The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Nov 27, 2021


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 13


Once back home, Dakota and I spent the rest of that Saturday afternoon helping with my mom cleaning up around the house, then she and my dad made dinner, and after we ate, we all sat in the living room visiting for a bit. Once we finished, we went back to my room where we showered, then after helping Dakota in to bed, I sat at my desk going over notes for one of my classes.

I got to the last few notes, and after finishing reading over them, I powered down the computer for the evening, and when I looked back to where Dakota lay in bed covered up so that only his head was visible, I saw him watching me. I smiled at him, then after removing my shirt and shorts which just left me only in my boxers, I got in to bed beside him.

"It was a nice day today," Dakota said turning to face me. He was on the inside of the bed nearest the wall, and I was lying beside him on the outside of the bed.

"I agree," I said. "It really was a nice day, and I enjoyed every moment of it!"

"So did I," he answered.

I took Dakota in my arms, and then my lips were pressing gently against his as I kissed him. He kissed back, and our kiss became more open-mouthed, as well as more hungry! We moaned as we made out with one another, and his warm silky skin was absolute Heaven against mine!

I never thought anything could feel as good as that did!

My hands glided over my boy's skin feeling his shoulders, his arms, his smooth amazingly silky back, and then they moved around again to feel his stomach which was unbelievably silky under my touch! Dakota then broke the kiss, and his lips began covering my neck in kisses as I took my fingers and lightly massaged his nipples. He moaned more, then moved his mouth down to my chest, and gently sucked on first my right nipple.

"Oh damn!" I said shivering all over! "Oh Dakota that feels so good!"

He moved to my left nipple, and did the same things to it! My cock was hard as a rock in my boxers, and I could feel the wetness of the precum flowing from its tip! My balls tingled wildly, and I couldn't remember being that turned on before, not even when I would think of having sex with different guys as I'd jack off!

After Dakota finished sucking and licking my nipples, he kissed my chest all over, and then went back up to my neck where he sucked gently at the sides of it, then after giving me a long and deep kiss on my lips, he rested his forehead against mine as he looked in to my eyes!

"I'm really glad you liked that," he said softly.

"Me too!" I said as we kissed again. "That felt so good!"

"You feel really good against me Caleb," Dakota responded. "It also felt really good when you were kissing me the way you did first on the elevator, then here just now!"

"You kiss really good as well!" I said smiling. "I'm so glad it was with you that I was able to share my first kiss!"

"I'm glad I got to experience my first kiss with you as well!" Dakota replied. "I'm not ready to move right from that to sex just now, but I wanted to say that I want you to be my first in that area of things as well. I want to be able to give and receive our first blow job with one another, as well as maybe some day in the future even be inside one another."

"I would like all of that as well!" I agreed kissing him softly on his lips again. "I would also love to experience sex with you, and have you be my first with that as well!"

Dakota smiled, then we kissed once more before settling down for the evening and falling asleep in one another's arms for the night.



After Tyler called to let me know that he would be spending the rest of the weekend back with his dad at their house, I spent some time with Mandy since my parents weren't going to be home for a few hours. We talked, then watched some stuff on TV, then we finished off the last couple of hours in my room where we made out, then after getting my cock covered with one of the condoms I had, I pressed slowly inside her, as I knew she liked it that way. We started out slow as we usually did, then picked up speed after a while, then got faster as she pressed up hard to meet my downward thrusts.

As I got faster and harder with my fucking, I saw the images in my mind again of different guys I knew, and I tried to focus on where I was currently at, and while that worked for a while, I saw images of different guys with whom I'd play sports with sometimes, and my mind was bringing up images of them shirtless and their skin soaked with sweat, then a few images came to my mind of Tyler, and while he was presented in the same visual image as the other guys, he was naked, and his cock was hard and precum flowed heavily from its tip. His balls were pulled up tight to his body as he had a longing look on his face, and in my mind, I saw him licking his lips and motioning for me to come to him! I didn't understand what was happening, and when I fought to make the image go away, and replace it with Mandy's image, it did come forth, but I found that my drive to keep thrusting was leaving me quickly, and I felt the first sensations of my erection beginning to go soft. I tried to picture Mandy's wetness, and focus on the warmth of her as my cock was wrapped in her softness, and while my cock stayed hard, I knew it wouldn't be for long.

