The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Oct 8, 2021


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 8


During that up-coming week, I hung out with Devin, and Tyler. Dakota was busy with getting school supplies, but we found time to talk over the phone, and so that was nice. I also did a bit more preparing for school myself, and then Wednesday came, and it was time to get ready for Youth Group at the church my family and I attended.

My family and I attended an LGBT-Friendly Church in our neighborhood, and the man and woman who ran it were really kind and accepting of both myself, and others who are LGBT. Tom and Malory Chambers ran the church, and we had been attending the church since I was born. I attended Youth Group every Wednesday evening unless I was sick or had something else of urgency going on that couldn't be moved to another date. I enjoyed the activities, as well as the socializing there. Tyler and Devin went with me as well, but didn't attend church on Sundays every single week, but it was still nice to see them when they did come.

I had told Dakota about where I went to church in case he ever wanted to attend on Sunday, or come on Wednesday to check out our Youth Group. He said he'd love to join me sometime, and that made me smile. I told him about that on Monday of that up-coming week, and so I wondered if I'd see him that evening.

As I walked along to the church, I thought about the time Dakota and I spent together a few days ago that Saturday when his dad and sister met my parents. It was a wonderful day, and it still brought a smile to my face every time I thought about it. As I cleared my mind of the memories, I came up to the doors of the church, and I went in. Tom was moving boxes to a storage room next to the entrance of the church, and I said hi to him as I neared where he stood lifting one of the boxes.

"It's good to see you Caleb," he said turning with the box in his arms.

"I can get that," I offered. "Also, it's good to see you again as well."

He held out the box to me, and I put it on the shelf he indicated, then he motioned, and I closed the door. He locked it, then we went in to the room where we would be having our group.

"Is there anything in particular we'll be talking about this evening?" I asked as he sat down, and I took a seat beside him.

"I wanted to talk about how we can help more of our LGBT Youth," Tom replied turning to look at me. "We do have a few kids here who have come out to me, and a couple of them don't have the best home lives, and as I've kept track of their situations, it gave me the desire to want to help with others who might have problematic home lives who are LGBT, and of course I'd like to go from there to help those youths who are non-LGBT as well."

"I'd love to help as well," I answered. "I know that my situation of coming out was a positive experience in the sense that my family was supportive, and is continuing to be supportive of me. I know that others don't have that though, and we had a kid who started coming to our school this past year named Micah. He was being bullied, and kids would call him gay, but in that insulting way they like to do. Tyler, Devin and I had tried several times to reach out to him, but he stayed to himself. I think he might have been gay since he would give certain guys interested looks, but would still try to hide it. I wonder if he'll be coming back to our school this year."

"I hope if he does come back, that you and your friends can reach him this time," Tom said. "Did you ever see Micah's parents if they would ever come to the school to pick him up?"

"I saw his dad as Micah left with him one day when he came after school to pick him up. His dad was yelling at him about something, and I don't mean using an impatient tone of voice, but as they walked to the car as I walked away from the school, his dad was looking down at him as he held his arm practically dragging him to the car, and he was screaming as well as cussing at him. I went to walk over to help, but a teacher came out of the school, and his dad stopped immediately yelling, and the teacher said hi to both of them, just before they all said goodbye to one another. Sometimes I wish I would have went over anyway."

"That's horrible how Micah had to go through that, but it is possible that you could have been hurt as well if you had tried to intervene in that," Tom said. "Did you see him the next day at school?"

"I did," I answered. "He had bruises all over his arms, face and his legs had deep bruises on the shins, as if someone had kicked him a few times. I asked him if he was alright, but he said he would be fine. He walked away, but more like ran from me. I did say something to the guidance counselor as well as to the principal, but I can't say that they did anything."

"I would like to hope that they did look in to it," Tom said. "As they are mandated reporters, but the principal at that school is a complete idiot, and the guidance counselor isn't exactly any better than he is. I don't know if you noticed that as you talked to them, but I've dealt with them a few times when I tried to get reports out there about kids who I've suspected are being abused that come to our church, and I too, haven't heard anything after reporting to either of them."

