The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Dec 24, 2021


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 17


The rest of that weekend went on with Caleb and I watching stuff on either mine or his laptop, or talking as well as making love several times. That was getting better and better! I was amazed at how good he was at everything we had been doing at that point. We also hung out with Devin and Tyler that Saturday evening. We all went bowling, then out to eat. Sarah and Tanner hung at the house, then later that evening they went out to dinner, so at least they were able to enjoy themselves as well.

Once at dinner, I sat beside Caleb, and Devin sat to my left across from Caleb while Tyler sat to Devin's left across from me. We were sitting there with our drink orders having been taken care of, and after we decided what we wanted to eat, the waitress left, and we sat there talking.

We talked about how good of a time we had bowling, and I actually beat Caleb a couple of times, and Devin beat Tyler a few times as well, but we all mainly played just to play. As I sat there watching Tyler and Devin, I was wondering, and not for the first time if there was something going on between the two of them. They would give one another certain looks when each one wasn't looking, and then they would always seem to brush up against one another, mainly their arms or their hands would brush against each other's a few times, and they both seemed to get a happy look on their faces. I didn't think too much of it though, I was still under the impression that Devin was still in to girls, and that Tyler still wasn't ready to talk about anyone in whom he was interested.

"The sampler you're getting sounds good," I said turning to Caleb as we continued waiting for our food. "You'll be sharing some of it right?"

I flicked Caleb on his ear lightly when I said that.

"Maybe," he replied.

"I mean, there are hot wings that comes on the platter, and you know how I feel about them," I went on. "Also, I love those Cheese Sticks."

"You can definitely have those," Caleb replied. "I've always hated those things."

"Really?" I asked actually surprised.

"Hell yeah," he answered. "They look like the discharge from someone's STD that someone took in to a kitchen, deep-fried and then put on a plate for another person's enjoyment."

"That's a really fucked up image you just left me with Caleb," Tyler said.

"What I'd like to know is how you know what STD discharges even look like," Devin said smirking at him.

"Oh, I would have thought that you could have explained that one to me yourself Devin," Caleb shot back smirking in return.

We all laughed, and Caleb went on.

"Seriously though, I never have liked Cheese Sticks. I guess it's the texture."

"Interesting," I said. "They're the right kind of shape."

"What?" Caleb asked surprised, then he got it. "Oh my god Dakota."

"Hey, just trying to help you learn to love the joys of the fried Cheese Stick."

"Sorry, but that's not going to happen," he replied laughing.

"Don't worry, you continue to stick with me," I went on. "I'll have you wanting things you never knew you had a taste for."

Devin and Tyler cracked up, and Caleb looked at me.

"What does that even mean?" he asked even more surprised, but still laughing all the same. "Damn, looks like I can't take you anywhere with me."

"Yeah, I guess I really have no filter," I went on smiling at him.

"I wouldn't change it though," Caleb said smiling back at me.

We continued talking, then our food arrived. I ordered a burger with fries, and a Chocolate Milk Shake. We were all really enjoying our food, and I looked over at Devin and Tyler. They both ordered wings and fries, and they both seemed to really be enjoying what they ordered.

We kept talking, and then as Tyler got on a rant about some crap that he had heard on Top 40 Radio earlier that day, he had a fry with Barbeque Sauce on it. He had it held loosely in his hand while he kept up his rant.

"I can't even remember what the song was, or who performed it if you even want to call it that, but'''," he stopped in mid-sentence when Devin took the fry out of his hand, bit off the end that had sauce on it, then handed it back to him.

I laughed hard at that, and Caleb looked surprised.

"I guess that'll teach you to keep a better eye on your food Tyler," Caleb said laughing.

"That wasn't nice at all Dev," Tyler said giving him an exaggerated glare.

"Oh yeah, really sorry about that," Devin said smirking.

"Can I continue with what I was saying, or would you like to take another fry while I'm distracted?" Tyler asked smiling at him.

"Go ahead T," Devin said smirking.

"As I was saying," Tyler went on. "This is why I don't even bother to turn on regular radio, but I figured I'd just use it as background noise this morning while I waited for Devin to finish in the restroom showering before I got in there."

