The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Mar 3, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 27


It was the middle of December, and things were going along rather well at school for all of us. Dakota was doing well with his classes, and he was getting along with the other kids, and I was glad to see that. Tyler, Devin, Micah and Eric were all doing good as well. They Were in almost all of the same classes as were Dakota and I, and it was nice to see them. We all shared a Gym Class together as well, and though things were going well in school for all of us in our friend group, things were starting to get worrying, especially when it came to sports practice and in Gym Class.

In the beginning of December, one of the boys Sam started making gay jokes, many of which were over-ran with Anti-Gay contexts, and he made sure to say them when I was around to hear. I ignored him at first, then told him that I didn't appreciate hearing that kind of talk and he went on anyway. Finally in the second week of December, he and I were alone in the locker room after Gym Class. Everyone else had showered, and I stayed behind to do a few extra minutes of weight-lifting. Dakota had gone so he could get a start on homework. That left me just by myself, but Sam had stayed late as well, and when he came in to the locker room where I was putting on my clothes after drying off from my shower, he finished combing his hair after having finished clearly showering and dressing from being in the pool, as I heard he stayed late to do that sometimes, and this Friday afternoon was one of those days for him to do that.

"Hey Caleb," Sam said with a smirk on his face. "Didn't know you were here. Oh well, at least you have something nice to look at before you leave for the day."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked looking in to his eyes.

"Hey, nothing really," he said stepping closer to me. "I just mean that I know how much you like looking at the other guys here in Gym Class. Wonder if Dakota gets jealous?"

"That's not really your business now is it?" I said sharply.

"There's no need to get smart," Sam said as he went to grab my arm. "I mean, you want to be a fag perving on other boys, then that's your problem, but you'll have a bigger problem if you try it with me."

I had finally had enough, and I grabbed him before he could register what was happening. I moved so that we were away from the bench I had been sitting on when dressing, and I slammed him up against the wall.

"I don't perv on anyone, especially not other boys you pampered Rich little Bastard," I growled in his face. "That's the first fucking thing. Second thing, you make one more gay joke at me and I'll fuck you up so bad that it'll be weeks or months before you can shove your tongue down one of these girl's throats and it not hurt! If you ever call me a Fag ever again, I'll find the most isolated area of woods, and I'll fucking end you. Oh, and when I say end you, I mean that as in that Mommy and Daddy won't be able to have an opened casket. Do you fucking understand me?"

"Okay, fine!" he said trying to get free of me. "Just let me go?"

"Wrong answer you Cock Sucker!" I said pressing him up harder against the wall. "Do you fucking understand me? Do you understand that if you ever fuck with me or even fuck with one of my friends or with Dakota, that I'll take you out so that no one will find you, and once isolated, I'll fucking kill you? Do you understand me? You're going to fucking answer me, and then you'll do as I tell you to do!"

"Yeah!" he said close to tears now. "I understand, and I won't bother you ever again. I'll leave you and your friends alone."

"I'm glad to hear that," I said. "Now as for what I've said to you over these last few minutes, well I should say what you think I said to you, I would keep this conversation just between the two of us. I mean, if you go around making up lies that I threatened to harm you if you didn't leave me and my friends alone, then you might not be believed. Why would they believe you there little Sammy? We all know how you pushed one of the other boys here at school last year and you accused him of being gay. If you lie and say that I threatened you, then they'll just think that you're making shit up, and you'll be ignored, and we wouldn't want that now would we?"

I was speaking softly and looking deep in to his eyes that he must have thought that I was looking in to the deepest depths of his soul, and his eyes were full of fear.

"I'''I'''I''', I won't say anything!" he said close to tears now. "I won't tell anyone anything!"

"That's a very smart decision there little Sammy," I said with my face barely an inch from his.

I kept him there for another minute, not saying anything. The silence was so present as to be louder than any actual noise, and for one moment I could swear I heard his heart beating faster than any human's heart could possibly withstand.

I backed away slowly not taking my eyes away from his, and then I slowly stepped back from him. He watched me, and I stood there with my eyes on his.

"Now what?" he said in a shaking voice.

