The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Sep 19, 2021


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 6


Over that weekend I stayed with Adam on Saturday, and he had several of his friends over. Like all of the other times I'd hang out with him while he had his other friends with him, he'd spend almost if not all of the time talking to them, and all but ignoring me, that is unless he wanted me to get a drink for him or his friends.

That weekend of us hanging out at his house was no different, but I wasn't paying much attention to what was going on. I hadn't heard anything about my journal turning up, and I was getting more and more worried. Part of me was hoping that it was in the class room all weekend undisturbed, but I worried that someone might have found it.

"So how about it Dakota?" Adam said. I hadn't heard anything he had been saying.

"Sorry Adam," I said looking up at him. "I didn't hear what you said."

"Oh fuck!" he yelled getting pissed now. "Are you still thinking about that fucking journal of yours? It's probably still at school on the desk where you must have left it. For fuck's sake, you're such a fucking spaz about everything! Anyway, here's something to get your mind off it. How about you getting another drink for Ron over there. I could use one as well."

I got up and got them the drinks they asked for, and then tried to get through the rest of the visit.


Eric put down Dakota's journal. He had read part of it the night before, then finished the rest of it that early Sunday evening. There had been a lot there, mainly stuff about how sad little Dakota was unloved, or felt unloved. There were other things as well, like Dakota talking about how he wished that he could have friends who truly cared about him, but it was the final three entries that sent Eric through the roof. He read through them, and was sickened, but excited at the same time. He was going to get Adam completely on his side, and together they'd make Dakota pay.


Adam sat on his bed getting ready to play one of his computer games, then his phone rang. He saw that it was Eric. He figured that Eric would want to hang out again. He noticed that Eric seemed really interested in them being friends, and he also seemed really interested in teaching Adam more about his ideology. Adam was starting to feel like he would be interested in learning more about it. He picked up the phone and accepted the call.

"Bro!" Eric practically yelled in to the phone. "Damn bro! You gotta see this! This is really fucking sick! Come over to my house quick!"

"What's going on?" Adam asked.

"Just get here, and I'll explain once you arrive!" Eric replied then hung up.

Once at Eric's house, Eric practically dragged Adam to his room. Once there, Eric kicked the door shut then ran over to his bed.

"Get over here!" he said holding out a book.

"Wow!" Adam said coming over to Eric's bed and sitting down. "Shit! Is that Dakota's journal? It looks like it."

"You're right," Eric replied. "That's exactly what it is. It was on Dakota's desk, and I took it. I want to see what that freak is really all about, and I read every page of that Mother Fucker. Adam, expect to be disgusted!"

Adam took the journal then slammed it down on Eric's bedside table after finishing the last page.

"That Fagot has been fucking chasing after me this whole time!" Adam screamed as he waved his fists in the air completely over-taken by rage and hate! "He's dead! He's fucking dead! I knew there was something about him, but I hoped it wasn't this! It's bad enough he's a disgusting queer, but it's even worse that he's looking at me in that way! He's finished Eric! He's fucking finished!"

"What are you going to do to him?" Eric asked smiling.

"I'm going to make his life a fucking living Hell! I don't know how yet, but I'll fucking destroy that disgusting little Bastard!"

"Let me know if there's anything I can do to help," Eric said.

"I will," Adam replied, then headed back home.



Monday morning I got to school, and once at my locker I opened it. I searched through it, and I hoped that I'd find my journal, but nothing. I put my stuff in the locker, then went off to my first class.

Adam was acting odd towards me all that morning, then at lunch he sat down across from me like usual. He kept looking at me, but it seemed more like he was trying to burn wholes through me with his eyes, and he'd also smirk at me from time to time.

"What?" I asked as I sat there trying to understand what was going on with him.

"Nothing," Adam said. "I'm just sitting here eating, what about you?"

"You seem to keep looking at me, and you've just seemed off this morning so far," I replied.

"Nothing wrong here," he said with a cool tone in his voice. "So you think I'm looking at you? Sure, because I just like to sit here staring at people right?"

"I just meant that it seemed like you were watching me for some reason," I said growing uneasy.

"No Dakota, I don't stare at guys like that," he shot back with a mean smile on his face. "I'm not like that."

"Like what?" I asked. "I was just wanting to make sure everything is alright with you. You're my friend, and I really do care about you."

He gave a contemptuous laugh, then leaned close so that only I could hear him.

"I just bet you do Dakota," he said with a tone that could have frozen steaming-hot water.

