The Boy on the Bus

By Jay Williamson

Published on Apr 5, 2022


The following is partially true, partially made up. Names of real people have been changed to protect the innocent or maybe the guilty too LOL. Please you all know the rest of the rules by now. If you can't read stories like this in your jurisdiction please don't. if you can well, enjoy.

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Chapter 6

Thursday morning rolled around. The hearing was scheduled for 11 am. so we didn't go to school. Dave stopped and picked us up after the second run and we went back to the bus garage where his wife was waiting on us.

We went to the courthouse and met with the lady from children's services called Mrs. Jones that was handling Billy's case before the hearing. There were a lot of options she presented as well as getting Billy declared an emancipated minor, but said with no job that would be difficult.

There was even a discussion with Dave and his wife about them becoming his legal guardian until he turns 18, which is only a year and a half away.

We walked in the courtroom when it was our time and Billy just froze and started shaking. What's wrong I asked him? That judge looks like one of the guys my mom let abuse me Tell Dave right now I told him Billy went to Dave and told him and then Mrs. Jones Are you sure Billy? Yes, like 99% sure She told Dave to take us both back outside the courtroom then went and had a talk with the judge. About 30 minutes later she came back out and told us that she confronted the judge and he denied ever hearing Billy's name before. And took us to see the judge that originally signed the protective order, who just happened to be the chief judge of the juvenile court.

The chief judge had me and Dave wait outside while he talked with Billy and Mrs. Jones.

Inside the judge's chambers. Billy told the judge what had happened and he was sure the other judge was one of the guys his mom and her pimp sold him to. And that one time was for a whole weekend and when the judge wasn't using him for sex, he was tied up in the basement.

The chief judge said he would be sitting in on the hearing and not to worry. The protective order he issued could not be changed by anyone else and was good thru the next week. And the hearing was rescheduled for 1 pm. Now.

We went to get a quick bite of lunch and told Dave of the plan we had. Dave didn't like it, but understood. We went back to the courthouse after we finished lunch.

During the hearing Billy's mom had several of her friends there telling the judge how good of a mom she was and that Billy was just mad he didn't get his way. And that her boyfriend was not a pimp and was a very honest hardworking man that wanted to adopt Billy if they got married. What utter BULLSHIT I thought.

Billy finally got on the stand and told his story. Then it was my turn to tell what I knew. It pissed the judge off that I would not give them my address, but the chief judge backed me up.

Then Dave testified and told them how Billy was before I let him stay at my house. And also how Billy was at his home.

Mr. Grayson was even there and told the court how in the last few weeks Billy had been coming to school and attending all his classes. And was even doing his homework. Which was a dramatic change from the previous four years.

The judge left to go to his chambers to decide.

About 15 minutes later, the judge returned. He said after checking with several other sources (which he would not name). He determined Billy was lying and would be returned to the custody of his mom at the end of the period of the protective order. Also Billy's mom would not be permitted to contact him nor try to have anyone else contact him until the order was lifted.

We couldn't believe what we were hearing. When we left the courtroom the chief judge was waiting on us. He told us not to worry all decisions made on the case had to be cleared through him first. Then we left.

On the way back home all of us were talking and Billy told Dave he couldn't take the chance of going back to his mom's house. Dave told him he would do what he could.

When we got home and inside the house Billy said we need to talk.

Tom I can't stay here anymore. It's too risky. I know she will have people looking for me even if the judge told her not to. That's how she is. What are you going to do? I'm going to pack my stuff and leave with Randy's neighbor and get as far away from here as I can. When are you going to go? As soon as I can. Could you explain things to Dave? I will and ask him not to report you gone as long as he can Thanks. Can you get Randy down here? I'll call him. I called Randy's house and told him we needed to see him as soon as he could get here. He said give him 30 minutes. Billy was still packing his stuff when Randy showed up.

What's wrong

I told him about the hearing and that Billy wanted out of town as fast as he could. My neighbor is home, I'll go talk to him and see when he plans on leaving.

Ok I'll see you when you get back. I went downstairs and told Billy that Randy was checking with his neighbor and would be back in a little bit.

I hope he is leaving soon. I like you Tom, but I can't take the chance of her finding me or going back to that house.

Well I need to give you my address. Keep me informed that you are ok. Just mail them from the road as you change directions so in case they want to know I don't have to lie in court about you.

I will but I will make sure I don't say where I am heading to

That works for me. Randy came back about 30 minutes later and told Billy his neighbor was leaving in the morning at 6 am.

