The Boy on the Bus

By Jay Williamson

Published on Feb 5, 2022


The following is partially true, partially made up. Names of real people have been changed to protect the innocent or maybe the guilty too LOL. Please you all know the rest of the rules by now. If you can't read stories like this in your jurisdiction please don't. if you can well, enjoy.

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Chapter 3

The next morning we got up, did our routine, and headed to the bus stop. On the way, I told Billy how about you stay on the bus this morning and I'll go in to work for a while so I can let them know.

Ok as long as you are going to be in the office with me

I will, if I'm not out front come to the side door of the cafeteria and get me. We got on the bus and told Dave the plan. He said great. I made some calls last night myself. Billy don't get upset but I got an emergency protective order to remove you from your home and you have been placed in my custody. I'll explain more between the routes so no one knows but us.

Dave can I still stay with Tom during the week

This week you can, but we really need to talk to his mom to make sure its ok with her. So this weekend you will be at my place and if we need to, we'll come back into town and talk to Tom's mom

Ok that works. But I want to tell you I had a drink last night. It was just a normal size drink and just one. Tom made it for me because I was nervous about today

Try not to drink anymore, but I understand because I saw your drinking problem up close

We got to school and I went to work after telling the kitchen manager what was going on, and why I needed to leave early this morning. She understood and said to leave whenever I needed to.

Mr. Grayson the principal came in to get his coffee and I asked him if he could be in his office between 745 and 8. He asked what it was about and I told him it would be three of us and I couldn't talk about it here. Ok just tell the secretary to call me when you are ready.

745 rolled around, I clocked out, and headed to the main entrance, I saw Dave was just pulling up and went out to meet them. I told Dave I had things set up and Mr. Grayson was expecting us.

Good it saves some time then.

I don't know about the rest of you but when I was in school the bus driver taking two kids to the principal's office normally means someone is in trouble.

Dave told the secretary that Mr. Grayson is expecting us. She called him and said some people are here to see you.

Mr. Grayson came out and looked surprised to see Dave (they didn't get along and Grayson had tried to get him fired a few times.)

Dave told him the boys brought something to my attention and this is something that needs to be discussed in private

Ok come on back to my office, he got another chair and told us have a seat. I'm at a loss here could one of you tell me what is going on

Dave started. I just found out about this yesterday so things are fluid right now. But Billy for the last several years has been abused by his mom. Even to the point of her trying to sell him for sexual use in order to buy drugs. Even to the point he has developed a small drug and alcohol problem himself.

Many times he has got on the bus and seemed drunk, but he finally just opened up about the reason. I know how you feel about me and what I let the kids do on the bus but they are paying passengers. But this part I had no idea about.

As you know Tom works in the cafeteria early mornings and I let him ride in on the senior trip. He and Billy became friends and he has been helping Billy with a safe place to stay and also stay sober for over a week now.

Mr. Grayson looked at Billy and asked him. Why didn't you come to me or a teacher or guidance counselor son that's one of the good things we are here for?

I was scared. If my mom found out before I found a place to stay she would just have her pimp or one of her deviant tricks abuse me more than I already have been. He told Mr. Grayson the same life story he told me and Dave. Billy had tears in his eyes and I put my arm around him and told him you'll be ok, we'll get you through it

Mr. Grayson just had his head in his hands. He looked back up and said Dave I know we have our differences but do you have any kind of a plan.

I started on a plan as soon as the boys told me. I'm a certified foster parent in Madison county and contacted people I know there. They got ahold of Franklin County and a judge has already issued an emergency protective order for me to remove Billy from his home.

Because of the distance and being young and needing his rest and someone he trusts to talk to I am going to allow him to stay with Tom during the week and he can go home with me on the weekends until we can talk to Tom's mom about him staying there weekends also.

In addition, I need you to remove his mother from his records as an emergency contact and to keep her from the building.

That I can do right now. He called the secretary and had her bring Billy's records to his office. He was looking through them and asked, Billy are you going to try and come to classes more often

Yes just look at the last week or so, Tom has been giving me a place to stay and feeding me and helps me with my schoolwork when he can. I ditched a lot because I was locking myself in the basement or staying in parks all night and didn't have any clean clothes or a place to shower. I was doing what I had to, to survive.

Ok Billy if you have any problems and if Dave can't help you come see me. Dave what are immediate plans.

First off, the protective order is being processed, after school Friday we are going to Billy's house with the order and the police to get his clothes and other things he needs. We will take it my house and what needs washed will be. Whatever he needs for the week he can bring with him Monday and stay with Tom. I have talked to Tom's mom before and I will help with that if I need to.