In desperation, I allowed for Tyler's image as it had been before to return to my mind, and that helped bring back up my lust, but it was still lacking a bit. As I tried to replace it with Mandy's image again, I tried to produce an image of me eating her out, and it was quickly replaced with the image of what it would be like with Tyler's cock in my mouth as I went up and down its length.

I couldn't fight my imagination, and I could almost smell the deep musky sent of his balls as I licked and sucked on them, and taste the salty taste of his cock as I sucked up and down on its length, and then feel the warm silky feeling of his cum flooding my mouth! I could almost taste its salty creamy consistency as I swallowed every drop of it!

This brought me over the edge, and my mind snapped back to reality as I was coming hard, and so was Mandy!

After we got showered and then dressed again, we talked for a few minutes about how good it was, but Mandy was looking at me differently, or maybe I was imagining that. We kissed for a long moment, and even that was something at which I had to put in effort!

Lying in bed now, I thought back over when Mandy and I had sex that afternoon, and was amazed at what my mind was bringing up for me. As I thought more about it, I even noticed lately when I would jack off while in my room, that most of my thoughts were about guys in general and of Tyler in particular. If I was going to turn out to be Bisexual, this didn't necessarily scare me, nor did it scare me if I turned out to be Gay like Caleb. My family made it clear from an early age that they would love and accept me whether or not I was gay or straight, so I didn't worry much about that. I did worry a little about how I'd be treated at school, as I knew that kids could be good at bullying other kids who were either gay or perceived as such.

Most of all though, I worried about hurting Mandy. Sure we mainly had sex rather than having a committed relationship through which we could have sex, but we still had a good friendship though, and I didn't want to mess that up. I really liked Mandy as a person, and I hoped that we could at least be friends if nothing else. Finally, I fell asleep with all of those thoughts still going around in my head.



I awoke a few hours after Caleb and I had been asleep. I moved to the foot of the bed where my wheelchair was, and after transferring in to it, I wheeled myself in to the restroom so I could urinate. Once completed, I got back in to bed with Caleb, and though I tried to not wake him with moving around, he still woke up and glanced at me.

"I'm alright," I said kissing his cheek. "Go back to sleep."

He closed his eyes again, and after I got back under the covers, my best friend cuddled me again, and I lay there thinking back over all of the day's events, and I still could hardly believe it when we came out to one another about our feelings for each other, as well as sharing our first slow dance and first kiss between one another!

As I thought more about it, I realized that for a while I really hadn't allowed myself to truly hope that I would have a boyfriend, at least not anytime soon. I was afraid that no guy who wasn't disabled in some way would want me, and that able-bodied guys were out of the question since there could be the possibility of them not wanting to try to get to know someone like me. Caleb was anything but closed-minded, and he showed that I could trust him with the friendship he offered me, and showed it even more with his expressions of affection he showed with the hugs he'd give me, and especially he showed me that I could be loved by him today when we kissed for the first time!

As I lay there in Caleb's embrace, I thought over the making out we did before we fell asleep, as well as when we touched one another all over our upper bodies, as well as when we licked and sucked on each other's nipples! All of that felt so good, and our naked skin rubbing against each other as we kissed over and over again was deeply stimulating! Soon though, I felt myself drifting off again, and I rested my head on Caleb's chest as sleep over-took me again and I slept in the arms of the boy with whom I was slowly, but deeply falling in love!



It was almost 11:00 P.M. that Saturday evening as I lay on my bed completely naked with my right hand alternating between lightly pinching and caressing each nipple, then the palm of my left hand stroked slowly over my balls. My dad had gone to bed about an hour ago, and after I sat up watching a Metal concert on my laptop, I shut it off once finished watching, then after getting ready for bed, I got in to bed, but decided to jack off as I hadn't done that in about a day or so.

