The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Apr 17, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 35


I struggled to consciousness once again, and then just as quickly fell back under. I had no idea where I was, or really even when I was. Strange dreams occupied my mind, and some of them felt so real! Some were of me being chased through a dimly lit tunnel, as well as of being held prisoner in a dark cell where I could hear the sounds of rats crawling within the walls, but I couldn't wake up for some reason. Then I'd come to what I thought was consciousness, then as I felt something hard in my throat making it painful to swallow, I would fall back down in to blackness, and trying to fight it did no good!

There were a couple of times when I heard, or thought I heard Tyler's voice, and felt or thought I felt him holding my hand. I'd also get images of myself being stabbed, then there would be dreams where I was in what I came to believe to be Hell, and then I would be in that endless blackness once again! I wondered if there would be any end to it ever! Finally though, I awoke and when I swallowed, it wasn't feeling like I had glass in my throat, but it still hurt all the same. When I tried to talk, a soft hiss came out, so I cleared my throat and tried again.

"Where am I?" I asked.



It was now 1:00 P.M. that Tuesday afternoon, and I had been sitting with Devin after I got to the hospital. The doctors explained that Devin was removed from the ventilator, and was breathing on his own, but he was still sedated which would take a while to wear off. Now it looked like it had, as Devin was trying to speak, then after clearing his throat he asked where he was.

I got up and got the nurse, then told Devin where he was, and let him know I was right by his side.

"Have I been asleep long?" Devin asked working hard to focus on me.

"Since Yesterday," I answered. The doctors will explain everything when they come in to check you out. I'm just glad you're awake and talking."

"Me too," Devin replied. "My chest hurts though."

"We'll fix that here in a moment," the nurse said.

Just then Dr. Harper came in to the room, and after I stepped out, he did his exam, and after about five minutes he let me know I could come back in.

"Devin's wounds look fine," Dr. Harper began. "By that I mean that they're not bleeding, as well as they don't look infected. He's slightly confused of course, but that's typical after being under sedation for the amount of time he has."

"Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome," Dr. Harper replied.

Devin's mom and dad thanked him as well, then let me go back in with him.

Once back in the room, Devin's parents hugged him as best they could, then let him and I know that they would be outside to give us some time alone with each other.

I sat there holding Devin's hand, and he looked at me.

"I'm glad to be awake," he said. "I don't know what's in those fucking drugs they gave me, but that shit will definitely keep me from ever trying drugs."

I laughed, and then brought his hand to my lips and kissed the back of it.

"I'm guessing that this time in drug-induced Dream Land wasn't a nice one?" I asked.

"Hell no," he answered. "It makes me think of what Dakota said he went through when he was in a coma back after he was in the hospital after Adam threw him through his balcony door."

"I can imagine," I said.

"I thought though, that you had been here a couple of times while I was out," Devin went on.

"That's true," I answered. "I was here a few times both last night, and today."

"I'm glad you've been here," he said. "I'm glad you're here now as well!"

"So am I," I said. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be than here with you right now!"

"Same here," he responded.

"I love you so much Devin," I said as I leaned over hugging him gently. "I was so afraid I was going to lose you. I don't ever want to be without you!"

"I don't ever want to be without you either Tyler," he said hugging me back. "I was afraid I wouldn't make it, and when I felt myself losing consciousness on the hallway floor Yesterday when I tried to get back to the Gym, I was afraid I'd die right there."

"I'm just glad that help got to you in time," I said.

"So am I," he answered.

I was sitting back in my chair now after we held each other for a long moment, then Devin looked at me for a long moment.

"You look really tired," he said. "Did you get much sleep last night?"

"Probably only about three hours if that," I answered. "I was worried about you, so found it hard to sleep."

"I can imagine," he said, and I could tell he was trying to stay awake.

"Are you getting tired?" I asked.

