The Boy That Wasnt

Published on Jun 6, 2023


The Boy That Wasn't 6

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 At this stage, this story isn't specifically centered on clinical transsexuality nor does it take issue with the politics concerning this topic.  It explores natural occurring, extreme femininity in a boy and how it effects the relationships in his life.  Sexual content is included on the basis of authenticity and plausibility.

Feedback and some guidance from interested readers is encouraged.

Is anyone out there?

jet2larkin at geemale dot cum  (reinterpret)

The Boy Who Wasn't part 6

by Larkin. all rights reserved

Josey went out, picked up a small pizza and brought it with him back to the apartment. His mom was already gone. He figured that Barney must have picked her up. There was a note on the table and he sat down to read it.

“Josey, Here is our new phone number.”

It was hastily scribbled on the paper. He looked up and saw the olive green telephone sitting on the floor next to a stack of cardboard boxes.

The note continued. Barney and I are going out to eat and then maybe dancing. I'll be home around midnight.

The thought of seeing his mother dancing with Barney made him sick. He quickly turned and distracted himself with something else. Josey picked up the phone and punched in the number.

"Yeah, who is it?"

"It's me, Josey. I just called to see what you're doin."

"Hi little girl, how are you this evening?

"I'm ok."

"I'd like to get together with you but I got stuff to do."

Josey felt let down. He wanted to see Clark while his mother was out with Barney.

"Are you sure,? I really want to see you."

"I want to see you too."

There was a long pause. Josey was nervously shifting from one foot to the other.

Clark's calming voice continued. "Ok, I'm gonna be busy until around 4 am, can you sneak out and meet me?"

Josey gave a sigh of relief. "Denny's, down on Sunset. It's open all night is that ok?"

"I'll pick you up there."


It was an ideal time to sort through his mother's possessions. He looked through a stack of old photos. He had done it before and looking for a picture that might be his father but found none. There was a picture of himself when he was a baby sitting on his mother's lap.

He thought, God, I looked like a girl even when I was a baby.

His mother had put a bow in his hair and combed it to the side.

It was a moment of personal reflection. "I never ever really felt like a boy. If I was a girl, I would have no problem fitting in..

He went back to the box of his mother's sexy panties. Most of her panties were everyday bikini types but there were a few that stood out. One was red and sparkly with sequins and another one was black with jewel like tassels. Who was she with when she wore them? He thought that maybe she had been a dancer or maybe even a stripper. He wondered if his mother had missed the exotic pair he had stolen?

He stripped naked and tried each of them on. There was another box that contained an even worse jumble of bras. He tried one on and then another. He looked at himself in the mirror and thought that he looked pretty realistic. Josey decided that he was shapely in the way that a girl is. He even had wide hips for a boy.

He looked and saw something at the bottom of the box. Reaching in he lifted out a cream colored vibrator. He twisted the bottom ring, the battery was dead. He held it close and examined it and tried to imagine his mother using it. If she had, she probably would have taken it with her into the bathroom. Not wanting to think of her in that way, he imagined himself using it.

The girlish boy was tempted to put it into his mouth pretending that maybe it was Clark's big dick. He knew that it was nowhere as big. Josey lay down on the bed and lifting his legs he began to penetrate himself with it. He thought about Clark wanting to be the first to fuck him. He closed his eyes and conjured up the image of Clark over him like a great shadow, naked and hard about to penetrate him. Pulling his legs back as far as they could go, he slipped it in and out of his ass. He wasn't sure when it would happen but he knew that now he wanted it to happen,..and he wanted Clark to be the one to do it.


Josey woke up just in time to hear the key in the lock. He pulled off the panties and quickly hid them and the vibrator where she wouldn't find it. Jennifer stumbled into the that apartment. She was laughing and talking nonsense.

His mother was drunk. "Oh God, Josey, help me, I am so fucked up!"

She flopped down on to the bed and was talking and laughing into the pillow. Josey pulled off her shoes and helped her take off her party slacks. He didn't mind taking care of her.

