The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Apr 8, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 34


I looked down at Devin, and I was trying to process what I was seeing. His face was pale, and his mouth was partially obscured by the breathing tube that was down his throat assisting him with breathing while his lungs worked on healing from the stabbing. He was also sedated, and would be for at least another day. When Dr. Harper came by to let us know what had happened, he went on to say that while the injury was serious, and had much more time went by then Devin would have died, but they got to him in time. He also went on to say that he might need the ventilator for the next day, and possibly the one after that, but not for too long.

I was relieved to hear that, and Tyler looked a little better than he had just a moment ago. Dr. Harper went on to say that Devin would be here for the rest of the week regardless of whether or not they extubated him the next day or the one after. They wanted to really examine him, and observe him. Then about an hour after Dr. Harper left, the police showed up, and our parents all made sure they were here for that. They asked us if we knew anything about Matt and Ben, and I told them about what had happened to me. I knew that for all intents and purposes I was outing myself, and possibly by extension the rest of my friends, and I looked over at Dakota, Tyler, Eric, Micah and Sam.

"Caleb we're way past all that now," Dakota said. "After what Ben and Matt did, I'm not closeting myself unless it's a case of someone on top of me with a gun held to my head. Unless it's that, I don't give a fuck who knows about me! Matt, Ben and those who think like them can just fucking die!"

"Obviously we're not worried about decorum right now," Tyler said. "In fact, you better hope that you guys are able to keep those attempted-murdering Mother Fuckers behind bars, because if you don't, I'll do what has to be done!"

"Now'''," the first officer began.

"Me too," I added. "By the time Dakota, Tyler and I are finished with them, they'll have facial make-overs that look like that of someone who owes too many gambling debts to Toney Soprano, and I wouldn't be so quick to test me on that if I were you. This didn't have to fucking happen, and this was totally preventable, and if it comes to us taking care of those Cock Suckers ourselves, we'll add a third Shit Bag to the list, and that's Principal Larry Howard, the one who's truly responsible for this! Questions, comments? Anything to say?"

"I still have to ask that you guys don't do anything outside the law," the first officer said. "Off the record, we have an idea of who's responsible for what here, and we've spent the last hour or so talking with your Principal Howard, and we think we've caught him in a couple of lies. I don't like him, and we've also searched his records, and found not just your complaints against Ben, Matt and a couple of other bullies, but other kids who have had the same problems. So I get it, but I can assure you that this isn't just another case number to me."

"I'll second that," the second officer said. "I lost a close cousin to a hate crime, all because he was gay, so I have no use for these two little punks that we're dealing with now who hurt your friend, nor those who would enable such horrors. We will make sure these two boys and anyone else involved get what's coming to them."

"Thank you," I said beginning to calm down. "I just wanted you to know where we stand. I won't do anything outside the law if it can be helped."

The other boys nodded in agreement.

"If those two make bale, and come after us though," Dakota began. "And if you guys aren't quick enough to stop them, then I can't promise you that we won't fight back."

"That I completely understand," the first officer said.

The first officer introduced himself as Officer Myer, and the second one was Officer Johnson. We told them the rest of what we knew about Ben and Matt which wasn't much, then after a few more questions to clarify, they left.

"I don't care how upset you guys may or may not be with us," I began while looking directly at my mom, dad, Dakota's dad and sister as well as Tyler's dad and Devin's parents. "They come after us, or get away with it, we'll find them and they'll be finished criminal charges against us be damned. Also, if Principal Howard gives us any trouble tomorrow, I'll deal with him personally."

The other boys agreed, and I could tell that all of the parents were alternating between deciding to yell at us, being unsure what to say as well as seeming to be close to agreeing with us.

"We'll be back in a few minutes," my dad said as he nodded in the direction of the other adults in the room.

They left, and they were gone for a long time.

"Do you think they're deciding what our collective punishments should be?" Tyler asked sneering.

"I don't give a fuck," I replied more calm than I felt. "Like I said earlier to those two officers, this didn't have to fucking happen! Things didn't have to turn out this way, and I'm fucking sick of this shit!"

"So am I," Tyler agreed.

"Me too," Dakota added.

"This kind of shit just has to stop," Sam said.

Eric and Micah agreed, and after a few more minutes of us talking, and attempting to calm one another, our parents came back in the room.

"We're not going to punish any of you," my dad began.

"We know how horrible all of this has been for all of you," Tanner added.

"I'm really sorry all of you have had to deal with what has happened today," my mom said.

"We only ask that you allow us to handle things going forward," my dad went on. "You guys have a lot to work through, and Devin is going to need all of you. None of you are going to be good to him if you're all in jail yourselves, and if you're there, none of you will be able to help or support him then."

"Just be there for Devin," Tanner said. "He's really going to need love and support from all of you."

