The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Feb 12, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 25

As Tom helped the figure in to the church, he helped them wipe the blood off their face. He saw that the person had bright-red hair, but he couldn't see their eyes yet.

"I'll help you," Tom said. "Can you tell me your name?"

"Micah," the boy said through lips that were swollen and crusted with dried blood.

"I'm Tom," Tom answered. "I'm the guy who runs this church. I don't know if you remember me, but I've seen you a couple of times before. It's been a while back though."

"I remember you," Micah said. "I know you were really worried about me, and I was trying to deal with things so that my dad wouldn't hurt me more than he already was."

"What happened to you?" Tom asked. "Did your dad do this to you?"

"Yeah, and I ran away from home," Micah answered. "I left this morning when my dad went to work. He's probably back by now, but I can't go back there!"

"I'll protect you," Tom answered. "How long has your dad been hurting you?"

"Since I was 11, when he got custody of me from my mom. My mom wanted to move out of state to get a better paying job," Micah explained. "She wasn't much of a mom, and they divorced back when I was seven, and he had been violent towards her, and would sometimes hit me, but he got even more abusive towards me once she left me with him."

"I'm sorry you went through that Micah," Tom said. "You didn't deserve that, and if you don't already know this, it's not your fault what happened to you. Your dad and mom are the ones who have to answer for what was done to you."

"Thank you for saying that," Micah said.

"You're welcome," Tom replied. "It's true, and I hope you come to fully realize that one day."

"Me too," Micah responded.

After Tom got the blood cleaned from Micah's face, at least as much as he could without hurting him, he took Micah to the hospital, then after he was checked out, and they found nothing broken, Tom got the process started with Social Services to get Micah placed somewhere where he would be safe, and as he waited to speak to someone, he thought of Heather, the woman who was serving as Eric Franklin's Foster Mother for the time being. He ended the call, and dialed her number, and waited for her to pick up.

Once she answered, Tom explained the situation, and she agreed to meet Micah to see if he would be alright with coming to stay with her and Eric.

Once Heather arrived at the church, Tom walked to the entrance of the church and he let her in. Micah was in one of the rooms lying on a couch resting, and Tom wanted to give him a few minutes before he brought Heather in to meet him.

"Just to make sure though," Heather began once she and Tom were seated on one of the pews. "Micah's father doesn't know about what's going on?"

"He probably does by now," Tom began. "After I got Micah to the hospital, I made sure that the doctors called the police, and I took care of calling Social Services, though the doctors were calling them anyway, but I made sure that they got connected with the woman I spoke with. I was assured that Micah's father would be picked up by the police, and I'm guessing that's underway now."

"Micah shouldn't be with him if he's unable, or unwilling to control his anger," Heather said.

"I agree," Tom answered.

Tom's phone sounded, and he looked at it. On the screen there was an alert for a new text message, and Tom read it.

"Micah's father has just been arrested," Tom announced. "They're working on making sure that he's held at least over-night."

"I hope so," Heather answered. "Do you think I'd be able to meet Micah now?"

"I'll check and see if he's awake or not," Tom answered, and got up and went in to the room where Micah lay on the couch.

"Micah?" Tom said as he looked down at him.

"I'm awake," Micah replied. "I was just resting for a bit."

"I have someone here who would like to meet you," Tom replied.

"Who is it?" Micah asked apprehensively.

"Her name is Heather, and she is interested in letting you stay with her for a while," Tom answered. "Your dad has been picked up by the police, and he certainly won't be coming home tonight. Even if he did, I can't let you go back there with him. What if you're not so lucky the next time if he hurts you again?"

"I've wanted to leave his house for a long time," Micah said. "One time a few months ago, I even left in the evening about an hour after he went to bed, but he must have gotten up, because when I was walking on the sidewalk about probably 20 minutes after I left home, the police picked me up, and they told me that my dad had reported me as a run-away. They didn't see any bruises, since my dad had been beating me on areas of my body where they wouldn't show. He's since stopped caring if anyone sees them or not."

"Even if you never tried to escape, you still have no fault in any of this," Tom said as he sat down beside Micah who was sitting up by this time, and sitting on the edge of the couch.

