The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Dec 6, 2021


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 14


After that weekend when Mandy and I had been together that Saturday afternoon, the one where I had to think of Tyler to keep staying hard in order to come, Mandy and I got together during that week a couple of times, but not to have sex, but to hang out as well as get homework completed. Things ended though for her and I that following weekend when we were alone at her house.

I figured that things would be ending between us soon, as things felt different between the two of us all that week. Mandy wasn't angry at me, but she seemed distant, and I wasn't exactly all there in the moment either. We sat on the edge of her bed kissing, then Tyler's image came up in my mind once again even more strong than before, and I pulled back.

"Are you alright Devin?" Mandy asked concerned this time.

I had broken the kiss a few times already, and told her that I wanted to take things slow hoping that I would be able to focus on her, but it wasn't working. I sat there for a moment, then turned to her.

"I need to talk to you Mandy," I said.

"Okay," she said looking back at me.

I held her hand as I began talking.

"I know we decided not to be in a relationship, but I didn't want to just use you for sex," I began. "You've probably noticed the last couple of times we were together and having sex that something was different. I felt like you noticed something this past Saturday when we finished doing what we did and got cleaned up."

"I have noticed something the last couple of times," she answered. "I noticed something especially this past Saturday, and I just hope you'll be honest with me about whatever it is. If it's another girl you want to be with, I'd really like it if you could tell me that now."

"Have you wanted more to happen between us?" I asked.

"I have wondered a couple of times if a relationship between you and I might work," she answered. "A part of me hoped for that anyway, but I also have tried to keep it in mind that you're more in to having sex for now. I've been able to handle that since you're not a jerk about it. You're up front with the girls you're with, and you haven't lead any of them on. You've shown me the same respect, and I really like you as a friend too. I think we have a lot of fun even when we're doing regular activities that don't involve sex or anything like that."

"I agree," I replied. "You're a really good friend as well, and I never wanted to lead you on. I've never wanted to lead on any of the girls I've been with."

"You've also been really good when we've had sex," she went on. "I mean, you've been really thoughtful of my wellbeing, as well as my needs when we would make love, and that really means a lot to me. You've been really caring and gentle when we would have sex, and that's always what I wanted with a guy when I thought of me and a guy together in that way."

"I'm glad I've made you feel cared for, as well as respected when we've shared sexual things with one another," I said. "That being said, you're correct when you felt like something was different the last couple of times. Something has been different for me the last couple of weeks, and something was different especially this past Saturday as well."

"Is it another girl you're interested in?" she asked.

"No," I answered, and held her hand a little tighter. "I never thought I'd really feel this way, but I've always known that I'd be loved by my family and a few of my friends anyway if I turned out this way."

"What do you mean?" she asked confused.

"The last couple of times we were together, my mind started coming up with images of people, but they weren't girls," I answered getting nervous now.

"You mean they were of guys?" she asked a bit surprised, but still calm.

"Yeah," I said as I looked at her.

"Have you ever had sex with another boy before?" she asked.

"Never," I said. "That's why it's a little surprising," I went on. "This past weekend, I actually had to work harder at staying hard, as well as getting to the point of coming."

"I felt like you were having some trouble," she said. "I had been a bit confused as to whether or not it was me, like something I was or wasn't doing right."

"It wasn't you, and isn't you at all," I said hugging her.

She hugged me back, and we held each other for a long moment. I was sad knowing that things were soon to end between us, and I could tell as she held me tightly that she felt it as well. We separated, then she looked at me for a long moment, then kissed my cheek.

"So you had to think of a guy to finish when we were together this past Saturday?" she asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "I felt bad as it was happening, because I felt like I was being dishonest with you. I just don't want to lead you on though."

"That must have been really hard for you, and probably a little scary," she said. "Do you feel comfortable telling me who it was you were thinking about?"

"If you feel comfortable knowing," I answered.

"Since we agreed to be completely honest with each other about everything, I think that's for the best," she responded.

