The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Aug 23, 2021


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 2


I checked the last couple of strokes I made with the carving tool, then put away the instrument. I got out the paints I was going to use, and began on painting the carved picture. I wanted to get several flowers among the rows of trees that would be in the picture as well. I also had out a couple of different shades of blue, one of which was light-blue that I would be using for the sky. The other blue was a dark-blue which would serve as a stream that would be running through the middle of the ground on either side of which would be the flowers. I was still selecting the colors of paint for the flowers, and as I set out the bottles I heard a motor outside which got louder before shutting off. I shut off my music player that had been playing through the external speakers I had out here, then I turned around to see out the open garage doors. A dark-blue van was parked where the movers were emptying out the last of the moving vans. The front passenger door opened and a woman got out. She moved to the back of the van and opened its double doors, and then she came around with a wheelchair. The second passenger door on the right of the van slid open, and she turned her back to me.

After a moment, she stepped back and I saw her helping someone in to the wheelchair. She moved aside at that point once the figure was seated in the chair, and I could see it was a boy. He looked small, and he looked up at her, and as he moved his head up, his face was visible. I could see that his face was smooth, youthful as well as friendly. His eyes looked like they might be blue, but I couldn't tell yet. He said something to the woman, and she replied back. I decided to see if they needed any help, and after checking with my mom to make sure it was alright, I went across the street.

Once I stepped up to where the woman and the boy were situated, I waited while the woman was in the middle of saying something to the boy.

"Sorry the van wasn't outfitted with the electronic doors where you could wheel yourself out," she said. "Tanner and I hoped that that would have been taken care of before we left to come here, but they couldn't seem to get their asses ready for that."

"I'm just glad we're here now," the boy said.

"Me too," she replied.

They turned their faces in my direction at that point after they finished talking, and I stepped closer.

"Hi, I'm Caleb," I said. "I live across the street in the house behind me. I saw the movers drive up to this house a little while ago. It looks like you guys are the people who will be living here. I heard that there would be a family who would be moving in across the street from us. Welcome to the neighborhood."

"Thank you Caleb," the woman said. "I'm Sarah."

"I'm Dakota," the boy in the wheelchair said as he pressed what looked like a joystick which moved him closer to me.

He looked up at me, and I could see that his eyes were blue, and they were a beautiful blue, and their color brought to mind the blue of sapphires. I immediately fell in love with their color and the kindness held within his gaze. His hair was black, and looked really thick, and I found myself wanting to reach out and run my hands through it to feel what I wondered would be its softness.

He was looking in to my eyes just as intently as I figured that I was looking in to his, and then he held out his hand.

"It's nice to meet you," I said though I sounded far away.

I had to blink a couple of times to get back to myself. I felt like I was somewhere else, and it was weird. I would know what it was when I would have time to think about it later, but at that moment I felt strange, and also joyful as well, but didn't know why.

"It's nice to meet you as well," Dakota replied as we took one another's hands.

His hand was small, soft and delicate. We held one another's hands for several seconds long after we had shook them, and I realized that I held his hand longer than I usually would have with anyone be it a guy or girl, and only when I heard the driver's side door open did I come back to reality for the second time, and I let go of Dakota's hand. I immediately wanted his hand back in mine, and I saw, or thought I saw within his eyes a look that mirrored how I felt about our hands being apart at that moment.

"Oh, and it's nice to meet you as well Sarah," I said turning to her.

I was worried about if she thought I had forgotten about her, but she smiled and we shook hands as well.

"Thank you Caleb," she answered. "I'm glad to meet you too."

At that point Sarah excused herself to help the guy who drove them. She said his name was Tanner, and she moved around to the driver's side of the van. Once she was there, she helped him out of the driver's seat, then I saw where there was another wheelchair secured in the back of the van.

"I can bring the second wheelchair around for you guys if you want me to," I called out.

"Thank you," the guy named Tanner called back.

"That would be really nice," Sarah agreed.

"Thanks," I replied. "I'll do that."

"I'll be back in a moment," I said to Dakota as he watched me intently.

"I'll be here," he said smiling at me.

I got the wheelchair out of the van, and wheeled it around to where Tanner and Sarah stood. Tanner was standing there, and his left hand was holding on to the arm rest of the driver's seat. Once I made sure the breaks were locked on the chair, I moved so he could sit himself down in it. Once situated, he wheeled himself around to face me.

"I'm Tanner," he said holding out his hand for me to shake.

"It's nice to meet you Tanner," I answered. "I'm Caleb."

"Glad to meet you as well Caleb," he replied as we shook hands.

As we shook hands, I took in Tanner's dark-brown hair, soft brown eyes and friendly smile. He seemed like he would be a really nice guy to get to know, and I wanted to get to know all three of them, including Dakota; especially Dakota!