"Damn!" I said leaning back from him. "What's with you today? You're acting like you're pissed at me or something!"

"No problem here," Adam said staring me down at this point. "Don't worry Dakota, as to what you said about really caring about me a moment ago. I know exactly how you feel about me. I'm totally aware of that."

Now I was scared.

"What do you mean?" I stammered.

"Nothing," he replied smiling that mean smile again. "Damn, you're jumpy today. You sure that you're alright?"

"I'm okay," I replied.

"You're sure?" he asked.

"Yeah," I answered and tried to begin eating my lunch.

"You sure you don't want something else for lunch?" he asked as if this was just a nice lunch between two best friends. "I could have a hotdog and a couple of meatballs brought out for you. Who knows, maybe a piece of "Fudge" for dessert."

"Adam, what the hell are you talking about?" I asked getting annoyed now.

I had finally had enough of what I was coming to believe were innuendos he was making, and his attitude was making me more and more unnerved.

"Did I strike a nerve there Dakota?" Adam asked smiling. "I just asked if you'd like something different for lunch, but sorry for trying to give a fuck."

The rest of the day dragged on, then as I closed and locked my locker, I turned to leave and as I neared the doors of the school, Adam caught up with me.

"We'll be going back to my house for a bit," he announced grabbing my arm.

"I have to get home," I said.

"Text your parents and tell them where you'll be," he said as he practically dragged me out of the building. "It's not like they'll give a fuck where you're at."

Once back at his house, we went to his room, and he turned to me.

"Go over and sit down," he said coldly.

I went over and sat down, and he went over to his desk removing something from the top drore. He had it behind his back, and he stepped up to where I was sitting, and he stared down at me.

"What's behind your back?" I asked as his eyes stared daggers in to mine.

"Oh, nothing," he said with that same quiet and cold voice. "Well, nothing, accept this."

I immediately recognized my journal, and I reached for it, but he jerked his hand back.

"No," he said. "This stays with me for now."

"That's not fair!" I yelled jumping to my feet. "Where did you find it anyway?"

"Sit down!" Adam yelled. "Now shut the fuck up! Eric took your journal Friday when we were all leaving school for the day. He read it, then last night he showed it to me. We both read it cover to cover, and do you know what I learned about you?"

I felt myself wishing that the earth would open and swallow me up! I felt I knew what was coming, and I felt helpless to stop it!

"You know'''?" I started, but couldn't finish.

The slap across my face was unexpected, and I felt tears come immediately to my eyes.

"Oh you always seem to cry easily don't you, you fucking Fagot," Adam said softly and with pure hate in his voice.

"You hit me!" I yelled jumping to my feet for a second time.

Adam grabbed me and slammed me down on the bed with me on my back, and him pressing me down hard.

"Now you listen to me you sick Fuck!" he hissed in my face. "I know you're a filthy Fagot! You actually are in love with me, and you actually think of us fucking! You're truly disgusting, and you and me, we're done. We're through as friends!"

"No!" I said crying now as I got out from under him. "You don't mean that! Please, just let me explain!"

"Shut the fuck up!" he screamed. "You get the fuck out of my house, and unless it's at school, I don't ever want to see you again. I hate you Dakota! I hate you, and you truly disgust me! You come near me again, I'll fucking kill you! You hear me! I will kill you!"

I ran home, and for the next few weeks things changed for me. Adam outed me to anyone and everyone who would listen, and with the exception of Beth, kids either bullied me along with Adam, or they just ignored me. The teachers did little to stop any of it, and my parents had found out when I got home after Adam kicked me out of his house, because while I had been running home, Adam had called them telling them everything.

My dad beat the shit out of me, my mom cussed me out, then they told me that they didn't want to see me for the rest of the night. For the rest of the time I was at home until the events that would change my life, they mostly ignored me, and would leave things for me to heat up for food when I was hungry. Finally things changed on that fateful Friday in May of 2020 when Adam kept bullying me all that day. He would make jokes at me when we were in the halls in between classes, and while at lunch. Finally that afternoon I found him as he walked out of the school building.

"Okay you Mother Fucker!" I yelled as I fell in to step with him. "We're getting this Bullshit straightened out now!"

"Watch it Fag," Eric said as he was walking up to where we were standing. I guess he figured that he and Adam would be getting together later that evening, as they had been spending more time together as the weeks had gone by.

"Fuck you!" I yelled looking right at him.

"You'll fucking pay for that you Bastard!" he hissed at me, then turned to Adam.