"So no Top 40 for you in the near future?" I asked.

"I can try to give music a chance I've never heard before," Tyler went on. "That being said though, if it's something like, oh I don't know. Let's say something like Shake Dat Thang by Lil Twork, then I'm totally not fucking interested in hearing it."

I laughed hard at that one, and so did Devin and Caleb. I loved how Tyler could deliver the one-liners.

"Is that even a real song or artist?" I asked when I got my laughter under control.

"No," Tyler said laughing a little himself now. "I just made it up, but there probably will be some Bullshit like that at some point."

"Let's hope not," Devin said.

"Agreed," Caleb added.

As I sat there eating more of my burger, Caleb looked at me and started talking like one of those narrators on a nature documentary.

"Now we come to a species of black-haired teenager called the Dakota. The Dakota seems to possess a remarkable appetite, typically within the evening hours, and seems according to researchers to have a large hunger for cooked meats, mainly of the Bovine variety. This particular Dakota is of the male variety of the species, and also seems to require about 10 to 30 hours of sleep between each cycle of activity. Researchers believe that he's of a typically even and mild temperament, but does have an aversion to mainstream Top 40 Music on the radio, and seems to develop an extra glow to his eyes when exposed to this particular stimuli in controlled conditions."

"Very funny Caleb," I said laughing.

I felt something on the top of my head, and put my hand up to check it out.

"It's Caleb's thumb on your head," Devin said laughing.

"That's not a good idea to do while I'm eating," I said in mock annoyance.

"Ah, another fascinating characteristic of the Dakota," Caleb went on in that same announcer voice. "He seems to have an additional eversion to physical contact from others when consuming his food. Researchers will have to study more in depth in order to understand further about this particular phenomena."

"Are you about finished being a Smart Ass?" I asked smirking at him. "Also, do you have any plans to get your thumb off the top of my head?"

"Oh, I was hoping that you'd learn to love that," Caleb said laughing. "There's nothing like the joys of being under my thumb. You really don't know what you're missing."

"I'm sure I do," I said smirking at him.

"Oh, alright," he said pretending to be dejected. "I'll get you out from under my thumb for now."

"Thank you," I said smiling at him now.

"You're welcome.

We finished up, then paid the waitress.

"Well, if we're all finished with the comity stylings of Caleb and Dakota," Tyler began. "I figured that we could move on to something else. I probably will need a nap here very soon."

"Me too," Devin agreed.

"Sounds good," Caleb said.

"Yeah, I'm finished here too," I added.

We left, and after exiting the restaurant, we went to the park to sit and talk for a bit.

"This has been a nice outing," I said. "I've really been enjoying myself with you guys this evening."

"So have we," Devin and Tyler agreed.

"Me too," Caleb said as he looked at me.

We talked a little more, then after deciding to head back home, we got back to my house, and after saying goodbye to Tyler and Devin, we went in to the house, and saw that Tanner and Sarah were home. We said hi to them, and sat down with them in the living room to talk for a while.

"Did you guys have a nice dinner?" I asked.

"We did," Tanner said. "How was your dinner you two had with Devin and Tyler?"

"It was good," I answered.

"We had a really good time," Caleb added.

"I'm glad you guys had a good time," Sarah said.

"Thanks," Caleb replied.

"Yeah, it was definitely fun," I interjected.

"I'm glad," Sarah replied.

After we talked for a little while longer, Caleb said he wanted to get a shower, and that left me with Tanner and Sarah.

"I'm really glad that you and Caleb are as good of friends as you've become," Tanner said.

"You guys have really become close," Sarah added. "I think it's really sweet."

"Thanks," I said blushing now. "He really is a good friend to me."

"I'm glad he has treated you as well as he has," Tanner said. "I wasn't sure how he would ultimately be about your issues you have, but he has really turned out to be handling them well. That's all I care about, is that he treats you good, and doesn't hurt you."

"You mean as a friend?" I asked wondering how this conversation was going to turn out going forward.

