The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on May 7, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 38


Our Christmas was a really nice one that year. We had our Christmas Dinner with Dakota, his family, my grandparents and parents, as well as with our other friends and their families. It all went really well, and New Years was nice as well. The new year was beginning, and I felt like things were going to start turning out better at that point.

One thing that helped me to believe that things were looking up even more, was hearing that Ben and Matt were soon to be sentenced based on Plea Bargains they signed. In return for admitting to what they did, from the things they did in the beginning of bullying my friends and I, to stabbing Devin, they'd receive 15 years with a mandatory serving of at least 5. We didn't push it to the point of them possibly taking things to trial, because we all were basically sick of the whole thing, and just wanted it to be over. So we accepted the terms, and the two boys were soon to be sentenced in the middle of January. I believed that things based on that would start turning out really well.

There was also the added news that we got a couple of days after Christmas in which it was reported that a couple of remains that were proven to be human remains were found near a wooded area, and based on DNA Testing they were revealed to be those of Larry Howard.. They didn't say much of what had happened to him, but later mine and Dakota's dad learned from a couple of detectives with whom they were really close that based on some of the evidence that had been kept out of the news, that Howard suffered injuries from repeated multiple animal bights from either a couple of animals, or from several, and when they investigated the crime scene a little further they found a couple of broken off teeth embedded in part of Howard's scull. They examined them, and found them to be the teeth specific to Rodent-like animals possibly Rats. There was also a couple of strands of rope still connected around part of one of Howard's leg bones, so it was believed that he had been restrained at the time. In short, someone had obviously tied him up, and possibly let Rats eat him alive.

Part of me felt sick from it, and so did the other boys, but there still wasn't any love loss between us and Howard given the chain of events set in motion by his shitty running of the school. Whatever the truth of his demise, it was all over for Larry Howard, as well as for Ben and Matt.


Tanner watched as the finishing touches were put on what used to be the Goldstein Center. Work began on it a couple of days after Christmas, and though a break had been taken for New Years Day, they continued working, and by the second week of January, the work was drawing to a close, and Tanner watched as they put up the last sign, and began painting it.

The Goldstein Center wouldn't be rebuilt. While people talked of working towards it being rebuilt in some sort of form, Tanner told the city officials that he'd consider their ideas, but internally he dismissed every one of them. Their ideas were ones that were the typical Liberal Feel-Good Bullshit about rebuilding it, and taking skin-heads there to help rehabilitate them. Tanner had his own idea, and he got started on it immediately.

What Tanner had in mind was to leave the remains of the center as it was, and fence it all in with a covering over top of it to form a roof so that no one could climb the fence to get on to the other side. Then he would have signs put up with at least two on the front side of the fence where the entrance of the building had originally been. Then two signs would be posted on the right section of fence as well as the left.

The first sign on the front of the fence on the right if one was facing it would contain a description of the crime committed against the center, and would name who was responsible, but it would also give another description describing how Matt and Ben had been apart of two families both of whom had been deep in to ideologies of hate against the LGBT Community, the African-American Community, the Disabilities Community and many other Minority Communities. On the left sign, would be an explanation of how society needs to be there for kids who are from families such as those in which Matt and Ben were involved so that things like this might not have to happen. On the right wall of the fence if one was facing the front of the whole structure, there would be a sign as large as the length of fencing with names of kids who had been bullied, abused or even killed for being targeted for their LGBT Status. On the left wall of the fencing would be a sign the same size of the other one naming names of people of other Minority Communities who were victims of hate and oppression as well as descriptions of what had happened to them as to whether or not they survived. Then beside the whole structure itself on the right again if one was facing the front of it as if the building still stood, would be a sign reading: "This is what hate does to people be they men, women or children."

On the left side beside the structure would stand a large metal frame with picture-sized brackets in to which pictures that were the size of the large floppy disks that the old Dos Computers used that would be set up. Above each picture would be the name of each individual, and they were pictures of kids who were LGBT, and who had been bullied, abused as well as those who died by suicide both from the current time and related to the school, and those who had existed over the years throughout society.

The final feature would be a post at the parking lot leading up to the entire structure on which was a button such as what is connected to doors that people in wheelchairs can press to open the door. Once this button would be pressed, the front section of the fence would slide away to the side revealing the burned and destroyed remains of the center. This last finishing touch was mainly more for people who were bigoted-minded people to see in hopes that it might make them begin to reconsider their hateful ways. Tanner hoped that this would help in some way, and he was glad to see it coming to fruition.

Tanner continued watching as they set up the last sign on the left section of the fence, and then he left to go back home. It would take them a little longer to install the post with the button, and to connect it up to the electrical wiring, but he knew that it would be happening here soon, and he couldn't wait for the boys, and for other people in the community to see it!


Adam stood readying himself for a fight. He had decided to take on several of the older boys in the hallway of the area next to his cell. He was continuing to serve his sentence, but had thought about escape a few times. He figured that if he ever did escape, he would get revenge on Dakota. He hated Dakota, and he wished he had been successful in killing him that night that seemed like only Yesterday. He couldn't get what he wanted though, so he passed the time in prison by fighting, bullying weaker inmates as well as making a few of the younger kids give him sex, and the night before he even held down one of the kids who was 12 and who had gotten lost accidently wondering in to the wing in which Adam's cell was located. Adam grabbed him, dragged him in to his cell, and after shoving his face in to the bed, he stood behind him forcing his erection in to him.

Threatening to slit the boy's throat had kept him from screaming, but he had cried hard through the whole ordeal, and after it was over Adam told him he'd kill him if he ever told the guards what happened. Then he told him to get the fuck out of there, and to go back to his cell.