"Tanner's right," Richard said. "the important thing is all of you being there for each other, and for Devin. We'll deal with the rest of this."

We thanked them, and after talking a little more, Dakota, Eric, Micah and Sam said goodbye to each other, and they all went home, and after Dakota and I said goodbye to all of them, then to Tyler, we went home. We went back to my house, and while no one slept over on school nights typically, our parents made an exception given everything that had happened.

Once in my room, Dakota and I showered, but didn't have sex neither in the shower, nor in bed. We were more exhausted than ever before, and Dakota was asleep seconds after easing himself in to my embrace. I was asleep soon after, and stayed asleep through the rest of the evening.



I sat there after everyone had left. My father was still here obviously, but he was out for a bit getting food for us, and also giving me some time alone with Devin. When we had gotten to the hospital, Devin was immediately taken to surgery, then to the Recovery Room where he stayed for about an hour-and-a half, only then were we able to see him once he was in the SICU, but no sooner had we gotten there then the cops showed up we had finished talking to just a few minutes before. So now was the point at which I had even one moment alone with my best friend as well as boyfriend.

I sat there holding his hand, and looking down at him. He looked peaceful while sleeping, and I hoped he was. I hoped that he wasn't in any pain, that's what I hoped for most of all.

"Devin," I said just above a whisper. "Its Tyler, I'm here. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. You're safe now, and I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you.

I love you so much, and I don't want to ever lose you. You're my best friend, my lover, my boyfriend and my world. I can't ever picture my life without you in it. I'd go on of course, but it would really hurt without you by my side. I love you more than anything Devin."

I was wiping away tears now, and I remembered my nightmare from a couple of nights ago. I realized at that moment that it had been a sign. I realized deep in the back of my mind, that I had always known that it was. I just hoped that it was a meaningless dream, but it clearly wasn't. I just hoped that things would turn out well for Devin, and for both of us.

I sat there continuing to hold Devin's hand, and kept talking to him. I talked to him about how I was going to take care of him once we got him home, and about how I was going to hold him for a long time once we would get in to bed together, and I also let him know that I'd always be by his side. Of course, I told him once more that I loved him, and after kissing the back of his hand, I turned and then saw my dad coming towards where I was sitting. He had food, and I got up.

"Dev, I'll be back later," I said then kissed the back of his hand once again. "I love you so much!"

My dad and I found a table outside in a garden area to eat, and fortunately no one else was around.

"Thanks for this," I said. "I mean the food, as well as letting me be here with Devin."

"You're welcome," he replied. "I know how much you and Devin mean to each other, and I want you to be here by his side as long as you can be."

"Your support means everything to me," I said. "You really have changed in the last couple of months, and I'm really grateful for the person you've become, and I'm proud to call you my dad."

"Thank you Tyler, and I'm proud to call you my son," he responded. "I'm glad I've made the changes I've made as well, and I'll always work to be a father you can always count on, as well as be proud of."

"That means a lot," I answered.

After we finished eating, we went back in, and I sat with Devin for about 20 more minutes talking to him, and then I started feeling even more exhausted. My dad noticed, and when he suggested that we head home for the evening, I agreed. I kissed Devin's hand again, told him I loved him then dad and I left to go back home for the evening.



The next day we got word that Ben and Matt were being held in jail, and that bale had been denied. I was relieved at that, and Dakota voiced his happiness with the judge's decision as well. My parents had given us the news when they got the News Alerts on their phones, and Dakota and I spoke with Tanner as well as with Tyler to make sure that they knew. They were both glad to hear that, and that was at least some good news, and one other bright spot aside from the one in which we knew that Devin was doing well.

Once at school, Principal Howard called Sam, Micah, Eric, Tyler, Dakota and I in to his office, and I wanted to ignore him, for I had nothing to say to him. I had a hard time even trying to refrain from attacking him even at the smallest thought of his face in my mind. Never the less though, I went in to his office with the other boys, and he sat behind his desk looking smug, and like he had everything under control.

"I called all of you in here, to let you know that given what happened Yesterday to Devin Jackson, that certain things are going to have to change," he announced.

"What kind of things?" I asked staring back at him defiantly.

"I wouldn't keep that defiant look in my eye too long if I were you Henderson," Howard said looking back at me. "You have this attitude that you can just go around here pushing your agenda on other kids, and that the adults will just go along with it. Well, look where it got Devin Yesterday."

I hoped that he wouldn't go there, but he clearly was. The Son of a Bitch was going to give us all a dose of Victim Blame! I couldn't believe it!

