The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Jan 13, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as your donations help to keep these stories and related information open, and free to the public.

Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 19


It was in the middle of October that things started changing more for Devin and I. We continued staying at one another's houses for the weekends unless there was anything going on. We would sleep in the same bed, and at some point I'd always wind up lying snuggled in Devin's arms. Sometimes he would pull me in to his arms right when we got in to bed, and sometimes one of us would get in to bed a little while after the other had already gone to bed, and if I would wake up later in the night to use the restroom, I would find myself wrapped in Devin's warm arms. I loved the feel of his strong body as he held me, and I also was loving even more, the pressing of his erection against mine if I was facing him, or sometimes it would be pressing in to my hip if I was lying on my back. Either way though, I couldn't wait to start doing things with him that involved that part of him, and I hoped that he would want to start doing things very soon!

The weekend on which things changed even more for us though was in the middle of October as I mentioned, and we were staying at my house that weekend. My dad was gone that Saturday night since he had to be on the road for the next two days, but we all three had a lot of fun hanging out the night before when Devin got to the house.

My dad had left a little after 2:00 P.M. that Saturday though, and so it was really a little while after he had left that things were starting to change between Devin and I. We were going to have the house to ourselves, though Caleb's parents would be coming over once after my dad left to check on us, then around dinner time to make sure everything was going good. Aside from that though, we were going to be just with one another for the evening,.

After my dad left, I was looking through videos on social media while Devin finished the last two questions on his homework assignment. He was shirtless, and I could see his back and shoulders when I looked up from time to time, since I was sitting on the edge of the bed, and my computer desk was across from the foot of the bed. Devin was sitting at it with his back turned to me leaned over, and the view of him without his shirt was driving me fucking crazy!

There were a couple of times Devin looked up, and as I looked away he looked in my direction. I knew he wasn't offended, nor was he upset. I hadn't told him about my being attracted to him, nor had he said anything to me about if he was attracted or not to me, but we both knew there was something there. We had talked among one another as the days and weeks went by, and he would tell me more about his journey to discovering that he liked guys. I told him that I was glad he shared that with me, and I had long since told him about my own story of how I came to realize that I was gay, and how my mom had treated me about it. He hugged me, and said that he was sorry to hear that I had gone through that. I could tell that from the way he held me tightly that what I had shared with him had really deeply bothered him. I could tell how protective of me he felt, and it was really sweet to know how much he cared. So at this point, I knew he enjoyed me looking at him as he sat there with only a pair of basketball shorts on and no shirt.

After he finished his homework, Devin put it back in his bag, then turned to me.

"I'm feeling kind of energetic," he said. "Would you be interested in going for a run. It'll be interesting to see which one of us beats the other home."

"You're on," I said as I put on my shoes and stood up. "The winner gets a blow job from the loser though."

I couldn't believe that that last part had actually come out of my mouth, and Devin spoke before I could even begin to take it back.

"You're definitely on Bitch," he said running out of the room, and towards the front door of the house.

I stood there slightly in shock! I really hadn't planned to say that, and as I thought more about it, I was interested to see if Devin would take me up on that unplanned proposition.

"Better hurry it up!" Devin yelled from the front of the house. "Unless you want to be the one getting your mouth filled with my cream little Bitch!"

"I'm on my way Fucker!" I yelled running to keep up with him as he ran out the door.

I caught up to Devin at the beginning of the driveway where the mailbox was, and I stood there as he took a drink of water. I watched him as he looked at me once he capped his water.

"Devin," I began.

I wanted to give him an out.

"About what I said about the winner'''," my words were cut off when Devin came up to me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"It's just between the two of us, and I'm totally down with it if you actually are good with it," he said.

"I'm definitely down with it," I answered relieved. "I just didn't want you to feel pressured in to doing anything you didn't feel comfortable doing."

"I appreciate that," he said. "I want you to feel comfortable as well, and I wouldn't ever want to pressure you in to doing anything you wouldn't want to do either."

"Thanks," I responded. "Ready?"

"Yeah, definitely," he answered.

