The Boy on the Bus

By Jay Williamson

Published on Feb 18, 2022


The following is partially true, partially made up. Names of real people have been changed to protect the innocent or maybe the guilty too LOL. Please you all know the rest of the rules by now. If you can't read stories like this in your jurisdiction, please don't. if you can well, enjoy.

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Chapter 5

Mom left for work around 2pm. We had the house to ourselves again.

Billy said I think we need to do as mom suggested and go to bed early. He was giving me that smile that only means one thing. So, we headed to the bedroom and got naked again.

I need some serious cuddle time he told me. We got naked and crawled under the covers lightly making out and soon fell asleep. We were woke up a couple hours later by a knocking on the door.

Stay here I told Billy. I didn't bother with clothes I wanted to see who it was first. I looked through the peephole and saw it was Randy. So I opened the door.

WOW! Did I interrupt something?

No, we were taking a nap come on down to my room.

Billy was still under the covers and smiled when he saw Randy.

You want to join us I asked him

Sure! If you want me too

Billy spoke up. I want you to

Randy got out of his clothes and joined us. We put him in the middle. After a lot of feeling and a bit of kissing both of us, he said I have some good news

Tell us I said

I talked to my neighbor and Billy he said if you need to you can travel with him and help him loading and unloading and also keeping the inside of the truck and trailer clean. He will feed you and such and pay you by the hour when loading and unloading.

Great Billy said. I can do that

He is leaving this Thursday on a short run, but will be back the middle of next week for a few days. But he wants to meet you first to make sure you know what you are getting in to and are ok with it.

That works for me he said.

Now that, that is taken care of what should we do the rest of the day I asked.

Randy I'd really like to suck your dick Billy said

It's cool with me he said

You want to suck us both Billy?

At the same time? Can I really?

Sure, we'll get close and you can go back and forth


Me and Randy shifted around a bit and we were making out while Billy was sucking us both. He was going from one to the other a while then tried to get us both in his mouth at the same time. Both of us are a bit thick and wouldn't fit but Billy did his best and got both of us off.

That was nice Billy said

It sure was Randy said but I want to suck you now. And I want to eat your ass too I said.

I had Billy sitting on my face eating his tight little hole while Randy had his dick in his throat. Poor Billy was so overloaded he was moaning and squirming all over. I had to hold his legs to keep at his cute lil butt. The way Randy was sitting on my legs his cock and balls were giving my cock a nice massage. By the time Billy fired his load into Randy's mouth we were both hard again.

Billy saw us both hard again and said. I know I shouldn't ask you guys, but would both of you fuck my brains out.

I looked at Randy, he looked at me. We both smiled. I just said on your back Billy

To make a long story short. Me and Randy fucked Billy until we were about to cum and then switched. This happened several times and by the time Billy couldn't take anymore, he was a moaning cum covered mess. I think he came 3 or 4 times and it was all over him and the bed.

We managed to get him up and in the shower and I quickly changed the sheets while Randy was helping him. We both dried Billy off and took him back and put him to bed to relax. Then me and Randy took a shower together where he fucked my brains out. After we were done, we got dressed and Billy was asleep. We went upstairs.

Randy was on the couch next to me. That was wild I didn't expect anything like that when I came over.

I didn't expect it either but it was fun

I know I said I'd save myself for Friday. I'll make it up to you then. I already asked and I can spend the night


Yeah mom and dad were ok with it

I can't wait. You don't know how long I've wanted this

I think I know. You're going to be like Billy is Saturday morning and he grinned.

I gave him a big kiss and was rubbing his almost hard cock when the phone rang.


Hey its Dave, I got things worked out. You guys meet me in the morning at the early stop and I will explain

Ok Dave see you then. Bye

Randy saw the time and said I hate to leave but I'd better get home. We kissed for a few minutes and he said I really do love you and I'll show you Friday

I love you too and I'll be waiting. I walked him to the door and locked everything and then turned the lights off and climbed into bed with Billy and was soon asleep.