"Yeah," Tanner said. "That and more. I can tell when two people like one another as more than friends, and I have noticed this beginning to happen with you and Caleb. I hope that if you guys decide to be a couple, that he is someone you can trust long-term, and that he will continue treating you good, and who will love you always."

"I feel the same as our dad does," Sarah added when Tanner looked at her. "I had the same concerns as dad has when we all first met Caleb, but I saw quickly that he was a nice, and is a nice person. I trust him to be good to you, and I hope he continues with that like what our dad said."

"Thanks," I said as I hugged both of them. "Caleb and I haven't talked yet about how to tell you or his family what's going on between the two of us, but I want to say that I trust him completely, and I think things are going to go really well with us and our friendship, as well as any actual relationship that comes out of that friendship."

"I hope so," Tanner said.

"So do I," Sarah agreed.

Once we finished talking, Caleb joined us a few minutes later, and after we all said goodnight, I went in to get my own shower, and Caleb helped with the parts I needed help with, then we lay down in bed together after we finished undressing.

"It's really good to be alone with you now," Caleb said as he pressed his lips against mine.

"Yeah, it really is," I answered as I returned his kiss.

We let the kiss deepen, and then we came up for air a few minutes later.

"You're a damn good kisser!" I said.

"Thanks," Caleb replied. "So are you!"

"Thanks!" I answered.

"You're welcome," he said. "So have you thought about where you want things to go between us as we continue being with one another like this? I really do like you, and the sex we've been sharing with one another is amazing, and I'm sure that's going to get even better. I hope that we can share even more than that between each other though."

"I've been thinking about all of that," I answered. "I really like you too Caleb, and I hope that we can be more than friends, and I also want there to be even more between us along with the amazing sex that we have with one another."

"I'm glad you feel the same way!" Caleb responded.

"Me too!" I replied. "Tanner and Sarah had been talking with me earlier while you were in getting your shower about this same issue. I didn't tell them that we were having sex or anything like that, but they know that I like you, but they have basically figured out that we feel more than friendship for one another."

"You can tell them about us," Caleb said then kissed me softly on the cheek.

I returned his kiss, then went on talking.

"Thanks, that was sweet," I replied. "Thanks, and you can tell your parents about us as well, and hopefully we can all actually sit down and we can tell both Tanner, Sarah and your parents at the same time though."

"That would be nice as well," Caleb agreed. "All that being said though, I'm glad that Tanner and Sarah are happy about us becoming more than friends."

"So am I," I answered. "I hope your parents accept me as more than your friend when we tell them whenever we do that."

"So do I," Caleb agreed. "So do you want to be boyfriends?" Caleb asked as he rested his forehead against mine.

"I would love that!" I answered, then kissed Caleb deeply. "Yes, I want that so much!"

We kissed again, and Caleb held me tightly for a moment.

"I want that as much as you do as well!" he replied.

We kissed again, and spent several minutes passionately making out, then Caleb turned me on to my back, and after removing my boxers, I helped him off with his.

We pressed our bodies together, and moaned as we kissed deeply, and enjoyed the feel of our naked bodies coming in to contact with one another. Caleb's erect cock pressed against mine, and after he situated it so that it was directly pressing against my hard shaft, we thrust against one another, and then I moved so that our balls rubbed against one another, and that made us even more excited!

We kept thrusting, and we also continued kissing. I discovered quickly that feeling my cock against Caleb's at the same time we had our lips pressed together got me even more excited, and Caleb seemed to be experiencing the same sensations! As we got faster and harder with our grinding against one another, I felt myself closer to the edge, and I could feel that my orgasm was going to be a big one!

I could tell from the way that Caleb was thrusting harder and harder against me, that he was getting close to the edge as well! I knew that he would be coming any moment now, and then I felt him slam hard against me, and that triggered my own orgasm! We came hard, and the cum spirted out to collect on our stomachs. It felt amazing, and wonderful to feel that hot cream from both of us flowing out between our bodies, and after we stopped moving against one another, we just lay there holding each other tightly! Neither one of us wanted to let the other go, and I could have stayed with my lover like that forever!

