The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Oct 24, 2021


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 9


Devin and Tyler got together with Dakota and I later that Friday Afternoon, and we walked around the city talking, then got some pastries from one of the cafes. We sat outside under a tree that covered the table nearest the door to the establishment, and began eating and talking. Tyler told us that his dad was out on the road again that weekend. Tyler's dad was a truck driver at that time, and would be out on the road for days at a time, and sometimes even for as long as two weeks, so one of his dad's friends would look in on Tyler every other night, but for the most part, Tyler was on his own unless he was with Devin or I.

With Tyler being on his own that weekend, he would be spending that Friday and Saturday night with Devin and his family. It was increasingly sitting badly with me about how Tyler was being left alone all the time like that, and though he didn't come right out and say it, I was getting the sense more and more that he was feeling bad about how much time his dad was spending away from him. Tyler didn't say much about his mom, except for that she and his dad divorced when he was four, and for a few years until her drinking got out of control when he was nine, he lived with her, then his dad got custody of him. His mom continued drinking so she wasn't awarded visits until a couple of years ago, but those had stopped shortly before this year began, and Tyler hadn't said why, and Devin and I didn't feel comfortable asking about it.

As we sat there, and I finished the last of my dessert, I heard Tyler's phone sound. He looked at it, then excused himself from the table.

"That's probably his dad," Devin said. "He usually calls at this time."

"I figured that it would be him," I agreed.

"Hopefully he gets to see him soon," Dakota added, as we told him about Tyler's family situation and how it was at the moment.

Tyler came back and set his phone down on the table hard, and his face was read.

"He's not fucking coming home next weekend either!" Tyler said, then slammed his fist on the table, and Dakota jumped. "Sorry Dakota. I'm just really fucking pissed right now! This is the third time he's fucking done this!"

"Why do you think your dad is working so much?" I asked.

"He keeps saying that we need the fucking money," Tyler said. "It's not like we're starving, and he told me a few days ago that we would spend some time together next weekend. Obviously that won't be happening now."

"I'm sorry you're going through this," Dakota said putting a hand on Tyler's arm.

"Thanks," he replied.

"Hopefully you guys can get some time to talk at some point in the next few days," Devin said.

"Yeah, that is if I can get him to stay on the damn phone long enough to talk," Tyler responded. "When I told him I wanted to talk a few days ago, he interrupted me, and told me that we could talk later. He then added that he had to get back to driving."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I answered.

"Thanks," Tyler replied.

"We're always here for you," I said. "I just hope that you and your dad can work things out here soon though."

"Me too," he answered.

After talking for a few minutes longer, Devin and Tyler said goodbye to us, then left. I sat there thinking about Tyler's situation, and as I glanced over to Dakota, he seemed deep in thought as well.

"How his dad is treating him isn't alright," Dakota said sounding sad.

"No, it's not," I agreed.

"I'm glad Tyler has you, Devin and now myself," Dakota went on.

"I feel the same way," I said.

Once back home, we had subs for dinner after my dad and mom got home. Dakota and I had been back home for about an hour when they got home, so were definitely hungry. Fortunately the pastries we ate didn't fill us up, so we were definitely ready for dinner when they walked through the door. After talking for a bit while eating, we eventually went to my room, and once seated next to one another on the edge of my bed, Dakota scooted closer to me, and when I put my arm around him, he leaned in closer. He looked up at me, and I was really happy to see his beautiful blue eyes once again!

"I missed having your arm around me," he said. "It feels like ages since we've had this time together."

"I know what you mean," I replied.

"Do you know where I'll be sleeping tonight?" Dakota asked.

"There's room enough here in my bed for you to sleep beside me if you'd like," I answered. "Of course if you'd like to sleep out in the living room, we can do that. The couch folds out in to a bed. I just wanted to give you the option."

I was hoping that he'd agree to sleep next to me in my bed.

"I'd really like to sleep in here with you," he replied. "Your parents wouldn't have a problem with me sleeping beside you?"

"No," I said. "They're not judgmental like that, so they'll be alright with it."

"Good," Dakota answered.

After we sat talking and listening to music for a bit, we decided to get our showers. Dakota told me that even though I had a walk-in shower, he would still need help with balancing and support as he stood to clean himself. I agreed to help him, so I figured that I'd get my shower while being in there with him.