After the three of us moved around to where Dakota was sitting and watching a couple of birds who were sitting beside one another on a tree that was in our front yard, I turned to Sarah and Tanner.

"I could help you guys with getting things in to the house if you would like," I said. "I can ask my mom if that would be alright with her if you guys would be okay with me helping."

"That would be really nice," Tanner said.

"I'd like that as well," Sarah answered.

Dakota turned to face us, and then he wheeled his chair up to where I was standing beside Sarah and Tanner.

"If you want," he began. "I could use some help getting things in to my room, like the boxes of clothes and other things I have. The movers from what I understand already put my bed in my room, so that and my dresser are in there along with my desk. Is that alright with you guys if he helps me unpack and organize stuff?"

They both agreed, and I said I'd love to help. I then excused myself to ask my mom if it was alright for me to help, and she agreed. Once back at my neighbor's new house, I began carrying in boxes to Dakota's room.

After sitting down the last of the boxes, I checked to see if Tanner and Sarah needed any help, and after they said they were alright, I came back to where Dakota was sitting by his bed holding a small zippered bag in his lap. He was holding part of it with his right hand, and was opening it with his left hand. He took something out of it, then held it out in my direction.

"This is my music player," he explained. "I have a set of speakers in one of those boxes. I figured that we could have some music playing while we worked on setting up my room."

"I'd love that," I said.

After looking through a couple of the boxes, I found the speakers as well as the power supply for them. I plugged them in, and set them on the desk after making sure that's where Dakota wanted them. I then moved aside so he could hook up the player, then he motioned to me.

"You can pick something if you would like," he said.

"Thanks," I answered.

I held up the player, and scrolled through the list of music he had on there. He had it on Artist Mode, so all of the artists and groups were showing up as I scrolled through them. I was pleasantly surprised to see artists like Pink Floyd, Night Wish, Batushka and Crosby, Stills and Nash on there. I was truly impressed!

"You're probably noticing that my music tastes are really varied," Dakota said.

"I noticed that," I answered. "I really like that."

"I've always enjoyed a lot of different types of music. I just can't get in to Trap though," he went on.

"Yeah, neither can I," I replied smiling. "So I can be safe in the fact that I won't find Lil Pump or Lil Yachty on your music player?"

"Hell no," he answered smiling back at me.

He had a beautiful smile, and I loved how it lit up his whole face when he displayed it.

"Good," I said. "I think we'll get along really well."

"So do I," he answered.

After I scrolled a moment longer, I found myself coming back to Night Wish's folder on the screen, and I asked Dakota if he wanted to hear anything by them. He said he had the new album by them which was titled Human Nature, and I smiled.

"I love the Human Nature Album!" I said. "Would you like me to put that one on?"

"That would be really nice!" he replied.

I put on the album, and we began getting his clothes unpacked. Dakota helped with putting away some of the clothes while I put away the rest of them. Then we moved on to his various DVDs, books and physical copies of CDs he hadn't had a chance to upload to his music player yet.

"You have a lot here," I remarked. "I really am amazed at how wide of a range of music you have."

"Thanks," he said. "What all music do you like? I know you said you love Night Wish as well as the other groups I have on my player."

"Yeah, I definitely love them, and I also enjoy Death Metal, Black Metal and Progressive Metal," I went on.

"I love those genres of Metal as well," Dakota answered.

As I turned to lift up another box, there was a knock from the doorway of the room. We both turned to see Tanner parked there watching us.

"How are you guys doing in here?" he asked.

"I'm doing good," Dakota answered. "We're almost done with unpacking and organizing everything.

"Yeah," I said. "We just have the bed to get made up, then everything should be set."

"Good," Tanner replied. "Thank you for helping with all of this Caleb," Tanner said wheeling further in to the room and up to where I stood with one of the boxes in my hands.

I put it down to take Tanner's out-stretched hand. We shook, then I picked up the box again so I could start removing its contents which were a few more albums.

"You really have been a big help," Dakota said holding out his hand now.

I smiled and took his hand, and held it for a moment.

"I was glad to help," I said.

"The other reason I stopped in here were a couple of things," Tanner said. "First for you Dakota, I got a call from that record store that we talked to last week. Your album has come in so we can pick that up sometime here in the next day. Also to you Caleb, I was wondering if you would like to stay for dinner?"

I looked at the clock on my phone, and was shocked to see that it was almost 5:00 P.M. I said I'd love to stay for dinner, but would have to check with my parents.