"I hope that something can be done," I responded.

"So do I," Tom answered.

As the kids came in once Tom and I finished our conversation, I turned to see Devin and Tyler walking towards the table at which I was sitting. I greeted them, then I looked to see movement behind them, and to my surprise I saw Tanner, Sarah and Dakota coming towards me as well!

I greeted Dakota, Tanner and Sarah, then after they made sure he was situated, they left after I let them know that I would bring him back home after we finished for the evening. Our Youth Group lasted from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., so it wouldn't be too late when I brought Dakota home.

"This is a nice surprise to see that you came tonight," I said as I sat beside Dakota.

"I had been thinking about coming, and Yesterday morning I had made up my mind to join you guys this evening," Dakota answered. "I wanted to surprise you, so didn't say anything."

"Like I said, it's really a nice surprise," I responded.

Once Tyler and Devin came back from using the restroom, I introduced them to Dakota, and we all talked for a bit before Tom and Malory came in to begin the introductory sermon.

Tom's sermon that evening was on standing up for social justice, as well as standing up for the oppressed. He backed up his points by talking about how Jesus came in to the establishments and destroyed the gambling tables, illustrating that corruption can lead to indifference to the wellbeing and needs of others in the interest of serving one's own desires. He also went on to talk about how the people in charge of protecting oppressed minorities such as politicians and others in authority care only about themselves, and serve themselves at the expense of those who are African-American, LGBT, Women and other various minorities. He urged all of us to fight oppression, and speak out against it whenever possible, and whenever we saw it happening, or get help with it if there were signs that speaking out could put our lives in danger.

As he talked, I could tell that he was thinking of the youths in our church who weren't receiving the help they needed, and I could tell also that he was thinking about Micah, the boy he and I had been talking about before everyone arrived for the evening's activities. As he finished talking, I saw Dakota sitting beside me taking in everything that was being said, and Tyler along with Devin sat listening as well. They sat across from me, and while Devin was listening, Tyler was completely absorbed in what Tom had been saying.

Malory went on after Tom finished talking, and she talked about how we also needed to help those who are disabled in various ways. She knew of a few adults as well as a few kids in the church who had in particular, Mental Health issues. She knew that they were being harassed in various establishments such as school for the kids, and work for the adults. She also went on to say that she was in the process of helping them get the help they needed, both legal for the discrimination, and emotional support for the feelings that the discrimination was causing. I was thinking of Dakota as she was talking, and I saw that he was listening intently to everything she said.

After Malory stopped speaking, she asked if anyone wanted to share anything such as thoughts on anything that she or Tom had said during the course of the meeting. I waited, then Dakota put up his hand.

"Hi Dakota," Malory said. "What would you like to say?"

"I wanted first to thank you and Tom for accepting me here tonight, and letting me join all of you. Thank you as well Caleb for telling me about this group and this church."

"You're welcome," Malory said.

"You're welcome Dakota," I answered.

"I really do feel accepted here," Dakota went on. "I became physically disabled this past year, and I have some intellectual issues that came with it. Caleb has been a really good friend to me since he and I met a couple of weeks ago, and he's been showing me what true friendship is all about. I have been worrying off and on though about how it's going to be for me once I start school here soon. I'll be attending school where Caleb goes, but he might not be in all of the classes I'm in, and I worry about what would happen if there are any kids there who might try to give me problems."

"I'll do everything I can to help you, and to protect you," I answered.

"Also, you let us know if anyone gives you any problems," Malory said.

"We'll advocate with you," Tom added. "We won't let you go through anything alone, especially anything you're going through that's bad. I hope you will turn to either Malory or I if you need anything."

"Thanks," Dakota said looking at both of them. "I'll remember that, and I'll keep you up to date on how things go with me."

"Good," Tom said.

"I'm glad to hear that," Malory added.

Once we finished the meeting, we went to get refreshments. Tyler and Devin got a couple of cookies, and each got a Pepsi for themselves, and I got the same for myself. Dakota wanted what I was having, so I helped him with getting what he wanted.

