The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on May 10, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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The Boy With the Emerald Eyes



It was the middle of January, and the structure that stood where the Goldstein Center had originally stood was finished. We all stood looking at it, and I was amazed. Though there was some sadness mixed in, I was truly touched at the gesture that Tanner made with his idea, and Dakota was just as happy! Tyler, Devin, Eric, Micah and Sam stood watching as well. I read off the first sign to Dakota, then the names of all of the kids on the other sign, as well as the others, and he really was happy to see everything had come to completion where the structure was concerned.

"You really did an amazing job with this Tanner," Tyler said.

"Thanks for this!" Devin added. "This really means a lot, and I'm sure all of the kids named on the wall beside it would have really loved it as well!"

"This really does mean a lot!" Dakota said.

"It really does," I interjected. "Thank you for this Tanner! I think this really will help the community, as well as those who need to get back on a path of helping their fellow humans!"

"You're all welcome!" Tanner said as we all took turns hugging him, and Eric, Micah and Sam thanked him as well.

As the days went by after we saw the structure for the first time once it was completed, a loose end for Tyler got resolved where his mother was concerned. He had been going without visiting her due to her not accepting him as gay, and a few days after we saw the completed structure for the first time, Tyler called us letting us know that his mom had an attorney deliver papers that were essentially her giving up all parental rights to him. I was disgusted, and was about to say something.

"I'm not completely happy about it," Tyler began. "Still though I'm just glad it's over. I kept worrying from time to time that she'd tried to sue my dad for custody just to get back at him, and to punish me for being gay. I'm glad she didn't, and at least with me being with my dad full-time now, I won't have to worry about her fucking with my life any longer.

It wasn't even just the gay thing where she was concerned, she was often finding shit to scream at me about, especially if I spilled something, or if one of her Shit boyfriends would try to yell at me, and if I yelled back she'd side with him, so I'm totally the fuck over her, and really have been for a long time. The other good thing is that I won't have to listen to her drunken Bullshit every night either like I had to when I'd go over there."

"Well, then that's good that things are working out as they are," I said.

"I hope you continue to be happy with your dad," Dakota added.

"Thanks, and I'm sure I will!" Tyler said, then ended the call to go get dinner with his dad.

Sam was doing good as well. He had made the decision to live with Heather full-time thus deciding for her to be his parent until he turned 18, and the courts obviously would have to sign off on it which they were going to be doing at the beginning of February. He was also hanging out more with a guy named Josh who we knew from one of our Computer Classes. I didn't know him that well, but we had started talking a little more once he would come over along with Sam when we all would visit. Josh seemed like he was really nice, and as I watched him with Sam, he was kind and really caring with him, and that was the biggest thing of which I was the most concerned, and cared about the most.

I didn't know if Josh was gay, or in any way LGBT, but mostly at first I wanted to know that he was a good friend to Sam, and that much seemed like it was becoming obvious! Josh was the same age as Sam, and he did a lot in his spare time where Metal Music was concerned. He played Bass Guitar in his free time, and when Sam and I went over to his house to help him with some homework one night in late January, we heard him playing a few bars from what sounded like a song by Night Wish, and we both complemented him, and he appreciated that. So I wished the best for him, and I hoped things worked out where his friendship with Sam was concerned!



Tyler and I were in my room on the last weekend of January, and it was Friday Night. My parents were out, and so it was just him and I, and we were completely absorbed in the hot and intense fucking we were doing! I had completely healed from my injuries, and we had sucked each other off a couple of days after the doctor cleared me to get back to my normal activities, and so for the last few weeks since that time Tyler and I made love countless times when we were alone when no homework was requiring our attention, and that Friday Night was no exception!

I pushed forward hard in to Tyler's warm and creamy softness, and I yelled out in pure lust and pleasure because of how good it felt with his tight ass wrapped around my throbbing hard cock!

"Fuck I love how tight you are!" I screamed gripping him in my arms tighter as I fucked harder and faster! "You're so fucking warm, hot and tight! Fuck, I could stay inside you forever!"

"Yeah Devin!" he screamed in response! "Give it to me harder! Fuck me harder! Yeah! Do it! Oh, fuck! This is so good!"

I pounded him even harder, and I could feel my cum boiling in my balls! I knew I was close, and I was feeling my cock thicken up more, and I was getting even closer to the edge!

"Oh fuck!" I screamed. "I'm coming Tyler! I'm fucking coming!"

I exploded deep inside him, and I felt my cum beginning to over-flow, and I felt like I'd never stop coming! I also had my left hand wrapped around Tyler's cock jacking him off, and he was coming at the same time as was I! We both moaned and screamed with how good it felt, and I never wanted it to stop! We did let out a couple more streams of cum, then I collapsed on Tyler careful to not rest my full weight on him! I was more exhausted than I had ever been before!