As I sat there undressing while Caleb stood beside me removing his clothes, I was wondering how I would keep from getting hard in front of him. When I put my shirt off to the side, Caleb helped me off with my shoes and socks, then I stood and as he held on to my shoulders, I pulled down my shorts and boxers. With the weakness in my right hand, I didn't usually wear pants that had buttons and zippers, and this made it easier to remove them, or pull them down if I needed to use the restroom.

After they were down to my ankles, I sat down and moved my feet out of them, and then picked up all of my clothes, then put them in the bag Caleb held open for them to go in to. After they were tucked away, I watched as Caleb put his own clothes in to his hamper, and now he stood there in nothing.

"Sorry, he said realizing how he looked now. "I usually am just here in my room by myself, so don't usually bring a towel in here to wrap around myself before going in to the restroom to shower."

"It's nothing to worry about," I answered trying to keep my eyes focused on his so I wouldn't look down. "You don't have to be so decent around me."

"Okay," he agreed as he walked to his dresser to get out boxers, and a t-shirt. "If you ever want me to cover up before we get in the shower when we're over here spending the night or weekend, just let me know."

"I'll be fine," I replied. "Thanks for letting me know though."

"You're welcome," he answered.



I really hadn't planned on Dakota seeing me naked this soon, but here it was, and I wasn't as worried as I thought I'd be. I just didn't want my new friend feeling uncomfortable. After I helped Dakota in to the restroom, I got the shower going, and I helped him walk in to the increasingly warming space. He was able to walk that short distance, but he had to hold on to me tight, but his grip wasn't painful or anything like that.

I stepped in to the shower while he sat on a shower chair that was fixed to the wall, and I sat down beside him as the shower was big enough so that it could fit the shower chair which was wide enough for two people to sit on, and Dakota was already small as it was. I watched as he lathered up to start washing his hair, then I detached the shower head for him so he could wash out the shampoo. After washing his hair, he told me that I could stand in front of him, and he would have me hold on to his shoulders while he washed the rest of his body. I agreed, and so he did that, then I asked him if he wanted help washing his back. He agreed, and I got some soap in my hands, then after lathering it up I turned him around, and began soaping up his back and shoulders.

His skin was wonderfully silky, and completely smooth! It felt amazing under my fingers, and my penis was hard, and got even harder as my hands continued making contact with his skin! In fact, my cock was so hard that it was hurting a bit, and I didn't remember being this hard before, even when I would feel beyond aroused and would need to jack off! My balls also tingled, and I was trying to think about how I'd keep Dakota from seeing my hardness, but then I remembered what he said about me not needing to be so reserved around him, and I just let myself go with what I was feeling. In doing that, I didn't feel so ready to come, and my cock even went down losing some of its previous hardness.

After Dakota washed between his legs, then sat down to wash his legs and feet, I worked on getting myself clean, and amazingly enough my cock actually did what I hoped it would do, and it was soft by the time I finished with getting myself clean. After I shut off the water after making sure that Dakota was finished, I stood there holding him up as he dried off, then after letting me know it was alright, I dried off his back, then he took care of the rest.

Once out of the shower and dressed in our sleep clothes, we visited with my parents for a bit, then by the time we finished, it was going on 10:00 P.M., and after they said that they were ready to get to bed, we went back to my room, and we both got in to bed.

Once in my room, I turned off the over-head light, so that the only light shining was the bedside lamp. Dakota lay on his back dressed in a white t-shirt, and Roil-Blue boxers, and I had on a black t-shirt and grey boxers. I was soon to be rid of my shirt, as I slept only in my boxers, but I was going to check with Dakota to see if he'd be alright with me sleeping beside him dressed as I usually was when alone.

I climbed in to bed, and once I pulled up the covers, I turned to Dakota who was still lying on his back.

"I usually sleep in just my boxers," I said.

"So no shirt for you?" he asked smiling.

"That's right," I replied.

"Cool," he said. "I usually sleep without a shirt as well."

"Sounds good to me," I answered.

I removed my shirt, and then lay back down turning to face my friend again.

"I'll be removing my shirt too since you won't be sleeping in yours either," Dakota said, then sat up removing his shirt, then placing it down on the floor beside mine.