We didn't wake up until morning. We got up about an hour early, I made us some breakfast, and we got ready for school. I started the coffee maker for mom, Billy got the paper for her and we left.

We got to the bus stop a few minutes early and Dave told us there would be undercover cops following us. If Billy's mom or anyone else were following the bus, they would be stopped. The ride to school was uneventful and we did our normal stuff.

When Mr. Grayson came in for his coffee, he said it's good you're back. Dave has managed to change my opinion of him, we are working with him, and the police to make sure no one bothers you or Billy.

Dave really is a nice guy. He just has different ways of doing things.

I have found that out. He looks out for all the kids on his route.

The rest of the school day went normal. After school I found Billy waiting on me by the front door.

Not outside?

No Mr. Grayson said to wait on him. He is going to be outside when we go out in case my mom shows up.

We finally got escorted to the bus and rode home. Things went ok for the next few days. We kind of settled into a routine and even sex with Billy calmed down. We still slept naked cuddled together, but except for some kissing it was all we did.

Friday afternoon Billy again went home with Dave for the weekend. I got home and took a long shower and got myself ready for a long night with Randy.

About 5pm., Randy knocked on the door and I let him in. I'm glad you could still make it

So am I, I want to make this special. Have you started making supper yet?

No. I was waiting on you

Good. I ordered us dinner and it will be here in about an hour

What do you want to do until it gets here?

I brought a movie with me. How about we lay on the couch and watch part of it until our food arrives

Ok that works for me. I put the movie in and Randy was laying on the couch in his well worn faded jeans and a tight t-shirt. I was about the same. It was so nice to be able to just relax with him holding me. We didn't even do anything sexual but I was hard and I could feel he was hard too. Even with it in his pants I could feel him as we were that close.

We got about half way through the movie when the delivery guy showed up. Randy said I got this and went to the door, while I went in the kitchen and got us something to drink. He had ordered us each a lasagna dinner from the pizza place a few miles away. Besides the lasagna we had a salad and garlic bread with it.

After we ate, he said lets watch the rest of the movie. I cleaned up the little bit of mess we made and went back in the living room. Randy had closed the drapes and was now laying on the couch naked and just patted the spot in front of him. So I got rid of my clothes and laid in front of him. We were both half hard already.

Now this really feels good doesn't it.

Sure does I told him

We watched the rest of the movie without attacking each other. But we were doing a lot of touching and rubbing one another. When the movie was over I got up and said come on I can't wait any longer. We went to my bedroom and were making out pretty hot and heavy. I finally told him.

Randy I need you in me

I was getting to that. Remember I said I was going to show you how I feel. With that he slid down me and raised my legs in the air and went to eating my ass.

Dam you're driving me wild. Please fuck me

He looked at me and smiled, got the lube and lubed his hard leaking dick and eased into me. He would fuck me slow and easy for a while, then go hard and fast. When I started moaning like a bitch he would slow down again. Then speed up again. I can't say how long this went on for. I lost all sense of time. Oh fuck I yelled and shot my load all over my stomach and chest. He was fucking me hard and fast and buried himself in me and I felt his hot scalding cum blasting away inside of me. I didn't think he would ever stop. By the time he did stop the his cum was squishing out of my ass.

Dam that was some load

I haven't got off since Tuesday with you and Billy. I told you I was going to save it for you

He leaned down and started kissing me and dammit if he wasn't still hard in me. In between kisses, I asked. You ready to go again?

I can if you want me too

I need a break for a few minutes and the restroom. He came in about the time I was done and we cleaned up and went back to bed. We made out and cuddled a while and he was hard the whole time.

I needed more of the boy/man I was in love with and went and started sucking him and working his balls over one at a time. I could feel him getting close so I took him in my mouth again and took his hot fresh load down my throat. He softened up a little after but was still nice and firm.

We laid in bed caressing and kissing and I made sure his half hard cock was still in my hand.

I'm not going anywhere. Remember I can spend the night

I know. I just missed being one on one with you

I missed you too. It was hard being away for a couple months. Sometimes if we were somewhere warm I'd make a bed out of furniture pads and sleep in his trailer. I'd spend half the night jacking off. And don't get upset but let a couple of young hookers suck me off sometimes.

