The Boy on the Bus

By Jay Williamson

Published on Feb 10, 2022


The following is partially true, partially made up. Names of real people have been changed to protect the innocent or maybe the guilty too LOL. Please you all know the rest of the rules by now. If you can't read stories like this in your jurisdiction please don't. if you can well, enjoy.

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Chapter 4

I had a couple hours before Randy was supposed to show up so I went ahead and took a long shower then went back upstairs to start making supper. I had supper almost ready when there was a knock on the door. Randy showed up early.

Wow, you are early

My parents went out for dinner and took my brother with them so I came down early

You hungry?

I could eat something

Come on up its almost ready

I went to the stove to finish our meal and he came up behind me and put his arms around me

I missed you so much, but I couldn't get back here to see you

Where were you

I took off for a couple moths and helped the guy down the street that drives for a moving company

I noticed last night you had some more muscle. Your body must like that kind of work.

My body does but I was really missing you

I can feel how much you miss me

Two months of just jacking off gets old after a while.

I bet.

We got something to drink and sat down to eat. I guess you want to know about Billy

I was wondering

I told him about all the shit that happened to Billy and what I was trying to help him with. Adding that the sex was just something that happened. I have a feeling it was more out of wanting to be close to someone. And we don't know what will happen when they go to court. I have a feeling if his mom gets him back he will run away and stay gone to keep from being abused.

That really sucks Randy said. I remember seeing him all fucked up around school and he's just too dammed cute to be treated like that.

He is and is really nice too. He used to get one the bus at least half drunk every morning.


Things just happened right one day. But I'm going to ask mom tomorrow if he can stay here during the week so he doesn't have to get up at 4 am every morning like he would staying with the bus driver.

I know I wouldn't want to get up that early either

Just depends on what mom says this weekend. She doesn't know he has been here.

I know how that is, sneaking out in the mornings when we fell asleep

So you liked sleeping with me all night

What do you think I keep coming back don't I

You want to spend the night tonight

I wish I could, but I just got back a couple days ago. I have a feeling it would just cause more trouble at home. And your mom might think something is up if I just stay tonight and then you ask if another boy can stay all week.

Yeah I guess you're right. And I don't like it when you disappear like that

Sometimes I have to

Well I'm going to show you tonight how much I missed you

I'm ready when you are

Let's clean this mess up and go to my room then

After we got done, we headed for my room. Randy told me let me take the lead. Fine with me I said. He was kissing me and taking my clothes off at the same time. Then got out of his and we laid on the bed. He said I want to make it up to you for being gone. And started down my body kissing here, sucking there. He gave me a nice blowjob for a bit then raised my legs up and was licking my balls then headed to my ass.

He started tonguing my hole, then back to my balls, and back again. I thought I was going to go nuts. He had never done this before. Soon he was tongue fucking me and I cried Randy I need your big cock please fuck me. He grabbed the lube and lubed his cock and slid in me and laid on top. We made out while he slowly fucked me for over an hour. I cried I'm about to shoot and he slid down almost pulling out of me and sucked me hard and took my load I had stored up.

He slid back in me and just kept going. Then he started changing his angle driving me up a wall. He whispered in my ear I want to make you mine and sat back and pushed my legs up far and started fucking me hard and beating my prostrate to pieces. I was moaning and crying out harder, harder and he did. He said you're going to get it now and I could feel his scalding hot cum blasting in my ass and I shot another load that half of it was on my face. After he unloaded he let me back down and started licking and kissing my face getting all of my cum off then shared it with me.

After he softened up he pulled out and we laid next to each other just cuddling a while.

You really missed me didn't you?

Told you I did

I think you made up for it

If I haven't you tell me and in about a half hour I'll show you again

Good thing I'm not a girl, I'd probably have had a couple of your kids by now and we both started laughing

You know how things are. I wouldn't be seeing any girls if I didn't have to

I know. But at least growing up together no one suspects

That does help

I'll come by Sunday afternoon and we can go for a bike ride. You think that will be ok

That would be great. But if we aren't here we may be out letting her meet Billy, but if we are, I'll make it up to you.

