The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Apr 30, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 37

Tanner sat there on that dark and cloudy Thursday morning, while watching the workers inspect the fence they put up around the perimeter of the remains of the Goldstein Center. Whether or not the center would be rebuilt was still in doubt, but if it was, Tanner hoped that they could make things work in it like he and Christopher wanted when the original building still stood.

Tanner had had so many hopes for things that could have happened there. He hoped that they could bring a lot of activities to the kids, especially ones who were LGBT who needed a place to which to escape if they had bad homelives, or if they just needed a couple of hours among like-minded kids. To think now that those plans might be put on hold if not destroyed altogether with the destruction of the center was something that Tanner could hardly take. He continued sitting there watching, and then as he saw the workers leave, he got an idea. He already wasn't a believer in Positive Thinking, the Law of Attraction nor was he a believer in hope, at least unless there was something tangible in which he could place his hope. Otherwise, Hope to Tanner was just a character on Days of Our Lives as he liked to say, at least when she wasn't being turned in to Princess Gena from time to time, he'd sometimes add as a closer to the smart-ass remark.

That being said, Tanner also did the best he could to not keep Rose-colored glasses on, and he got to that point ever since the medical mistake that caused his spinal problems to go from slightly regulated to how it was since the surgery they tried to do when he was 12. His spine was malformed towards the bottom of it, and while he was born with this, they tried a surgery to correct it, but the scalpel slipped when the surgeon got distracted due to lack of sleep he refused to acknowledge so several vital nerves were damaged, and it was just luck that Tanner had feeling in part of his waist, and that it was just his legs that were effected. In short, Tanner had a realistic view of the world unless there was a valid reason to believe in hope, and under his usual realistic mindset, he got the idea that he was thinking about at that moment. He looked closely at the rubble one last time, then he returned to the van, and once in he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.



I stood admiring the Christmas Tree that we had sitting in the living room on that cold Thursday morning. We had it up since the beginning of December like we always did, and we were having my grandparents up from my dad's side of the family like usual as well. It was two days at that point before Christmas Day, and they would be flying in, and at our door that evening. I was looking forward to seeing them, and they were always supportive of me, and after I had told my parents I was gay, I told them, and they were totally supportive! They had made comments in the past about how LGBT People should have the civil rights any other person has, so I figured they'd be accepting, and fortunately my hunch was correct about them being progressive-minded about my identity!

I looked at the tree once more with its multi-colored lights and it's mixture of silver and gold balls hanging from the branches. It looked really nice, and the star at the top of the tree finished everything off nicely! As I turned to leave the living room, I heard my mom calling me from the kitchen, and I went to her. She asked if I could place a few of the gifts under the tree that she just finished wrapping, and I saw that they were gifts to my grandparents on my dad's side of the family, the ones coming in to town later that day. I placed them next to a couple of gifts on the right side underneath the tree, then I checked to see if my mom needed any help with getting lunch prepared.

¡°I'm fine,¡± she answered. ¡°If you want to go back with Dakota, you can spend a few minutes with him until lunch is ready.¡±

¡°Sounds good,¡± I answered, and went back to our room where he was sitting watching something on his phone.

I sat down beside him, and he showed me what he was watching. It was an interview with the multi-instrumentalist from Bloody Hammers talking about their latest album, and what gave him the inspiration for the songs on it.

¡°They did a really good job,¡± I said once the video ended.

¡°I agree,¡± Dakota replied.

We kissed for a moment, and then just held each other for a while. As we held each other, I sat there feeling Dakota in my arms, and that got me thinking about how in a couple of weeks he would be 16, and given that I had my 16TH birthday earlier this month, we did a small celebration for me, and then when Dakota's birthday hit we would do a big party for him, but would include me within it, and he and I had also talked about doing something special for just the both of us once alone later on that night, and I was really looking forward to that, and I knew that he was as well.

¡°I can't wait to meet your grandparents,¡± Dakota said as he rested his cheek against mine.

I kissed the side of his neck, and then we shared a deep and long kiss on the lips.

¡°I can't wait for you to meet them either babe,¡± I answered. ¡°I think you'll really like them, and I think they'll feel the same about you as well.¡±¡±

¡°That's good,¡± he responded, then it was time for us to eat.

After lunch, Dakota and I cuddled while watching various videos online, then it came time for my dad to get home. He would be the one to pick up my grandparents from the airport, and my mom was working on getting dinner prepared, and I was going with my dad while Dakota offered to stay back and help my mom with dinner preparations. I kissed him goodbye, hugged my mom then my dad and I were off.

Michael and Dana Henderson were my grandparents' names, and like my dad, Michael had been a counselor for several decades before retiring not too long ago, and Dana had been a nurse, and then she had retired the year before last, but still did some volunteer work around the hospitals over in London from time to time, and she definitely enjoyed it.

They were also active in several organizations that fought for the rights of the LGBT Community in general, and for LGBT Youths in particular over in England, and they even helped out with American organizations of the same minority identity as well, and I really loved them for that. They were the best grandparents I could have had.

