The Boy That Wasnt

Published on Oct 14, 2014


The Boy That Wasn't 4

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 At this stage, this story isn't specifically centered on clinical transsexuality nor does it take issue with the politics concerning this topic.  It explores natural occurring, extreme femininity of a boy and how it effects the  relationships in his life.  Sexual content is included on the basis of authenticity and believability   

Feedback and some guidance from interested readers is encouraged.

jet2larkin at geemale dot cum  (reinterpret)

The Boy Who Wasn't (part4)

by Larkin  all rights reserved

Josey didn't know anything about cars.  He knew it was expensive and black and it pulled around and the door opened.  It was now evening making the encounter with the man named Clark, indistinguishable from the first time that they met.  Josey crawled in and moved close to the driver who was still pretty much a stranger.  He rested his head on Clark's shoulder as if relieved to be safe. 

"So, little girl, how've been?"

Josey smiled. For some reason it comforted him to be called little girl.  He was thinking that girls didn't have any responsibility and what little responsibility he had was more burden than he wanted.

"I'm ok."

"You want to go somewhere to fuck around or do you just need some company?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't care."

Clark laughed. "We could do both?"

"I called you a few times but you wasn't there. Some man answered so I hung up."

His voice was breathy and more like a girl than it ever had been. It made Clark feel protective towards him.

"Josiah, you should have just left a message.  It's sort of like an office. I would have gotten it."

He looked at the highway unfolding before them and imagined going on a long trip with Clark. 

There was a pause. "Where we goin?"

Clark smiled and said, "Nowhere, Just taken a drive up the coast."

"If you want, you can call me Josey.  I like that better."

He looked out the window of the speeding car.  He thought about Barney and his two sons and a shiver went through him.  He quickly put it out of his mind.

Clark slowed down and turned into a brightly lit motor court and parked.

"You wait here, I'll be right back."

Josey thought about his mother going to the Olive Garden with that stupid Barney. 

He puzzled to himself,

"What the fuck did she see in him?  I know what I saw in him, just his stupid face.  I saw his two mean sons.  They didn't have to treat me that way." 

Josey shuddered.  He decided that he would never allow himself to be alone with them again. 

"Maybe it's me? Maybe I'm like a freak."


Clark returned with a key in hand. "Come on."

It was the usual sort of motel room with a big bed, lamp and TV.

"Are you any more experienced than you were when I first met you."

Josey smiled. "No, not really."

"That's good to hear"

He laughed and then moved forward trapping Josey between his legs, causing him to lay back on the bed. He looked up at Clark.

"Do you know why I call you little girl?"

Josey gave an alluring smile and softly shrugged his shoulders."

"Because you really do look like a beautiful woman.  I've never seen anything like you."

What started out being a bedside blow-job became an sensuous embrace. They lay together.  Josey had never kissed a man before and it just wasn't Clark's style and yet it was happening.  They were both erect and for Clark at least, his large cock was binding in his clothing.  

Lying on the bed, Josey watched him take off his jacket.  Along his chest and under his arm was a leather strap.  It lead to a holster holding an automatic pistol. 

Josey sat up, "You carry a gun,..Are you like a cop?"

Clark smiled and said, "Far from it."

He gave Josey the black automatic for him to hold.  It was heavy and made no sense at all in Josey's hands.

"Little girl, just be assured of one thing, I would never, never hurt you and when you are with me, You don't have to worry about anything." 

Clark's confidence mesmerized him.

"Let's have a look at that body of yours." 

Clark pull off Josey's worn out old Nikes and socks, then his tee shirt.  The boy/girl was pale and without definition.  It was rare for him to feel emotions but he did with Josey who had so willing placed himself into his hands.  The oversized pants were very lose and just hung on him. Clark opened them and pulled them down and off.

Josey lay almost naked before him except for his mother's pair of exotic panties. Josey blushed.

Clark was amused. "You want to leave them on when you suck my dick or take'em off." He laughed but it was good natured.

"I kinda like them.  They make me feel good.  Do you think I am weird?"

"Yes I do."

Josey lifted both his legs, pulled off the panties and then lay defenseless and vulnerable.  

"Josey, your cock looks like a Christmas ornament."

He turned him over and parted his ass and started probing his hole with a wet finger. 

Josey recoiled. "I don't know if I want to be fucked, I'm afraid."

