The Boy on the Bus

By Jay Williamson

Published on Jan 30, 2022


The following is partially true, partially made up. Names of real people have been changed to protect the innocent or maybe the guilty too LOL. Please you all know the rest of the rules by now. If you can't read stories like this in your jurisdiction please don't. if you can well, enjoy.

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Chapter 2

He managed to drop us at the stop we do in the mornings and we headed home. We walked the three blocks to my house and went in. I couldn't help myself as soon as the door was closed I turned to Billy and pinned him against the door kissing him.

Did you miss me that much

Well you are starting to grow on me and waking up next to you was real nice this morning

I liked it to and I'm hungry but not for food. He took me by the hand and we went to my bedroom when we got there he just shoved me on the bed and climbed on top of me. We made out a bit and started getting rid of our clothes. We were both hard as can be and it was nice having Billy kind of take control. We resumed our making out, Billy was humping me, and our hard dicks were sliding against the others. I need more he said and slid down in bed and started sucking me. I said hey I want some to and he slid around until I could get his dick and we had a pretty good time sucking each other.

Since he was on top, I got a finger wet and started playing around his cute little hole. He started fucking my throat nice and easy and raised up off my dick just long enough to say go ahead and finger me. And while he went back to sucking me and had one hand playing with my balls I started pressing my finger into him. He seemed to like this and just sucked me harder.

I managed to find his joy button with my finger and he went wild. He was fucking my throat again and himself on my finger and I soon had his young tasty load shooting down my throat. He never let up sucking me and I soon gave him mine.

When he was done he moved back up and we started making out again. That was awesome he told me

It felt pretty good on my end too. I love your cum

We laid there a while rubbing each other and occasionally kissing some more. We finally got up and just put our pants on and went upstairs to get something to drink. I sat on the couch sideways and motioned between my legs and he sat between them and leaned back against me. It was nice being half-naked and just relaxing with each other.

After a while Billy spoke. Dave seems cool

He is, I used to talk to him on the CB in the morning before time to go to the bus stop. That way in the winter I would know if he was running late or not

I guess I was always too messed up to notice

Maybe we can fix that

I kind of like not being messed up all the time. Now I can see some of what I have been missing

How long have you been drinking and getting fucked up all the time

Pretty steady for the last few years

I know I told you no coming over drunk but I know people who just stop drinking sometimes have problems. If you start having a problem let me know, and I'll make you a drink. But I make them no drinking the whole bottle either.

There's booze in the house

Yes, I'm allowed to have a drink sometimes. Mom always said it was better to drink in front of her than sneaking around getting messed up and out of hand. I have been drinking since I was a baby, a sip of beer here and there and I used to make drinks for dad when he couldn't get around. And would always take a sip or two. That's why it's no big thing to me I can take it or leave it.

That's pretty cool of them

So if you need a drink just let me know

I'm ok for now. Besides the only good thing that came out of my drinking is you. But I still don't know what to do for the weekend. If I stay with any of my friends, I'll probably be all fucked up again Monday.

Well we have a few days to think of something.

I wish I could just stay here with you

I do too but mom is kind of weird about friends sleeping over. I think it's because the weekend is the only break she gets. And the only time we have together also.

Don't ruin anything for me, I'm not worth it

I grabbed his head and turned it towards me. You're worth it to me, stop putting yourself down all the time.

When people put you down all the time, you start believing it

If you weren't worth it I wouldn't have brought you home with me and I dam sure wouldn't be having sex with you.

I think you like having sex with me, and he smiled.

I do and that's because I like you. Like I told you, I wanted you from the first time I saw you even though you couldn't stand up straight.

It might just take some time to get used to someone wanting me

Don't make me tie you to the bed to get the point across

Tie me to the bed, now that might be fun sometime as long as it is you doing it

Maybe one day

I'm happy with you just holding me

So what do you want to do tonight

Would it upset you if after we eat we just get naked and lay here watching TV all evening till we go to bed

No that actually sounds like fun. We just can't fall asleep up here. Mom would freak if she walked in and found us both naked.