Now lying on our sides with my arms wrapped around him, I eased my cock out of him, and enjoyed feeling his warm body in my arms! I kissed the back of his neck, then he turned his head around so our lips met, and we kissed passionately, then he turned so that he could wrap his arms around me. We held each other tightly, and as we made out, we began hardening once again! We thrust against each other completely lost in our love and hunger for one another!

We kept on like that until I felt my lover thrust hard against me and wrap his arms and legs around me as best as he could since I was larger than he was, but he held on tightly as best as he could all the same, and moaned loudly in to my mouth as he came hard! I was next, and I held him just as tight as my cum joined his, and I moaned just as loudly, then we kissed several more times!

"You're so fucking good at this!" Tyler said as we shared a couple more tender kisses. "I truly do treasure these times we're together like this, and I feel my love grow even deeper for you each time we make love!"

"I feel the same way babe!" I said as I kissed his lips tenderly again. "You mean the world to me, and you're everything to me, my lover, best friend as well as my boyfriend! I want you with me forever, and I can't ever see myself loving any other guy like I love you!"

"I can't love any other guy like I love you either Dev!" he replied. "I want us to be together for the rest of our lives!"

"I want that as well Ty!" I answered.

We cleaned up after exchanging a couple of gentle kisses, then we fell asleep for a while.



Josh and I were getting closer as friends, but Saturday night on the last weekend in January was when things changed for us. I was spending the weekend at Josh's house, and his parents were out for the evening to see a movie, as well as to get dinner afterwards. That would give us a few hours alone, and at that point, I was wondering, and had been wondering for a while if Josh was either gay, or Bi. He seemed to like me, and when I would change for Gym Class, I would see him sneaking glances at me, and it felt strange since I hadn't yet gotten used to the idea of a guy being interested in me sexually or romantically. It also felt good to know that Josh was looking at my naked body. He hadn't seen me completely naked though since I would be careful to keep myself hidden below the waist when changing, but he definitely got a good look at my upper body, and the day before as we were changing to go in to the Gym, e was looking longer at my shoulders as I removed my regular shirt to exchange it for the one I used in Gym Class, and when I looked over, he hadn't yet had a chance to shift his eyes away, and I could see that he was totally loving the view.

I was just as in to it as well, for I would check him out also, and his body looked amazing! He unlike myself, wasn't shy about being naked. He didn't flaunt it, but he didn't move faster than the speed of light to cover himself up with another outfit, and I got a few glimpses of his cock, and it was cut, long and thick. It hung down over his balls nicely, and his balls were large, covered in thick, dark-brown hair, and they were definitely huge enough so that I could see both of them individually! At night, I'd come hard when lying in my bed and stroking my cock. I would think of sucking and licking all over that sack of cum-filled balls, and then filling my mouth with that big meaty cock, and then while blasting shot after shot of hot cum in to my left hand, I'd imagine Josh holding the back of my head, and fucking my mouth as he filled it further with huge powerful shots of his own cum, and I hoped it would be salty and creamy! I imagined that it was!

So I was definitely crushing on Josh, and he seemed to be feeling the same about me as well, and I hoped that things might happen between us at some point, possibly that Saturday night!

As we sat on his bed after having finished eating pizza, Josh moved closer to me, and I looked at him as he looked back at me. His hair was dark-brown, and his eyes were a deep and soft Brown. I was falling in love with them, as well as with him! I knew it, and I was waiting with deep anticipation as to what would happen next!

Josh put an arm around me, and he gently pulled me in to an embrace, and I felt my heart skip a beat or 90! He smelled so good, and we had just gotten our showers, and he smelled good from the soap he had used, and I could feel my cock thickening at the base, and my balls gave a deep and violent tingle! I sat there resting in Josh's arms, and he then lifted my head so I was looking at him.

"This feels really intense," I said looking in to those lovely brown eyes. "What's happening between us Josh! I feel so'''!"

My words were cut off as he gently placed a finger against my lips, then replaced that with his own lips.

"You're so beautiful Sam," he said just above a whisper. "I've seen you looking at me as we would undress in the locker room before and after Gym Class."

"I saw you checking me out as well," I replied. "I probably shouldn't have staired like that; I couldn't help it though. I'''!"

His lips pressed against mine again, and now I turned to wrap my arms around him, and now we were kissing, and though I hadn't ever kissed anyone before, not girls and sure as Hell not Boys, I felt like it was the most natural thing in the world! Josh was good at it, and as I followed his lead, I was getting in to a nice rhythm, and our tongues moved against one another slowly exploring every inch of one another's mouths!