Randy saw the time on my clock radio and said I wish I could stay but I had better get home. And he kissed me again and said Tom I really do love you

I know we just have to find a way for this to work.

Randy got dressed and headed home. I took another shower and then went to bed. I think I was so satisfied I didn't even hear mom when she came home.

It was nice waking up and not having to go to school. I went up and made a pot of coffee and watch TV until mom got up. I even brought the newspaper up for her. She got herself a cup of coffee and sat looking at the paper and when she was done, I asked if there were any plans for this weekend

No why

I need to talk to you about a couple things

What's going on?

Well, to start I have been helping a friend out that is in some trouble and before you get mad, he has been staying here all week and have something to ask.

WHAT! I think you need to explain

I told her the whole story about Billy (not the sex, I'm not stupid remember this was the late 70's) and what happened and also that Dave has been appointed his temporary guardian and the school knows also. Until the court hearing in two weeks. And that the police went with us to get his things. She knows Dave already from the CB radio and we had lunch a couple of times with him in between some of his charter runs.

Does Billy's mom know where he is?

Not that I know of. I doubt if she cares

You should have told me instead of sneaking someone in and out of the house

I never snuck him in the house just back out in the morning

You know what I'm talking about. I should have known he was here

Ok but in the mornings, I know you're still tired and we did have to get to school

I'll think about it. When do you need to know?

Well if I know by tomorrow, I can call Dave and tell him. And talk to Billy and have him bring enough clothes for school the whole week.

So he would be staying with Dave for the weekends

Yes. He will come to work with Dave Monday's, and then stay here during the week and go home with Dave on Friday.

Ok and the next time someone stays overnight I want to know about it. And in advance if possible.

Speaking of that Randy has asked to spend the night a few times but I didn't know what you would say so I didn't ask.

Randy down the street?


He can stay when he wants to as long as his mom and dad know where he is. Just leave me a note if I'm at work

Thanks mom

And I will let you know about Billy tomorrow


I fooled around all day doing my laundry and the little bit of homework I had. Even managed to finish putting the last model together that I bought. That evening we had a pizza for supper and rented some video's to watch. I went to bed later that night and had a nice dream about being able to have Randy sleep over whenever we wanted.

The next morning I woke up when I heard the paperboy leave the paper and went and got it then made a pot of coffee for when mom got up. She got her coffee, and was looking at the paper while I watched TV. She couldn't stand the old John Wayne westerns I watched a lot of. But then Sunday morning there isn't a lot of worth watching.

After she was done, she said I made a decision about Billy. First, I want to meet him. Second, he can stay during the week for a month. That should give them some time to work out something more permanent. It's going to be hard enough on him without staying 2 or 3 different places all the time.

Thanks mom. I'll call them in a couple hours to let them know. But how do you want to go about meeting him.

Just bring him up Tuesday morning, no use in hiding in the basement.

Ok I will let him know when I talk to him. Oh and Randy and me are going bike riding a little later today.

Ok just be careful

We will

Randy came by in the early afternoon and we took of our bikes over towards the elementary school we used to go to. But we headed down the tree line towards the woods. We got back deep in the woods, and found a place to stop next to a big tree and took a break.

We sat down and were talking

I have good news

You do. What is it?

Mom said you can spend the night anytime you want as long as your parents know where you are

How did you manage that?

I just asked her and she said ok

What did she say about Billy?

She said it was ok for him to stay during the week for a month

Ok it will be easier for me to spend the night on the weekends. I had a lot of fun with just you Friday night.

I did too. I wish you could spend the night tonight but I don't want to push my luck asking.

You miss me already.

I wish I could be with you every night.

I know. But at least for a few more years we're stuck with what we can get

Are you horny now?

I don't know why, but I'm always horny with you. But its broad daylight and we're outside. What's on your mind?

