The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Mar 11, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 28


Once back home after leaving school, I completed the little amount of homework they gave us, and then after texting Dakota, he said that he was finished with his. After he asked if I wanted to come over to see him, I let him know I'd be there in a few minutes.

Once at his door, I knocked, and he let me in. After we shared a hug, he closed then locked the door. We then went to his room, and after he sat beside me on the bed, we shared a couple of kisses, and just held each other for a long moment.

"I missed you," I said as I stroked his hair.

"I missed you too," he replied.

Gym Class was the only class Dakota and I didn't share. For whatever reason, the school in its infinite wisdom, and I say that with complete sarcasm decided to put Dakota in a Special Ed Gym class that was held in another more smaller Gym on the second floor, and was outfitted with more Wrestling Matts, as well as when any sports involving balls was played, a ball that was made of soft material was used so that in the event it hit one of the kids, it wouldn't cause any injuries as some of the kids had problems that if they got hit in the head it could be dangerous for them. One boy from what I heard had a shunt in his head and should he ever have received any hits to that area of his head he could have been seriously hurt or possibly could die. Then another kid had something wrong with his brain that if he received any blows to the head, then he could be at risk for developing an Aneurism, or if not developing one, then possibly blowing out one that might already be there.

The Gym was a good feature of our school, but I mention it, as well as express frustration with the school in that they made the decision to place Dakota in that more modified Gym Class rather than really sitting down with him, Tanner and any of the specialists with whom Dakota worked to find a way where he could have been placed with our Gym Class, but all that being said, Dakota wasn't in our class at the end of each day so he didn't know about my exchange with Matt and Ben that day. It was now time to tell him, and so I did.

"I'm really proud of you Caleb!" Dakota said as he hugged me hard.

I hugged him back, and we held each other for a long time before separating.

"Thanks," I answered. "I'm still amazed that I had the courage to do what I did."

"I'm amazed as well," Dakota responded. "I'm also glad to hear that the coach is on our side as a community, and on your side as well when it comes to Tyler, Devin and you, as well as Sam."

"He and Sam haven't had a chance to talk things out yet, and I hope they do," I said. "I'm sure that he'll protect Sam as well.

I had told Dakota about Sam after that had happened a few days before, and he hoped that things wouldn't escalate between the two of us, and fortunately that seemed to be turning in to a more healthy situation between the two of us for which I was grateful.

"I'm just glad things turned out well for you today like I said," Dakota went on.

"Me too," I answered. "How do you feel since I mentioned your name when I was fighting off Ben and Sam? I did feel bad after I realized what I told them about you. I worry that I might have made you a target, as well as taken away your voice from your story. I'm sorry."

"You didn't do anything wrong," Dakota said as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "It's Ben and Matt who are the ones as well as the Asshole who taught them to think in the fucked up ways they have, who are all wrong. I appreciate you sticking up for people like myself who are the disabled among the LGBT Community, and I completely trust you Caleb. So I don't want you to worry or feel bad for how you handled things today, and I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks," I responded. "I'm glad you feel that way."

"Me too," he said.

After we kissed a couple of times, Dakota asked about us checking out some music on YouTube, and I agreed. After pulling up the page, I told him that I wanted to look up Marco Hietala's name to see if there were any new developments, as I had been following Hietala's story since I had been in to Metal, but especially since he had released his letter letting people know that he was leaving the group Night Wish, as well as leaving the public eye possibly permanently.

"I still can't believe he stopped performing," Dakota said. "He really was a huge part of Night Wish, and he really brought a lot of life to them, as well as to a lot of the other projects he's worked with in the past."

"I agree," I answered. "I was definitely sad to see him go."

"Still though, I'm glad that he's taken the time away since he was having issues with his mental health that had returned," Dakota went on.

"Definitely," I replied. "It sounds like things started getting troubling for him where his Depression was concerned, and that's obviously nothing to take lightly."

"No it isn't," Dakota agreed.

I looked through the results that YouTube gave me, and I found one that I hadn't seen before.

"This might be interesting," I said. "It says Mika Jaakkola, and the song is titled Soita, and it features Marco Hietala. It was just posted a few days ago!"

"Cool!" Dakota replied. "I'd love to check it out!"

"Sounds good!" I said, then opened the video.

It was an amazing sound with a deep Blues sound from what sounded like a Slide Guitar, and sure enough Marco was performing vocals, and he sounded grate as always! Dakota listened intently, as did I. It was the best five minutes of my life, and Dakota agreed once we finished listening to the song.

"I'd love the album that's off of if it is on an actual album!" I said.