You ever fuck them

Hell no, I didn't want to take the chance of catching something. Most of the time they would be walking around the truck stops looking for tricks when I was cleaning up the trailer. They would see me in those tight cutoff shorts and nothing else. And you know how much I show in them.

A couple of times the way they were looking, I thought they might actually be thinking of paying a young hot stud like me to do them. They didn't care I was only sixteen. They wanted something young and fresh. So I let them suck me all they wanted. It beats having to jack off.

I wish I could be with you like that all the time.

Hopefully one day we can be

You know what I'd like right now though

He smiled and said. What would that be

More of you

I'm all yours

I had him roll onto his back and I got the lube. I'm guessing he thought I wanted his ass this time. He got a big smile when I lubed him up instead of myself. I slowly sat down on his big dick, like I did the first time he was able to get in me. It felt so good doing it this way. Randy didn't mind one bit that I was riding his big cock. When I started squeezing his cock with my ass muscles he went nuts. He said fuck this and rolled us over and hammered my ass real good. I was moaning loud with the way he was working me over. I could tell he was about to cum because his dick was getting a bit thicker. He suddenly stopped, pulled out of me and shot his load all over my face, aiming most of it into my mouth.

Dammit that was hot he said and he laid on top of me kissing me and licking the rest of his cum off my face.

Wow was all I could manage to say.

We kissed a while then he slid down my body and started sucking me like he was starved. It felt so good I reached down and was running my fingers through his hair. It seemed to encourage him more and he had me buried in his throat and just kept swallowing until I gave him my load.

We got up and took a shower together and then went back to bed, to sleep this time. We were cuddled up real close and dam if he wasn't hard again. I shifted around just enough so not to wake him and managed to slide his cock in my ass.

I woke up the next morning to him lightly kissing my neck and him just barely fucking me.

You're still horny? I whispered

Yeah. Do you mind me doing this?

Not at all, but I really need to take a piss

He pulled out real slow and we both went to the restroom. I don't know how you can piss being that hard

It aint easy, but I need more of you

We went back in the bedroom and pulled the comforter off and laid it on the floor. So the bed wouldn't be making noise and wake mom. Randy lubed his cock up and slid back in me. He had me bent pretty good and we were kissing to muffle both our moans while he hammered my ass.

At this angle he was working me over so good. We both ended up blowing our loads at the same time. His in me, mine all over both of us. After we calmed down we got up and took another shower.

Once we got done we got dressed and went upstairs grabbing the newspaper along the way. We were having a cup of coffee when mom finally got up.

Randy told her to have a seat and he would bring the coffee to her.

It's nice to see you again she told him as he handed her cup to her.

It's nice to be able to spend the night and not having to walk home in the middle of the night. Thanks

It's ok as long as you two stay out of trouble

We'll try to, is all he said

We both got a coffee for ourselves then were sitting in the living room until mom said something about breakfast.

We both made breakfast and after Randy went back home for the day. We did go riding again Sunday and headed straight for the woods again. Randy snuck a blanket out of the house with him and we chained our bikes to a tree. Then walked deeper into the woods and found a small clearing that looked as if no one had been around there in months.

Since it was warm out we got rid of our clothes and laid on the blanket making out again. it didn't take long and we were both hard.

Tom, I need you inside me.

You sure?

Yes, I thought you were going to do it last night. But when you sat down on me it brought back those memories of our first time. So I didn't ask you to.

Did you bring anything for lube?

He just smiled and got a small bottle out of his pants pocket and handed it to me.

I started sucking him then moved down to his balls and gave him a tongue bath. Dam they were full again. when he started moaning I told him to hold his legs and I went to eating his ass. I finally lube myself up and began to slide in him. Fuck he is so nice and tight. I got all the way in and stayed still for a few minutes.

You ok?

Yeah, you feel great in me.