Devin started off, and I ran to keep up with him. He flew down one sidewalk, then down the next. I kept up with him rather well, then began getting winded as we got to the stopping point where we would turn around to go back. I caught up to him, and he was smirking.

"Hope you can keep up with me as we go back," he said. "That'll be when we decide who wins, and who loses."

"You're on," I said starting off.



When Tyler suggested that about the winner getting sucked off, I thought he was joking, and maybe he thought he was, but I definitely hoped he wasn't. I wanted something like this to happen between the two of us for a while, and unless he was just fucking with me, then it appeared that my wish was coming true! I didn't really even care who won, so long as we got a chance to experience this moment together!



I was running faster now, and I was almost to the driveway of the house. Devin was struggling to keep up, and it looked like he was going to be giving me my first blow job ever! I closed the distance, and I was at the door to the house with Devin just a couple of steps away from the driveway.

"I win!" I yelled laughing, and looking in his direction. "Care for a rematch?"

"No, I'm good," Devin said as he came up to where I stood in front of the door to the house with my back to it facing him.

"Last chance to call it off," I said looking at him. "You can back out if you want, and I won't be pissed or anything. I was really surprised that I even said that."

"No need to worry," Devin said putting a hand on my shoulder as he stood there looking at me. "I've wanted to do something like this with you for a while, the blow job I mean, and never really thought about it being something we'd do because I lost a rase."

"Yeah, I wanted to do something like this with you for a while too," I answered. "I wasn't sure how to make it happen, and was trying to think of ways to initiate it. Obviously this was what my brain came up with."

"Tell your brain thank you for me," Devin said as he stepped up closer to me, clearly eager for me to unlock and open the door so we could go back in to my room to get started.

Once back in my room, I closed and locked the bedroom door, and stepped in front of Devin. I watched him as he looked at me, sizing me up, and then I went over to my bed where I sat down so I could remove my shoes and socks. Devin sat down and did the same. After that, I removed my shirt, shorts and then my boxers. Devin watched, then I looked back at him.

"Aren't you going to get undressed as well?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," he said as if this had only just occurred to him just now,. "I wasn't sure since this is just me doing it to you."

"I just figured that we would both be comfortable if we were naked at the same time," I said.

I looked down at my clothes that were on the floor in a neat pile so Devin wouldn't see the smile on my face. Little did he know the other surprise I had in store for him.

Once Devin was naked, he stepped in front of me, and motioned for me to lay down on the bed full-length. I did so, and he sat down next to me looking down at me for a moment.

"I didn't think to offer to shower first," I said.

Devin lay down draping himself over me with his back turned to me and half-laying on his left side with his head close to my cock.

"The only thing you need to worry about is this," Devin said as he kissed the head of my cock.

"Oh damn!" I yelled totally caught off guard with how good it felt! "That felt good!"

"This should feel good also," Devin said as he began slowly gliding his tongue up and down the top and underside of my cock, then he licked the sides of it. After kissing the head of it again, he began slowly licking my balls all over, then he began sucking on them!

"Fuck!" I yelled out! "Fucking hell that's great! Keep going!"

Devin sucked on each of them for another minute, then he touched his lips to the head of my leaking cock, and began lowering his mouth over it.

I was in absolute Heaven, and I never thought what Devin was doing to my cock and balls could feel this good! It felt better than I could have imagined it could! I never wanted it to end!

Devin began sucking up and down, and though I had to let him know about his teeth a couple of times starting out, he was in an amazing rhythm, once he got the hang of it! He swirled his tongue all around the head of my cock a couple of times, slid it up and down the underside of it several times which drove me totally crazy! As well as switching off a couple of times to lick and suck on my balls!

"Oh Devin!" I yelled loud enough so that anyone outside could have heard had the windows been open. "Fuck this is good! This is so fucking hot!"

Devin began stroking my balls to the rhythm of his sucking, and by this time he was going faster when I told him to do so!

"Oh fucking Christ that's amazing!" I screamed! "Don't stop! Keep going!"

I was thrusting my hips by this time, trying to keep from choaking my best friend as he gave me the best blow job I ever had, well the only one I had gotten at that point, but it was one I'd always remember and always enjoy remembering for years to come!