"Now you go home like a good little boy and get started on any homework the nice teachers might have been considerate to have given you, or play with your little toys or whatever it is you do when not here at school," I said. "Have a nice evening there little Sammy. Don't worry though, I won't call you that when anyone else is around."

Okay, bye," he said as he walked towards the doorway leading in to the hallway on legs that I can only imagine felt like rubber.

He walked for a few more steps, then broke in to a run. He was out of sight faster than I had ever seen any human run, and I stood there, then sat down on the bench on which I had dressed only a few minutes before. As I sat there, I replayed the exchange between Sam and I, and I couldn't believe what had happened! Had I actually threatened to take another kid out in to the woods and kill him if he threw any Anti-Gay hate my way again, or towards my friends! The smallest part of me felt sick at having said what I did. I knew that from the way I was brought up by my parents that the problems in our society originated far more from systems of oppression, rather than from hateful individuals, and if this worldview was correct, then Sam was sadly a product of this fucked up system, as was Eric, and one could even say Adam, Dakota's attempted murderer was as well. That being said, it was easy to talk about Social Justice Theory, and while I believed in it as I said, things got a little different when you're a teenaged boy alone with a guy who you don't know if he at best is going to call you a Fagot and walk away, or at worst is going to slit your throat without warning, or throw you off a balcony like what happened to Dakota. No, I wasn't going to set out Tea, Buttered Cookies and invite Sam to the table while we shared the aforementioned hypothetical snacks and talked about why he bullied me, and if it was because his dad beat his ass when he was six, or if it was because mommy didn't give him a bike when he was five. I was going to fight anyone who tried to fuck with me for being who I am ideas of everyone holding hands and singing Camp Fire Songs be damned!

I know that part of what drove my new found need for self-protection was when I had been bullied a while back by kids for being gay, and I was scared enough so that I didn't feel like I had fought back very hard against them, but I was ready to fight now, and to fight hard! I thought about this as I walked home, and though I hoped that any exchanges I had with Sam in the future would be healthy ones, I had no regrets about showing that Anti-Gay little Bastard who was boss, and having finished with that thought, I let it go and soon my thoughts were turning to more pleasant things, such as spending time with Dakota and my other friends.

That night Dakota and I stayed at his house, and while Sarah and Tanner were out with Tanner working late, and Sarah studying at a friend's house, it left Dakota and I alone with one another.

It was almost 5:00 P.M. that evening, and after Dakota got a call from Tanner letting him know that he wouldn't be home until 8:00 P.M., he came in to our room where I put the finished homework assignments in my bag, and he told me what his dad had said.

"What about Sarah?" I asked. "Have you talked to her since you heard from her when she called to let you know that she would be home late tonight?"

"Not yet," he answered, then his phone sounded letting him know that he had a text.

Dakota read the text, then looked up at me. I looked back at him, and he was smiling, and looking at me in that way he does when he wants to get close with me. I figured I knew what the text said.

"It was Sarah who texted me," he said as he transferred himself out of his chair and on to the bed beside me. "She said that she'll probably be spending the night at her friend's house, so until Dad comes home at 8:00 P.M. tonight, it's just you and I."

"That sounds really good!" I said smiling as Dakota leaned in pressing his lips to mine. "I wonder what we'll do to pass the time?"

After we kissed, I held Dakota in my arms, and he looked in to my eyes.

"It's after 5:00 P.M.," I went on. "Are you hungry?"

"Definitely!" Dakota answered and pushed me so that I was on my back on the bed.

He got on top of me kissing me deeply, and then he slowly lifted my shirt, and I waited to see what he would do. He gently kissed all over my chest, stomach and then licked as well as slowly sucked on my nipples.

"I'm guessing you're not hungry for food?" I said as he worked on undressing me all the way. "Oh yeah! That feels so good!"

What felt so good, was at that point Dakota was sucking on my balls, as well as gliding his tongue up and down every inch of them. He knew I liked that, and how hard and excited it got me!

"I'm going to make you feel really good as we continue with what we're doing right now Caleb!" he said as I helped him off with his clothes so that now we were both completely naked!