"You and I getting together tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah, let me deal with this Fag, then I'll see you later sometime," Adam replied, then he turned to me.

"Okay, let's go back to my house so you can say whatever it is you think you have to say to me."

For the first couple of hours we had to wait for Adam's parents to leave. They were headed to some fancy dinner, and Adam chose to stay home. It was the middle of May at that point, and at that time of the year Adam's parents had to attend the dinner in question as it was a part of some charity of which they were both members. Once they left, Adam turned to me.

"What do you want?" he asked coldly. "I have plans with Eric later so make it fucking quick."

I finally lost it on him. I told him that I hated how he had always treated me by using things I was afraid of against me, about how he'd ignore me when we were with his friends, and I told him that I didn't like how he was acting since finding out I was gay.

"You better settle down right now you little Prick," Adam said stepping up to me. "I didn't make you be friends with me, so no one forced you to hang with my friends and I."

"Fuck you!" I yelled stepping closer to him. "You had no right to treat me the way you have, and so you don't feel for me the way I do about you. That's fine, but you have no right to bully me about it the way you have, and I'm not going to put up with it anymore!"

"Okay, then make me quit you fucking queer!" he said grabbing me.

"Hey!" I yelled trying to pull free of Adam`s grip. His hands were on my shoulders, and he was gripping them tight so that they hurt. "Adam let go of me!"

"I told you what would happen if you ever came near me again didn't I!" he yelled as he shoved me to the floor.

The floor was hard marble, and as well as the living room in which we were located, the kitchen and a few other rooms were outfitted with floors of the same material. In short, when I fell I felt pain in my back when I made contact with the floor.

Adam was on me pressing me down hard to the floor, and I was trying to get free of him.

"No!" I yelled. "Adam get off me!"

"Shut the fuck up!" he said as he slapped me across the face. "I hope you enjoy spending the rest of your life down in Hell you fucking freak!"

"No, please don't hurt me!" I yelled as he got up off me and I felt pain in one ankle, then in the other one.

"That's for being a nasty fucking Fagot!" Adam yelled.

I screamed as he broke both of my legs by stomping on my shins.

"And that's for thinking that you were going to make me be your little Girlfriend!" he screamed. "Does it hurt yet Bitch! I hope it fucking hurts like Hell! Oh, this is going to be the longest and worst fucking night of your life until I send you straight to Hell where you fucking belong!"

"Adam please'''!" I couldn't finish, because of how bad it hurt!

Adam rained several blows down on my face at that point, and then kicked my already-broken legs, and I was able to turn to my left to throw up from how bad the pain was.

It went on like that for a long while with Adam mostly verbally abusing me, then beating me a few times, then when I told him that I was sorry he found out about me the way he did, he bent down so that I could see in to his eyes.

His face was deep-red, because of how enraged he was. His eyes were black with rage and hate, and I mean that literally. His eyes were so dilated with hate that the whites were all but disappeared, and black was the only color I saw in his eyes at that point!

"I'll never forgive you for what you tried to do!" Adam yelled as he grabbed me up from the floor. "You know what would have happened if anyone around the school thought I was a Fag! You know what my family, parents and church would think! My whole reputation would have been destroyed! I couldn't let that happen, and I won't let you fuck up my life!"

"Let me go Adam!" I screamed as I tried to break free from him. He was running with me in his arms, and then I saw the sliding glass door that opened up out on to the balcony!

"Enjoy Hell you piece of shit!" Adam said as he stepped closer to the door.

"No!" I screamed struggling harder. "Let me go! Stop! Put me down! Please Adam! Please, just leave me alone!"

"You're going to fucking die now you fucking Fagot!" Adam screamed, then I was thrown towards the door.

Glass shattered, and that was all I remembered.


Glass shattered, and Dakota's body slammed in to the banister that surrounded the front and sides of the balcony. His head smashed hard a couple of times fracturing his skull. Shards of bone then cut in to his brain which damaged the connections of his neuro pathways that dealt with abilities to do things math-related, number-related and things dealing with reading and vision. Dakota then bounced off of the banister, and fell down. The tree broke his fall, but it wouldn't hold him for much longer. Fortunately for him though, Sarah and Tanner were coming upon where he was at that point.



I finished writing down everything that had happened, and it took me a few minutes to get my head back where I currently was sitting. Recalling those events still scared me, but I was coming back from them quicker now, and without the severe anxiety I had been experiencing even a few weeks ago. I was glad to feel myself getting more calm at this point, and after saving the file, shutting down my laptop and closing it, I got in to bed for the night. I was really tired at that point, and I just wanted to get to sleep.



