The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on May 13, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 40


February was getting off to a really good start. We had a principal at our school who was totally Pro-LGBT, as well as someone who applied the rules equally, as well as fairly. Most importantly, she handled conflicts compassionately, as well as quickly before they had a chance to devolve in to what we had been dealing with before, and I was especially glad about that! Caleb and I were both helping out at the church on Wednesday nights, and that was going well, then there was also the activities we were doing at Doug and Arron's LGBT Center that Caleb had taken me to once before.

We had gone there several times since then to hang out, as well as to help out, and to listen to the kids who were dealing with various problems in their lives, especially those dealing with LGBT-related issues. I was glad to be participating in what we were doing at that place, and though sometimes I wished the Goldstein Center was around to help out, I was glad that we still had Doug and Aaron's place.

It was there that I found myself on a cold and dark Friday afternoon in the middle of February helping out and drawing a few decorations for one of the walls where they displayed pieces of art kids made, and that were sometimes donated from other places. There were some paintings on the wall, in addition to drawings made with various colors of markers, and most of it was really well-done work.

Once I got to the center after finishing the little bit of homework they gave us, I looked at a couple of new paintings that had just been donated a couple of days ago. One was of a landscape of a river, and it showed a couple of areas of the grass where flowers grew, and overhead was a dark-grey sky. On the surface of the water floated several boats.

As for the picture on the left of the above-described one, this painting displayed a grouping of trees, as well as a couple of Rose Bushes, then overhead was a clear-blue sky that was a dark blue the sky gets when no clouds are present, and a golden sun. Unlike the first painting I had just described, this one had a title below it. It was titled: "Spring Day". I looked at it for a long moment, and fell in love with it instantly!

Just then a door to my left opened, and Aaron came out. He saw me, and headed my way. We shook hands once he was within close enough reach, and he turned to look at the two new additions to the art collection on the wall.

"I glanced at the two of them briefly when they came in a couple of days ago, but didn't get a chance to take them in in detail," he said, then staired for a longer time at the Spring Day Painting, and he looked at it longer than he had the river painting.

"That one is definitely my favorite," I said.

"I can see why!" Aaron replied.

We both staired at it for another long moment, then we headed back to his office so I could finish work on a painting I had been working on the last time I was at the center. I had started it, and had gotten enough work done on it, so that I had just the last bit of it to paint, as well as to apply any last finishing touches before letting it dry. After it took a couple of days to dry, we would hang it on the wall as well with the others.

"How's everything been going?" Aaron asked. "I know we had talked a few times lately about everything that had happened towards the end of last year, and at the beginning of this year. It was a lot for all of you to go through."

"It really was," I replied. "I'm glad that everyone is alright, and that Devin survived Ben and Matt's attack on him. I'm also glad that Sam was taken in by Heather. He's got a boyfriend now named Josh, and they're getting along really well. Caleb is doing good with everything also, and I'm really happy about that! He had gone through a lot as well, especially when Ben and Matt escaped from jail and attacked him once they broke in to his house."

"I'm glad he has recovered," Aaron said. "Obviously he recovered physically, but I was more concerned about him recovering emotionally and psychologically."

"Yeah, I was concerned about that as well," I responded.

"That's really good that that Asshole who was principal at your school was dealt with," Aaron went on. "I mean, I'm glad he's not principal there any longer."

"I'm glad he's gone as well," I answered. "I don't like seeing anyone get killed, but I'm still glad that he's not at the school any longer to continue enabling the abuse and bullying that was happening there is what I mean."

"Yeah, I completely agree," Aaron replied.

Aaron got a call on the office phone at that point, and he excused himself to take it. I went back to finishing the last couple of areas of the painting, and after a few minutes, Aaron told whoever was on the other end of the phone that he would call him back on his cell phone, and he let me know that he would be back in a few minutes. I figured that it was an important call, so I kept working as he left the room.

He was gone for a long time, and after I finished the painting, I checked in with Caleb. He let me know that he would be at the center in a few minutes. He would have been there sooner, but he wanted to finish up the bit of homework he had, and one of the assignments turned out to be taking longer than he thought it would, and I told him that I couldn't wait to see him. We then ended the call with telling each other that we loved one another, and I checked over the painting once more, then Aaron returned to the room.

"That must have been an important call," I said.

"It was, but that wasn't what kept me gone as long as I had been," Aaron replied. "I finished that call just a minute after I left the office, but I received another call from Tanner."

"That's nice you got to talk to him, but why was he calling you?" I asked.

"He had news he just received, and he said I could tell you," Aaron said. "He figured you'd want to know right away."

"Know what?" I asked.

"Tanner just got word from an e-mail about news pertaining to Ben and Matt," Aaron said.

I got worried at that point, and Aaron caught on.

"It's alright," Aaron said taking my hand in his. "It's actually good news in a way,."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"A couple of days ago, Ben and Matt were in the middle of beating up a guy they suspected was gay, and the guards caught them," Aaron explained. "The guy had to be admitted to the hospital, and he's in a coma, as well as on a ventilator."

"Those Bastards!" I said feeling my anger rising in my chest!

"The doctors think he'll pull through, but given the situation, and this is what I mean by good news in a sense," Aaron continued. "Ben and Matt's situation has changed. They had a sentence that if served, they would be out one day, but that's not going to happen now."

"Why? What happened?" I asked.

"They were sent to court earlier this morning, and the judge sentenced them both to Life in Prison with no chance of Parole what so ever."

"Good!" I said.

