The Boy That Wasnt

Published on Jun 7, 2023


The Boy That Wasn't 7

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 At this stage, this story isn't specifically centered on clinical transsexuality nor does it take issue with the politics concerning this topic.  It explores natural occurring, extreme femininity in a boy and how it effects the relationships in his life.  Sexual content is included on the basis of authenticity and plausibility.

Addendum 1: I stopped advancing this story over a year ago. My intentions were good but it just fizzled. I got stuck and not being TG myself I really needed feed back. Upon the request and encouragement of a reader I will try to resolve what I had originally started.

Addendum 2: I may mention that pronouns denoting gender for the main character, Josey, have become fluid and are determined by context and situation. This is intentional.

Addendum 3: Thanks to the spell checker having a mind of its own, it plucked out a misspell at the very end of chapter 6 and replaced it an out of place word. I can't even remember what the original word was so just delete it. Forgive me.

Clark was merging Josey's childish romanticism together with his own editor, animal desire.

Should read

Clark was merging Josey's childish romanticism together with his own animal desire.

Feedback and some guidance from interested readers is encouraged.

Is anyone out there?

jet2larkin at geemale dot cum  (reinterpret)

The Boy Who Wasn't part 7

by Larkin. all rights reserved

Clark and Josey dallied throughout the rest of the night.  With Josey helping, he had cum more than once so there was no urgency in conquest or masculine accomplishment other than to comfort and stroke each other.  As it slowly got light their forms became more distinct and it magnified the profound  differences between them.  Josey imagined Clark to be the father that had suddenly returned to replace a missing part of her life.  For Clark, Josey was a chance to hold something beautiful and delicate without being compelled to destroy it.  They each had something special for the other and it was forming a real connection.

"Josey honey, let me sleep for a few hours and I'll get you home by early afternoon."  

Josey curled up with in the warm well between his strong legs, softly breathing chest and protection of his arms.  Josey thought that this must be the safest place in the world.


"Where the hell have you been! I woke up and when I saw that you had gone out I kept expecting you to be back any minute and that was hours ago.  What time did you go out?"

Jennifer still in bed and in a lousy mood and most probably hung-over. "Hand me my cigarettes!"

Josey surveyed the messy room. "I don't know, I went out real early. Do you remember vomiting?"

Jennifer produced a regretful frown in thinking that maybe it would have been better not to remember anything.  There was a nagging fear that vomiting into a plastic tub was low on the list of personal transgressions.

Jennifer was sitting on the bare mattress with knees pulled up close. "Josey, Barney and I are getting married.  I'm going to give notice on the apartment later today."

The boy was struck silent. Jennifer saw it and then said loudly, "I'm doing it for you, God damn it!"

Josey's voice was always soft but this time hollow and insubstantial.  "Do you want anything from the store downstairs?"

The frail boy was heading out the door when his mother called after him.  "Come right back, I need your help getting this crap out of here. Barney's coming over later with a van."

Out on the street, he sat on the bench as if he was waiting for a bus.  One after another passed by.  It would be a full 12 hours before he could re-connect with Clark and even that wasn't sure. Clark was secretive and unpredictable.  Josey looked down at the crumpled hundred bill in his hand.  Josey would never dream of asking but Clark always made sure  he had some pocket money and one hundred dollars was more than he had ever had.  It was enough for 4 days in a cheap motel.  When Spike sat down next to him he closed his hand and put it back in his pocket.

"What's up?"

Spike was the punkish boy he had had awkward sex with once before. "Hey, if you got some money, I know where we can get some really good crystal."

Josey shook his head no..

Spike looked down a bit in an effort to see into the Josey's face. 

"Well what the fuck is your problem?"

Spike's lack of empathy was legion and characteristic of a full on crystal addiction.

"Later dude!"


Barney was in a good humor when he came with the van.  The two of them had only about a half dozen boxes between them.  Barney was eager to help. You could say that he was in a jocular and joking mood.

"It 'll be like having a family again.  You know Jennifer, that's what I am, I'm a family man." 

Josey sat in the back of the van behind the front seat where his mother was sitting. Barney was plying the van through traffic.

Barney went into it.  "We could even think about havin a kid between us, What do you think Jennifer?"

She gave him a smile that seemed fake somehow.

"Well I guess I got some work ahead of me if you know what I mean!"

The was follow by gales of Barney's laughter.

To Josey, it sounded like the bark of a mad dog and he thought he might actually throw-up if Barney  didn't stop.


Barney's house was small and had only had 2 bedrooms. 

He pointed to the half opened door of a darken bedroom and said, "This is going to be our palace, isn't that right Jennifer?"

This was followed with more obnoxious laughter.  

Pointing to the only other bedroom, he said,

"Richie and Eddie set up a cot for Josey and he only has to share the room on the week-ends when my boys come down.  The rest of the week they stay with their mother."

