The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Jan 9, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 18


September moved in to October, and things were going really well for all of us. Dakota was enjoying school, being around us and other friends he was making, as well as getting closer with my family. I was glad to see how everything was moving along for us, and of course he and I were spending weekends together, though a couple of times Dakota would spend a weekend with Sarah and Tanner while I spent a weekend with my own parents. It was nice to have that time to reflect on how things were going for the both of us, and I found that my feelings for him grew stronger once back with him, and I could tell he felt the same way about me!

In early October, Dakota and I sat down with his and my family, and we told them about us being together. We told them about how we were being careful about making sure that one another was comfortable with what we were doing when it came to sex, as well as taking our time with other things as far as it went with us being together as boyfriends.

"I'm really happy for you," my mom said hugging both of us.

"I feel the same way," my dad interjected, then hugged us both as well.

"Thanks," I said.

"Yeah, thank you," Dakota added. "That really means a lot."

"You're welcome," my parents both said.

"You're a really good boyfriend that Caleb has chosen," my dad said. "I really hope that you guys can be together for a really long time."

"I agree with your dad," my mom added.

"I'm really glad we talked," Dakota said.

"So am I," I said.

"We definitely support the both of you as well," Tanner spoke up.

"I support the two of you also," Sarah added.

We both told them how happy we were to hear that, and after talking for a little while longer, Dakota and I went to his room. It was a dark and rainy Saturday afternoon, and I hoped that this would be a good day to cuddle, and just lay in one another's arms for a long time.

Once in just our boxers, and with the bedroom door closed and locked, I took Dakota in my arms, and we lay there kissing for a long while, then he just lay draped across me while I rubbed his back up and down. After a while, I moved him so that he was on his stomach, and I began massaging his shoulders, and he moaned softly.

"That feels really good Caleb!" Dakota said as I kept up my massaging.

"I'm glad it's making you feel good," I answered.

"It's really relaxing me," he went on.

"I'm really happy that it is," I responded.

After working on Dakota's shoulders, I began massaging up and down his back, and after a while of doing this I moved to his legs where I massaged them slowly and gently.

"Thanks for doing that for me," Dakota said as his voice grew heavier with sleep that he was trying to keep held back.

"You're welcome," I answered as I kissed the side of his leg. "Anything for you my love."

After I finished massaging him, I held him in my arms once covering us both up with the sheet and covers. I lay there with him wrapped in my arms while he slept, and I listened to the rain coming down hard outside. It relaxed me as it always does, and I fell asleep soon after.

Later that evening, Devin and Tyler called, and we invited them over after making sure that it was alright with Sarah and Tanner. My parents were out with friends at dinner for the evening which was nice since that gave Dakota and I a chance to hang out, as well as more time for us to spend with our two friends as well.

Once at our house, Devin and Tyler sat on the bed beside Dakota and I who were laying down. We had told Tyler and Devin about us being a couple shortly before we told our families, and of course they were supportive, and wished us well. It was good to have their support, and while we were together that Saturday evening, Devin told us that he was pretty sure that he was gay, and he had told Tyler a couple of days before.

Tyler told us that he had been surprised when Devin told him, and also really happy that Devin felt comfortable enough to share that with him. After we congratulated Devin, Tyler told us about himself as well. I figured that he might be gay, and when he came out to Dakota and I, we both hugged him, and congratulated him as well.

"Is your dad supportive of you, or how has that been going for you?" I asked Tyler.

I had been wondering, and a little worried about how that was going to turn out, especially with how things had been going with Tyler and his dad not too long ago.

"It's been going really good," Tyler answered as he scooted closer to Devin who put an arm around him. "My dad has been really supportive, and after talking out a lot of things we've gotten closer. I'm really happy about that!"

"I'm really happy for you," I answered.

"So am I," Dakota responded.

"Thanks," Tyler replied. "As for the kids who had been bullying me, we got the principal up off his ass finally, and he's doing something about it. Hopefully he'll get the guys who were doing it to stop."

"Who were they?" I asked.

"Just a couple of assholes who are a part of the crowd of rich kids who go to our school," Tyler responded. "You know how that crowd is."

"Yeah," I answered. "I know exactly how they can be."