That Friday night I spent working on some new ideas for a few new carvings I wanted to do. One of them was one that I wanted to give to Dakota, as I figured that he would appreciate it a lot. I also talked to a couple of my friends, then after getting a shower, I got in to bed after saying good night to my parents.

As I lay there after shutting off the light, I thought back on how far I had come in the last year. I had realized that I was gay when I was 14, and I had tried to figure out how I would tell my parents, and interestingly enough they had seemed to know before I did. I wasn't in to sports, and unless it was weight-lifting or related things, I wasn't interested in typical so-called masculine activities. There was also the looks that my parents would see me giving other kids, but the looks got more interested when I would see other boys walking past me when we would be out different places, and there was one time when after my dad had had the usual sex talk with me when I was 13 years old, he sat there after I told him that I didn't have any questions, then he waited for a moment, then surprised me.

"Oh, and I hope you know that that both your mom and I support you no matter who you fall in love with," he said.

"Yeah, I do know that," I replied. "I really do appreciate that."

"I'm glad to hear that, and I do mean no matter who you fall in love with," my dad said with more emphasis.

I was confused for a moment, and didn't know what he meant.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," I said. "I'm glad to hear that you'll accept who ever I decide to date."

"It's not just who," my dad went on. "I mean that your mom and I have been with you since the day you were born, and we both know you really well. So if you ever tell us that you've fallen in love with a boy, then we'll both support you."

I smiled, and could feel my face blush. I wasn't sure where that had come from.

"That's nice, but I'm sure I'll be bringing home a girl for you two to meet at some point," I said smiling shyly.

"That's good if you do," he said. "But I just want you to know without question where we stand if you ever discover that you like both guys and girls, or just one or the other. Not all kids have parents who will not only be non-accepting of them, but not even be open with them that they would accept them. I've counseled a lot of kids who are products of non-accepting homelives, and I don't want you to have to live a moment feeling like you can't talk to your mom and I about who you are."

"Thank you Dad," I said hugging him.

I understood what he meant at that point, and though while this was when I was 13, and still under the assumption that I was straight, I was still deeply touched by what he had said to me. My mom would have a similar talk with me a couple of days later when she and I were out shopping and getting lunch, and I appreciated what she had to say as well.

I was only a few days in to being 14 when I decided to come out to them, and true to their words they accepted me without question. I had been experiencing crushes on boys at school in the last few weeks of me being 13, and I stopped doubting myself when I turned 14, and accepting myself came naturally. It felt good to have my Mom and Dad's acceptance and support.

Unfortunately though when I came out to a few of my friends, one of whom was with me at school when I told him as quietly as I could, a few kids who had already assumed that I was gay over-heard, and began making harassing comments to me in the halls, as well as threatening me with violence. I tried to deal with it by telling them to leave me alone, and one of the guys beat me up really bad, and though nothing was broken, I ran home since it was after school at that point anyway, and we had just been dismissed from class at that point, and so I ran home and my mom was already there.

I told her what happened, and she made sure that the school had done something about it. When we were waiting to be seen by the doctor when she took me to get checked out, I told her that the one who beat me up, and his two friends were making trouble for me for a couple of weeks before that. She was worried about why I hadn't told her and my dad sooner, but I told her that I thought I could get them to leave me alone, and at that time she and my dad had been working more hours than usual, so I didn't want to bother them. As she held me, my mom told me that I didn't need to worry about stuff like that, and to just let them worry about issues of work and working hours. I thanked her, and after the doctor saw me, and pronounced that nothing was broken, and that it would take a few days for the swelling to go down, my Mom and I went home. Nothing else happened after that as far as bullying towards me from other students, and the school had been accepting of me as the days, weeks and months went by. I really felt fortunate at how things had turned out with my situation of coming out and being accepted by everyone.

Author's Notes

I hope everyone enjoys this chapter though there were the events regarding what happened to Dakota told in specific detail, but I hope everyone enjoys reading about how Caleb has such an accepting family. As his dad said as written above, there are some kids who unfortunately don't have accepting families in the least when they come out, and this is really sad, as well as horrible when this happens. That being said, I hope everyone is continuing to enjoy the story. Also, I hope you're all continuing to stay safe, and I'll see everyone in Chapter Seven.

Next: Chapter 7

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