"I'd love owning that as well!" Dakota replied.

"Hopefully this means that Marco is coming back to music, at least at certain points in time," I said.

"I'd love it if that's the case!" Dakota answered.

After looking a little further down the results, we decided to listen to some stuff by Mayhem that I had on my music player.

"Which one of their albums did you want to hear?" I asked Dakota.

"I haven't heard much from the Esoteric Warfare Album," he answered.

"That's a good choice," I replied and pulled up the album.

We listened as Atilla's harsh vocals began over the guitar work and Hell Hammer's drumming.

"I love Atilla's vocals a lot more on this album," Dakota said. "He was alright on the De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Album, but the vocals on this album seem a lot more hateful and menacing."

"I agree," I answered. "They're a lot more dark on this album, and there's a lot more Death Growls from him on here than on De Mysteriis."

"Yeah, you can really hear the Death Growls in the songs on here," Dakota replied. "They definitely give things a Death Metal feel to add to the Black Metal elements on their current sound."

"That's why I love this album as well as their others," I responded. "It's always nice when a vocalist can add something that can enhance the sound really well like that."

"It definitely is," Dakota said as we continued listening.


Tanner typed the last couple of progress notes, then powered down his Laptop for the evening. Once he locked it away, he went down to where Christopher's office was. Christopher, Caleb's father was working late like Tanner was that evening, and he wanted to see if Christopher was finished with work for the evening, or if he had any other tasks to complete.

Christopher's office door was open, and he was finishing up with locking up his laptop as well as several files, then he turned to see Tanner nearing the doorway.

"Hi Tanner," he called out. "I see you must have been working late?"

"You're correct," Tanner answered. "Sounds like the same is true for you as well."

"That's right," Christopher said. "Are you leaving to go home now?"

"I'll be leaving here in a few minutes, but just wanted to see if you needed anything before I left."

"I wouldn't mind sharing a drink before we go home for the evening," Christopher said. "We could go back to my house for a bit since Amy is still working, and no doubt Caleb is still at Dakota's house."

"That sounds good," Tanner replied, and they drove back to Christopher's house.

Once inside, Tanner parked his wheelchair beside Christopher's armchair, and they got their drinks which was a double of Scotch for both of them.

Once they sipped their drinks for a moment, Christopher spoke.

"I wanted to get together for drinks as I mentioned earlier," he said. "That being said, I had something I wanted to ask you about. I know that there's a lot of empty space in the basement of the center we're at that's not being used."

"I figured that you had something more on your mind Christopher," Tanner replied. "You're right though, there's definitely a lot of empty space in the basement. Did you want to use it for something?"

"I was thinking about getting some exercise and other activity areas installed in that area," Christopher explained. "Obviously for kids who wanted to use them, but also for kids who have disabilities. I've seen some of the kids in our community, and they don't really have a place to go to do things they would want to do, and it's not even because of lack of resources, but more an issue of people not wanting to adapt equipment for them to operate it."

"That would be really nice," Tanner replied. "We have a lot of art areas in part of the center, but the city hasn't done much for any sports or exercise needs for the center, and I'd love to see that fixed as well."

"I'm glad to hear that," Christopher answered. "Sounds like you and I have something to work on over the next few weeks."

"It definitely does," Tanner agreed. "I'd love to see Dakota become involved in it if he wants to. I never have liked how they just put him in the Special Ed Gym Class where they do little to work with them on anything they'd rather do. Sure some of the kids do have issues that need to be treated carefully, but things could be done for that. I'm in a wheelchair, and yet I live my life basically like any other person on Earth."

"So I've noticed, and you as well as any other person facing a disability should have the right to live your life as you want," Christopher said. "I want that for disabled kids as well, and for Dakota."

"I'm glad you feel that way," Tanner answered.

They talked a little more, then after Tanner thanked Christopher for the drinks, he returned home, and after Christopher washed out his glass, he got started on dinner after texting Caleb,.

Caleb returned home, and after Amy returned home, they all sat down to dinner, as did Tanner, Sarah and Dakota at their own house.

Author's Notes

I got the idea of which Tanner and Christopher spoke from a reader, and I wanted to thank them for that. As Christopher said in the story about kids and how they should have the equal right to access various resources out in the community, this is true for disabled kids and disabled adults in real life, and I hope that everyone likes what I do with this portion of the story. I'll be continuing on with this part of the story, and beginning another plot point in the next chapter, so keep an eye out for that. I hope everyone enjoys what happens next.

I hope everyone is having a good evening, is staying safe and I'll see everyone in Chapter 29.

Next: Chapter 29

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