I felt totally relieved that those two would be where they belonged forever. I normally didn't like the idea of sentencing kids as adults, but these two clearly showed that if given the chance, they'd hurt anyone they could, and obviously they proved that a few days ago. So they would continue to stay in prison, and would continue to live out their days there until on a dark rainy evening twenty years later when while in a fight with two guards, they both were shot, and while Matt would die instantly from one of the guard's bullets, Ben would hang on for two weeks in the Intensive Care Unit at Sangger University Hospital, then after not regaining any brain activity, he would be taken off Life Support at which point he would be dead within a couple of minutes.

At the time though I was relieved to know that their sentences had been changed as I said a moment ago, and after spending a few more minutes talking with Aaron, I let him know that I was going to go let Caleb know what had happened.



After finishing a drawing I created for the art wall, I looked up to see Dakota wheeling himself towards my table. He came up beside me, and I kissed him, and we shared a hug. I noticed that he had the look on his face he got when he was relieved about something. I asked him what was going on, and he told me the news he had received.

"That's really amazing news!" I said as we shared another hug and kiss. "I'm really happy to hear that those two creeps won't be getting out any time soon! That truly is a relief!"

"Yeah, it really is!" Dakota agreed. "It's really wonderful that we won't have to live in fear of those two punks any longer!"

"I agree!" I answered.

After I looked over my drawing which was of a Rose Bush with other trees surrounding it, I showed it to Dakota who loved it. I went and taped it to the wall, then after we said goodbye to Doug and Aaron, Dakota and I left to go back to his house for the evening. We would be staying there over the weekend actually, and the weather was calling for lots of snow, and if it got bad enough outside, we would most likely be snowed in, and given the situation of us being at home together, that wouldn't be a bad thing at all.

Once back home, Tanner greeted us, and he went back to finishing up dinner which was a Pork Roast, and it would have the potatoes, carrots and onions along-side as well. He always did a really good job with that meal choice, and I was glad to be having it that night!

Dakota and I showered once we put away our art supplies, and after changing in to sweat pants and T-shirts, we sat in the living room where Sarah was just finishing up homework from her college classes, and after she put away her laptop, she sat beside us on the couch, and we all were talking about how our day went that day. She also asked if either of us knew about Ben and Matt, and we said that we did.

"It's a relief isn't it!" Tanner called from the kitchen, then wheeled in to the living room.

"It absolutely is," Dakota agreed.

"I'm definitely happy!" I answered.

"So am I!" Sarah replied.

I was instantly relieved when I got the e-mail about it!" Tanner said. "At least those two won't be getting out any time soon to hurt anyone else!"

"Yeah, I agree!" I answered.

Tanner then excused himself to return to the kitchen to check on the dinner once more. While he did that, we continued talking, and soon the roast was ready, and we all got to the table to eat!

Author's Notes

Ben and Matt deserved a more definite conclusion to their storyline as far as I was concerned. I had thought about them keeping the sentence they had, and leaving it at that, but I figured that something more final was called for, and a reader mentioned the sentence a couple of days ago in an e-mail they sent to me, and that got me in the mindset to change things for the to criminals, so I hope everyone likes how I handled that. That's one loose end that's finally tied up better than it had originally had been before.

I also wanted to return to Doug and Aaron's LGBT Community Center that I wrote about several chapters ago. I had always been meaning to revisit their place, but obviously had several other storylines to deal with, and so I figured that this chapter would be the perfect place in which to revisit them. I hope all of you enjoyed seeing them and their place once again, and they'll be where the boys, as well as other LGBT Youths go when they need or want to get away for a bit. This also is where they can go since the Goldstein Center no longer exists, and this is what I came up with to fill that void. I hope you all like how I dealt with that part of the story as well.

Finally, on to another news item. In case my readers don't know, or haven't given it much thought, I never have my stories written out in my head from beginning to the very end before I sit down to begin writing them. That is to say, that I have at best the main point in my head of who the main character is, the other character with whom they'll become best friends as well as boyfriends, and possibly what the two character's homelives are like. I might have a few other characters already written in my head, and even then that's not always written out completely.

For example, I had Devin written in my head shortly after the story began, and he started out as someone who would be a typical Lady's Man, and I didn't really know if I'd make him LGBT in general and Gay in particular, but as the story went on, I had decided that he'd become Gay, as well as get involved with Tyler. It just felt right to do it that way, and so I did.

So all that being said, I sometimes think a story will go on for possibly 20, 25 or possibly 30 chapters. When I was on Chapter 33 I believe it was, I figured that this story would run for possibly several more chapters, possibly up to a 46, or 47TH chapter. I just wasn't sure how long it would take me to write some of the secondary storylines I had been writing at the time, as well as I didn't know how many chapters it would take me to resolve other storylines, or even to bring in new characters, give them backstories and finish up other areas of the story in which there might be shaky ground.

In short, I figured that it would take me several more chapters to tell the boys' story, but I'm finding that this isn't the case, and so with that said, The Boy With the Emerald Eyes will be finishing here very soon. It'll run over the next two chapters, and once Chapter 42 of the story wraps, I'll be finished with it.

I realize that some of my readers will have wanted the story to continue on for longer than that, and I do understand that, and to those who possibly feel that way, I want you to know that I hear you, and there are times when I think I'd like whatever story I'm writing at the time to continue on either indefinitely or at least for an extremely long time. There might be a story I write one of these days where it might continue on for a vast amount of chapters, and I'll definitely enjoy writing something that expansive, but for now I have told all that I can tell for this story, and now it's time to move on to other stories, and I do have one that I will be posting in the coming weeks, but I haven't decided when that will be yet. I'll talk more about that in the Author's Notes within the concluding chapter of this story, and I'll include a summery of the new story at the end of the Author's Notes Section of the chapter as well.

All that being said, I hope everyone has been having a good day and evening. I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll see everyone in Chapter 41.

Next: Chapter 41

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