Josey's eyes got wide but he said nothing.


Josey snuck out of sight and cautiously picked up the phone.  Clark answered. 

"No can do honey, I can't connect with you tonight and not sure about tomorrow night either but call me anyway."

Josey's heart sunk and a sort of depression began to take hold of his being.  He felt like his identity was being drained away into the walls of this cold and ugly house.

There was much loud talking and guffaws in the living room because Barney's two sons, Richie and Eddie had just arrived.

The kitchen hadn't been set up for Jennifer yet so they ordered-in.  The table had been set up to christen Barney's  new family.  He sat at the head with Josey's mother next to him.  This allowed Barney to periodically hug her and carry on with his boys.

"Eddie, tell everyone about your new girlfriend."

Eddie gave a shitting eating grin and shook his head in vague embarrassment.

"He's too proud so I'll do it. This girl is a real knock-out!  You should see her."

Barney then made the curvy, hour-glass shaped, gesture with his hands and then laughed. "Ya know what I mean?"

Sitting at the table with all these strange people caused Josey to feel like he was small and inessential.

"I always knew that both of them were going to be good cocksmen."

He covered his mouth with his hand in mock embarrassment. "Oops, excuse me!"


After dinner everyone, including Josey, was employed doing home organizing chores to make room for the two new family members.  Josey was wishing he was dead.

Barney surveyed the boys bedroom.  "Well both my boys are almost through their growth spurt so they'll get the beds and the cot is more Josey's size.  He can always move onto one of the beds during the week when the boys are at their mother's."

Barney gave Josey a bottom drawer of one of the dressers for his small amount of clothes. 

"I want you scumbags to cooperate with each other.  Keep it neat and organized."  

Eddie and Richie were servile and obedient.  Josey remained silent.  He had never been referred to as a scumbag before.  

During dinner Josey kept to himself but several times his eyes met with Richie's or Eddie's and they locked for just a split second.   Why was he the only one who could he that he had become prey.  Why didn't Jennifer who had over-protected him his whole life, not see that her boy was in danger.

Barney held up a bottle.  "They can have just one and sometimes two but that's it!"

He handed each of his boys a beer and then offered Josey one.  Josey shook his head, no.

Leaning forward he caught Josey's vacant gaze.

Under his breath he said, "I figured as much."

As the night wore on, Jennifer drank a little too much.  Barney was doing a grotesque mime to a Sinatra song. 

He also had too much to drink and blurted out. "Ok, you guys get out of here it's time for the adults to play."

The three boys filed into the room together and Eddie shut locked the door. Josey knew he was trapped and sat nervously on the cot.  Richie produced two 6-packs that they had smuggled into the room.

Richie the younger more forthright of the two offered Josey a beer. "Come on, have one.  Haven't you ever been drunk before?"

Josey looked up at his captures and said softly, "I have."

"Well, come on, we want to see you get all fucked up, don't we Eddie."

Still looking up at the boys he watched while they pulled off their shirts and up-ended their beers. The room seem to fill with rancid, adolescent sweat.  It hung in the air. 

"You know my dad says that a man needs to jerk off every day and if you don't you'd get all clogged up and you might not be able to fuck right. So we aren't doin anything wrong, isn't that right Eddie?"

Eddie dropped his pants to a pair of loose oversize jockeys and sat on one of the beds. His long cock was evident. 

Richie sat down next to Josey and said. "Now we are just being normal all American boys and if you start screaming like you are a girl because we are doing what is natural then you are the one that is going to look faggoty and fuckin stupid."

Eddie lifted his legs and slipped off his jockeys, adjusted his big balls and started jerking off.

Richie reached down into his pants and started pulling on his cock.  His pants and jockeys dropped and he stepped out of them leaving him naked and hard inched away from Josey. 

"Richie was smiling.  "You like it?  All's you have to do is say ahh." 

The rude scent of uncut dick was apparent.  Josey was sitting in a room with two naked boys that were jerking off.  A straight boy might comply using alcohol as an excuse but Josey was afraid.

Richie sat down next to Josey and pulled him close and whispered in his ear.  "Josey, You're not so bad, we aren't gonna hurt you. Josey me and Eddie just want to get off.  Nothin more than that."

Richie sounded almost human and the talk relaxed Josey a little.  "Come on, have just one beer and you'll get in the mood."

Richie took Josey's hand and placed in on his cock. "Come on, you want to do it and I won't think any less of you if you do it."

Richie moved Josey over to Eddie's bed where he lay jerking off.  Richie watched while Josey up-ended the beer.  Eddie opened another one for him.

Feeling better, Josey turned to face Richie and opened her mouth. 

Richie slid his stiff cock in and looking over at Eddie said, "Worked like a charm.."

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Is anyone out there?

jet2larkin at geemale dot cum  (reinterpret)

Next: Chapter 8

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