Having basically all of the stress eased up helped with my sex drive getting stronger again, and I figured that I'd probably be back to stroking my cock and blasting out hot cum at my usual rate of twice a day every day going forward!

As I lay there continuing to stroke my balls slowly, I felt my desire to come get stronger! I kept stroking my balls at the slow speed back and forth that I had been doing for several long minutes, and this got me more worked up! I had started doing that a few weeks ago before I would start actually jacking my cock, and I discovered very quickly that this made everything more and more intense!

I stroked my balls a couple more times, and I then looked down at my cock which was about five inches, and nicely thick as well. I saw it as it leaked precum heavily from its tip, and the precum was soaking my dark-brown pubic hair, and my balls though covered with a couple of hairs were big as well as still mainly smooth to the touch, but they had a sexy dark tone to them, and I loved how manly it looked down there!

As I closed my eyes, I slowly wrapped my left hand around my throbbing cock, and began slowly stroking it up and down. I was taking my time with it, and while my body practically screamed for me to go crazy with stroking and to blast out all that come, I kept stroking slowly, making the feelings stronger, and it was getting harder for my body to handle!

I kept stroking at that almost agonizingly slow speed, and I brought Devin's image in to my mind. I had seen him naked a few times before when we showered together after Gym Class, and his body was so fucking hot! I could see why lots of girls agreed to let him fuck them. I thought about his thick dark-blond hair, as well as his soft dark-brown eyes and sweet smile. His body was hairy on his arms, his legs and he obviously had hair around his cock, and on his balls. His balls were more hairy than I had seen on some of the other boys, and his pubic hair above his cock was nice and thick as well! He even had a few chest hairs starting to form, and I figured that he was going to be a really hot guy when he got to be a fully grown man!

His muscles throughout his body were well-defined with the running he was doing with Caleb and I, and this made me hunger for his body even more! At this point as I thought of him being naked, I pictured us on my bed with him lying on top of me with his cock rubbing against mine for a while as we kissed, then me eventually going down on his cock tasting its salty skin and equally salty precum, and after sucking and licking on his big cum-filled balls for several long minutes, I would take his cock back in my mouth, and as I got faster with my stroking, I imagined him straddling my head with his thighs planted on either side of my head as he thrust his cock in and out of my mouth.

This drove me closer to the edge, and I imagined him talking dirty to me as I lay there rubbing his ass, and playing with his balls as he fucked my mouth!

"Yeah, you love my cock fucking your hot little mouth don't you my hot boy!" I imagined him saying as he pressed the head of his cock in to the back of my throat and I lay there loving how it felt with my mouth full of his cock, and enjoying his deep musky manly sent!

"Oh fuck!" he would yell in my imagination. "Here it comes my hot boy!"

I imagined my mouth filling with his hot, thick and creamy fluid, huge creamy spirts of it that I had to work hard to swallow down! Though I was jacking off really fast now, and trying to still hold off the urge, my orgasm was upon me suddenly!

"Oh fuck yeah Devin!" I yelled in to my pillow! "Fucking come! Fucking fill my mouth with your cream! Yeah, fuck my mouth!"

My cock blasted out cum over and over again, and I didn't remember coming that hard ever! As the last couple of spirts dribbled out, I lay back completely exhausted, and after cleaning up, I got in to bed and fell quickly asleep with thoughts of Devin holding me in his arms as I drifted off to sleep. I knew he was with his friend Mandy, but I was starting to hope more and more that he and I could have a chance at some point. That thought of him being with someone else quickly went away though, and I continued thinking about lying in Devin's arms as I finally fell deeply asleep.

Author's Notes

I hope you guys all enjoy this chapter. I didn't plan ahead of time for there to be as much overt sexual scenes here as there were, but I started writing and it basically turned out that way. I hope you all enjoyed what I wrote here, and I'll be working towards resolving the situation between Devin and Mandy, as well as advancing things between Caleb and Dakota as things move forward, and I think you all will enjoy what I do with all of that. So everyone have a good evening, and I hope you're all well and staying safe. I'll see you guys in Chapter 14.

Next: Chapter 14

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