"So you really haven't been fucked before?"

"No, never."

"That's ok, when you're ready, you'll let me know but you have to let me play with your pussy in the mean time, otherwise, you'll never know when you're ready."

Josey agreed.  Getting his tongue up Josey's ass quickly became a prominent part of their close encounters.

 Entirely at ease with Clark, he rose from the middle of the large motel bed on to his knees and opened Clark's pants and lifted out his large cock.

"God.. its so incredible. I've never seen anything like it."

"Josey, don't you have any brothers or uncles or maybe a father who strutted around naked?"

"No just me and my mom.  She took me out of school when I was really young and it always been just me and her."

"Why'd she do that?"

Oh, it's a long story."

His cock began to rise up in Josey's warm hands.  He pulled down the foreskin and looked at it with amazement.  The first time with Clark came back to him, only this time he was unafraid.  He opened his mouth and Clark slid it in.


"God damit Josey!...."

Jennifer stood blocking his entry to the small apartment.  "I've been worried sick about you. Where did you go?  Barney and I drove around half the night looking for you!  Don't ever do that again!"

She moved aside letting him in.  "Honestly Josey, It's like you only think of yourself!"

At that moment, he was wishing he was still with Clark. 

"I left because Richie and Eddie were mean to me.  They were being assholes."

Jennifer tilted her head in disbelief.  "What are you talking about?  They were just as worried as we were! Both of them were walking up and the streets looking for you!  You really upset them!  They said that you were acting weird and that you just ran out."

He was confused.  How did things get so turned around?

His mother was adamant.  "Barney's right, you need a man in your life."

Josey thought, like who...., Barney?

"When you see his boys again, I want you to apologize!"

What she said astonished him. Was she blind?

Jennifer never noticed his new pair of Nikes.

The mother and son didn't speak for the rest of the day. Barney picked her up in the evening and then Josey went down to the Strip.    (Sunset Strip)


Devon was looking somewhat dejected until he saw Josey.   Josey had money so they went to "Jack in the Box". 

"So what you been up to?"

Devon was a declared gay kid from the suburbs.  Small in stature with medium length dark hair and an out of place pair of glasses that he couldn't do without.  More fag than punk.  

He adorned himself with buttons, bracelets and a pierced tongue that he claimed was for "Suckin dick."  After making this pronouncement, Devon would giggle with delight. 

There was instant recognition between the two and Josey and Devon became friends. 

"Josey, could you give me some money."

It was an honest request. Devon didn't use the more common "lend me some money" because he knew he'd never have it to give back. 

Josey gave him $10 out of the money given to him by Clark.  He didn't mind. 

"You are so awesome, thx."

"Can we go somewhere and do something?"

Josey had become more worldly but he asked.  "Um I don't get fucked in the ass if that's ok with you?"

Devon smiled, "That's ok, I'm a total pussy." He showed Josey his pierced tongue for the third time.


In his mind he saw Clark's big dick.  His own cock was small and Devon's was respectable. 

Devon, giggled and confided in Josey. “You ever get your ass licked?”

Josey thought about it.

When Clark did it he thought it was strange and perverted and exclusive to only him.

He hesitated, “Sometimes.”

Devon giggled again. "Well we can't exactly do 69 here in this alley so let's just take turns.”

Josey squatted down and took Devons stiff boner into his mouth.  He didn't really think of it as cheating on Clark, it was more like practice so he could do it better next time they got together.  Devon was just a friend, Clark was something different although he wasn't sure what it was. He had already decided that if he was ever to get fucked up his ass it was going to be Clark.

He really thought that Devon was going to cum when he pushed Josey off and they switched positions. 

He tugged it out of his pants and looked up at Josey, "Don't worry, it will grow bigger.  Mine used to be just as small."

Josey was hard and it felt good to being sucked off.  He closed his eyes and imagined he was in bed and about to cum without even touching it.  Then he imagine Clark pushing his hard cock into his mouth. His body tightened up and thrust forward. Josey moaned and gasped.

When it subsided. Devon looked up at him. "Wow, it's cum alright but it squirts out like pee."

Some people were coming down the alley and the two boys casually blended back onto the Strip.  

To be Continued.

Feedback and some guidance from interested readers is encouraged.

jet2larkin at geemale dot cum  (reinterpret)

Next: Chapter 5

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