It turned out though that I had really no reason to worry about choaking Devin, as he was slowly working the head of my cock in to the back of his throat, and once it was in, I was experiencing an over-load of pleasure!

Devin deep-throated me a couple more times, and I began thrusting in and out of his mouth hard now, and I could tell from the way he was moaning, that he liked it. I held his head as I fucked his mouth. I couldn't help it now! Things were getting more intense than what I could handle, and I never felt anything like this before!

My orgasm was nearing fast now, and I could feel my balls tightening up, and my cock get thicker! I was trying to focus so I could warn Devin that I was getting ready to come!

"Devin!" I yelled. "I'm close, I'm so fucking close! I'm getting ready to come!"

I waited for Devin to take my cock out of his mouth, but he didn't. He kept sucking, and when I felt his hot wet lips close over the base of my cock, I exploded in to orgasm!

"Oh fuck!" I screamed as thick hot spirts of cum blasted from my cock, and in to Devin's mouth!

He swallowed them all, and it felt like I'd never stop coming! Finally though my orgasm was easing up, and my cock was finishing up releasing it's cum, and Devin licked up what escaped. It was a truly amazing experience!

After he let my cock slip out of his mouth, he came up to where I was, and he lay on his back. I saw his cock which was hard, and leaking precum heavily! His balls were big and hairy which turned me on even more. My cock wasn't hard again, but it could get hard again if I kept looking down at what he had between his legs.

"Thanks for that," I said turning and putting an arm around him.

"You're welcome," he replied turning to me.

"I have a surprise for you," I said.

"Cool!" he responded. "What is it?"

"I'll show you," I answered.

I helped him turn on to his back, and I moved down, and draped myself in the same position he had just been in a moment ago.

"Oh my god you'''," his words were cut off as I kissed the head of his cock slowly, then began lowering my mouth down over it. "Oh fuck that's good! That's so fucking good Tyler!"

I could tell just how surprised he was, and as I began getting in to a steady rhythm, he moaned a few times, and kept telling me how amazing it was! I loved his complements, and I then moved so I could suck on his balls.

"Oh fuck!" Devin growled! "Oh fuck, that feels so good! Don't stop! Keep going! Fuck yeah!"

I did keep going, and after sucking on his balls a couple more times, I went back to sucking on his cock. I kept this up, and got to the point of deep-throating him, and this drove him totally crazy!

"Fuck that's so incredible!" Devin yelled as he began thrusting his hips.

I motioned for him that it was alright to take hold of my head. He did so, and as I kept sucking up and down on him, he began fucking my mouth, but being careful not to go hard or too rough.

Finally his cock was getting harder, and I could tell that his orgasm was upon him seconds before he yelled that he was going to come!

"Here it comes Ty!" he screamed!

His cum began flooding my mouth, and I swallowed quickly to get it all down! I loved the thick, hot and creamy texture, as well as the saltiness of it! I could have kept it in my mouth forever!

I swallowed down the last few drops, then after he finished coming, I moved back up to face him. We immediately wrapped our arms around one another, and our lips slowly met.

The first kiss was soft and extremely light, then the second one was more long, as well as a little more deep. As we kissed a third time, we got more open-mouthed with our kisses, and our tongues rubbed against one another a few times. I was discovering in the excitement that my cock was hard again, and Devin's was still hard.

It felt good feeling his spit-covered erection rubbing against mine, and I wasn't ready for things to end. Devin clearly wasn't ready either, as he moved me on to my back. At that point I broke the kiss.

"Keep going Dev!" I whispered through gritted teeth in his ear!

He thrust against me slowly at first, then we got faster as I joined with my own movements!

"Harder!" I growled in his ear!

He began thrusting harder, and at this point we were crashing in to one another! It felt so good feeling our bodies slap together, and to feel his sweat-soaked skin rubbing against mine, and the feel of his cock against mine was getting me closer to the edge!

"I love this!" Devin said as he got closer to the edge as well!