I want to suck your dick really bad

Ok I'll keep a watch for anyone coming. And he stood up and slid his pants down just past his balls. I got on my knees and started licking his balls and sucking them into my mouth one at a time. I got them nice and wet and his cock was hard as a rock now. Suck me he whispered, so I did. We had been doing this a couple years now and it was easy to take him all the way even with him being over eight inches and kind of thick. I just let my throat muscles work on him while I played with his big balls. They started drawing up and I knew I was going get a load of cum in me soon. I backed off just enough and tortured his head with my tongue. He grabbed my head to hold me still and said take it take it all, and blasted a nice big load in my mouth. After I cleaned him squeaky clean with my mouth, he stepped over by another tree and took a piss.

You want me to do you now.

If you want but I need to just hold and kiss you a while. We made out for a while and he had pulled my dick out and was jacking me the whole time. I said I'm about to cum. He dropped to his knees and had me down his throat in an instant. Randy swallowed my load with no problem and even put me away gently.

Dam I wish we could do this more often

Well on Friday's see if you can come over right after school. Because by then I will be needing you bad.

You won't need a break after all week with Billy?

Don't get me wrong I like Billy, but I have a feeling that he may be just doing what he needs to survive. He seems to like cuddling more than anything.

Ok I will try to save everything for Friday's unless I'm about to explode.

I'll like that a lot. But we better get back mom has had supper cooking half the day.

Ok. We kissed some more then straightened our clothes up and I rode back to my house. Randy went home

At home, supper was not ready yet so I called Dave's house and told him what mom said. He said good let me holler for Billy and you can tell him. He will be really happy. Billy got on the phone, I told him, and to make sure he brought enough clothes for the week. Oh and Dave told me we have a court hearing in two weeks for a judge to decide on who I stay with. I told him to have a back-up plan because mom said for only a month. He said they would work something out. See you tomorrow. Ok bye.

I told mom what Billy said about the court. She said that would be the best. To get him somewhere stable quick.

We had supper and watched TV and later I went to bed.

Monday morning came and I got up and did my thing and went to catch the bus. I got on and asked Dave how things went. Good he told me and I went to sit with Billy who was asleep at the back of the bus. I purposely dropped a book, reached down to get it, and gave him a kiss before we got to the first stop.

Billy opened his eyes and smiled then sat up so I could sit beside him.

How are you this morning I asked?

Just a little tired. Dave's two kids are my age and we goofed off most of the day yesterday and then having to get up at 4 am to go to work with Dave.

I'll make sure you get some rest tonight

I'd be happy with that as long as we cuddle together

We can do that. Did you bring enough clothes for the week?

Yeah I rolled them so they wouldn't be too messed up and they are in my backpack.

Good we will hang them up when we get home. We were pulling in the school so I told him. I have to get to work see you at lunch.

Later that day we had lunch together and then the rest of our classes and caught the bus home. We got home and went in the house and straight to my bedroom and got Billy's clothes hung up. I had an empty drawer in my dresser and told him he could put his socks and underwear in there.

After we got done we changed into just shorts and went upstairs and were cuddling on the couch. We were talking and Billy said I have a few things I need to tell you.

Ok got for it

Well, first off I really like you. And love the sex we have and the cuddling too. But I really do like girls. It's just I have been so messed up they don't want anything to do with me.

Ok, I told him. Do you want to stop having sex?

How do I say this, I do like it and the closeness. But I don't think it will go anywhere other than sex.

Ok, just tell me what you want and when. Just don't get upset if I get hard when we're cuddling or in bed together.

I don't mind that at all. It lets me know I'm wanted. I haven't had any real friends in a long time and what you have done for me outside of sex means a lot. Even Randy last week made me feel wanted. He didn't treat me like the drunk kid at school but was nice and gentle. I'm not sure I can take his big dick much though.

I laughed. Randy is really blessed with his body. It's easy for me because we have been having sex with each other for a couple years now. He knows what I like and I know what he likes.

I could tell. Its one reason I asked if you guys wanted to be alone.