Well I would get to meet her then

I don't think she would find any humor in it

Ok we won't do that. What are you gonna make me for supper tonight

You getting hungry

A little

Let's go see what we have. We got up and on the way to the kitchen I backed him up against the wall and said I really do like you

I like you too and then he pulled me close and we kissed for a couple minutes. Then went to check the fridge.

Mom had made a Lasagna so I cut a couple chunks out of it and put it in the oven to warm up. I looked and there was enough stuff to make a salad and while I was bent over getting the lettuce and such out of the fridge, Billy came up behind me and was rubbing his hard dick against me ass.

You need some more of that back there?

You know if you don't mind

I don't mind I told him and he reached around me and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants

Oh so you need some right now, and I closed the fridge

When I turned around, he already had his pants off and was good and hard. He had found a bottle of vegetable oil mom had left out and was lubing up his hard as steel cock. He took my hand, led me to the table, bent me over, and started sliding in. He slid in me and after a few minutes started hammering my ass like there was no tomorrow. It didn't take long and he had me moaning and begging for more and harder. He reached around and was jacking me at the same time. He was fucking me so fast and hard I could feel him expanding and soon he blasted my insides with what felt like a real big load. And not wasting any time he pulled out and spun me around and dropped to his knees sucking me again. He didn't have to work long as I soon filled his mouth full of cum for the second time this afternoon.

Billy got up and started kissing me hard sharing some of my cum with me. I soon had to push him back and head to the bathroom quick.

After cleaning up, I went back to the kitchen to get my pants and Billy was making us a salad. I grabbed him and kissed him hard. What got into you I asked?

I guess you turn me on like I do you. Are you ok?

Yeah I'm ok, you just surprised me.

I had a feeling you liked a dick in your ass more, and you kind of confirmed that

I have a feeling you are the same way

Well after you fucked me last night I found I like it too

I'll try to remember that

I gave him a kiss and said let's eat. We had our salads while the lasagna was cooling off a bit and then had it. We did lay around naked the rest of the night watching TV until we went downstairs and took a shower together and then snuggled up in bed together naked this time.

Billy woke me up around 3am.

What's wrong

He took my hand and moved it to his dick he was rock hard again. I whispered you need some more

I need some more he whispered back

I handed him the lube and told him be slow and quiet, mom is home

He kissed me and whispered. I want to make love to you.

Ok I told him

He lubed himself up and ran a lubed finger in my ass and slowly slid his hard cock in me. I wrapped my legs around him and he leaned down and we started kissing while he was fucking me nice and slow. Luckily, the bed wasn't making any noise and he whispered in my ear this feels so good I've been hard since we came to bed. I started flexing my ass muscles to help make up for him having to go slow and he just moaned oh you bastard. I aim to please, and started lightly chewing on his ear and then moved to his neck. That seemed to set him off and he sped up a bit he whispered in my ear you got me ready to cum again. Fill me up stud is all I told him. Soon his searing hot cum was filling my ass again. He slowed and I released my legs from around him and he eased off of me.

He kissed me again and whispered I love being inside you

I love you in me too

Are you mad?

No but we have to be careful. Let's try to go back to sleep

We managed to get a couple more hours sleep until the alarm clock went off again. Once more we got up and did the same as yesterday and I snuck him out of the house again.

On the way to the bus stop, I said I have an idea for the weekends.

What would that be?

Well in the short term, we could ask Dave to take you home for the weekend with him. He has a couple kids your age so he might understand. We might have to tell him the reason why, but I think he would understand.

Do you think he would help?

We won't know until we ask him

Will you ask him, I don't know him as well

Ok I'll ask but you will have to tell your story yourself

I will if he wants to know. Do you want him to know about us

Only if we need to. You could just say I'm feeding you and giving you a place to sleep and make sure he understands mom doesn't know. That I am still working on. But the main thing is you need to stay as sober as possible

I kind of like being sober, my sex drive is coming back

I like it but we have to be careful when mom is home

Yeah I know I just got so dammed horny last night

We got to the bus stop and Dave pulled up a few minutes later. As we got on, I said Dave is there a time we can ask you something in private, we need some help.

