The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Apr 22, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 36


The next morning everyone was at our house save for Devin and Tyler. Tyler was spending the morning with Devin, and he told us that he would let us know if Devin would be released that day or if he would have to stay for the rest of the week like the doctors had originally thought. He was making a faster recovery than anyone thought he would, and I was happy that things were progressing as quick as they were for him! While we waited, I listened partially to Sam, Eric, Micah and Dakota as they talked about some of the new albums they hoped would be coming out soon, and while they talked I checked the news on my phone.

I knew that Matt and Ben had been denied Bail, but then were given it, and I was trying to understand how that had happened. I was scared that the decision had been so quickly reversed, but I was also pissed about it as well! As I read through a couple of different articles, I quickly learned that another judge was contacted by the attorney representing the two boys, and he was able to get bale for them. I was disgusted, and I put the phone down on my desk harder than I usually did. Dakota looked in my direction, and I told him what I learned. Then I went to have my mom help me change my dressings since Matt's knife had cut my arm, as well as my hand in the attack from the night before.

My mom was doing well, though she had to take it easy for a couple of days, and my dad was sitting in the kitchen reading news on his own phone while my mom rested in the living room with the TV on with news going. My dad looked towards the living room frequently, and I figured that he would be going in there to sit with her fairly soon. I knew he was scared for us all, but he was also angry. I understood, and I knew when he was angry, for he got quiet and mainly sat quietly either listening to music in his study or reading. He was reading as I had already mentioned, and he was definitely quiet.

After my mom changed my bandages, I thanked her, and we hugged for a long moment.

"Sometimes I wonder if I haven't brought this on us," I said finally giving voice to what I had been worrying about in the back of my mind off and on, but trying to not think about.

"What do you mean?" my mom asked looking at me as her arms rested on my shoulders.

"Maybe if I had stayed in the closet then'''," I was stopped when she took me in her arms, and I started crying. It was all coming down on me at that point, and it was really getting hard to deal with!

"You're not to blame at all Caleb," she said. "You and the other boys aren't to blame for any of what's happened."

"Your mom is right," my dad said standing in the doorway leading in to the living room, then he joined us on the couch. "There are people to blame, but you're not one of them, and Tyler, Devin, Dakota, Sam, Eric and Micah aren't to blame at all either. Sam did the smart thing and didn't fall in to the hate that Matt and Ben fell in to, and that Bastard who called himself the Principal of your guys' school is to blame for the fact that he did nothing to stop what was going on."

"We're here for you," my mom added. "We're here for all of you, and we fully support all of you. I want to remind you of that, and don't want you to forget that."

"She's right," my dad said. "We're behind all of you 100%, and I want you to know that as well."

"Thank you," I said as my teras subsided. "That really means a lot."

I got up then, and returned to mine and Dakota's room, and I had told them of my conversation with my parents just a moment ago.

"They're both right," Dakota said as he hugged me.

I shared hugs with the rest of my friends, and they all agreed with Dakota.

"None of us are going back in the closet," Eric said.

Everyone else agreed, and I felt the tension, fear and anxiety finally leave me for the first time in days!



Cold wind blew across my face as I was wheeled towards the waiting car. My dad unlocked it, and we got in. Tyler's dad was going to be following us to where we were going, and I was glad to be leaving the hospital. I in fact had made a faster recovery than they thought. I was still stitched up, and still felt a little tired, but I was feeling strong at the same time. I was glad to be going home, and was truly grateful to be alive!

We first stopped by my house, and while Tyler got a few things from one of the closets, I sat with my parents, and Richard sat in his car waiting to follow us to where we were going.

"I'm really glad you're going to be alright," my mom said. "I was really scared for you for a while when you were in surgery."

"Me too," my dad said. "I found that it was extremely hard to wait minute by minute like we were, but we got through it. I'm glad you're going to be alright, and I'm grateful that you survived, and that you're still here with us!"

"I know we haven't fully talked about everything," I began. "But I mean, you both probably know about Tyler and I, and I didn't think that you had much of a problem with it."

"We don't have a problem with you and him being together at all," my dad said.

"We fully support the both of you!" my mom added.

"I just can't help but think that if I had stayed in the closet once I had realized that I was gay," I began. "Maybe none of this would have happened."

"That's not true!" my mom said taking me in her arms. "It's that damned Principal Howard who's to blame, as well as those creeps who stabbed you who are responsible, and no one else."

"Your mom is right about that," my dad said. "I don't want you to not be yourself, and I want you to be who you're meant to be!"

"I want you to be the person you are right now," my mom added. "You deserve to be who you are, and no one should ever do anything to make you hide who you are, nor should they make you feel ashamed of who you are either!"

"They're right," Tyler's voice said from the doorway leading in to the kitchen. "I'm damn sure not going back in the closet, and I don't want you to be afraid and go back in their either."

He was standing by my side now, and after separating from my mom, and then hugging my dad, I held Tyler for a long moment.

"Thank you," I said as I rested my cheek against his for a long moment. "That means a lot."

"It's true," he went on. "I love you for who you are, and I don't ever want you to change, not for anyone!"

"Thanks," I said as we kissed.