I excused myself to do that, and this was around the time that my dad would be getting home, so after going back home, I saw that he was driving in to the garage. After he closed and locked the car door, he came around to where I was. We greeted one another, and then went in to the house. After seeing how his day went, I told my dad about helping our new neighbors, and especially me helping Dakota, and then I asked if I could stay for dinner after letting him know that Tanner asked if I wanted to. He checked with my mom, and they agreed that I could, so I went back so I could give everyone the good news!

After we looked at the menu, they suggested tacos from one of the closest take-out Mexican restaurants. I was glad to hear that, as Tacos were one of my favorite foods. Tanner said he'd go and pick them up, and after I checked to see if he needed anything before leaving, he left and Sarah went off to her room to get things organized after checking to make sure Dakota and I were okay sitting in his room.

"Tanner mentioned an album being in at the store that you ordered," I said. "Which album is that?"

"Have you heard of the group Toque Profundo?" Dakota asked.

"I've heard of them," I answered. "They've had a few albums out over the years. I looked them up a while back after hearing one of their songs called Acertijo. It was totally in line with my musical tastes, as it was basically a head-banging Metal song."

"Yeah, that was the first song I heard by them as well, and they've done other songs that are influenced by rock in the past," Dakota responded. "Did you see where they're from when you looked them up?"

"I read that they're from the Dominican Republic," I said. "I've been looking for the album Acertijo is on, but haven't been able to find it."

"The album it's on is called Magia, and that's the album I ordered, and that's at the store," Dakota explained.

"Oh wow!" I responded. "When you get it, maybe we could listen to it together so you don't have to listen to it alone. If you don't mind."

"I would really love that!" he replied smiling widely at me. "I can't wait for that!"

"Neither can I!" I said smiling widely back at him.

At this point Dakota and I were sitting on the edge of his bed after I helped him make it before Sarah went to her room to organize her things. I sat on Dakota's left and he sat there watching me for a moment. I scooted closer to him, and he did the same. As we moved closer to one another, I looked directly at him when he turned to look at me. Our eyes locked on one another's, and we sat there for what seemed like forever gazing deeply in to one another's eyes, and by this time my hand was holding his. I couldn't get the image of his eyes out of my mind, and I wanted to be close to him always! I remember thinking that I hadn't ever felt like this about a boy before. I'd have crushes before, but not like this. I wondered to myself if this was what it was like to fall, really fall for someone?

Finally Dakota was the one to turn his head, but our hands still stayed in one another's.

"Anyway, thanks for helping me with my room today," Dakota said as he turned to look at me again.

"You're welcome," I replied.

"You mentioned earlier about thinking that we'll get along really well," Dakota began. "So it sounds like you want to get to know me more. You also mentioned about coming over so we can listen to the album together. It sounds like you're thinking of me as a friend. I mean, are we friends?"

"Yeah, I really do think of you as a friend," I replied. "I'd really enjoy getting to know you more as well."

I definitely noticed that it seemed really important to him to know that we were friends. I found that interesting.

"I'm glad to hear you say that," he answered.

"Thanks," I replied. "When I make a friend, it's for always."

"I'm glad," he said.

"I'm sure that once you get settled in over the next few days and weeks," I began. "That you'll have a lot of stories to tell your friends back home about your time living here."

After I said that, Dakota got a sad look in his eyes and turned his head looking away from me. I immediately wondered if I had said something wrong, and worried that I had struck a nerve.

"I don't want to go in to it right now," he said. "The long and short of it is that I basically lost all of my friends back where I lived before I even came to live with Sarah and Tanner a few months ago. It happened before I had gone in to the hospital, and I just don't have the strength to talk about it right now. I might be able to tell you about it as we get to know one another a little more, but just not right now."

I really felt bad now, and moved to put an arm around him. He moved in to me, and rested against me as I held my arm around his shoulders.

"I really am sorry Dakota," I said looking directly at him. "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I didn't,,,."

I was cut off as he turned and held up an index finger close to my lips and his smile was gentle as well as understanding,.

"I know you didn't mean any harm," he said. "I'm starting to feel like I can trust you, and I don't think you would do anything to intentionally hurt me. I'm glad you understand though."

"Me too," I replied. "I'm starting to trust you as well, and I also feel comfortable that you wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt me either."

"I'm glad," he said.

He moved forward, and I took my arm from off of his shoulders. Turning his upper body towards me, he leaned towards me holding out his arms. I put my arms around him as we held one another for a long moment. I could have held him forever, and I never wanted that moment to end! Soon though we separated, and then my hand was back in his as we continued talking until Tanner came back with our dinner.

Author's Notes

As you are all probably noticing, there's a connection already happening between Caleb and Dakota. All of you will have to keep reading to find out where things will be going, and I hope you like where I take things with the two friends. I hope everyone is continuing to stay safe, and that everyone is having a good evening. I'll see everyone in Chapter Three.

Next: Chapter 3

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