"I know," Micah answered. "So who's this woman you mentioned?"

"Her name is Heather," Tom repeated. "I think you'll like her."

Tom brought Micah out, and he sat beside Heather, and Tom sat on the other side of him.

"I'm Micah," he said. "My last name is Nelson."

"It's nice to meet you Micah," Heather answered. "I wanted to talk with you about if you'd like to come and stay with me for a while, or at least until we get a more permanent living situation figured out for you?"

"I'd really like that," Micah replied. "I would do my best not to be too much trouble."

"You wouldn't be any trouble at all Micah," Heather said. "I do have another boy staying with me as well, so you could get to know him while you're staying with us."

"I'd really like that if I could come and stay with you and him," Micah said as he reached out, and he and Heather shared a hug.



After I returned from Dakota's house, I cleaned up the house. There wasn't much to do, but I wanted to get it taken care of so I could relax when the weekend came, that is unless I had any homework, but that didn't look too likely.

As I finished cleaning the floor of the kitchen, my phone rang, and I went to answer it. It was Heather, and she explained that we would be getting a new house guest who would be staying with us for a while. She told me that his name was Micah Nelson, and she went on to say that his dad had been arrested for abusing him, and he especially needed a place to stay for this evening, as his dad was in jail, not that she would be letting Micah go back with him even if the guy was free.

I told Heather that I'd get the spare bed in my room ready for him. She thanked me, and after we finished the call, I went to get sheets and blankets out of the closet to make up the extra bed that was in the room I used. Though there were two beds in the room, they were both big enough to fit two people, but most kids who came through her house preferred to sleep just one to a bed.

The room I was in was big enough for both beds, as well as for a large desk that was big enough for two people to occupy, and still have enough room for both people to spread out a bit. I was also happy about the fact that the room I was in had its own bathroom as well, and I hoped that Micah would like the room also.

Once everything was set up, I heard the door to the house unlock. I went up front to see Heather walking in, and behind her was a small thin boy with bright-red hair, and bruises covering much of his face. I went up to him introducing myself, and checking to see if he needed help carrying anything in. He had some clothes they had bought, as well as a couple of other toiletries.

"It's nice to meet you Eric," Micah replied shaking my hand.

"I'll show you where your room is," I said. "You'll be in with me in my room if that's alright. Just let us know if you'd rather have a room to yourself."

"I'm sure I'll be alright with sleeping in your room," Micah answered.

"That's good," I replied.

I lead him to my room, and watched as he checked everything out, then sat his stuff on the bed. Once he got acclimated to where things were, he went in to get a shower, then Heather and I sat down in the living room waiting for him to finish.

"So his dad did this to him?" I asked making sure I had the story correct once she finished telling it.

"Yeah," Heather said. "Micah is about a month away from turning 16, so he's been living in this horrible situation for a long time."

"I feel really bad for him!" I said and I could completely relate to what he was going through when it came to suffering through abuse!"

"So do I," Heather answered.

Once Micah finished with his shower, he came in to where we were sitting in the living room, and we ordered tacos and nachos from a Mexican restaurant down the street, and after Heather made sure that we would be alright, she left to get the order.

Micah came over to where I was sitting, and after I motioned for him to, he sat down beside me. He had on a light-blue T-shirt and dark-blue Basket Ball shorts, and that was it. He looked really tired. I watched as he moved a little closer to me, and rested his head on his arms which were folded behind him on the back of the couch,.

"I'm glad you're here with us," I said. "I hope you can stay here for a while. Also, I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you. I can relate a little to what you're going through, since my dad was violent with me as well."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Micah replied looking over at me. "That must have been hard to deal with."

"It was," I said.

"I'm glad we both understand each other about some of what we've gone through, and I hope we can rely on one another for support, and hopefully we can become good friends," he went on.

"I'd really like that!" I replied.

Author's Notes

I figured that this would be a good place to stop. I hope you all like how things progress with the friendship that's forming between Eric and Micah, and where that leads. I'll be continuing on with these events in the next chapter, so all of you have that to look forward to, and I hope you all enjoy what happens next,.

All that being said, I hope everyone is having a good evening, is staying safe and I'll see everyone in Chapter 26.

Next: Chapter 26

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