We didn't want you to feel left out. And he does like you. He came over Friday evening and we went bike riding Sunday. And we talked.

Is he mad at me?

No, he understands what it's like trying to survive

Ok. Speaking of that I want to ask if I can leave my things here. And next week bring some more.

Sure you can , but why

I was thinking last night about the court hearing coming up. And if they make me go back to my mom, I'm running away. I talked to Dave on the way in this morning and he said if it came to that, he would help me as much as he could. And she could find out through the court records where you live too.

Where would you go?

I don't know yet. But I'm not going back home for more than a day. That's why I want to leave some stuff here. I could say I'm going to school and never go back home. I figure I'm young, got a decent body and good looks. I could just blend in about anywhere.

You know it's going to rough for a while if you do.

I know, but if I have to sell myself to survive, at least I would benefit from it. Not like at home.

I can understand that.

Would you do something for me right now?

Sure, what do you need?

Could we make out for a while?

Sure, you want to up here or go to our bedroom

Let's go to the bedroom, supper can wait a while.

We went to the bedroom and got naked and were making out a while. We were both hard and leaking and Billy slid down my body and started sucking me nice and slow. He seemed to be even better than last week and figured out I like my ass played with too.

I finally said. Billy if you want to fuck me you can


Yes, besides if you have to sell yourself the more you practice the better you'll get paid.

Good idea he said. But I want you to do me after

Ok you got a deal

Well Billy fucked me nice and easy for a while and I coached him a bit on what I like. He did a great job and after an hour or so blew a big load in me. It was so much it was squishing out of me as he just kept going. He pulled out a few minutes later and laid beside me panting.

I think we made a mess he giggled

I just told him we're about to make another one now. And I got the bottle of lube and got him ready. I slid into him and just let out a long moan again like he did when Randy went in him last week

You ok?

Yeah I guess I tightened up over the weekend, just go slow for a while.

I pulled out and put some more lube on my dick and slid back in and just went slow. After about 20 mins I was about to blow so I pulled out. He looked disappointed. I ain't done roll over. He rolled onto his stomach and I pulled him up a bit and spread his legs as far as they would go and went back in.

I drilled his ass as has and as long as I could. And he was moaning and thrashing his head about. I reached under him he was hard again so I started jacking him too. He yelled oh fuck I'm gonna cum again. When I felt him shooting, I pulled his legs back, laid on top, and fucked him as hard as I could until I blew my load too. I stopped and laid on his back kissing his neck until he settled down

About 10 minutes later he said Tom I need to get up, I'm a mess

I eased out of him and he looked like he came 3 times and had cum all over his stomach and chest

We got up and I pulled the sheets off the bed and said go start the shower I'll be there in a minute. We took a nice long shower together and gently washed each other's asses and cocks but we were too spent to get hard again.

After we died off I went to start the washer and we went back upstairs to make supper. We had supper and were cuddling on the couch watching TV.

Thanks Tom

For what

For earlier and giving me tips on how to fuck you even better

It's not a problem, everyone has to learn and see what feels good

You made me really feel good when you were fucking me too, but my ass is done for the night

Sorry if I got out of control

Its ok, I knew you weren't trying to hurt me but make me feel good

Next time tell me if it's too rough

Ok I will

We went to bed that night and he was facing me holding me as close as he could get. I was thinking he is really scared of no one wanting him. I finally drifted off to sleep. Sometime during the night he rolled over on his back. I woke up a while before the alarm went off and noticed he was really hard again. I gently slid down in the bed and slowly sucked him until he woke up. He whispered that feels really nice I'm about to blow my load again. Just do it I told him. I felt him tense up and his body got rigid and soon I felt his scalding cum filling my mouth.

We got up and went to the bathroom and took turns pissing, brushed our teeth and all the rest. We were back in the bedroom getting dressed and he pulled me to him and said thanks for this morning it was really nice. Then he kissed me for a few minutes before we heard mom moving around upstairs.