Finally we both came on one another, and came hard! It wasn't over yet, as I moved so that I was on top of him, and still we kept moving against one another. We slammed against one another harder now, and it was pure lust and need for more release that drove us on! Nothing and no one else mattered in that moment! It was only Devin and I!

I felt myself ready to come again, and Devin was spirting cum once again, I was coming along with him, and now we were back with me under him again, as we kept going!

We came once more, and then we just held one another tightly for several long moments before our lips met again. We kissed deeply, and then just looked in to one another's eyes for a long moment.

"You were amazing!" I said as I pressed my lips to Devin's cheek.

"You were as well!" he replied, then returned the kiss.

We cleaned up, and then showered. Once dressed in T-shirts and basketball shorts, we lay on the bed in one another's arms kissing every so often, and though I figured that Devin felt it, I felt at that moment more drained, exhausted and happy, more than I ever had in my entire life!



Dakota and I lay on my bed that Saturday afternoon enjoying some alone time. It was the middle of October, and it was a sunny day out, but both of us wanted to enjoy the views of one another's bodies rather than the great outdoors. We were laying naked in one another's arms, and Dakota said that he wanted to tell me about what he saw one day that got him as interested in sex as he was. I looked forward to hearing about it. He had told me about it a few weeks ago when he had been talking about wanting to get really hardcore when it came to sex, so I was ready to hear his story.

Dakota started out by telling me that it was shortly after he had turned 13, and he had been jacking off for a while before that, and enjoying when he would come. He went on to explain that he would think of making out with other boys, as well as imagine he and them giving one another blow jobs, but things took a turn when on a Friday a few months after he turned 13, he saw something that changed things for him.



It was in the Spring of 2019 in late April when I was walking through the woods on a Friday evening. My dad was drunk, and my mom was who knows where at one of the bars getting just as shit-faced if not more so. I didn't want to stay around the house while my dad was getting drunk, as he would get even more violent once he was intoxicated, and that's when the beatings would get worse for me. So I left the house after dinner was over, as that's when he usually started working himself in to a total drunken state that I didn't like seeing him in, and I didn't want to watch it happen that evening. So to that end I went for a walk far away from the house in a huge patch of woods that I had been through a couple of times before.

As I walked, I got deep in to the woods, and walked the usual rout I had walked the couple of times I had been there before. As I kept walking, I started hearing something. I couldn't tell what it was yet, but I listened a little harder, and then I heard it! I couldn't believe it! Someone was out here, and as I listened more, I heard the sounds of moaning, and as I followed them, it was coming from an area to my right.

I came closer, and fortunately I was hidden by the trees as well as a couple of huge bushes full of leaves.

I hid there, and moved a little closer to see if I could see anything. I got closer, and moved out of that area, and saw that there was another grouping of trees and bushes.

I headed towards them, and the sounds got louder. I listened, and it was two guys, and they were clearly doing something sexual. I Moved so that I could see, and they were a few feet away from me. I kept myself hidden, and watched.

Part of me, actually a huge part of me felt rather perverse in watching them, and I was trying to force myself to look away. I couldn't help it though! It was like a car accident or something that you know you should look away from, but can't, no matter how hard you try!

I stood there looking at what was before me through the bushes I was standing behind. It was two guys who looked like they might be about 16, or 17 years old, but I couldn't tell for sure. One of them was larger than the other both in height and strength, and the second was smaller. He was a little more skinny, and still had yet to develop much muscle on him. The tall guy had black hair, and the other guy had light-brown hair.

The tall guy was standing, while the other guy who I was guessing was his friend was on his knees before him. I looked more intently, and as he was on his knees, the guy standing over him held out his cock.

"Fuck that's huge!" I thought in my head.

I hadn't looked at porn at that point, and was too worried that my parents would have caught me, and then there would have been hell to pay if that had happened, so the only frame of reference on which I could base anything like a guy's penis size was guys I'd see in school when I'd shower after Gym Class. I saw huge cocks before, but the one the guy held out to his friend was bigger than any I had seen at that point.

His balls were huge as well, and I was amazed. I was also hard as hell, and I didn't remember being this hard before, even when at my most horny!

As I stood there staying as quiet as possible, I discovered that I could hear what they were saying.