"You're welcome," he answered.

"We accept the both of you as you are, and you'll always have a safe place with us, both of you," my mom said.

"Absolutely," my dad responded. "You're both safe here, and I know that Richard is set on protecting the both of you as well."

"Definitely," my mom said.

We both said we were glad to hear that, and after Tyler gathered up the bag he had, we locked up the house and left to go to where we were going that day.



Devin and Tyler stood in the doorway, and I was pleasantly surprised to see them there! I hugged Devin, and had to work to remember to be gentle, and then Tyler and I hugged for a long moment.

"I'm really glad to see the both of you!" I said as we all did a group hug before I guided them in to the kitchen, then closed the door locking it immediately afterwards.

"We're glad to be here!" Devin replied.

"Absolutely!" Tyler agreed.

Devin's parents, as well as Tyler's dad greeted all of us, then went to sit in the living room with my parents and Dakota's dad and sister. Once making sure they were set, I went with Devin and Tyler in to my room.

Everyone greeted Devin, and they were all careful to hug him gently so as not to hurt him, then they hugged Tyler. Once seated, Devin lay down on my bed, and Tyler reclined beside him.

"I'm really glad that you've been released from the hospital, and that you're recovering as quickly as you are," Eric said.

"We were really worried about you," Sam said.

"I'm glad you're here with us!" Micah added.

"Thanks guys," Devin replied. "I'm glad I'm out, and recovering fast as well! Anyway, what about you Caleb? What the hell happened here last night? I heard some of it on the news, but I want to hear all of it from you!"

I told him what had happened, and he looked disgusted. Tyler looked ready to break something, probably Ben or Sam's head, or both.

"I can't believe those two Bastards were let out!" Tyler said.

"That really is Bullshit!" Devin said in agreement. "What are the odds that the Prick who let them out is some judge who's in the pocket of some Anti-Gay Hate Group?"

"I wouldn't be surprised," I answered.

"That could be," Dakota agreed.

"Anyway, Tyler began. "I brought a couple of things for all of you. They're both from Devin and I. He told me some of what to get, and I picked the rest out myself. They're basically early Christmas gifts for all of you, and a way to say thank you guys for always being here for me, and for both of us."

He looked at Devin when he said this last part, and we opened our gifts that Tyler had put in the bag he was carrying when he and Devin arrived at our house earlier.

Sam, Eric and Micah got a couple of new shirts that looked really nice. They were button-down shirts, and Sam got a Forest-Green shirt and a black shirt. Eric got a Kelley-Green shirt and a dark-red shirt. Micah got an All-White shirt, as well as a burnt-orange shirt. They also received a couple of Mix CDs that Tyler put together with Devin giving him the list of songs to put on them while he recovered in the hospital the day before, and then Tyler handed Dakota's and my gifts to us.

Dakota opened his, and it was a sketch book that he could use for drawing, as well as a set of glitter paints. He had gotten more in to art lately, and he was getting good at it.

"Thank you!" he said as he hugged both Devin and Tyler.

"You're welcome," they both said.

My gift was a golden cross necklace. I held it up to the light, and it shined really beautifully, and I instantly fell in love with it!

"Thank you guys!" I said hugging both of them. "This really means a lot to me!"

"I figured it would," Devin said.

"I saw it when my dad and I were out shopping a couple of days ago," Tyler said. "I know how much your faith is important to you, and I couldn't resist getting it fore you. When I talked to Devin about it, he immediately agreed."

"Thanks!" I replied hugging Tyler.

"You're welcome," he answered.

We hung out for a couple more hours talking, and we then ordered food from a sandwich shop close to my house. My dad went to pick it up, and once we ate, we hung out a little while longer in my room.

"It's been a really good day hanging with you guys!" Devin said.

"I'm glad we got the chance to spend the day with all of you!" Tyler added.

"We were glad to spend the day with the both of you as well," I answered.

"I'm glad you're alright Devin!" Dakota responded. "It was good to spend time with you and Tyler today!"

"Definitely!" Tyler added.

We talked as well about how I was worried earlier about if any of what had happened had been in any way my fault, and Devin shared similar thoughts that he had been having as well. I then assured him that I wasn't thinking like that after talking with my parents, and he said the same, and how he had talked with his parents as well.

"We're sticking together, all of us!" Eric said.

"We're here for one another!" Sam added.

"We're not going to let anyone try to hurt any of us, and I'll always look out for all of you!" Micah said.

"Thank you," I replied.

"I'm glad we all have each other!" Dakota said as we all hugged.

The other boys agreed, and then Devin and Tyler went back to Devin's house for the evening. Sam, Eric and Micah then left a little while later to go back to their house, and this left just Dakota and I. We were surprised that morning when his dad and my parents told us we could spend the rest of the week as well as the weekend together, for it would be Christmas in a couple of days so it would work out really well for that! I was glad to hear that, and Dakota was happy about that as well!

That night once we showered, and after we said goodnight to my parents, I got naked, and Dakota did the same. We lay down on the bed, and I was feeling more turned on than usual!