"I'm starting to fade now," he replied. "You should probably go home and get some sleep. I want you taking care of yourself, and I'm sure that Caleb and the other boys will be keeping on you about that also."

"I'm sure they will," I responded. "I think I could use some more sleep."

We said goodbye, then after we shared a long hug, and after kissing Devin on the cheek, I made sure he was comfortable, then my dad took me home so I could sleep.

Once home and after showering, I got in to bed, and within a couple of minutes, I was asleep, and I don't remember feeling as exhausted as I did that day!



"If you could hold that still right there," I said.

Sam did as I asked, and Dakota handed me the next bottle of paint. I thanked him, and then got to filling in the next part of the carving I was making. As I worked, we had music playing, and Neil Young's After the Gold Rush gave way to Pink Floyd's The Fletcher Memorial Home, and I had always loved that song. I stopped working once it got to the spoken word part that Roger Waters performed in which he referenced Reagan, Thatcher and various other world leaders who he believed were destroying the world, and I especially loved how in the song he denounces them all as over-grown infants, and how they only are able to understand themselves as images on TV screens.

"Sounds no different than the Shit Bags and Piss Babies we have running things these days," Dakota said.

"I agree," Sam said. "It really is disgusting to see what these creeps get away with. I think we all in this room know a little something about corrupt leaders."

I knew he was talking about what we were going through where Principal Howard was concerned.

"I know what you mean," I said.

That Tuesday afternoon was dark and snowy out, and I told Dakota of what I wanted to make for Devin as a get-well present, and when Sam called to see how things were going, I told him about it as well. Dakota and I then invited him over to help with it, and he immediately agreed. When I asked if Eric and Micah would like to join us, he told me that they would be busy while he was out, and I figured that they wanted to be alone with one another.

Tyler had called a little while after that just before Sam arrived at my house, and he let Dakota and I know that Devin was breathing on his own now, and had been removed from the ventilator earlier that day. I was relieved, and our parents were just as happy to hear the news once I let them know!

Once Sam got to the house, we began work on what I wanted to make. Dakota was helping out with adding some paint to certain areas of the carving, and then he would hold it still with his left hand while I carved out a section I still had to finish, or if I had to trim up an area I had previously carved.

The carving was mostly done in terms of me making the carvings in to the wood, as I had started on it the night before, and so finishing up the last little bit of it didn't really take too long, and with Dakota and Sam there to help we got that finished in record time. Adding the paints was going quickly as well, and by the time Pink Floyd gave way to Powerwolf's Sacrament of Sin Album, we were finishing up, and when the song Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend began playing, we stood and looked at the creation.

The painted carving was of a winter landscape, in the center of which was a log cabin. On either side of the door was a window, and in the right window burned a warm glow from a fire burning in the fire place, and coming from the roof of the structure was a coil of smoke. Snow covered the ground as well as the porch of the cabin, and trees were also dusted with snow, as well as the bushes that were on either side of the structure.

The sky over-head was a dark blue, and snow flakes danced in it as if readying for a fall, and on an unpainted area on the very top of the board, I had carved the words "Your safe and warm place". I had been thinking about making it for Devin since everything had happened, and I wanted him to have something that would help him to feel safe with everything that was happening to him, as well as with everything he was going to be facing going forward.

"I hope Devin likes it," I said as we set the carving aside to dry.

"I'm sure he will," Dakota added.

"I'm sure it'll be a great comfort to him," Sam responded.

"Thanks again for helping me with finishing and painting it," I went on. "I really appreciate you guys and your help."

"I was happy to do it," Dakota answered.

"Me too," Sam replied. "Thanks for letting me be a part of it."

"Yeah, thank you," Dakota said.

"You're both welcome," I said hugging both of them.

Dakota left a few minutes later so he could get home to help his dad and sister with dinner. This left just Sam and I, and he sat beside me on my bed. I watched him for a long moment, and I took in his small figure, and his golden-blond hair and dark-blue eyes, as well as his clean-shaven face. I also saw the sadness in his eyes, and while he always tried to hide it at that time, I could sense it, but could see it more clearly now.