Once we parked at the airport, we saw them right away. They greeted us, and I hugged both of them.

¡°You're taller than I've ever seen you!¡± Grandpa said to me as we hugged once more.

¡°Thanks,¡± I said. ¡°I'd say I really have gotten taller lately.¡±

¡°It's really good to see you, and you really look good Caleb!¡± Grandma said, and we shared a hug as well.

After they shared another hug with my dad, we got in the car and left to go back to the house. While we drove, I told them about everything that had happened, and I finished with telling them about what had happened over the last few days. They were both horrified, and expressed total anger at Larry Howard and his enabling of the culture of abuse and Anti-LGBT Bigotry that had been going on at our school that lead to things getting to the point they did.

¡°Does anyone know what happened to the little Bastard?¡± Grandpa asked.

¡°No one has seen him for the last couple of days,¡± I said. ¡°The news reported him missing when his wife said he failed to come home a couple of nights ago.¡±

¡°Hopefully where ever he is, he'll stay there and keep to himself,¡± Grandma said.

¡°I agree,¡± my dad added.

¡°I'm just glad you're alright Caleb,¡± Grandpa said. ¡°It sounds like a lot that you and your friends went through!¡±

¡°It was,¡± I answered.

I would talk with my grandparents usually once or twice a week, and I had told them about everything that had been going on, and I had also told them about Dakota though I made sure it was alright with him before I told them about him and about us. They couldn't wait to meet him, and it was to that that the conversation turned next.

¡°I can't wait to meet your boyfriend!¡± Grandma said. ¡°He sounds really nice!¡±

¡°I'm sure we'll get along with him really well once we meet him!¡± Grandpa added.

¡°I can't wait for you guys to meet him either!¡± I replied smiling.

Once we walked through the door, my mom greeted my grandparents, and then Dakota wheeled himself up to where we were standing, and he stood up then introduced himself to them.

¡°I'm glad to finally meet you guys!¡± he said as they waited until he sat back down to shake his hand.

¡°I'm so happy to finally meet you Dakota!¡± Grandpa said as they shook hands.

¡°I'm really glad to meet you as well Dakota!¡± Grandma added.

¡°I'm glad to meet you guys as well finally!¡± Dakota answered.

¡°Caleb has told us a lot about you,¡± Grandma said. ¡°He really loves you, and I'm quickly starting to see why.¡±

¡°Me too!¡± Grandpa added. ¡°You seem like a really nice guy, and I can imagine that you'll continue making Caleb really happy! I wish you and him all the best!¡±

¡°So do I!¡± Grandma responded.

¡°Thanks!¡± Dakota replied. ¡°That really means a lot from the both of you!¡±

¡°You're welcome,¡± they both said.

Once they sat down in the living room, Dakota and I sat on the couch across from them, and my parents got drinks for all of us with Dakota and I having Sparkling Cider since obviously we were too young to have alcohol, and Dakota and I were a couple of boys who weren't too eager to find out what it felt like to be drunk unlike some of the kids we knew in our school.

We continued talking, and Grandpa was telling us about how their work helping LGBT people in their community was going, as well as how it was going helping out the youths among the LGBT Community, and I was glad to hear that it was going well. Grandma was really proud of the work, and I was glad to see that the work was bringing them such great joy! We also talked of other things, and as we continued talking, my dad excused himself to go and check on the roast we were having for dinner that night. I could smell it, and I was really hungry at that point, and I knew from the way Dakota kept looking off to the side where the doorway of the kitchen was, that he was feeling the same as I was.

Eventually dinner was ready, and we got to the table, and after saying a prayer, we started eating. For the roast, we had a beef roast, with Roasted Potatoes and Corn, and it was really amazing as always! My grandparents really loved it, and so did Dakota. He had eaten it before once when my mom made it a few weeks ago, and he was definitely happy to have it again! I was glad that we were having it as well, and it was really turning out to be a nice evening with us all there with each other!

After we ate, we had dessert which was a Chocolate Cake, and it had Dark-Chocolate Fudge in the middle of it with a Chocolate Icing that was rich and thick. My dad had bought it earlier that day, and I hadn't had it before, and as I was eating it I found that it was the best cake I had eaten in a long time! Dakota loved it as well, and my grandparents said how good it was! My mom said that she really enjoyed it, and after we finished, and I helped my mom with cleaning up and getting the dishes done, we all gathered in the living room to socialize for a little bit longer. It was a really nice time I was having, and I was glad to be there with my family, as well as with my boyfriend at that moment!

Author's Notes

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and the events within. I had been planning for a while to add a few other characters from Caleb's family in to the story at some point, and I figured that this would be a really good time to do that. I hope you like his grandparents, and the part they'll continue to play as the story progresses.

As for Tanner and what he has planned for the remains of the Goldstein Center, you'll have to wait to see what happens there. That's another story for the next time, and I hope you like how I handle things where that's all concerned. All that being said though, I hope everyone is staying safe, and is having a good evening. I'll see everyone in Chapter 38.

Next: Chapter 38

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