We showered, then got back on to the bed after I pulled down the covers. I was hard, as well as totally excited to see what Dakota was going to do to me once we were back in one another's arms! The first thing he did once back on the bed was to kiss me deeply on the lips, and we enjoyed several minutes of long, hot and moist kisses, then after kissing me all over my chest, licking my nipples as well as sucking on them, he licked, nibbled and kissed all over my chest, stomach and sides! It felt so good, and I couldn't get enough of it; I told him so!

"Anything for you my love!" he said as he moved up to face me, and surprised me!

He lifted my right arm, and pressed his nose and mouth to my armpit. I had a lot of hair there, and I wasn't sure how he felt about that, but he clearly loved it. He licked, sucked and breathed in deeply, and did the same to my other pit!

"Oh yeah, you smell so good lover!" Dakota said as he got on top of me and began grinding his cock against mine!

"I'm glad you like that sweetie!" I said as I thrust against him, then did the same thing with both of his armpits which made him yell out in pleasure! I was glad that this had the same effect for him as well!

After we made out for several minutes in addition to rubbing our cocks together, we enjoyed a slow and long 69, then we kissed for a long time afterward, as well as caressing each other's naked bodies before getting under the covers to sleep for a bit while lying in each other's arms.

After snuggling in to each other's embrace and being covered up, I looked at my lover.

"I love you so much Dakota!" I said and kissed him tenderly. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and you're not only my lover, but you're truly my best friend as well! I couldn't ever picture my life without you in it!"

"I love you too Caleb!" Dakota replied. "You're also the best thing that's happened to me, and I wouldn't ever want to picture my life without you in it, and am truly grateful that you're in my life. You're my lover, soulmate and best friend! I'll always love you, and I treasure you every day!"

"I treasure you every day as well my love!" I said as we kissed again.

We fell asleep for a while, and then woke up about an hour later to get dinner and relax with one another for a bit. It was a really nice evening we enjoyed alone together!

The next week changed in a truly profound way for me, but I didn't know it yet. Sam true to his word left me alone, though when he had to interact with me on the authority of instructions from Coach Smith, he was nice when he talked to me, but deeply reserved. I was getting the vibe that Sam felt bad for how he treated me, but didn't know exactly how to go about making things right.

Unfortunately though, a couple of new kids who came to class at the beginning of that week who's names were Ben and Matt were outspoken in their dislike of LGBT people. They weren't afraid to show it, and when Mr. Smith called on them to introduce themselves, Matt when introducing himself first asked if there were any Trannies in the class, and he went on to say that he wasn't going to play any sports with any nasty ass Trannies who were girls pretending to be guys or any shit like that. He also went on to say that he wasn't going to do any wrestling with any Fagots either.

"You won't be doing much of anything at all with any of the other kids in this class if you don't start watching your language Matthew," Mr. Smith shot back, and I saw his face red with anger.

"Unbelievable!" Matt said.

"Yeah," Ben agreed. "I can't believe how they let these Faggots and these fucking Trannies in these damn sports classes now. It's not right!"

"No, it's you and your punk ass Anti-Gay sidekick there who aren't right!" I said as I stepped close to them not caring if one of them hit me.

"Henderson, step back," Smith called out. "I got this."

I ignored him.

"I'm so sick of little Bastards like you and Sir Fuck Boy here and the shit coming out of your mouths!" I went on. "My boyfriend's name is Dakota and maybe you haven't met him yet, but if you do I hope you look closely at him!"

"We don't look at guys like that Fag," Matt said smirking at me.

"Shut the fuck up," I said sharply to him and went on. "You both should take a good fucking long look at him. You want to know why? It's because he's in a wheelchair, has limited use of his right hand, severely weakened legs, as well as learning difficulties profound enough so that he can't count past six. Unless he lives with me when he turns 18, or should something happen to his dad and sister then he risks having to be a Ward of the State. If either of you small-minded Pricks don't know what that means then I'll make it simple for you. It means he'll have to live in a nursing home for disabled kids that are 18, but who have only officials of the state to be their guardians."