Soon we both were ready to feel our bodies connect skin to skin, but I had to stop for a moment! It was getting more intense than I could handle, and I felt my balls tingle even more deeply! I broke the kiss, and Josh looked at me concerned.

"I'm sorry Sam!" he said. "Are you alright? I won't do anything you don't want to do, and I won't make you do anything you don't want to do. You have my word on that."

"Thank you for saying that Josh!" I said as I leaned in and kissed his cheek gently. "I haven't ever been with a guy before, and never had sex with a girl either. I'm knew at this is what I mean, but something did happen to me, so I'll need you to be careful with me."

"Is it alright if I ask what it was?" he asked looking deeply in to my eyes with love, compassion and more of that concern he had shown a moment ago.

"I said that I hadn't had sex with a guy," I began, and felt fear set in, so I put my arms around Josh hoping he'd get the hint. He did, and he held me in his arms as I went on. "The thing that happened, was that my dad would make me do things to him, or I should say that he would do things to me that I didn't want him to do, but he would do them anyway. He would make me give him anal'''."

I felt myself begin shaking, and Josh held me tightly. I didn't feel like crying, but I did feel scared, and Josh holding me as he was doing was helping me to not have a total melt-down.

"I'm so sorry Sam!" he said with his voice thick with emotion. "I hope you know that what happened to you wasn't your fault. That Bastard never should have done that to you, and I hope he's paying for what he did!"

"He's in jail, and he can't hurt me anymore," I said as the trembling was beginning to ease up. "Thank you for saying that though, and that means a lot. I have a counselor who's helping me with working through the emotional side of what had happened. I don't get too down on myself, but in the beginning when I was first with Heather, I did have a few times when I would sit there worrying for long amounts of time about whether I did anything to cause him to do what he did, as well as if it was my fault. I wondered what I might have done that made him do what he did, and as I said my counselor is helping me work through that, and it's nowhere near where it was with being down on myself like I was."

"Good," Josh said. "Like I said, you didn't do anything to make that Bastard hurt you, and you didn't deserve what he did to you! I'm here for you now, and I'll keep you safe, and your other friends as well as Heather is with you too. I can imagine from what I'm getting to know about them, that they'll do anything to keep you safe and protect you."

"They definitely will," I said in agreement.

"I'm here for you," Josh said. "I'll keep you safe as well, as I said. I also want to be here for you as more than a friend, and I won't make you do anything you don't want to do as I said. I also won't do anything to you that you wouldn't want me to do, and I always want you to let me know at any point if or when you're getting uncomfortable with anything we're doing, especially romantically or sexually."

"I will," I answered as I rested against him with his arms wrapped tightly around me. "I promise, and I want you to do the same with me as well."

"I will," he said. "I promise."

"Good," I replied.

We separated, and then I moved my face close to his, and my lips found his, then we began a gentle kiss that opened slowly like a flower! We got deeper with our kiss, and then by the time we began helping each other off with our shirts, our kiss was hot, messy and we were fully making out! It was absolute Heaven, and now we were standing as we hugged and kissed intensely as we felt our naked upper bodies come in to contact, and rub together as we pressed our hardening cocks together that were still covered by our boxers, as we had on T-shirts and boxers at the time, but we were soon to be naked, or at least that's where I hoped things would go!

Finally, I broke the kiss, and I stepped back from my friend who was quickly becoming my lover, and I looked in to his eyes as I gently took hold of the waist band of his boxers.

"Go ahead sweetie," he said softly.

I eased them down his hips, and his cock sprung free making a single slap against his abdomen, and that sound made my cock jump several times! He helped me off with my boxers as well, and we stepped close to each other, and felt the warm skin of our cocks touch, then we threw our arms around each other, and began thrusting while passionately kissing and caressing one another's bodies!

I turned so that my back was to Josh's bed, and I let myself fall back, and Josh got the hint, and we were on the bed now with him on top of me! We moved so that we were full-length on the bed before we lost ourselves in thrusting our naked cocks against one another, and hungerly kissing! Soon though, Josh was moving his kisses down my neck, and soon he had kissed every inch of my body, but he avoided my butt, and I loved that he kept that in mind to have that consideration!

Now Josh was sucking and licking each of my nipples, and he was doing it slowly and drawing it out! I then caught on to what he was doing, and he was seeing how long I could stand it as he stimulated each one, and it was getting more intense with each suck and swipe of his tongue!

"Oh god Josh!" I screamed thrashing around on the bed as if in the grip of a seizure! "that's getting so intense!"

He added his teeth in to the mix as he began lightly grazing each nipple then sucking and flicking each one with his tongue, and I was begging him to stop, and yelling that it felt more amazing than I could handle! He did stop, then he moved between my legs, and looked up at me.