"Mom,... mom! do you need anything?

She was already curled up with the blanket over her. "Wha.., No Josey, I'm ok."

He got her some aspirin and water knowing that she would feel like shit in the morning.

"Here take these."

He held the glass for her while she gulped down the pills and then settle into bed.

An hour later she vomited into a plastic tub and Josey took in the hallway bathroom and cleaned it.

He didn't mind. It felt good to be needed and to be useful. Josey loved his mother.

At about 3:30 am, Jennifer was passed out. Josey dressed and then slipped out the door, down the stairs and out onto the street. He was very excited. He was going to meet Clark.


Clark's Black car turned from Wilshire on the the ramp leading down to the Pacific Coast Highway.

Do you like carry that gun all the time?

Clark kept his eyes on the road. "Yeah, most of the time."


He didn't answer.


"Cause I need it for work."

"What kind of work?"

He momentarily turned his gaze to Josey, looking a bit cross. "Little girl, this is not shit that you need to know other than, I keep people in line. Now no more questions, ok?"

In spite of his uncertain occupation, Josey felt so safe, so secure when he was with Clark.

The car turned off the highway and began traveling up canyon road.

"Where are we?"

"Topanga, I've a friend who won't be home for 5 or 10 years and I use his place sometimes."


There was nothing indicating a house on the side of the road other than a mailbox post. A set of wooden steps and rock slab led down off the road and then, further down into the canyon.

"Josey, You'll like this place."

The house was white, round, stucco sort of tower with a conical red tiled roof. It was old, still in good shape but on the verge of falling into disrepair. It had a fantasy quality about it and Josey was thrilled. It was perched onto the side of the canyon with a rough, hand cut deck that went completely around it.

She ran up to Clark, tugged on him and laughed. "It's a castle from the olden days!"

He unlocked the door and pushed it open. It was dark and musty inside.

"Sorry, the lights are turned off."

Stumbling in the dark, he sorted blindly in some drawers until he found the box of candles. He lit one and the small place went aglow. Everything inside was white adobe with dark wood work.

"I think it was built in the thirties."

Josey took the rest of the candles and put them around the room. There was a comfortable bed pushed up against a large window. Clark kicked off his shoes and they both settled into the bed. They embraced.

The man drank from a small bottle of vodka and heaved a sigh of relaxation. Josey reached for it and cautiously tipped the bottle to take a sip. She grimaced and then took another.

"Yeah, that stuff 'll make you into a whore. I like that sort of thing just don't drink it all."

Josey half choked and handed the bottle back to him.

He lifted his feet one at a time allowing Josey to undress him.

Being naked together exaggerated the differences between each other. Clark was strong muscular and just a bit hairy. He smelled strong too. It was a smell that was rare in Josey's life but he found it incredibly intoxicating. The girlish boy didn't seem to have a single hair on her slender, featureless body. She climbed over Clark as he lay and took hold of his stiff cock, tugging and stroking on it.

Laying back with his head on the pillow, he said in his calm masculine voice, "Sit your pussy right down here.” Clark pointed to his tongue.”

In the same calming voice he said, “Now relax so I can get my tongue up there.”


Up to this point Josey'e idea of love was very different than what was happening to her at that moment. She imagined love to be romantic like the fantasies out of books or movies. It was like what Jennifer, her mother was hoping for to make them a home, but men came and went and it just never happened.

Jerking off was dirty, exciting and ultimately for Josey, confusing and sometimes regretful. It was this way because when it was over he realized that he was not a beautiful girl but just a creepy boy living with his mother in a run-down apartment in Hollywood.

But then, Clark was interested in her. His like for her seemed so genuine. He was patient, incredibly self-confident and very much a man that needed and wanted to get off. Clark was merging Josey's childish romanticism together with his own editor, animal desire. It was a potent brew and it would change Josey forever.


Feedback and some guidance from interested readers is encouraged.

Is anyone out there?

jet2larkin at geemale dot cum  (reinterpret)

Next: Chapter 7

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