"There are only two people responsible for what happened to Devin Yesterday," I said getting up and towering over Howard. "That is Ben and Matt. Devin didn't deserve what happened to him, and before I completely forget, you are indirectly responsible for what happened, because of the fact that you stood by and did nothing while those two little Bastards bullied, abused and then finally tried to kill our friend Yesterday! So don't give me any Bullshit about how we've been behaving plays any part in what happened. Also, you mentioned the agenda we're pushing. I know what that kind of language means, and that only confirms what an anti-LGBT Bastard you really are. Fuck you! We're not being quiet about who we are! None of us!"

"Nice mouth you got on you Henderson," Howard said, and I heard the contempt in his voice.

"I second what he said," Dakota said. "You can go Fuck yourself you anti-Gay Cunt Bitch! As far as I'm concerned, you may as well have held that knife in your hand yourself for the little you did to prevent what Ben and Matt did to Devin Yesterday!"

"He's right," Tyler said stepping up along-side Howard, and before any of us knew what happened, Tyler grabbed Howard, and slammed him up against the wall and held his hands around his throat. "You try and scream, I'll kill you right here and right now! You're a bigoted piece of shit, and you should be cell mates with Ben and Matt as well!"

He let go, and Howard after calming himself down sat back behind his desk.

"You're all suspended for the rest of the week, and of course next week is Christmas Break, so I guess you got the added days to the two-week break you wanted," he said looking at each one of us. "Also, once we return from Christmas Break at the beginning of this up-coming year, I'll be making sure that none of you get away with any of your Bullshit any longer."

"You do what you have to do," I said standing up. "You do that, and we'll do what we have to do."

We got up, and after I called my parents, we waited in the lobby. I wasn't sure what would happen next, and I was a bit worried about if our parents would be mad, but I didn't care. I had done the right thing by standing up to that Mother Fucker, and that was all that mattered!

My parents were the first to arrive, then Tanner came through the door next. After Tyler's dad came in, Heather came and sat beside Micah and Eric. Then a short thin guy came through the doors who I assumed was Sam's dad, and he looked unhappy. By unhappy though, I really mean that he looked pissed. No sooner did Sam stand up, then the guy grabbed him, and began yelling.

"What did you do this time!" the man screamed. "I get a call from the principal of this fucking school, and he tells me a couple of times over the past few weeks that you're hanging around a bunch of Fags, then he calls me this morning, and tells me you're suspended because you were involved in some Fag mouthing off to school authorities!"

I got in between the two of them, and after the man glared at me, I smashed my knee in to his groin with all my strength, then finished that off with two savage kicks to his shins, two punches to his face, then a severe kick to the area of his back where his kidneys were. Then I jerked him up in to a sitting position and when he yelled about how much it hurt, I slapped him hard across the face, then held his face in between my thumb and fingers with my thumb digging in to the left side of his face, and my fingers digging in to the other side.

"You don't call me a Fag and get away with it you fucking bigoted Cunt!" I growled in his face. "You ever call me a Fag again, I'll rip your balls off and shove them up your fucking ass! You physically abuse your son again, I'll skin you alive, and you better not test me on that point!"

"Fine! I believe you!" he yelled, though his words sounded slightly distorted since my hand had positioned his mouth at an odd angle from how hard my fingers were squeezing his face. "Now get your fucking hands off me!"

I did as he said, and he sat there trying to recover what shitty attitude served as pride for him, and I looked to see that everyone was watching me with shocked looks on their faces. Even Principal Howard looked shocked.

"What's wrong Howard?" I asked stepping up to him. "You don't think I'd do to that Prick what I said I'd do? I'd take it seriously if I were you. Who knows, I could easily do the same to you!"

"I should have you expelled for how you've behaved," he said with absolute hate in his voice.

"fuck you!" I said. "You're the one who should be kicked out of here for what you've done!"

"We'll take care of this," my dad said. "Tanner, take them all down so they can see Devin."

"You can take my son as well," Sam's dad said.

"Fine," Tanner said.

"I'm not just talking about for the day," he said. "I mean, that you can take him for good. He's out of our house!"

"What!" Sam yelled stepping up to where his dad stood trying to find a comfortable position.

"Your mom found your journal a couple of nights ago," his dad announced. "We were going to talk to you about it today after you got home from school. We were going to give you a choice between going to live with someone else in the family, or go to a center that cures people of those Fag urges you seem to have, but now I don't even give a fuck."

"Then fuck you too you Bastard!" Sam screamed, and punched his dad as hard as he could in the jaw. "You were always an abusive Bastard, and I'm not just talking about physically! Perhaps you'd like to let everyone here know what you did to me a couple of times back in the Summer! You know, since my mom was too drunk to do what you needed her to do for you!"

"No," I thought and felt sick.