"You don't look happy Sam," I said putting an arm around him.

"I sometimes wonder when I really have ever been happy," he said as he leaned against me, and I put the other arm around him holding him close.

"I know we haven't had a chance to talk since everything that had happened Yesterday," I began. "That being said, I'm sorry to hear about everything that you went through, including the fucked up shit that your dad did to you. You didn't deserve that, and I hope that creep gets what he has coming to him!"

"So do I," Sam replied. "When Eric took him outside Yesterday, I thought he'd kill him, but he told me later that he only warned him that if he ever came near me again he definitely would make him suffer."

"I'm sure Eric would too," I answered. "Has something been done about your dad, and what about your mother?"

"He's not my dad any longer," Sam said with total hate in his eyes. "The Bitch who brought me in to this world is only that, a selfish Bitch who stood by and did nothing while her husband beat me, and then began raping me! Heather called the police, and the two pieces of Shit are in jail for now. I'll be living with Heather though regardless of whether or not those two Mother Fuckers stay in jail for a few days, or if they go to prison for the rest of their lives."

"How has it been staying with Heather?" I asked. "I know you've been there just for last night, and then you'll be there for tonight as your second night, but how do you like it so far?"

"I love it there, and Eric and Micah have been really welcoming!" Sam answered. "It feels safe and warm there, and Heather really seems like someone who was meant to be a mother, and I could easily see myself calling her my mom at some point."

"I'm glad to hear you say all of that," I replied as we hugged once more, then separated.

"Speaking of which," Sam went on. "I need to be getting back home. I'm sure that Eric and Micah have spent a good amount of "Quality Time" with each other to last them for a few hours."

"Do you feel comfortable with seeing them together as a couple?" I asked. "Also, how are you doing with your own stuff?"

"I'm still doing well with accepting myself as gay," he answered. "I also like seeing them together as a couple, and I think they look really cute together."

"So do I," I said. "Also, I'm glad that you're still doing well with accepting yourself as gay, and we're all here for you."

"I'll remember that," he said. "I'm here for you as well. I'm here for all of you."

"Thanks," I said as we hugged one last time.

"You're welcome," he answered, then he left to go back home for the evening. It had been a really nice afternoon we had all spent together!


Ben and Matt met up after each one was dropped off at their respective houses. Matt's parents along with Ben's parents had hired the best attorney, and Brad Harris was one who was well known for getting off the most reprehensible of criminals such as members of the Mafia and other violent criminal organizations. Like them, he was able to get Bale for Ben and Matt, and so now they were out and ready to cause more trouble.

Once they met up, they had plans to find Caleb as well as his other friends to settle the score with them. They checked to make sure that they had the weapons they would need, and then they were off.

Once they neared Caleb's house that Tuesday evening, they saw that the lights were off save for the lights in the living room. They walked along, and tried to see a little more, and finally they were upon the grounds of Caleb's house. Matt stepped closer, and he could just barely see through the curtains covering the window looking out on to the front yard.

"It looks like there are three people in the living room, and it looks like they're watching TV," Matt said.

"Wait until they see the TV show we have in mind for them to be entertained by here in the next few minutes," Ben said smiling and feeling the hate grip him even more.



I sat watching the man on TV going crazy over the latest Infomercial product, and I laughed at the ridiculousness of his antics.

"I'm surprised that they still don't show the one on TV anymore for the golf club that you can urinate in to," my dad said. "You know, so you don't have to leave your golf game."

"Unbelievable," I replied laughing.

"They really try to sell anything for money these days," my mom said looking amused as well as disgusted at the idea of it.

The crash of broken glass took all of us by surprise, and then as I stood up I saw first one figure climbing through the hole in the picture window, then the second one, and the first one stood up, and they had something in their hand.