Now Adam was standing there waiting to fight with the three bigger boys who had the run of that wing. He wanted to beat them, and show people that he could be feared as well. It was better than sitting in his cell alone with his hate and rage at Dakota.

"Get the fuck out of my way Bitch!" Adam yelled at the taller of the three older boys. The taller of the three was named Andrew, and he had been in jail for a few months for repeated fighting, and though he was doing better with controlling his temper, he wasn't about to let Adam get away with breaking one of the most important rules in the Penal System which is never to call another fellow inmate a "Bitch".

"Wow!" Andrew yelled grabbing Adam's arm and slamming him up against the wall. "What did you just fucking call me!"

"Get the fuck off me!" Adam yelled and shoved Andrew hard.

Andrew lost his footing, and Adam was on him punching him, and he kicked him a couple of times in his balls. Andrew only got even more enraged, and he threw Adam off of him, and after the two other boys grabbed Adam, and rained several blows on his face, and on his back, Andrew was up and he had one of his hands behind his back.

"You call me a fucking Bitch!" Andrew yelled. "That's how you want it you fucking Cock Sucker! Fine you fucking Asshole!"

"Let's show him who he's fucking with," Todd the second boy said.

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly," Andrew said.

"Sounds good," Phil the third boy said. "I've fucking had enough of this Cunt anyway!"

"This is for calling me a Bitch!" Andrew yelled and slammed his fist in to Adam's neck, and Adam felt something wet flowing down the side of his neck.

"This is for constantly trying to pick fights with us," Phil said.

Adam felt pain in the right side of his chest, and now he could hardly draw in a breath.

"This is for what you did to that boy last night!" Todd said, and Adam felt a line of fire across his neck, and he tried to draw in breath, but now he was choaking on his own blood.

He tried to breathe in again, but it got worse. As he struggled, the boys took turns repeatedly slamming his head in to the cold hard floor. Pain pulsed through his head, and he screamed out in his mind, and now he feared intensely about what would be awaiting him on the other side, and now he could see flames getting closer as he realized he was falling in to them! He heard the sizzling of the flames, as well as millions of voices screaming to the point of bursting with the tortures of the damned, and he looked ahead and for one horrifying moment, he saw, or thought he saw Dakota's hateful smile as he watched Adam burning in the fires of Hell! Then there was blackness, a blackness that would last forever!



The call came in a couple of days after my Birthday, and it was on a cold and snowy Thursday Morning. Adam had been beaten as well as stabbed repeatedly a couple of nights ago, and as I sat there trying to absorb the news, I didn't know exactly how I was feeling yet.

We didn't have any school that day since the weather was causing so much snow, so it was Caleb and I in my room at that moment. He was with me when my dad got the news and told me, and after several long minutes of silence, I turned to Caleb. I leaned in, and he held me. I wasn't crying for Adam, nor was I crying at all, but I did feel a sense of sadness. Mainly a sadness in that it didn't have to be this way. Things could have been done to possibly prevent Adam from going down the road he traveled which set in motion the chain of events that lead to me living as I do today. Some of what I since learned about Adam was that his family didn't have the most progressive views of minorities, especially those who are LGBT, and so this made it easy for things to unfold the rest of the way as they did.

"It's finally over," I said as I rested my head on Caleb's shoulder as we held one another. "I don't feel any sadness for him though. I wonder if that makes me a horrible person too?"

"You have the right to feel or not feel what you do," Caleb said taking my face in his hands so that my eyes were looking in to those emerald eyes of his that I loved so much. "You didn't ask to be put through what that Bastard did to you, and no one in society should ever tell you what or how to feel about it."

"Thanks for saying that Caleb," I answered as we kissed a couple of times. "You're right, and what I really feel is sadness in that things didn't have to turn out this way. I just hope that at this point that his case can at least be used as a lesson, or something that can teach people not to go down the road he traveled."

"I hope so as well," Caleb responded. "I too, also feel some sadness of how everything had turned out with what he did. I'm just glad that he'll never get the chance to possibly hurt another person whether it be within prison, or on the outside."

"I feel the same way," I replied.

After we kissed again, we lay down under the covers in our boxers enjoying one another's warmth, and every so often exchanging gentle kisses, and caressing each other's bodies before I rested my head on Caleb's chest and fell deeply asleep.



I was glad that it was over. I feared sometimes about if Adam would ever try to escape, or if he was released. I feared about what that might mean for Dakota, but also for us all. Though I shared the small amount of sadness Dakota had previously mentioned, I still took a great comfort in the fact that Adam wouldn't ever have a chance to come after Dakota, nor for any of us or anyone else ever again.

I knew that we could rest easy now, and as Dakota slept in my arms, I held him and eventually fell asleep as deeply as he was sleeping.

Author's Notes

I'm sure you all probably didn't see that coming where Adam's end was concerned. I had thought of talking about his being sentenced to prison a few chapters ago like I did, but I wanted to give some finality to his part in the story, and so this was what I came up with. So there you have it with that part of the story.

As for what Tanner came up with where the remains of the Goldstein Center were concerned, I had been thinking of an idea like that for a couple of weeks, and this was the result. I hope you all like it. Also I've been hearing from a few readers who are eager to see Sam find love. Thank you all for thinking of him, and not to worry. He'll be finding love in the next chapter, so you all will get to see that, and I hope you like how that turns out for him.

I hope everyone is having a good evening, and is doing well. I'll see everyone in Chapter 39.

Next: Chapter 39

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