For a while now, I had wondered what it would feel like to have my lover inside me. I hadn't ever really thought about bottoming for a guy, but I definitely wanted to try it with Dakota, and I could easily see myself doing it regularly for him, but I wanted to see what it would be like this first time around. We had decided earlier while getting our shower that we were going to try it that evening, and in order so that we could last, I topped Dakota in the shower, and it didn't take long for me to explode in his ass with shot after shot of hot cum filling his hole to almost over-flowing! I stroked him to a huge orgasm as well, and he came at the same time as did I, and that was really hot!

Now in each other's arms, we lay on the bed naked and kissing passionately! I loved Dakota's silky skin against mine, and the smoothness of his iron-hard cock pressing and rubbing against mine really got me going as well!

"I really love doing this with you my love!" I said as Dakota turned me on my back so he could kiss me all over my body.

He sucked on my nipples for a long time, then licked my armpits for an equally long amount of time before working his way down to my cock which he licked and sucked on. Then he sucked on my balls slowly and for a long time, then he turned me over on my stomach.

"It's time!" he said as he moved his mouth down to my crack where he began licking it up and down after spreading my cheeks wide!

"Fuck!" I yelled. "That feels so good Dakota! I fucking love that!"

"Me too!" he answered, then began sliding is tongue in slow circles around the opening to my boy pussy!

"Oh fuck Dakota!" I yelled, then moaned even louder when he slid his tongue deep inside me, then began tongue-fucking me slowly! "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Oh mother-fucking hell that's so good!"

He was sucking on my hole, tongue-fucking it as well as licking up and down my crack every so often, and by this time I was leaking fast and heavily!

"I got to get inside you now lover!" Dakota said, and reached for the bedside table, and then applied lube to my hole, and I applied some to his cock!

"Ready?" he asked.

"I'm ready love!" I replied.

He pressed in to me, and there was the usual discomfort, and then some of it eased up as he continued sliding slowly in. Soon he was in, and I could feel his pubic hair on my back, as well as his balls resting against my thighs.

"You feel so big and hot inside me!" I moaned.

"You feel hot, wet and tight wrapped around my cock like that!" Dakota replied, then moved my head around pressing his lips against mine in a hot messy kiss that turned me on even more!

After sliding back until his head rested in the opening of my hole, he pushed forward filling me up again, then he repeated this again a couple of times, then he began sliding in and out of me building up a nice rhythm. It felt so good, and best of all, I could feel an explosion of pleasure as the head of his cock hit against my prostate making me scream out with how good it felt!

"Fuck, that's intense!" I screamed. "Harder! Fuck me harder!"

He did so, and after a few minutes more of this, he was pounding me with all the force he could muster! His body slapped against mine loudly, and his balls hit my cheeks as he fucked me deep, hard and held me tight in his arms as he pounded me!

"This is so fucking amazing!" he said near out of breath now! "I never knew it could be'''!"

He stopped as he pounded me harder completely without control, and it was just pure need and lust that drove him on, and now he was resting all of his weight on me, and I felt totally owned and like nothing but he and I existed in that moment!

"You're so fucking amazing!" I screamed as I felt him slam in to me harder, then he was filling my ass with hot thick bursts of cum!

"Fuck this is great!" he yelled as he came!

I was coming at that point along with him, and I never knew that all of this could be that intense! It felt like we would never stop coming, and a part of me never wanted that night to end!

Eventually Dakota's orgasm eased, and so did mine. He slowed his thrusts, then we turned on our sides, and he rested against me waiting for his cock to soften! Mine was softening at that point, and after another moment his cock slid out of me once it had gone totally soft.

"You were fucking amazing tonight!" I said as I turned to face him. "I'll definitely have to bottom for you again sometime!"

"You were totally amazing as well Caleb!" he answered as we kissed deeply for a moment. "You can bottom for me any time, and I'd love that!"

"Me too, thanks," I replied.

"I love you Caleb!" Dakota said, then we kissed gently a couple of times before he rested his head on my chest.

"I love you too Dakota!" I answered. "You're the one true love of my life, and I can't ever see my life without you in it!"

"I feel the same way Caleb!" he answered. "You make my life complete, and I don't ever want to share my life with anyone but you!"

"I only want you as the person I share my life with!" I said as we kissed again.

We cleaned up after that, and it felt great feeling the warm washcloth sliding up and down my crack, and Dakota loved it when I gently and slowly cleaned off his cock with another equally warm wet washcloth, and after we were cleaned up, we snuggled back in bed and wrapped our arms around each other once the covers were over both of us! It was the best night of our lives, and I always knew I'd remember as well as treasure the memories. I knew that Dakota would do the same! With that thought in mind, we both fell asleep in each other's arms more bonded together now than ever before!

Author's Notes

I hope everyone liked how I had Caleb bottom for Dakota, and it's something I had been thinking about for a while. I also wanted to get some time in there for Devin, Tyler and the rest of the boys to be there with Dakota and Caleb during the day to be able to see one another, and to affirm their love and support of one another as a friend group, and I hope you all like how I handled that as well.

All that being said, I hope everyone is staying safe, and doing well. I also hope that everyone is having a good day, and has a good weekend. I'll see everyone in Chapter 37.

Next: Chapter 37

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