"I agree," I said. "It was my friend Tyler who's image came up in my mind the most. Most of the other guys were random guys I've known in school, but most of them I couldn't name off the top of my head."

"Tyler?" she said. "You mean the one guy who hangs with you and Caleb sometimes?"

"Yeah, that's the one," I answered.

"He is kind of cute," she said smiling.

"Thanks," I said. "I'd say he probably is. That being said though, I think I really need to not do what we've been doing, and I need to figure this out. I still want us to be friends though, and I really do consider you a good friend."

"I do understand," she said and she hugged me.

She was crying a little now, and I just held her.

"I'm sorry Mandy," I said. "I know that you hoped that eventually something more than a few good times would happen between us. I hoped that as well, and I never expected to experience what I've been experiencing in my mind."

I was crying a little now as well.

After we got ourselves under control, we continued to hold one another for a long while, then she let me go. We shared one last long kiss, then looked in to one another's eyes for a long moment, then she broke eye contact first, but held on to my shoulders for a moment.

"I'm still your friend Devin," she said. "I want to be supportive in whatever way I can be as you figure things out. I'll miss what we had, and I'll have to get through my own emotions about what I hoped could have been between us, but I want you to be happy, and also for you to be alright. I especially want for you to be safe emotionally and in all other ways as well. I know that many kids who go through what you're going through either don't have anyone they can turn to, or feel like there's no one they can turn to for support when they have confusion or questions about their sexuality."

"Thank you Mandy," I said as we hugged again. "Also, you're right. There a lot of kids who go through what I'm going through who don't have supportive friends or supportive family they can get support from, and some of them of course attempt or end up dying by suicide. Then there are the ones who are bullied because of it, or they have all of these problems when they come out as Gay or Bi, or even Transgendered."

"Yeah, I know," she said. "I don't want to see anything like that happen to you."

"Thanks," I said. "I'm glad I have your support."

"You're welcome," she answered. "I'm glad you're letting me be supportive, as well as that you were honest with me about all of this."

"Me too," I replied.

We held one another for a moment, then my phone chimed. I checked it, and it was my parents letting me know that I needed to come back home to get ready for dinner.

Mandy and I said good bye, and after another long hug, we parted ways. She turned to go back home, and though I turned in the direction of my own house, I was headed to more than just home, but in to another phase in my life. I hoped that it would turn out good for me.



Dakota and I were at his house for that weekend, and we had homework to do that Friday evening, then we were free for Saturday and Sunday. The weekend before was still fresh in my mind with our time spent in the elevator at the mall, as well as our time spent kissing and holding one another in bed that Saturday night, and for this weekend we did more cuddling and kissing, as well as holding each other as we watched stuff on TV, or just listened to music.

That Saturday evening after we had dinner, Dakota and I sat on the edge of his bed talking as we had our arms around one another, and it was really nice to just be with each other like that.

"I've really been enjoying our time together this weekend," Dakota said as he leaned his head against my shoulder.

"I've been enjoying it as well," I replied. "I've never felt this way about another boy, not what I'm feeling for you anyway. Of course I feel sexual feelings for you, and think you're really cute, as I've felt for other random boys since I've known I was gay, but I also feel like with you I want to be with you always. I feel like I could see myself with you as more than a friend for a really long time. That being said, I'm glad we're allowing our friendship to get stronger right now."

"I feel the same way Caleb," Dakota said as he kissed me on my lips. "I feel really close with you, and I think I could see myself with you as a boyfriend here soon. I also feel like I could see myself with you as boyfriends for a long time to come, but for now though I agree with you about letting our friendship grow stronger. I'm really enjoying the cuddling and kissing that we're doing as well!"

"I love that too," I answered.

"You really do mean a lot to me Caleb," Dakota went on,. "You truly are my best friend, and I can't picture my life without you."

"You're definitely my best friend as well Dakota," I replied. "I also can't see my life without you in it, and I always want you with me."

