm coming!" face as he pumped come into Ricky's strained hole.

They both fucked Wesley then. First Nicky, then Ricky.

Wesley had a hot, tight ass, but he could take Ricky's big cock deep, hard, and fast. This was an experienced buttfucker! It was a rush to pound him like an animal while kissing him like one beloved. He tossed Wesley around into various positions, totally dominating him until Wesley groans became pants and his eyes appeared a bit glazed. He had had enough. Ricky and Nicky jacked each other off all over Wesley's beautiful face and neck. They followed this with laughing licks and kisses.

Sweaty, but not exhausted, Ricky suggested they go for a swim to wash the sex off themselves.

Nicky was so happy, he started to skip as they made their way out. Feeling very bold, they did not dress; instead, thy tossed all their clothes into the cab of the truck. But Ricky did grab a couple of towels from behind the seat. They all wrapped themselves demurely. Ricky knew that young men like themselves were unusual at the nudie holes in the area. It would not do to be too brazen.

It was only a short walk to the swimming hole. It was to the side of a broad, flat boulder strewn open valley, with a green mountain on the far side, perhaps a half mile across. The hole itself was a long, deep, wide channel with a very slow current, and the rocks were a good ninety feet long and about thirty wide. It was as Wesley said, mainly old hippies, but there were a few pretty young women. They would need to be fended off!

It was a truly beautiful spot. One of the better places in the whole region. Ricky was glad that Wesley had introduced them to this place, and he thanked him.

They found a place to sit on the old granite at the most extreme upper end of the place. It was reasonably private, for they were separated by a little distance from the "old, hairy, hippies."

For a time, they were just kids, enjoying the river and their friendship.

For a time.

Questions? Comments? Critiques? Don't be shy. Let me know. All feedback is useful. Your letters have been helpful and encouraging. Heck, I'll even write you back. I like to do that.

Cheers, Dorian

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Next: Chapter 31

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