"I'll bet she found my journal alright," Sam continued. "Sure it talks about the feelings I've had for other boys, but it also has the sick things you made me do back in the Summer, and there in is what the problem is isn't? You'd rather focus on the part about me liking boys, because being the Enabling Bitch she is, it's easier for her to be disgusted about me liking guys rather than her facing the fact that you raped your own son, and on the last time told me that you'd get your brother to take a turn with you one night when you knew she'd be out of the house!

You'd like to focus on the part about me being gay like mom does, because you don't have to look at what you did."

"Fuck you!" his dad screamed, and as he readied himself to lunge at Sam, Eric grabbed him, and dragged him outside.

I stood there totally in shock, then I saw Sam standing there, and he started to fall to the floor, but Tyler and I reached for him at the same time, and we eased him down on one of the couches.

At this point, Dakota and I were there with Sam and Micah had his hand on my shoulder unsure of what to do or say. Our parents were in with Principal Howard, but I couldn't think about that currently. Just then Eric came back through the door.

"Where's my dad?" Sam asked.

"I got rid of him," Eric replied. "I got him to leave, and I also called Heather. If you want, and if she agrees as well, you can come and stay with us."

"Really?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, really," Eric replied.

"Thank you!" Sam said hugging him, and then hugging Micah.

Our parents all came out of Principal Howard's office, and they lead us out of the school, and I got in the car after helping Dakota in to his seat. We then headed off to the hospital. Richard said that Tyler could go with us, and that he would meet us there. He said he had something to take care of.


Principal Howard got in his car, and as he started it up, he pulled out of the parking lot of the school. As he pulled out, he saw Richard Daniels's car backing out as well. Once he stopped a couple of blocks from where the school was, he saw Richard stop behind him, and the man exit the vehicle.

Richard came up to where Howard sat, and he knocked on his window. Howard pressed the button to lower it, and he looked at the man.

"How about stepping out of the car for a minute," Richard said. "I'd like to talk to you for a moment. I just want to clarify the terms of my son's suspension."

"Fine, though I don't think there's much to confirm as Tyler's punishment as are those of the other boys is really straight forward," Howard replied and stepped out of the car.

As he turned to face Richard, he saw a piece of paper blow out of the car, and realized that it was a notice for a couple of school-related events coming up for when the kids all returned in a couple of weeks.

When Howard stepped closer to Richard, Richard reached out, and grabbing Howard's hand as if to shake it, he held on tight and bent it so that it pushed his arm up, and this caused Howard to lose his balance knocking him half-way back in to the car.

"What the hell!" Howard yelled.

"Sorry, lose your footing there Cock Sucker?" Richard said, then saw the piece of paper lying on the ground. He punched Howard two times in the jaw, then grabbed the flyer.

He then took a staple gun from his tool kit he carried in the trunk of his car, and Howard got scared.

"What'''!" Howard began, then Richard pressed the paper to his cheek.

"Here," Richard said. "I wouldn't want you to lose your flyer, looks like it might be really important. Here, I'll help you hold on to it!"

He then pressed the bar of the staple gun four times in different spots on the paper, and Howard cried out several times in pain and hurt!

"Mommy!" he screamed. "Mommy!"

"Sorry Cock Sucker," Richard said as he put in a few more staples. "Mommy's off working right now, or doing whatever the hell else she wants to do. You got me instead. Now, you're going to leave our kids alone! The other parents don't know I'm doing this, and if you let them know, I'll fucking tell them you're making shit up! You're going to fucking be sorry you ever went after our kids you got that, you fucking degenerate Cunt Bitch!"

He followed this up with several savage kicks to Howard's shins!

"Fuck!" Howard groaned in pain! "You fucking Son of a Bitch!"

Richard smashed his fist in to Howard's jaw once more, then again before wiping off the staple gun and throwing it where it landed in a dumpster not too far away from where his own car sat. Then after a contemptuous look back at Larry Howard, Richard got in his car and went to meet his son at the hospital.

Author's Notes

I wanted to resolve Sam's questionable living situation, as well as give Principal Howard the first in a few punishments he has coming to him. I'll see if any of you get the reference within the closing events to this chapter with Richard and the Staple Gun. As for Caleb, he's definitely getting to be quite the fist-throwing Bad Ass. I've surprised myself with that, but figured that there would be a few times when he'd have to protect either himself, or his friends at certain points in the story. It's interesting where characters can go as stories progress, and I'll be interested to see where else Caleb's character goes if anywhere.

More will happen in the next chapter with Matt and Ben, and they're not quite done with the boys yet, but they'll be getting an education of their own in terms of how hard the boys will work to be there for each other, as well as how they'll do all they can to close ranks against anyone who tries to harm them. You'll also see what happens with Devin, and how that turns out. So keep an eye out for those events within the next chapter.

I hope everyone is doing well, and staying safe. I also hope that everyone is having a good evening, and I'll see everyone in Chapter 35.

Next: Chapter 35

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