He lay back down, and I lay there watching his upper body. His chest rose and fell with his breathing, and I took in his smooth hairless chest, his equally smooth stomach, and then looked at his smooth face for a long moment. His body was absolutely beautiful, and I wondered if we'd be sleeping in one another's arms as the night went on.

"Are you ready for me to turn out the light?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered.

I turned off the lamp, and then lay down beside him, then he turned to face me, and just lay there watching me for a moment. We didn't speak for a few minutes, and I felt myself getting more and more tired, and closer to sleep.



As I lay there, then turned facing Caleb, I gazed at his naked upper body as he had done with mine just a moment before. I loved the coating of hair he had on his arms, the light dusting of hair in the middle of his chest, and I loved how his stomach had a slight showing of a developing six-pack.

As I lay there, I thought back to when I saw him naked before we got in the shower, then once we were in the shower. His muscles in his shoulders flexed wonderfully as he moved, and I then thought about his cock which was soft when he undressed, and I thought about how big it looked. I could see that his foreskin was still intact, as well as how nicely it hung over his big hairy balls.

Thinking back to when we were in the shower, I thought about how I could see his hardness a couple of times when I looked. His cock was bigger once fully hard, and it was hard to tell if he was leaking precum with all of the water soaking his body, but I figured that he probably was. I did see his cock jump several times, and that made me even more interested in him!

As I mentioned before, I was starting to get comfortable with not only being gay recently, but was also only just as recently getting comfortable with my own sexual feelings I was experiencing, both emotionally, and the physical feelings. Now though if Caleb turned to me, took me in his arms and asked to have sex I didn't think I'd be able to say no, and thinking more for another second, I knew that I wouldn't say no. I knew deep down that if I let him make love to me, I'd want him to go all night, and never stop! I wanted him badly, and I was feeling from him the vibe that he felt the same way!

As I lay there watching him, I saw his eyelids closing slightly, and I waited to see what he would do. After a moment, he turned to face me, and moved closer to me. I reached out and touched his arm, and he opened his eyes again. I looked deeply in to his eyes, and I hoped that he understood what my look was communicating!

I knew that he understood, as he reached out to drape his arm over me, and I put my arm around him. After a moment, I snuggled closer to him, and then he reached out with his other arm, and I was now wrapped in his arms, and my head was resting against his chest.

"Good night Dakota," he whispered. "I hope you sleep well tonight."

"Good night Caleb," I answered as I felt myself fading in to sleep. "I hope you sleep good also."

I was falling faster in to sleep, and was soon out.



I was pleasantly surprised when Dakota touched my arm, and I saw from his eyes that he wanted to be physically close with me. I had been thinking just before that about how amazing he looked when he was naked. I loved how thick his cock looked, and it was uncut, as well as hanging over his balls which looked really sexy like that! His body was smooth save for the light dusting of hair on his legs, as well as the hair above his cock! I loved how he looked, and I knew that if he wanted to have sex once we lay down, I wouldn't refuse him!

I could feel the vibes from him how badly he wanted me, and I wanted him in the same way!

My thoughts had been broken though when he touched my arm, and then I was moving to put my arm around him, then I wrapped him in my arms, and as he fell asleep, I was fading quickly myself, then we were both asleep. I felt us getting closer, and I was excited and joyful about that!

Author's Notes

Caleb and Dakota's weekend will be continuing in Chapter Ten. They'll be growing closer, and within the next chapter after Chapter Ten, they'll be starting to become more than friends. I'll be putting them in a situation in which they'll be coming out to one another about their feelings, and it'll be in the form of a scene I've not really had my characters be in before when coming out to one another in my previous stories. I hope you guys like it. That being said though, the two boys will be continuing on with their weekend visit in Chapter Ten as I said. I hope you like how I continue that visit between the two of them.

I can imagine that everyone is wondering what's going on with Tyler concerning his father, and all of you have probably noticed that Tyler gets uncomfortable when Caleb and Devin discuss anything regarding sex, romance or dating around him. There's a reason for that, and you guys will learn more about that in the next chapter as well. I'll also be sharing more about Devin, so you'll be getting to know him more as well.

All of that being said, I hope everyone is doing well, continuing to stay safe and I'll see all of you in Chapter Ten.

Next: Chapter 10

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