Good I have my things packed and Tom's mom will think I am going to be at Dave's for the weekend.

Randy had to get back home for dinner and Billy gave him a big hug and a kiss before he left. I started making dinner and after we ate we cuddled on the couch and watched TV. When we went to bed that night Billy just snuggled up to me as close as he could get. I set the alarm to go off a little earlier than normal so I could send Billy on his way with a full belly.

We got up the next morning and had something to eat and got mom her paper just before we left. I walked Billy to the guy's house that he was leaving with and gave him a hug goodbye then went to catch the bus.

Dave stopped to pick me up and asked where Billy was

Gone I told him. He said he couldn't take the chance of being back at his moms and asked me to ask if you would hold off as long as possible to report him gone.

How long does he need

A few days at least if you can do it without getting in trouble

I'll wait until Monday. That's about as long as I can risk. What are you going to tell Mr. Grayson?

Well today, that he is sick and upset about the hearing and stayed home.

Ok just as long as we keep our stories straight.

We got to school and I went to the cafeteria to work. When Mr. Grayson came in for his coffee, I told him Billy was sick today and staying home at my house.

Is there something I need to know Tom?

The less you know the better and I gave him a wink. He just nodded his ok since he was still in the court yesterday when the judge gave his decision.

The day went normal and after I got home. I just went to my bedroom to lay down and relax. The smell of Billy was still there on the pillow. I must have drifted off to sleep because a few house later I woke up to a pounding on the door. I went to answer it and Randy was there.

Where have you been, I've been pounding on the door for 15 minutes.

I fell asleep. I guess everything caught up with me too.

I can spend the night if you want me to

Sure, I'm pretty sad right now and could use someone to be close to

Ok, I just need to call home and tell them

We went upstairs and I made us something quick to eat and we cuddled on the couch until we were falling asleep. Randy took me by the hand and just said come on. We didn't have sex that night but slept naked as close as we could with Randy's arms wrapped around me all night.

We got up Saturday morning and mom told us she was going out tonight and we could get pizza and Randy could stay another night. He went home about 10 and told me he would call me later in the day and let me know if he could stay again.

I did my homework and then cut the grass and goofed off the rest of the day. The planets must have aligned right because around 4 Randy called and said he would be over in a couple hours. Mom took us to get a pizza and dropped us off at the house and went out for the evening.

We got inside and took the pizza to the kitchen and Randy pinned me against the wall and started kissing me.

I hope you're feeling better tonight, I'm horny as hell.

I'm better and it sounds like a good idea but lets eat first (I know what you're thinking but horny teenagers need food for energy too).

We ate then got naked. No bedroom this time. Randy fucked my brains out on the living room floor. We laid there making out a while after until I felt his load trying to seep out of me.

Gotta get up babe like now

He let me up and after I got done we took a long shower together and headed to my bedroom. After seeing how sore we could make each other's throats by deep throating each other, Randy said I need you to fuck me like I did you earlier.

I slid into him and did my best to wear his ass out. I did him slow, fast and every angle I could before filling his ass with my load. He didn't shoot his load this time but he sure did when he flipped me over and made love to me long and slow until I was begging him fuck me as hard as he could. Then he hammered me good for quite a while until we both blew our loads at the same time.

We cleaned up with a towel and dammit if he wasn't still hard. We went to bed that night with his hard dick buried in my ass. We woke up the next morning and made out a while before getting up and taking a shower.

Afterwards we went upstairs and made some coffee. We were staying quiet since mom was still asleep. Before he left to go home he gave me a long kiss and told me he would be back tomorrow evening. I reached ,down and rubbed his full cock and told him. I can't wait.

Mom got up about an hour later and had he coffee while I watched old movies on the TV. Later that day we went out to dinner, then came back and I double checked my homework. I went to bed around 1030 wondering what the next week would be like.

I got up as normal Monday morning and got ready for school by myself for the first time in over a month. I sure miss Billy, but understand why he had to take off.

After I walked to the bus stop. I was thinking of what might happen this week and how to deal with it. Dave soon arrived and I got on the bus.

I had to report Billy gone this morning.

What did you tell them?

I told them we all went to a Mall yesterday and I saw him talking to some boys I didn't recognize. He came home with us but when I went to wake him up this morning he was gone.

So he has a few days head start?

Yes, but be ready for questions and maybe even the police to show up and ask about him. With his age and the family problems I doubt they will look very hard.