Ok Dave when you get the protective order can you get us a copy in case she comes looking for him.

I sure will

Ok is there anything else

Me and Billy said no

I will write you boys a pass for class and if there are problems come see me.

We will we told him. We left to go to class and I dragged Billy into the bathroom and gave him a big kiss.

See I told you they weren't as bad as you thought

Ok you were right again. I'll see you at lunch or after school and he gave me a kiss goodbye.

After school we got on the bus and went home. Dave told us that Friday after school his wife was going to meet him down here and then we would call the police and have them meet us before going to Billy's house. Tom I want you to come with us, you can help him get his things. We told him ok and we would see him in the morning.

We went in the house and went upstairs to get something to drink. In the living room Billy kicked his shoes off and got rid of his shirt.

Tom can we cuddle a while

Sure we can. I kicked my shoes off too and got rid of my shirt and laid down on the couch. And he laid right in front of me.

Are you ok I asked?

A little nervous about Friday

Are you having second thoughts?

Not really, I do need to get out of there and straighten my life out. I just hope your mom will let me stay here during the week. I like being with you.

I like being with you too. I think she will since she really won't know you're here except for a few minutes in the mornings like she sees me now. She may want to see you first, and that would have to be a weekend. But I'll do my best to convince her to let you stay.

I hope she will

Me too I like cuddling with you and falling asleep

You mean it's not just for the fantastic sex we have

That helps, but it's nice just having you next to me like right now

Could we just cuddle tonight and not have sex. I want to save my energy for tomorrow because after that I will be at Dave's house

Sure we can. But tomorrow night I want you to do me long and slow like you did in the middle of the night.

Ok I will if you will do me like last night again

You got a deal. But could I have a kiss

Roll on your back

I did and we made out for an hour or two just making each other feel good. After I made us some dinner then we went and took another shower together and came back up in just our underwear to cuddle on the couch some more. I knew Billy was rock hard and I was too but we controlled ourselves.

After watching TV a while we went to my room and went to bed Billy wanted to sleep naked tonight so we did.

The next morning we got up and did the normal school day routine. On the way home Dave told us everything is lined up for tomorrow afternoon right after I do the last run.

Billy said good maybe she will be out partying by then

Lets hope so but the police will still be going with us so there is no problem. I'll see you boys tomorrow.

We got home and when I closed the door Billy took my hand and said I need you right now. We dropped our clothes all the way to my bedroom and decided to suck each other off first. Billy fucked me first long and slow for about an hour and dumped a huge load in me. He wouldn't let me cum while he was fucking my so as soon as he pulled out of me I threw his legs over my shoulders and eased in him. I fucked him hard and fast for about five minutes until his dick came to life again, then slowed down and let his legs loose and slow fucked him with our bodies rubbing together. I fucked his tight little hole for over an hour when he began to moan and squirm a bit. He let out a long moan and started shooting his second load between us. I sped up just a bit and filled his ass with my cum.

After we got our breath back we kissed some more and then took a shower. He got me hard in the shower and told me to stick it back in his ass he wanted it standing up. Well, being a horny teenager I did just that. I did him fast this time and dammit if both of us didn't end up cumming at the same time. After we washed off again we dried off and just in our underwear went upstairs to make supper.

We got something to drink then I started making some hamburger helper and we were having a good talk while we were eating.

I heard a knock at the door and looked out the window no cars around so I went to the door and looked through the peephole. It was Randy, hey come on in. he seemed surprised I was just in my underwear but didn't say anything.

We're just finishing supper


Yeah I have been helping a friend you might know him

We went out to the kitchen and in introduced him to Billy and he said don't we go to the same school

Yeah we do I remember seeing you around

You hungry Randy?

I could eat if you have any left

I got him some food and something to drink and we sat there talking while we were eating.

I told him you haven't been around lately.

He said I had to disappear for a while you know how it is.

Billy said I sure do, I'm doing the same thing right now.

We ended up telling Randy about what was going on with Billy and all the rest.

He said yeah you need to get the hell out of there. Are you guys having sex too?

I said Randy what do you think.

Seeing the way you're dressed I'd say you already have and he smiled.

Well you know how it goes

Yeah I was hoping we could get together tonight but I understand if you don't want to right now.