"I want you with me all the time as well," he said.

Once in bed for the night, Dakota and I made out for a long time, and we even pressed our cocks together though we kept our boxers on. It felt good to move against each other like that as we deeply kissed again and again! I was also discovering how much Dakota loved the sexual stimulation I was giving him, and the way he moved against me, and held on to me was telling me that he was going to be the type of guy who wanted to get whiled when having sex. I mean, I was getting the feeling that when we began having sex for the first time, that he wouldn't just be helping out a little, nor would he just be lying there as I did all the work. I had a good feeling that I would be more exhausted after sex than he would, or at least just as deeply drained as he would be after we both would come! I was definitely looking forward to when our first sexual experience would happen between the two of us for the very first time!

After we finished making out and thrusting against one another, we just lay there looking in to one another's eyes, then I kissed Dakota slowly on his lips.

"You're so handsome," I said holding him close to me as he rested his head on my chest.

"So are you Caleb," he said as he lay there with one of his hands stroking my hair slowly.

We spent a few more moments talking, then we said good night and were both asleep within a few seconds of each other.

My parents went to church the next morning, and they decided that Dakota and I could use the extra time together. I was glad of that, and we spent that Sunday morning helping with getting breakfast prepared. As I got the eggs ready for the stove, I went back to the table where my coffee was, and saw that it was cooling down again. I had been up and down a few times, so had to reheat it a couple of times already. I had also been helping Dakota with getting dressed as well so that was part of it.

As I put the coffee in the microwave once again for a third tine, Dakota sat at the counter in his wheelchair watching me as he chopped fruit for a fruit salad, and he was smirking at me.

"Yes Dakota?" I said smirking back.

Coffee Reheat Attempt 2,493," he said sounding like one of those androids on shows like the New Outer Limits or Star Trek the Next Generation. He also snapped his hands together like one of those plastic things movie directors use on a movie set.

"Oh right," I said. "I sometimes forget that you're a bit of a Smart Ass from time to time."

"Yeah, I figured you wouldn't mind," he said looking over at the microwave. "I'll restart the counter for the next reheat you have to do."

"Thank you," I said smirking at him, then taking my coffee out of the microwave.

"How is it after that 3000TH reheat?" he asked wheeling over to me.

"Don't you mean reheat 2,493?" I asked smiling down at him, and lightly flicking him on the top of his ear.

"What was that for?" he asked laughing.

"Just playing along with you," I answered as I checked the eggs..

"I don't mind," he said as he held my hand for a moment.

You're probably wondering if we were worried about Tanner or Sarah seeing our interactions, especially our affectionate ones. They were busy getting ready, so they were in the back of the house, but they would be in the kitchen here soon. Dakota and I hadn't discussed about what to tell them, or my parents yet. We figured that they all would be accepting of us, but I still wasn't sure yet what to tell them, and neither was Dakota. I figured that we would figure it out here soon though.

Breakfast was ready soon, and after we all got our plates, and once I helped Dakota with his, we sat down to eat. It was a dark rainy morning, and it was nice to be in-doors enjoying one another's company, as well as enjoying Sarah and Tanner's company with the rain falling outside. I was glad to be there with all of them, especially Dakota!

Author's Notes

I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter, and how I ended things between Mandy and Devin. I didn't want it to be a bad break-up or anything like that. I had envisioned them being friends if nothing else long before I decided for Devin to have attractions to guys, but needed to figure out how I'd go about writing all of that in to the story. I hope you all like how I did it though, and the other things I have planned for Devin, as well as for him and Tyler when they start interacting with one another in the next chapter. I also wanted for there to be more light-hearted and humorous moments between Dakota and Caleb among the cuddling and kissing they had been doing with each other, so hope you guys enjoyed that.

All that being said, I hope you're all staying safe, and are well. I'll see all of you in Chapter 15.

Next: Chapter 15

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