"That's not my fucking problem," Ben shot back.

"It actually is your fucking problem," I said stepping closer to him. "It's your problem, Shit for Brain's problem there beside you and the problem of the scumbag who caused my boyfriend's disabilities in the first place. The previously mentioned scumbag's name is Adam, and he threw Dakota through a window that was in a sliding door that opened on to a balcony of his house. Dakota fell a couple of times fracturing his head, and those blows to his head damaged his brain. Then for several months before that happened, Adam and his friend named Eric relentlessly bullied Dakota for who he is, for just the fact that he wanted to be himself!"

"Just leave us both alone you fucking Fagot," Matt said leaning close to me.

"No!" I said leaning closer to both of them. "I won't leave either of you alone with the two of you acting like that! Long story short for both of you Anti-Gay Assholes, is that how you're acting is exactly what's pushing kids who are LGBT, or who are believed to be as such to harm themselves, or to even die by suicide, not to mention the hate speech you're throwing out is aiding in the beatings that my LGBT brothers and sisters have to face in our schools! It's also what helped with Dakota having to live as he does now! So no you two hateful Mother Fuckers, I won't leave either one of you alone as long as you two keep hating others who haven't done anything other than try to be themselves!"

"Fuck you," Ben said backing away from me.

"If that's the attitude you want to take, then you Can!" I said backing away myself now.

"We'll see you around some other time Fag," Matt said as he took a couple of steps back as well.

"Yeah, or until the next tine you two want to bully someone for who they are!" I shot back.

"Fuck off," Ben retorted.

By this time everyone was standing there watching, and Mr. Smith stood there face red with rage. I didn't know if his rage was at Matt, Ben or at me for continuing the confrontation; possibly he was pissed at all three of us. I didn't care. I wouldn't let him throw this aside as so much Both-Sides Bullshit. I was going to fight like hell to get him to see and then call this for what it was. He seemed like someone who might be on the side of the LGBT Community, but up to that point, there wasn't anything that was happening to which he ever gave any responses that would communicate his views on the LGBT Community either way. I figured that I was soon to find out, but I wasn't finished yet! I looked directly at Coach Smith, and then spoke.

"You told me to step back," I began. "No, I won't step back from two bullies, or any bully who chooses to hurt people in my community. That I won't do! I'll stand with and for my community no matter what every single time, your Detention Forms and suspensions be damned!

I then looked at all of the class, and I saw Tyler and Devin standing across from me looking unblinkingly at me to see what I would say next. I knew that once I said it, there would be no going back. I stood there for a moment, then continued.

"Some of you know me rather well in this class, and others don't know me that well," I went on. "So having said that, I'm Caleb. My name is Caleb Henderson, and I'm openly and proudly gay! I will stand for and with my LGBT Community, and will be a friend for those who need it, and that goes for those who aren't LGBT, but for those who are LGBT, I'm here for you all the way!"

I stood there waiting to see what would happen, and Devin and Tyler started clapping for me, then several of the other kids joined in, and even Coach Smith was clapping. I looked to the far left of the line, and Sam was there clapping, but looking shy. When I looked to my right where Ben and Matt had been standing when I turned away from them to address the rest of the class, they were gone. I turned back to the applauding group of kids, and after the applause died down, I looked at the clock, and saw that it was almost time for class to be over. Now I waited to see what the fallout would be.

"I don't care!" I thought in my head. "I stood up for that in which I believe, and I won't let them fault me for that!"

"Class is dismissed now!" Coach shouted in his typical coaching voice.

Devin and Tyler came up to me first, and hugged me.

"Shit Caleb!" Tyler said totally blown away. "I didn't know that you had it in you!"

"You were amazing just now!" Devin added.

"Thanks," I said returning their hugs, then they went in the direction of the locker room to get showered then changed.

As I stood there feeling like I was in a state of shock, I saw Sam walking towards me. I tensed my body readying myself for whatever possible fight he wanted to give me. He closed the distance, and he was directly in front of me, and he was looking right at me, right at my face.

"I wish I could have done that, what you just did," he said close to tears. "I don't think I'm strong enough to be out about who I am like you are, and my family won't ever accept me."