"Don't any of you move!" the voice yelled, and it was that of a young man, then I recognized it as that of Matt.

"Do as we say," the other voice said, and it was clearly that of Ben.

I lunged for Matt, and he lifted his right hand that had the object in it, and it was a knife. I felt pain in my right arm, but I grabbed for the knife, and then I felt a line of fire cut across my palm. It enraged me more than scared me, and I took my left hand and after grabbing his wrist, I twisted and with one twist there was a snap, and the knife fell.

"You fucking Faggot!" he screamed, and pushed me back.

Taken by surprise, I fell back and he was on top of me closing his hands around my throat! I felt my air being cut off, and I tried desperately to fight back, but his grip was too strong. There was a high-pitched whistling noise in my head, and my vision was going from color, to grey, then fading to black!



My dad and sister were in their respective rooms relaxing, and I was out in the kitchen finishing a snack when I saw movement near where Caleb's house was right across from mine. I looked out the door, and saw two shadows in front of where the picture window was located in his house, and I flipped on the porch lights, and saw the two figures crawling through the window, so they obviously broke it to get in. I immediately went in to action. I texted my dad and sister, then let them know to call the police, then I was wheeling myself down the ramp, and across to Caleb's house.

I found the spare key they kept hidden, and once in the house I saw that Christopher was struggling with someone on the living room floor, and I saw that Amy was slumped over, and I figured that she either fainted, or was knocked out. I hoped that either of those options were the only ones!

Caleb was obscured because of the second figure who was on top of him, and I went to go to him, but the figure nearest me spoke.

"Oh this aught to be good," the voice said, and I knew immediately who it was.

Ben stepped forward, and he had a knife in his hand.

"Drop it!" I yelled, and I had the knife I carried on me when I wasn't in school.

I had worked to sharpen it to the most lethal of points, and I was still hoping though that I wouldn't have to use it!

"Sure, a disabled little Faggot like you is going to stop me," Ben said coming forward.

He bent down over me, and that was his mistake.

"I'll kill you if I have to!" I said as he held his hand out with the knife aimed at me.

"Just put it down you Retarded little Queer," Ben said almost conversationally. "We both know you're not going to'''."

My hand had drawn back before I even realized what I was doing, and Ben was on the floor with blood coming out of an area of his torso that was slightly close to the beginning of his abdomen, but still close enough to his chest to do damage. He looked up at me with total shock in his eyes.

"You fucking stabbed me!" he said and I could hear deep pain in his voice, but I didn't care.

I dragged myself to where Matt was, and I could now see a little of Caleb's face. It was becoming colorless, and Matt had his hands around his throat. I took my left hand and then slammed it down on Matt's back where his kidney was, and he screamed. Once he saw me, he was on top of me, and then as I turned my head I saw the knife where he apparently dropped it.

I grabbed for it with my left hand, and as he began closing his hands around my throat, I plunged the knife deep in Matt's throat. He weakened, then fell off me and landed on his back. As I got on my knees and moved forward, I felt one of my knees trying to move out of place, but I didn't think about that at that moment.

Behind me I heard Christopher tending to Amy. He had been left alone once Ben had seen me once I gained entry to the house and came in to the living room, so Christopher had tried to help her after one of the two had knocked her out or whatever had happened. As I went to Caleb who wasn't moving, I heard sirens in the distance, and they were getting closer! Now they were pulling up right outside, and then the police and paramedics were there!

As they came through the door, I felt Caleb's neck and was relieved to feel a pulse there, and he was fortunately breathing, and now he was coming back to consciousness!

"It's alright," I said holding him now. "I'm right here Caleb."

Christopher came to me then, and he helped me back in to my wheelchair, and the paramedics started attending to Caleb.

Another set of paramedics were helping Amy, and from their talking, it seemed that she had been knocked out when one of the boys hit her in the back of the head like Christopher and I suspected. My panic and fear was now giving way to rage, and I wanted answers! I wanted to know how those two little Mother Fuckers were out on the streets given everything they had done up to this point!