"Here it comes again Bitch!" the guy standing said to his friend who was still on his knees.

"Oh yeah!" he yelled. " I need your cock in my mouth again!"

I figured that they must have done this before, and clearly the boy on his knees was comfortable with the aggressive way in which the boy standing before him was speaking.

"Take it!" he said sharply. "Put your mouth to work! You know you want my cock fucking your mouth again, and you know that's what your hot little mouth was made fore!"

"That's what it's fore!" the boy answered back clearly desperate to get his mouth stuffed with his friend's cock.

"Take it!" the standing boy growled, and then held the back of his friend's head.

He shoved his cock in to his friend's mouth, and he started sucking on it, and moving his head back and forth! I couldn't believe what I was watching. My balls throbbed, and my cock was harder now!

"Oh fuck I can't believe this!" I whispered as I felt myself short of breath and my heart pounding harder than ever before!

"Yeah, you know what I like don't you!" the standing boy yelled as he began thrusting hard in and out of his friend's mouth!

He continued fucking his mouth for several minutes, then he screamed out, and after a few seconds, he took his cock out of his friend's mouth, then grabbed him, pushing him down to his hands and knees.

"You're not done with me yet?" the boy asked in a tone that made me wonder if they hadn't rehearsed this before.

"You know what comes next!" his friend said. "You're getting my cock up your ass, and I'm going to fuck you good and hard! You know that's what you're ass is for! It's here for me to feel my cock wrapped up in whenever I want it, and where ever I want it!"

"Yeah!" the boy yelled as his friend took a bottle from a bag that was beside him, and began putting something from the bottle on his hard shaft. It glistened in the evening light, and he began putting it in what I guessed was the boy's hole. "My fuck hole is yours anytime you want it!"

"That's my good little sex-crazed Bitch!" his friend said as he got in position behind him.

"Holley shit!" I thought in my head. "Am I really going to see two guys fuck right here, and right now!"

Once he was inside the other boy, the first boy took hold of his friend's hair, and pulled his head around, and pressed his lips hard to his. They kissed for several moments, then broke the kiss!

"I'm fucking you now!" he said as he began moving in and out of his friend!

"Oh yeah Jack!" the boy underneath him yelled! "Oh fuck! Give me that hot hard cock!"

"Yeah Matt!" I'm gonna give you that huge cock and lots of my cum!"

"Damn, so Matt really likes having his mouth and ass fucked hard!" I thought in my head. "Sounds like I know what I'd be expecting if I ever went to bed with Jack sometime!"

The slight fear and nervousness I had been experiencing when first seeing them had since gone away, and now I was on fire all over, especially in my cock and balls. I was leaking heavily, and I desperately wanted to grab my cock!

They were getting harder with their fucking, and Jack was slamming in and out of Matt's hole, and he had his arms locked around Matt's torso as he drove in and out of him!

Their bodies were soaked with sweat now, and I could see Jack's cock drenched in lube and the creamy fluids from Matt's hole! Jack's balls slapped hard rhythmically against Matt's ass cheeks, and I loved the sounds all of it made, from their moans and screams to the dirty talk they gave one another which was becoming more hardcore as they continued, as well as the loud sounds their bodies made as flesh hit against flesh hard!

At this point I made sure I was hidden good, and I lowered my shorts and boxers! I was in serious need of release, and the show before me was going to be my jacking off material!

"Fuck yeah my little Bitch!" Jack yelled as he got even harder with his fucking!

"Yeah Daddy!" Matt screamed loudly! "Give it to me harder! I need it so fucking bad!"

"Fuck!" I yelled in my head! "I hadn't ever heard anything like that before!"

"Yeah, you like Daddy's cock deep in your hot creamy little fuck hole don't you!" Jack growled as he slammed forward even harder!

"Yeah! I love it so much!" Matt screamed as their bodies slapped together harder!

"At this point I was on sexual over-load, and my blood roared through my ears, as well as the fact that my face was deeply flushed, and my heart was racing harder than I remember it ever doing before!

"I'm almost there my hot little cum-hungry Bitch!" Jack screamed as they kept going!