"I hope they're taken care of soon," Dakota added.

"I hope that as well," Devin answered as he pulled Tyler closer to him.

"Thanks," Tyler said. "So do I."

We started talking about other things, and eventually we started talking about things concerning relationships, sex, dating and how to deal with all of that. After making sure that it was alright with Dakota, he and I both told Devin and Tyler about what we had tried with one another, but we didn't give them a complete detailed description though.

"I'm glad you guys are enjoying what you've been doing so far," Devin said.

"Yeah, it sounds really hot what you guys have done with each other," Tyler added.

"It definitely is," I replied. "I'm sure it'll be even better when Dakota and I start going all the way, that is if you want to," I said turning to my lover.

"I'd love to try that sometime once we get further in to our relationship," Dakota responded as he leaned in and kissed me.

I kissed back, and we held one another for a moment.

"Yeah, I'll definitely do it slow and gentle for you," I said as we looked at one another.

"Slow and gentle?" Dakota repeated smiling and with an incredulous tone. "Will you be fucking me, or performing Brain Surgery on me?"

Devin and Tyler busted out laughing, and I was glad that they both didn't have a drink of something in their mouths at that moment.

"What?" I asked looking straight at my boyfriend.

"Sure, I was definitely a virgin until you and I started doing the sexual stuff we've been doing, but even I knew that aside from starting out slow so that the person bottoming doesn't get hurt, after that it's all hard and hot fucking until the climax comes," Dakota went on.

"Wow!" I said laughing. "So You're saying that I still have a lot to learn when it comes to sex. I mean, I was a virgin before you and I did anything sexual for the first time as well, so maybe I need to get more experience."

"I'm saying that you're still rather innocent to these things," Dakota went on. "I'll rid you of that soon enough though."

He was smiling mischievously as he looked right at me.

"Damn!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Dakota totally wants it hardcore!" Devin said laughing hard.

"Sure Devin," I said smiling at him. "Just say that a couple of octaves louder. I don't think Sarah or Tanner quite heard you."

We all laughed at that, then Devin asked for something to drink.

"I'll get it," Tyler said.

Once back in the room, Tyler closed the door and walked over to where Devin was sitting. He held out the bottle of Apple Cider, and Devin took it with a humorous look on his face.

"Thanks," Devin said in an exaggerated moaning voice. "Daddy needs a taste of this."

"Um, that's fucked up," I said laughing.

"Kinda turns me on," Dakota said smirking as he looked back at me, and pushed his hips in to the bed in an exaggerated way.

"Yeah, me too," Tyler said as he brushed his fingertips up and down Devin's arm as if he was trying to figure out Devin's reaction. "I'm always happy to give you a taste of whatever you want Hot Daddy."

Devin laughed, and swatted Tyler's hand away.

I laughed, then put an arm around Dakota.

"I'm glad to see that we're all comfortable joking like this," I said.

They all agreed, then after a little while longer of us talking, Devin and Tyler went back home for the evening to enjoy one another's company. After Dakota and I were in bed, we lay there facing one another, and Dakota was watching me intently.

"I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable with how I was getting a little hardcore with what I was saying earlier," he said.

"No, you're fine," I said then kissed his cheek. "I still am a little new to sexual things, but since it's you I think I'd feel comfortable with trying new things, and getting my mind a little more open."

"I'm glad to hear that," Dakota said. "Like I said before, I hadn't ever been with anyone sexually before you and I met, nor before I had my life and my brain rearranged for me, but I still hadn't been as innocent-minded about sex like you have been. I'll tell you more about that a little later, but the point is that I want things to get really hardcore when we go deeper with sex with each other."

"I'd like that as well," I replied.

We kissed a couple of times, and decided that despite all of the low-key sexual talk that we were tired enough so that we were satisfied with just cuddling for that night. We fell asleep soon after we exchanged a couple more kisses.

Author's Notes

Dakota will have a story to tell Caleb in the next chapter, and then Caleb will know exactly what Dakota means. I hope you all enjoy what happens in the events coming up. I hope everyone had a good holiday, a happy New Year and I hope everyone is staying safe. I'll see everyone in Chapter 19.

Next: Chapter 19

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