We went upstairs after I got the paper for mom and started the coffee maker for her. We were sitting in a couple chairs we she came out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen to get her coffee. Mom came in the living room

I see you boys are up early she said

Mom this is Billy, and Billy this is my mom

Nice to meet you he said

Same here she told him. Did Tom explain the rules?

Yes, I'm allowed to do this for a month during the week

Yes, that's right and I want you guys to clean up after yourselves and don't be messing around all night. You two need your rest

We'll be good I told her

Billy asked what should I call you

You can all me June or mom. I will answer to both

Ok you got a deal

We need to get to the bus I told her. And me and Billy headed out the door

She seemed pretty cool about things

She likes you or never would have said you could call her mom

Really? I almost cracked up when she said not to be messing around all night

Good thing you didn't. I don't think she suspects anything

I guess that's a plus then

We got to the bus stop and told Dave mom seems to like Billy and everything is fine

Good that makes things easier

We made it to school and it was pretty much the same as any other day at school. After 3rd period, we got a message that Mr. Grayson wanted to see us. I ran into Billy on the way to the office.

What do you think he wants?

I don't know I told him, but I guess we will find out.

We got to the office and the secretary showed us right into Grayson's office.

Have a seat boys. There is a problem. Billy the police served the protection order on your mom this morning. And she came storming in here a little bit ago demanding we turn you over to her.

GOD DAMMIT Billy screamed. All she wants is a meal ticket

What do you mean son

Dave found out she has been getting survivor's benefits for me for years. Seems my dad died when I was a few months old and she never told me. She has been getting over 600 dollars a month from the government to take care of me since. Along with food stamps and everything else. I guess I'm just a meal ticket for her.

So that's why she was so mad when she got served. The copy of the order she got has no information on it as to where you are. She was demanding I tell her and give you to her. So I lied and told her you never came to school today. We had to call the police to have her removed.

If she finds me, Billy said she will probably have her pimp beat the hell out of me or worse.

I want you two to be careful. I have already called the bus company but Dave is out on a field trip charter until he has to be back here this afternoon. This is what I want the two of you to do. Stay inside the building all day. Come back here at the end of school and I will walk you out to the bus and explain things to Dave. I will ask him to pick you guys up and drop you off at Tom's house.

Then if she is following the bus, she will know where I live. I told him

I don't know what else there would be to do

I do I said. He can drop us off at the elementary school I used to go to. It has a pedestrian path that goes to my street almost across from my house. If someone is following us, we can go in the school or just jump the back fence and go to several neighbors houses. Also I know the woods behind the school real good.

I don't like that idea. It is too risky for both of you. What I would rather do is call your mom Tom and have her pick you two up at lunch time. She can pick you up at the cafeteria delivery entrance so very few people will see.

She won't like that but I had better call her now.

Use my phone

I called mom and told her what was going on. She wasn't happy but came to pick us up. I told her to take the long way home so we would be able to see if someone was following us. After we got home, she told us not to leave the house tonight at all. And if there was trouble call Sue and go to her house or have her call the police. And also you aren't going to school tomorrow either. If she does have someone looking, you are better off to stay put. So you might as well call the cafeteria and tell them you won't be there tomorrow.

I will right now.

Ok I have to get ready for work and when I leave, you keep the door locked.

Billy said we will mom

She told him just don't make me regret doing this.

I'll try not to.

Mom left for work and I made sure the door was locked and the dead bolt was locked too. We did the little bit of schoolwork we had. Since Mr. Grayson made us go get our work from our teachers before we left.

We got ahold of Dave on the CB radio that afternoon and told him to go see Mr. Grayson and to call from the school.

Dave called a little while later and told us he was with Mr. Grayson and they were getting things worked out. They would let us know tomorrow what the plans would be.

We got the last of our homework done and were watching TV when someone knocked on the door. I went to get it. Randy stopped by again. We told him what was happening. He was amazed mom was letting us stay home from school tomorrow too. He said he would talk to his neighbor that he went on the road with and see if he could take Billy with him.