"Yeah, me too!" I yelled in my head!

I was stroking hard along with them at this point, and my orgasm was approaching quickly.

"Here it comes my hot little Fucker!" Jack screamed throwing his head back in pure ecstasy! "I'm gonna give it to you!"

"Yeah!" Matt screamed! "Fucking blast that hot load deep inside my hot tight boy Pussy!"

That was all I could take, as they both screamed and moaned louder which clearly showed that they were coming, I exploded in to orgasm! I had to stuff my right fist in to my mouth to keep from making noises they could hear, and my cock spirted out several thick and hot blasts of cum, thicker and more heavy than I had produced thus far since I first started jacking off!

As my orgasm began slowing down, I heard the moans and screams of passion from Jack and Matt fading as well! I looked towards where they were, and now they were clutched tightly in one another's arms, and they even had their legs wrapped around one another kissing passionately! They kept this up for a few minutes, then their kisses slowed, then they loosened their grip on one another, and just lay there holding one another. Their voices were soft now to the point that I couldn't really hear what they were saying, but I figured that it was something about how much they enjoyed their time together this evening.

As I returned to my own situation, I looked down to see my left hand covered in cum, and the tree behind which I had hidden myself was streaked with a few spirts of cum as well! I had removed my right hand from my mouth just seconds after my orgasm had stopped, and I was relieved to see that I hadn't left any bights that had broken the skin. It was just indentations of my teeth, nothing more, and they would fade over a short time.

I then looked back at the tree in front of me streaked with my cum, then I wiped my left hand off on the inside of the front of my boxers, then pulled them back up along with my shorts. I then stepped back quietly since Jack and Matt were still lying across the way from me, and they were still talking, and Matt's head was resting on Jack's chest as Jack held him in his arms. I then looked back at the cum-splattered tree and smiled.

"Sorry about that," I whispered to it. "Sorry that wasn't the Miracle Grow that you plants are used to getting for your dinner."

I backed up a few steps, and then backed up several more, and once a safe enough distance back, I turned and walked away, then as I continued walking, I thought back to everything I had just witnessed, then remembered what I had just said to the tree that now sported some of my sperm on it's trunk. I stopped walking for a moment remembering what I had said, then started laughing. I then broke in to a run laughing harder now, and I didn't remember laughing as hard and as joyfully as I had in my life than at that moment! I didn't see any reason at that point to not be joyful and to feel free! I had just seen two boys have crazy hot sex for the first time ever, jacked off to it and then made a smart ass comment to a plant. Most of all though, I loved everything I had seen that evening, and I wouldn't ever forget it. I just hoped I could find someone soon with whom I could experience what Jack and Matt had done with one another!



By the time Dakota got to the part of his story where Jack and Matt had started fucking, my cock was hard as Dakota's probably had been when he saw them. I was stroking, and when he finished telling about them finishing their fucking, I started coming, and I came hard! It was an amazing story, and after I cleaned up, I lay there as we continued talking about it.

"Damn!" I said as I held Dakota. "I wished I could have been there to have watched that with you!"

"I know," he agreed. "Thinking about it now, I wished you could have been there as well."

"I'm glad you got a chance to see that, and I can imagine that really has left an impression on you when it comes to what kinds of other things you want to get in to when it comes to us doing more sexual things with one another."

"Yeah, absolutely," Dakota replied.

We kissed for a long while, and after Dakota jacked off as I held him in my arms, he came hard, and I helped him clean up, then we lay under the covers kissing for a while. It wasn't too long though before we fell asleep for a while. I really enjoyed hearing Dakota's story, and I looked forward to us trying things like what Jack and Matt had done with one another!

Author's Notes

I had had something like this in mind for Dakota to experience seeing for a while now, and I thought about something like this for a long time. I finally decided to write it now, and I hope everyone enjoys reading about it. Also, I hope everyone enjoyed what Tyler and Devin did in the beginning of the chapter. Clearly they have stamina, and they'll be enjoying one another more as the story continues progressing.

All that being said, I hope everyone is staying safe, and doing well. I'll see everyone in Chapter 20.

Next: Chapter 20

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