Larry Howard drove along later that Tuesday evening, and the left side of his face was bandaged from where Richard Daniels had stapled that side of his cheek. He knew he was going to get revenge on that Bastard. Howard was brought up to believe that people who were Fags and Dikes were destined for Hell, and he wasn't about to let even the enablers of those kinds of people get away with anything that would even remotely defend them. As he drove along, Howard saw headlights in his rearview mirror though, and he wondered if it was the police, then he sped up.

The car behind him sped up, then he felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He figured he knew who it was. He had been gambling for several months, and now he was in debt with a couple of guys from one of the Mafia crews that still operated in Sangger. He had a little of the money to give to the group, and he hoped that he could satisfy them with that. That's where he was headed on this evening, was to the leader of the group Lewis who was one of the most feared criminals in the Organized Crime World.

As Howard drove along, the headlights stayed with him, and then as he made a right turn, he neared the house, and then as he parked, the car behind him stopped. They stopped their engine just as Howard did, and once he got out of the car, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around, and saw that Frank and Marcus, two of Lewis's right-hand men were standing before him.

"You have something to give us?" Marcus said more than asked.

"It's not all of it, but I'll get you more," Howard said.

"You believe this Cock Sucker," Frank said. "No deals. We gave you a chance, and you obviously can't get the money, so now you're going to be dealing with us."

"I'll get you the rest of the money by the end of the week," Howard said close to tears now.

"Too fucking late," Marcus said.

The two thugs grabbed Howard, and after securing his hands and feet behind him, and duct-taping his mouth shut, they stuffed him in to the back of their car in the trunk and they drove off.

Once they drove out to the woods where they killed and disposed of bodies, they got Howard out of the trunk, and took him in to the concrete shed. They tied him to a chair, and after shutting and locking the door, Frank ripped the duct tape off Howards mouth.

"Help!" Howard screamed, and Frank's fist shot out smashing in to his jaw shattering it, and Howard screamed in pain.

"Shut up you fucking Cunt!" Frank yelled, then smashing his fist in to Howard's nose he crushed it making him scream again.

"Damn, this little motherless Fuck can't seem to take pain without crying like a little Bitch," Marcus said stepping up to Howard's left side. "Guess what Cock Sucker, you're going to get a lot of pain before this fucking night's over! You fucking hear me! We have big plans for you! You're going to fucking find out what happens when you fuck over the Morello Crew!"

"Howard tried to beg, but his jaw was too swollen for that now!

"Beg all you want you fucking degenerate gambler!" Frank said, and went over to a metal box where he retrieved a couple of items. One of them was a crowbar, and the other was a lighter.

Returning to where Howard sat bound to his chair, he set the end of the crowbar on fire. Then without warning, he pressed it against Howard's right arm. He screamed in total pain, and jerked several times trying to free himself of the chair.

"Does it hurt yet Cunt!" Marcus yelled over Howard's long and loud screams. "You're going to find out what really hurts in a few minutes you filthy Cock Sucker!"

"You think this hurts now," Frank said. "watch this! Pain on your arm is nothing compared to this!"

Frank held the heated metal to the tips of Howard's fingers, and he screamed louder and longer than before! He was sobbing now, and still they kept it up! Finally after Frank took away the heated bar of metal, he nodded to Marcus.

"Good," Marcus said. "Let's finish this Cunt off!"

"I don't know what religion you belong to," Frank said as he took a couple more things from the box. "That being said, I don't really give a fuck. Whatever you believe about God, you better start praying, and if you can't pray with your mouth, then I suggest you start praying in your mind, because you're gonna need it!"

In the dim lights of the flashlights they had sitting on a nearby table, Howard saw that in Frank's hand was a bottle, and in his other hand was a bucket.

From the bucket he retrieved a couple of pieces of raw meat. He dropped them in Howard's lap, then with the bottle he emptied it all over Howard's head and face.