But Billy you have to work helping him load and unload. And you would make some money doing it too and not have to sell yourself to survive.

I could do that Billy told him. It would be nice to get away from here and earn a little bit of money too.

That would be a good idea I told them. You wouldn't be in one place very long and it would make it harder to try to find you.

I'll talk to him Randy told him

Billy got up and ran over to Randy hugging him

Whoa, stud. I'm not really doing anything. Just trying to be helpful.

I know but it's more than anyone before the last couple weeks have done.

Just being a friend Randy told him

I'll pay you back somehow Billy said

He is home now let me go talk to him. When do you think you may need to leave?

We have a court hearing in about two weeks. If they make me go back home I'm leaving. Tom is going to keep some of my clothes here so I can make a quick getaway.

Ok I'll go talk to him and let you know tomorrow.

Thanks Randy, and he gave him another hug and rubbed his hand over Randy's cock. Could I have some more of this sometime?

Randy looked over to me and I just shrugged my shoulders. You don't have to, I know what it's like being on the run.

Ok. But I really would like to suck your dick one day.

We'll see

Randy left and went to talk to his neighbor.

Billy came back over and snuggled up to me. Now I know why you like him so much, he feels huge even soft.

So I have good taste in hot guys then.

Well you picked Randy and me so yes

And I think you are turning into more of a horn dog than I am

I don't mind at all having sex with you two. It makes me feel good even if you aren't girls

You ever been with a girl Billy.

Just made out a few times. I was too drunk to do anything else. But thanks to you if I do get with one I won't be like a total virgin

Maybe we should practice some more

Practice makes perfect he said and grabbed my hand. He took me down to "our" bedroom and started undressing me. Then he got naked too and we made out for a bit and then he worked down my body and raised my legs up and went to eating my ass. Dam Billy go for it. He had me hard and hadn't touched my dick. Finally, I just said fuck me stud.

He got the lube and started in me. He kept changing the angle he was going in and drove me nuts. That boy made me cum twice before dumping his load deep in me.

Wow was all I could say

Was I that good this time?

The best yet. You're a quick learner

Good. Do you think Randy would let me do him too?

He might. You had better not try to steal him from me

I doubt I could do that. I have seen how you two are. Besides, I know you guys love each other.

We got up and took a shower then went to make dinner.

Mom had left a chuck roast for us to cook and instructions how to make pot roast. So both of us got all the stuff together and put it in to cook for a few hours.

After we had our dinner, we laid around watching TV the rest of the night in just shorts. We were still up when mom got home. We heard her pull in the driveway and Billy went and was sitting in a chair when she came in.

Oh, you guys are still up.

With no going to school tomorrow, we don't have to get up early. And we already did our work we got from school.

I'm tired and going to bed. You boys don't stay up too late

Ok mom we won't.

We stayed up for another couple hours then went to bed naked again. Billy backed his butt right up to me again so that my cock was nestled in his butt crack. This feels good he said as we drifted off to sleep.

Morning came and I woke with Billy trying to get me in his ass. It was sunny out and we could hear mom upstairs with the TV on. We have to be quiet I told him. I got the lube, and had Billy turn on his stomach and slid right into him. I fucked him slow for a while kissing the back of his neck. He said Tom let me turn over so I did and we kissed as I fucked him a little bit harder. I found his little joy button again and had to keep kissing him to keep him quiet. Soon he moaned I can't take it anymore and shot his load between us. I filled his ass with my cum a few minutes later.

We finally got up and took a quick shower together and got dressed and went upstairs.

It's about time you sleepy heads got up. What time did you finally go to bed?

I think it was around two when the movie was over Billy told her

You two shouldn't be staying up that late during the week

You already had said we couldn't go to school today I said

You'd better be in bed when I get home tonight.

We will. Dave said they would have things worked out today.

We fooled around playing board games and watching TV until mom left for work.

Some of my other stories are listed below

Next: Chapter 5

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