I started out slow and made sure to pull my dick across his prostrate as much as I could. His big dick was leaking like a faucet. I reached out and started stroking him nice and slow, I thought he was going to scream out, but he didn't. I felt his dick start to swell and pulse and I hammered his ass as hard as I could.

Soon he shot a stream out of his cock that went all the way to his chin. About the time I started to blast my load in his ass he clamped down on me, let out a long moan and fired another huge stream that hit him in his face this time. I like his cum so I started on his dick and licked my way up his body until I had him cleaned up.

I let his legs go and laid on top of him. I asked. You want to do me now?

I'm spent. I don't know how, but you made me cum twice so fast. I don't think there's any left in me.

I aim to please babe

That you sure did. I don't even think I can get up for a while.

We laid there a while after pulling the rest of the blanket over us until we had to get dressed and head home.

I went home and had supper and later went to bed.

I got up the next morning ready for school again. after getting something to drink I went to catch the bus at the early stop. Billy was wide awake today.

You must have got some rest this weekend.

Yeah, I finally got calmed down and comfortable.

You do anything interesting?

No, just played some ball and other games.

We finally got to school. Billy went to his classes and I went to the cafeteria to work. It seemed like things were starting to settle down. I managed to eat lunch with Billy and he told me he brought more clothes with him. After lunch we went to the rest of our classes and then waited on the bus to show up.

On the way to the first stop. Dave noticed a car that looked to be following us. We were sitting behind him and he told us to stay on the bus today and not get off until the end of the second run.

What's wrong Dave?

I'm not sure, but I think that car back there followed me to the school and is now back behind us again.

Are the cops still following us too?

They are supposed to be

Billy was beside me and he edged closer to me, I could feel him kind of trembling. I told him it would be ok, but it didn't seem to help. We turned down a road that runs between a department store and a couple of restaurants that went back to an apartment complex to drop some kids off.

When we came back out the car was still there and all of a sudden all we saw were red and blue lights flashing. They motioned Dave to keep going and six unmarked cops cars surrounded the car that had been following us.

Dave continued the route and when we got back to school one of the cops was waiting on us. Since just the three of us were on the bus at the time they got on and asked Billy if he knew who this person was. And showed him a Polaroid they took of the guy.

That's my mom's boyfriend/ pimp he told them. She probably sent him to find me. And then he told the detective what all had been done to him by this guy and others.

The detective got on his radio and told the others with the guy to arrest him and then go arrest Billy's mom. He told us and Dave that he and a couple of his men would follow us the rest of the day. And went back to his car.

The bell rang and the Jr. High students started out and got on and off we went. After Dave dropped off the last student it was just the three of us again.

The detective following us flashed his lights for Dave to pull over and then came and got on the bus. He told us that they arrested Billy's mom also and we were safe until the hearing that they would be in jail.

Dave said good. Then asked the detective where did you guys come from, I never saw you.

Well, that's the point. But we were so close at times we just wish the cigarette butts coming out the windows wouldn't have landed on our car.

They laughed and Dave dropped us off at home.

Like the last time we got in the door and went to my bedroom to hang Billy's clothes up. After we were done Billy wanted to cuddle.

Do you want to get naked Billy

Sure do. I need to feel someone close to me. Thursday seems like a year ago

We got naked and cuddled for a while. Billy reached back and grabbed my hand and put it on his dick, he was hard as a rock. I held him a while but he wanted more. We ended up giving each other a blow job and he settled down a bit.

After we had supper and watched TV a while

Billy asked if he could fuck me tonight

Sure you can. I like you fucking me.

We went back to the bedroom and all I can say is Billy did a dam good job on me. He's a quick learner and made me cum 3 times before dumping a huge load in me. After finishing we got up and took a shower together. Billy wanted me to fuck him in the shower standing up but I was so drained from earlier, that even him giving me another blow job didn't get me hard enough to fuck him. I promised to do him good tomorrow after school. Then we went to bed.

The next couple days went about the same. I did fuck Billy's brains out the next day after school and he was content.

The court hearing was scheduled for Thursday, so we made sure teachers and such knew we would not be in school.

Some of my other stories are listed below

Next: Chapter 6

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