"It's been really nice hanging out with both of you," Tyler said looking directly at Dakota and I.

"Yeah, and it's been really nice meeting you Dakota," Devin said.

"Yeah, you seem really nice," Tyler added facing Dakota.

"Thanks, and I'm glad I met you guys as well," Dakota replied.

"I'm also glad that you got a chance to meet Caleb," Devin said.

"You're in good hands with him," Tyler added.

"I definitely trust him," Dakota said.

"I trust you too Dakota," I replied putting an arm around him for a moment.

We all four talked about everything from the music groups we had been recently listening to, to what movies or shows we had been watching. Devin said he had recently started watching the series Breaking Bad, and Tyler had started watching the Sopranos.

"So what you're saying," I began. "Is that if we start seeing an increase in school fights, street fights and the Blue Stuff on the streets, we'll know why."

We all laughed, and then we talked about how it would be really nice if all four of us could get together at some point to watch something, or just to hang out sometime. I was in agreement, and so was Dakota.

Eventually it was time for us to go for the evening, and after saying goodbye to Tyler and Devin, I walked Dakota back home.

"I really had a good time tonight," Dakota said as we walked along.

"I'm glad you did," I answered. "I had a really nice time tonight as well. I enjoyed the service, as well as seeing you again. It was also really nice to see you meet Tyler and Devin."

"Yeah, and I think they're going to be really good friends as well," he responded.

Once we got back to Dakota's house, we shared a long hug, then after making sure we were still on to spend that weekend together, I went back to my house, and after getting dinner, I went back to my room to relax for a bit.

That Friday on which Dakota was coming over to spend the weekend with me was a bright and sunny day. Dakota came over that morning around 10:00 A.M., and we spent some time listening to music, then watching a few interviews with various Metal musicians that had been uploaded to YouTube.

We finished our YouTube viewing with watching a video where Varg Vikernes gave his reasons for killing Euronymous, and then we finished that video.

"Sound like a reasonable defense to you?" I asked as I turned to Dakota.

"Yeah, that is if we start accepting killing to be a thing only because of what you think someone is going to do," Dakota said.

"Exactly," I said. "I heard Vikernes's defense for why he did what he did when I started listening to Black Metal in particular, and I even at that point thought it was Bullshit," I responded. "Sounds like it was just a power struggle over money, and over who owned the rights to what song or whatever."

"Yeah," Dakota said. "It always seems like people like to make what happened to be more than what it was. I mean, I feel sorry for what happened to Euronymous, but I think that most people who keep talking about the killing usually do it either because they're interested in it, but in an unhealthy way. If not that, then they keep the memory of what happened alive, because they're journalists who are members of the Drunk Wine Moms Club who are looking for one more thing to blame little Billy's bad behavior."

"I agree," I answered. "Everyone loves a scape goat these days it seems."

"Yeah, I know," Dakota replied.

After putting my laptop in Sleep Mode, Dakota and I went out to go for a walk for a bit. We were both enjoying the nice weather, and I was especially enjoying being with my best friend that day. I felt truly happy, and like my life was complete as we walked along that afternoon.

Author's Notes

I'll be continuing Dakota and Caleb's sleep-over in the next chapter, and I hope you all enjoy the events that happen in that chapter. Also, I hope you all liked when Tyler, Devin and Dakota all met earlier in this chapter. I'll be allowing the beginning friendship between them to deepen, as there will be things that happen in particular to Tyler where he'll be truly needing the support of all of his friends, especially Dakota and Devin along with Caleb's support. I'll also be revisiting the character of Micah that Caleb and Tom were talking about in the beginning of this chapter. Unfortunately there will be a part of his story that won't end well, but I'm going to be using the events that occur to bring in another development to the story concerning Caleb, Dakota, Tyler and Devin. So I hope you all continue to keep reading to see how all of that turns out.

I hope everyone is staying safe, and that everyone is doing well. I'll see everyone in Chapter Nine.

Next: Chapter 9

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