I stepped closer to him, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry to hear that about your family, and if you need help I'll talk to a few people I know who might be able to help you," I said.

"You'd really do that for me?" he asked hardly able to believe me.

"I mean that," I answered as I stood there looking at Sam, at this boy who just days before I thought I would be ready to physically hurt if he tried to hurt me for being gay. I continued to watch Sam, this boy I thought I hated, but that was starting to not be the case. "I'm sorry for what I said to you last week. How you talked to me, and you calling me what you called me really hurt me, and really pissed me off. I was hurt as well as angry with you and because of you saying what you did, but I don't want us to be angry at each other, nor do I want us to hurt one another."

"Thanks Caleb," Sam responded. "I'm sorry for having said everything that I said as well last week. I didn't have the right to call you a Fagot, and I had no right to say all of the other stuff I said to you either. I'm sorry, and I won't treat you like that again."

"Thanks Sam," I said as we hugged, then he went off in the direction of the locker room.

I followed, but from behind me, I heard Coach Smith.

"Stay back Henderson," he said, but not in his usual loud voice. "I want to talk to you before you go get showered and changed.

"Okay Coach," I answered, and turned to face him.

He motioned for me to follow him over to the bleachers where I sat down where we both sat down, and he turned to face me. I turned to face him as well.

"If you're angry with me for not listening to you earlier," I began. "I wasn't not hearing you, I was standing up for myself and those I care about."

"I know exactly what you were doing," Smith said looking directly at me. "I'm not angry with you, and while under the rules of the school handbook I should give you a detention for disobeying a teacher which in this case is myself, I don't think we need to go that direction.

What you did took a lot of courage, and I'm still trying to process what just happened. I'm not LGBT myself, and I can't say whether or not I would have had the courage at 15 to come out like you just did."

"Thank you Coach," I said looking back at him. "It really means a lot hearing you say that."

"You're welcome, and I mean what I said," he replied. He leaned close then, and I waited to see what he would say next. "This is between you and I, and I had better never hear that you told anyone around school what I'm about to tell you."

"I won't say anything," I said. "You have my word."

"The Principal of this school is a fucking coward as much as he's a complete and incompetent Fucking Idiot," Smith went on. "I've tried several times to get him to do something about how kids are being bullied here at the school, both LGBT and those perceived as such. He continues to take the attitude that boys will be boys, and actually had the nerve to tell me that he believes that a kid facing a bully once in a while in their life makes a tough person out of them, as well as being a right of passage of sorts."

"That's a bunch of crap!" I said trying to keep my voice down. "Not only are both of those things completely untrue, but they don't even almost begin to accurately represent what these kids are facing in our school, or in other schools!" I said.

"I agree with you Caleb," Smith replied. "I'll be continuing to fight what's going on here, and you as well as all of the other kids have my word, as well as all of you will have my protection."

"Thank you Coach," I said as we shook hands. "That means a lot."

"You're welcome," he answered. "It's what I'm here for. Now I think it's time for both of us to get out of here for the day."

"Sounds good," I said. "I hope you have a good evening, and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright," Coach Smith answered. "You have a good evening as well Caleb. I'll see you here tomorrow."

Then he was gone, and I was walking towards the entrance to the locker room so I could get showered and changed, then I would be headed home for the day. I would have a lot to not only process, but a lot to share with Dakota.

Author's Notes

I had wanted to do a scene like what happened with Caleb in this story at some point. I wanted Caleb to be in a situation where he could proclaim who he is, and where he could stand up for and with his LGBT brothers and sisters against those who would try to harm him, as well as wanting him to get to that place where he could be totally proud of who he is. I hope everyone likes how I handled this scene.

As for the next chapter, I'll be continuing on with this part of the storyline where Caleb tells Dakota about what happened in Gym Class, and he'll see how Dakota handles hearing about the events that occurred. There will also be some happy moments between them as well, and I hope everyone likes how all that unfolds in the next chapter.

I hope everyone is continuing to do well, is staying safe, and I'll see everyone in Chapter 28.

Next: Chapter 28

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