The Boy That Wasnt

Published on Jun 8, 2023


The Boy That Wasn't 8

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At this stage, this story isn't specifically centered on clinical transsexuality nor does it take issue with the politics concerning this topic.  It explores natural occurring, extreme femininity in a boy and how it effects the relationships in his life.  Sexual content is included on the basis of authenticity and plausibility.

Addendum 1: I stopped advancing this story over a year ago. My intentions were good but it just fizzled. I got stuck and not being TG myself I really needed feed back. Upon the request and encouragement of a reader I will try to resolve what I had originally started.

Addendum 2: I may mention that pronouns denoting gender for the main character, Josey, have become fluid and are determined by context and situation and not by social affectation. This is intentional.

Feedback and some guidance from interested readers is encouraged.

Is anyone out there?

jet2larkin at geemale dot cum  (reinterpret)

The Boy Who Wasn't part 8

by Larkin. all rights reserved

Once Josey relented the two cocky boys took her over and used her for the simple purpose of getting off.  Richie held her head tightly in place and then fucked her in the mouth.  Then he guided her to lick his balls while he jerked off.  Arrogant and smiling, Richie looked towards Eddie for approval.

Eddie got up and stroking his cock, looked for a place in the action.  Getting behind  her, he tried to open her pants and started to pull them down.

Josey stopped and curling up tight, she spoke up. "No! If you try to fuck me I will fight.  I don't care if they hear me!" 

The two boys were surprised.  They were expecting their victim to broken and totally compliant.   

Richie said in angry whisper. "Fuck you, you fuckin little bitch, You started it and you have to let us finish." 

Her voice went back down to a whisper which demonstrated a level of complicity but she made it known that she would go no further than sucking dick.

Without a word they got the message and picked up where they left off. Eddie took Richie's place and pushed his long dick into her mouth and went at it while Richie watched.

Unable to stay out of it, Richie straddled their victim, held her by the hair on top of her head, keeping her in place while Eddie went at it.  They talked softly between each other while they did it and repressed their giddy laughter at Josey's cruel humiliation.

Eddie jerked-off hard and then came directly into her mouth.  Flinging off what cum had gotten on his hand, he moved out of the way and let Richie take his place.  Richie repeated the same action but with an obvious element of contempt.  The boys congratulated each other at a job well done.

Josey was suddenly left alone in their midst.  He sat between them and looked at one and then other.  They had no further use for him.  Richie downed the rest of his beer and crawled onto his own bed.  Eddie laid where he was, wringing out his dick.

Josey went to his cot and lay with his face to the wall.  


Barney was up early and the door opened. "Come on you scumbags, 10 minutes to breakfast!"

Josey lay still and In a child's voice, he murmured to himself, "I'm not a scumbag."

Richie and Eddie got up naked and piss-hard as they had been all during the night.  They generated no small amount of commotion and chaos, getting dressed.  Josey didn't want to get up and lay blankly watching them.

For the first time he thought that on top of looking and acting like a female maybe he really was a faggot? His various encounters had just sort of happened, but he hadn't really thought about actually being gay before.  Richie and Eddie were skinny and lean and they did have big dicks and they took pride in flaunting them.  If they weren't so mean and stupid he might have liked what they made him do.  But they seemed to hate him.  Their father, Barney called him a scumbag and they called him a a faggot and a cocksucker.  

It was strange but he thought of his relationship with Clark as a father thing and not homosexual.  Remembering what Clark had said about wanting to be the first to fuck him is what gave the courage to resist Richie and Eddie.  Josey had already decided that he wanted Clark to be the first.  He considered it a promise and felt bound to it.

Josey's mother, Jennifer looked tired and was trying to conjure the image of being a mother to an unruly clan.  The truth she was faking it and Josey could see it. 

Barney blurted out. "Pancakes all around!"

Josey was wishing he was dead again.  Jennifer touched him on the arm and said under her breath so no one else could hear.

"Josey honey, you didn't even comb your hair."


House cleaning, yard work and even painting was the order of the day.  Barney was running around like a drill sergeant. They were basically lazy and good for nothing so for both Jennifer and Josey, this day was sheer torture. Jennifer was in the house and Josey looked so out of place among Barney and his two boys that were tan and stripped to the waist. Josey was pale and harmless like a ghost in the midst of 3 men.

Besides wishing he was dead the only good thing Josey had to look forward to was that Barney's sons had to go home to their mother's that evening and after midnight he would call Clark and sneak out to meet him.  The thought of meeting him made everything all worth it.

During the day, Richie and Eddie gave the appearance of being all around good kids in helping out, offering practical solutions, lugging things, moving appliances and piles of trash.  They were Barney's right hand. Josey marveled at what chameleons they were. It reminded him of an old B+W movie he had seen on TV, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." He remembered that the movie had frightened him and he couldn't sleep unless he was cuddled up with his mother.

Barney commandeered Richie.  "I want you to go out to the garage and move any junk out of there and then sweep it clean.  It be real nice to be able to park a car in there again. Be sure to put that rusty old bike in the pile too. Get that useless Josey to help you."

"Ok dad!"

Josey was close enough to hear Barney's blustering bellow. 

Richie had been nice to Josey all day.

He came up to him, and smiled. "Follow me, I need your help."

The house sat at the front of the lot with a driveway on the side.  The stand alone garage was at the back of the property and Josey followed Richie, dreading more shit work.

Josey went into the garage and turned to see Richie locking the door from the inside.  When he first walked in he hadn't noticed that Eddie standing there.   He was jerking off.  Richie manhandled Josey up against the wall and then pushed him down.  He smacked him lightly to direct his attention and then pushed his cock into Josey's mouth.  These guys were real bad news.

Eddie was stroking hard. "Come on Richie, make it quick before the old man comes lookin."

Richie came on all over Josey's face and Eddie hastily moved in. To say that the whole thing lasted more than 5 minutes would have been an exaggeration.

Before they left, Richie turned to say, "I wish no one else was here cause I wanted to kick the fuckin shit out of you and then fuck your faggot ass.  Just you wait, there's plenty of time, Josephine!"

Feedback and some guidance from interested readers is encouraged.

Is anyone out there?

jet2larkin at geemale dot cum  (reinterpret)

Next: Chapter 9

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