"I think that just about does it," Frank said stepping back.

"They'll love this," Marcus said.

"Enjoy Hell you motherless Fuck," Frank said as he and Marcus left the shed locking the door behind them.

As Howard sat tied to the chair with the substance covering his head which when some of it dripped in to his mouth, he realized it was honey, and as he felt the wetness of the raw meat in his lap, he didn't understand what was going on. He wondered if the two gangsters would return. Suddenly he heard scrapings coming from somewhere behind him, and then from either side of him, he heard more scrapings, and then from in front of him he heard things coming towards him, several things.

"No!" Howard yelled in his head.

Just then something leaped in to his lap, and it squeaked a couple of times, and he felt its feet moving rapidly around, then it found the meat, and then began quickly consuming it. Another creature leaped on his shoulder, and he jerked. This made it dig in to his shoulder with its claws harder, and after it got a small taste of the honey, it began ripping at Howards cheek, and now more of them were upon him, and by the time the attack was totally under way, had someone looked in to the shed they would have seen a squirming mass of black and brown, with barely a glimpse of the body under the creatures. Howard screamed and screamed long and loud as they continued their attack!

The woods which were filled with animals and trees as well as with insects were now filled with the screams and cries emanating from the shed. All were still asleep save for the rats that were enjoying their late-night meal from within.



I stepped through the door of my house well after 12:00 A.M. that Wednesday morning, and Dakota was wheeling himself behind me. My parents were in front of us, and Tanner as well as Sarah was behind us. Once in the house, we all shared hugs, and after saying good night to one another, Dakota and I went to our room and got in to bed.

I had been taken to the hospital, and after being checked out for a couple of hours, and after Dakota was treated, and fortunately he had only a bruised knee, we were released, and after my mom was examined, and it was revealed that she would be alright, I was relieved. I was even more relieved when we stepped through the door of our house.

In bed now, Dakota and I held each other tightly, and I looked deeply in to his eyes.

"I'm so glad you're alright!" I said kissing him deeply.

"I'm truly glad you're alright as well Caleb!" Dakota replied then kissed me back. "I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you."

"I feel the same way, and I'm just glad that you and I didn't have to find that out!" I said.

"I love you Caleb!" he said as we held each other tightly for a long moment.

"I love you too Dakota!" I replied as we kissed deeply once more.

Obviously it had been a school night, and while sleep overs weren't typically allowed, we were past all of that at this point, and we all had been suspended anyway. It didn't matter though, I knew deep down that our days at Sangger High were over. I didn't see my mom or dad, nor Dakota's dad and sister being alright with any of us going to that school, not after all that had happened. No, Larry Howard didn't literally make the events of a few hours ago happen as they did, but through his enabling of the culture of bullying and abuse towards mainly the LGBT Community at our school, he had at the very least set in motion a chain of events that unfortunately lead up to where we were at that moment.

After Dakota snuggled in to my embrace, he fell asleep quickly, and after I kissed his cheek, I then fell asleep soon after.

Author's Notes

I'm guessing that none of you saw any of this coming. I had said that Ben and Matt would be making an appearance again to torment the boys once again, and I put that here in this chapter, but once I got writing where all of that was concerned, I wanted to then give Howard what was coming to him. So I can say that his part in the story has been messily and crudely resolved.

The next chapter will deal with Matt and Ben being taken care of once and for all, at least in the beginning of the chapter. After that, Caleb and the boys will be enjoying their holiday, as it is close to Christmas in the world of the story, so they'll definitely be enjoying some much needed down time with their respective boyfriends, and altogether as friends. So all of you will have that to look forward to in the next chapter.

I hope everyone has a good holiday today, and I hope everyone has been having a good Holiday Weekend this weekend. Hopefully everyone has been staying safe, and has been enjoying themselves. I'll see all of you in Chapter 36.

Next: Chapter 36

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