After we lay like that for a long moment, Caleb released me, and we cleaned up with one of the towels we had used for my shower earlier. After getting back in to bed, Caleb held me close, and we kissed for several minutes.

"You were really good a few minutes ago!" I said. "You're really good at sex! I can only imagine how good you're going to be when we try other things going forward as well."

"Thanks," Caleb answered. "I'm sure you're going to be really good as well as we keep doing stuff with each other. You were really good earlier as well!"

"Thanks," I answered.

After kissing once more, we got covered up and were asleep in minutes.



I was spending that Saturday night with Tyler, and as I watched him and his dad interacting throughout the rest of that evening since we had been back home from having been with Caleb and Dakota earlier, I noticed that things had really improved with Tyler and his dad. His dad seemed more relaxed, but also had more of a softer demeaner than before. I was glad to see how good things had become between the two of them, and after we all talked for a bit, Tyler and I went back to his room to shower and then wind down for the evening.

After I finished with my shower, I got in bed beside Tyler. He had showered just a few minutes before I did, and after he said that he hoped that I could sleep beside him, we lay there with the covers over both of us.

Tyler lay on his side facing me, and I looked at him. His skin was smooth, and he had very little hair on his arms, and when I watched as he undressed for his shower, I saw that his ass was hairless, and his cock hung down over his balls. It was rather large, and had what looked like a nice fleshy foreskin surrounding it. His balls were still smooth, and my mouth watered as I looked at them. If he noticed me watching him, he didn't seem to notice, or if he did, then I hoped that he didn't mind. I actually hoped that he enjoyed it.

Now lying there facing one another, I looked in to his lovely green eyes. They were a dark-green, and he looked in to mine.

"You're sure you're cool with sharing my bed with me?" he asked as I reached out and lightly stroked his arm.

"Definitely," I replied. "I would let you know if I wasn't."

"Good," he answered.

I continued lightly stroking his arm, and he scooted closer to me, then I wrapped my arm around him. He relaxed in to my embrace, and rested his head against my chest.

"Sorry I'm not a silky cuddly girl," he said as I stroked his hair with my other hand.

"There's nothing to apologize for," I answered. "You're exactly who I want beside me right now."

"Thanks," he replied. "I'm glad to hear that."

"You're welcome," I answered.

As we lay there, I reached over him to turn out the lamp, and he was snoring softly as I put my arm back around him. I knew I was falling for him hard, and I thought for a while as I lay there. I knew that my attractions for girls were all but practically gone, and my feelings for Tyler were stronger than ever. I also thought about the fact that even if Tyler wasn't in my life at that moment, I wouldn't be desiring a girl neither sexually or romantically. I knew I wanted Tyler, and of course I wanted to have long and powerfully intense hours of sex with him, but more than that, I wanted to hold him in my arms for as long as possible, and I wanted to protect him from anything that could hurt him.

I also thought back about when he had told me about wanting to take his own life. I feared losing him, and I worried from time to time if he would ever go back to that dark place ever again, and I knew that there was a part of me that was still angry with Tyler's dad for how he had treated him, and about how all of that over time pushed Tyler to believe that taking his own life was the way out of all of that pain. I did want to settle things between Tyler's dad and I, but didn't know how to go about making that happen. I figured that I'd find a way though.

As I finished that thought, I felt my eyelids grow heavy, and after whispering goodnight to Tyler, I fell asleep with him in my arms. It felt good to be holding him that night as we slept!

Author's Notes

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, and I hope you all like where I'm going where things are concerned with Devin and Tyler. They'll be getting closer, and things will heat up quickly, and really intensely between the two of them in the next chapter, so keep an eye out for that.

Caleb and Dakota will do more with one another in the next chapter as well. Caleb will see just how much Dakota enjoys when they're having sex with one another, and he'll also discover just how much of an appetite Dakota has for sex, and just how deep his interest in it is, so I hope all of you like seeing all that play out as well.

All that being said, I hope everyone has a really nice holiday this holiday season. Everyone continue staying safe, I hope you're all well, and I'll see everyone in Chapter 18.

Next: Chapter 18

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