Good! Maybe he can find a normal life.

Dave made the rest of the pickups and when we got to school, I headed to work in the cafeteria. Mr. Grayson came in for his coffee and asked how Billy was. I told him Dave told me he was gone when he went to wake him up this morning. Mr. Grayson shook his head, got his coffee and left.

Later that day I was called out of class to go to the office. Oh shit what now I thought. I got to the office and was shown into Mr. Grayson's office where I found Mrs. Jones and a police detective there. Mr. Grayson had already called my mom and she gave them permission to ask me some questions.

Mrs. Jones told me she would look out for my interests and to listen if she said stop talking.

Ok, I said

The police detective was with the juvenile bureau he told me, and asked if I had any idea why Billy would run off or where he went.

I told him what happened at the hearing and what Billy told me about his life at home. And that he said he would never go back to his mom's house. As far as where he went. I said I have no idea ( which I really didn't know where Randy's neighbor was going. So I wasn't really lying). I don't think he had any friends except for me, he never mentioned any.

Why do you think he ran off.

I asked the cop. What would you do after having been told by a judge that bought him for sex from his mother that he had to go back and live with that mother?

At that time, Mrs. Jones spoke up and informed the detective of what Billy had told her and the chief judge. And the matter was being investigated by the court.

The detective gave me his card and asked me to call him if I heard from Billy. And I left and went back to class.

The rest of the day went about normal and Randy even was able to eat lunch with me. I told him what happened and he said he'd drop by the house after school. I told him I'd be on the late bus because Monday is stock day and I would be an hour or two putting it away after my last class.

I got my work all done putting the stock away and took the late bus home and grabbed a shower before Randy came over.

Randy showed up just after dinner. He had those tight faded jeans on that he knows drives me crazy. And of course that bulge that there's no way he can hide. I let him in and as soon as I closed the door grabbed him for a hug.

What's wrong he asked

I guess I just got used to someone here with me

I'm here now, what do you want to do

Do you mind if we just cuddle and watch TV

No, lets go

We laid on the couch watching TV. I was in front of him and he had his arm around me. It just felt good, and I could feel his big dick against me but he wasn't hard. I turned towards him and told him thanks.

For what?

For just being here. I'm scared for Billy. No one deserves what he went through.

You liked him a lot, didn't you?

Yeah, but it wasn't like it was going to go anywhere. He was just a nice guy once he was sobered up for a day or two.

Well, you have me back if you want me.

You know I've wanted you ever since we were little kids. I just wish things were different and we didn't have to hide. And I really miss you when you disappear for weeks or months.

I'll try to be around more and let you know if I can if I take off for a while. You know how things are at my house.

Someone was knocking hard on the door saying "open up this is the police" I got up and looked out the window and saw what looked like the car that was following the bus one day.

Call the police Randy! NOW!!

I went down to the door and didn't open it, but yelled I want to see some ID


Try it asshole and see what this shotgun does to you. Randy told me police were on their way. Next we heard tires squealing and a minute or two later police sirens.

The real cops got here and I let them in and told them what all had happened in the last few weeks and about the car the guy was in.

Do you know who this guy was or the officer that arrested him they asked

No, but I can find out real quick. I went and called Dave and told him what happened and asked for the cops name on the SWAT team that was following us. Dave gave me his name and number and I gave it to the cops and let them use the phone to call him.

They talked for a while before the cop hung up. He told me they have the guy's name and information as well as the information on the car he was in. Where are your parents?

Dad is dead and mom is at work. She gets off in a couple hours.

Can you reach her at work? We are going to leave an officer here and don't want to alarm her when she comes home.

I'll call her. I called mom's work and told the guard to have her call immediately it was an emergency. And asked Randy to call home and see if he could spend the night.

Randy called and he got the ok to spend the night. A little while later mom called and I told her what happened. In addition, that a cop was going to stay with us until she got home and that Randy was spending the night. She said ok just so you're not there by yourself.

I showed the cop where the coffee pot was and made some for him and told him to get whatever he wanted. And that me and Randy were going to bed so we could get up for school at 530. He just said sleep well.

Me and Randy went to my room and went to bed. In our underwear, this time since we figured mom would want to talk when she got home. Randy snuggled up as close as he could get and this time he was hard as could be.

I told him to be good that I would take care of that big dick later. He just ground it into me more. We did manage to fall asleep for a while before mom got home.

Some of my other stories are listed below

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