I saw Billy smile and he nodded his head yes. How about all three of us Randy

Wow really, yeah I mean sure. Billy can you handle this? And he stood up and dropped his jeans and was half hard already

Sure I can if you take it easy at first

Ask Tom he can tell you how I am


Billy you remember an hour ago


Even better

Ok I'm in

We all headed back to my bedroom and Randy told Billy get on your back and pull your legs up. Randy spread some lube in Billy's ass and then lubed his cock up and dam if he didn't look like he had grown another inch and got just a bit thicker. Please go easy Billy asked. Randy did and had to stop a few times so Billy could get used to him. Finally Randy was balls deep into Billy as far as he could go. How's it feel? Goddam I'm full he said with a big smile. You ready. Randy started slowly long dicking him and I thought Billy was going to go wild, I eased over and stuck my dick in his mouth to quiet him down while me and Randy were kissing. And I had Billy's cock in my hand.

Randy must have felt Billy loosen up more because soon he was fucking him good and hard. Next thing I knew Billy was moaning around my dick and started shooting one hell of a load. Randy said I think he likes it and just kept giving it to him hard and deep. About 15 minutes later Randy started a bit of groaning himself and I could tell he was filling Billy's ass up for him. Billy had got hard again and blasted another load when he felt Randy shooting in him. I was saving my load for either Billy or Randy whoever wanted to be next and pulled out of Billy's mouth.

We all laid down a bit to relax and Billy said Randy I want to see if you're a good kisser. Well they did a while and Billy turned to me and said I don't want you to be left out.

Did you get off Tom? Randy asked

No, I'm saving it for whoever is next.

Randy said can I be next, I haven't had any since the last time I was here

Billy said go for it my ass needs a break

I got the lube and asked Randy how he wanted it. Within a second he was on his back and legs up. Ok I can take a hit and laughed. I worked some lube in Randy's ass and dam he was nice and tight again and then lubed my cock up and asked if he was ready.

I'm ready you remember what I taught you

I slid into Randy as easy as I could, it felt like his ass was on fire. He pulled me down to him and whispered in my ear don't just fuck me, I need made love to. No problem I said. I did make love to Randy long and slow like I did to Billy that first time and was kissing and biting his neck. Billy had gone to the bathroom and Randy told me I really do love you, I just have to disappear sometimes. I know and I want you to make love to me next or better yet, come back tomorrow night I'll be here alone. You got it he said.

Billy had come back and saw us still being slow and tender. You guys want me to leave for a while. No Billy come over here and fuck me again just go slow and try the same rhythm I'm going. Ok cooooool

I stopped while Billy slowly entered me and got the lube worked around. We got a good rhythm going and it was a while later I said screw this and sped up. Me in and out of Randy's ass and Billy's dick in and out of mine just set me off. I guess I started it but we all got off just about the same time.

We uncoupled and laid there a while talking and agreed we all wanted to do this again. Soon Randy asked if he could take a shower and I told him sure. While he was showering Billy said you love him don't you. He was my first and yes I do, but I am also falling in love with you too. I know its soon but it's how I feel. I love you too but don't get hooked. I don't know how things will work out or how long I will be around for. I really like you but right now I'm in a fucked up situation. Hopefully it will all work out. Lets hope so.

Randy came back from his shower and Billy went to take one. I hope I didn't screw anything up Randy said he seems like a nice guy. But I needed you bad. Come back tomorrow evening and I will explain more and I really need you too. Ok I will. About 7 or 8 I said and I walked him up to the door and gave him several kisses before he left.

Billy was done with his shower but I gave it some time to heat more water up before taking mine. When I got done Billy was already in bed and I went upstairs and turned the lights off and crawled in next to Billy. He pulled my arm around him and told me he really enjoyed this evening. You don't mind Randy stopping by? No, he's really cool and I loved the way he fucked me but don't think I could handle someone as big as he is very much. He does take some getting used to.

The next morning we got up and went to school. Dave reminded us to stay on the bus this afternoon. School was typical again and I found Billy at the end of the day.

Are you ok Billy

Just a little nervous

Don't worry with the cops with us nothing will happen

Dave pulled up and we got on the bus, he told us he already made arrangements with the police and they will meet us a few blocks from Billy's house.

The ride was uneventful and when it was done Dave's wife met us at the shopping center where he parked the bus. He used a payphone to call to have the police meet us in about 20 minutes. We got to the Dairy Queen where we were supposed to meet them and Dave showed them the protective order. The cops told Billy we will go in with you and one of us will stay with you all the time. Get what you need and if any problems arise we will take care of it. Billy told them I hope she is already gone. All of us left and went to Billy's and we went in to get his things. As he thought his mom was already gone so we had an easy time of it. We got all the stuff he wanted and we left.

We got to my house for them to drop me off and Billy went in with me for a few minutes.

I'm going to miss you this weekend

I'll miss you too and told him maybe I would see him before if mom says he can stay here during the week but I would call and let Dave know. I gave him a long kiss goodbye and Billy went out to Dave's car and they left.

Some of my other stories are listed below

Next: Chapter 4

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