"You did good my sweet lover!" he said smiling at me. "I think that kind of patients should be rewarded."

He lowered his mouth to my cock, and began massaging the head of it with his warm and moist lips! It felt great, and it got even better when he began gliding his tongue up and down the length of my cock licking my shaft, then sliding it down to lick my balls with warm and long strokes of his tongue, and then he began slowly sucking on each of my balls!

"Fuck!" I screamed as I lost myself in how good it felt!

"Since you liked that so much," he said moving his mouth away from my balls. "I think you're really going to like this even more!"

He began easing his mouth inch-by-inch over my cock, and he would swirl his tongue around the head of my cock several times which drove me totally fucking crazy!

"God Fucking Damn it!" I screamed as I convulsed violently on the bed in pure and absolute pleasure! "Keep doing that lover!"

He did so, and then he would suck up and down the length of my cock, then he began deep-throating me which felt fucking incredible! I was moving my hips now gently fucking in and out of his mouth, and we reached the point finally where I was thrusting deep and hard in and out of his hot mouth, and soon I felt myself coming closer to orgasm!

"Oh fuck! I'm so close!" I screamed as I felt the head of my cock get massaged one more time by Josh's throat, and that sent me over the edge! "I'm going to fucking come!"

Josh backed off from my cock a little, and I was flooding his mouth with blast after blast of my hot creamy cum! He was working hard to swallow it all, and it felt great getting my load swallowed like that! I could now understand why guys loved when a guy or girl would swallow their load when blowing them!

"Fuck!" I screamed as the last of my orgasm washed over me, and soon it was getting too sensitive!

Josh pulled off of my cock, and then kissed my balls a couple of times lovingly, then he came back up to where I was lying on the bed, and I did to him everything that he had done to me.

Once I got to his cock, I sucked him, and I did my absolute best to do as amazing of a job on him as he had done on me, and I could tell from his moans, thrashing around and yelling how good it felt, that I was deeply pleasing him!

Soon his cock was flooding my mouth with hot and thick streams of cum, and they were hot, thick, creamy and strongly salty which I loved! I swallowed every last drop of them, and then we lay in each other's arms passionately kissing for several long minutes!

Finally passionate kisses eased to tender kisses, then to gentle quick kisses as we relaxed in one another's arms.

"You were amazing tonight!" I said as I rested my head on Josh's chest which had a sexy patch of soft hair beginning to grow in. "I didn't know it could be that good!"

"You were amazing as well Sam!" Josh said as he tenderly kissed my lips, and then looked deeply in to my eyes. "I want to be with you, and I've fallen hard for you! I don't want anyone else but you!"

"I feel the same way about you as well Josh!" I replied. "You've come to mean a lot to me, and I'm truly glad we've found each other!"

"I'm so glad we found each other as well Sam!" he responded. "I want us to be together for as long as we can be!"

"I want that as well Josh!" I answered.

We kissed once more, and then we cleaned up, and cuddled while watching a few shows. We then visited with Josh's parents once they got home, and after we talked with them for a bit, they excused themselves to get to bed, and Josh and I returned to his room where we climbed in to bed wearing nothing but our boxers, and holding each other as we exchanged several tender kisses before wishing each other a good night. We fell asleep in one another's arms quickly and deeply; it had been a night that neither of us would soon forget!

Author's Notes

I thought that it was time for the boys to relax with one another, well at least two of the couples, hints the scenes between Devin and Tyler in the middle of the chapter. I hope all of you liked that, as well as hoping you liked what I did where Sam's situation is concerned. I hope you guys like the addition of Josh to the story, and he's going to be a really loving and good boyfriend to Sam.

I hope everyone liked what I did where the structure is concerned with everyone getting to see it. It was definitely a huge success with Caleb and the other boys, and it should make a profound statement of what happens when hate goes unchallenged, and hopefully will make a powerful statement as well!

As for Tyler's situation with his mother, I hadn't really resolved that in any conclusive way when I first wrote about her, and how she cut off contact with him. I had planned at some point to resolve things there, and so I wanted to do that in this chapter, and I hope you all liked how I did that. I mean, of course one can't really like that a parent would sign away their rights, but I'm at the point that while it would hurt, and probably always be a source of pain if a parent were to disown their child no matter the child's age, it would possibly hurt worse in the long-run for the parent to stay in the child's life continuing to be abusive and toxic to their life. Tyler will be alright without her, and his dad, as well as Devin and their other friends will be there for him, and will help him through the situation as well.

All that being said, as always I hope everyone is doing well, and having a good evening. I'll see everyone in Chapter 40.

Next: Chapter 40

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