There's no time this morning Tom but if you guys can I'll come early this afternoon and we can talk and if need be just stay on for the JR High run and we can talk on the way back to school

Ok that works for us

It was another typical day at school. I worked an hour that morning in the cafeteria and then another two hours in the middle of the day before my last class. It was busy so I didn't get a chance to see Billy at lunch but he was waiting on me after my class. And we went outside and saw that Dave was already there. He was in another bus talking with the driver so we let him know we were there and went to our bus.

A few minutes later Dave came and opened the bus and said come on in guys and tell me what's going on.

I started and told him Billy has been having problems at home and has been staying with me. Mom doesn't know and I sneak him out in the mornings but we don't know what to do about the weekends.

He asked Billy what's going on at home

Billy started with don't judge me but here's the way it has been the last few years. And told his story to Dave

You mean she has been selling you for drugs.

Yes, now you know why I'm so fucked up all the time

I can help you out but it has to be done right. I'm a registered emergency foster parent in Madison County so I know who to contact. He looked at his watch and said it's almost time for the bell so you two stay on the bus and we'll talk more on the way back.

Thanks Dave you don't know what this means to us

We heard the bell ring and other kids started coming out so we sat with each other and just talked for the trip. After the last SR student was dropped off. Dave said come back up here.

We moved up to the seat behind Dave and he told us. I have to check with my wife but I'm sure it will be ok. Tom can he stay with you until the weekend

Sure he can, we'll just keep doing as we have been for a week now

Ok if all goes well Billy I will take you home with me Friday and bring you back on Monday. Can he stay with you during the week Tom?

Yeah and I am going to talk to mom this weekend. Maybe she will be ok with it too.

Good. Because with me in another county I can take him a few times without a legal problem. It would be considered an emergency but any more than a few weeks I could get in trouble.

Billy said I don't want you in trouble, if I have to I'll just camp out in the park for the weekend

I said no you won't. I'll hide you in my bedroom if I have to

Dave said calm down no one is going to camp out in a park. I know who to get ahold of and it won't take but a few days to get an emergency order. I just wish you guys would have come to me sooner. In addition, Billy you should have come to me last year.

If it helps Dave, I haven't drank or done any drugs in a week since that first day when Tom started helping me. I didn't feel safe talking to someone older about it.

I'll give you guys my phone number for any emergencies, but Billy this is something the school needs to know about also. Just so they never call your mom to come get you.

Do we have to?

Yes! Tomorrow morning I will go in with you and we will have a sit down with the principal. Even though they hate me for what I let you guys do on the bus, they will cooperate with this. And I want both of you there.

What about my work in the mornings I said

Who pays you Dave asked

I get a paycheck from the school board

Then that will help because technically you are also a school board employee.

Oh so with me being with the school board Billy has to do whatever I tell him. And we all started laughing

Dave just said I aint going there.

We were back at the school and some were already waiting on us so we just basically rode the bus home to my stop. We told Dave we'd see him in the morning.

Me and Billy walked the couple of blocks to my house and when we got inside Billy was raping me with his tongue. You don't know how happy I am right now

Oh, I think you're showing me right now.

I want to show you just how happy I am. He kissed me again and took my hand and led me to my bedroom. He pulled his shirt off then mine and was kissing me again as he was trying to get my pants off. After getting mine off he started on his then pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me.

I had a feeling he wanted in my ass again like this morning when he grabbed the bottle of lube. But he started lubing my cock up and then sat down on me.

Tom I want you to fuck my brains out all night

You sure

Yes just fuck me over and over again

I grabbed him by the waist and rolled us over and threw his legs on my shoulders so I could give it to him nice and deep. After about 20 minutes I fired a load in him and just kept going. Dam I thought I'm not going soft at all so I rolled him on his side and pushed one of his legs up and just kept going.

Billy stretched an arm out and pulled me down to him and started kissing me. I was long dicking him pretty good but when we started kissing I slowed down and was easing in and out but kept a steady pace.

I feel so good he told me

I'm glad baby. We stayed in this position a bit longer then I pulled out and he looked disappointed. We're not done yet and he gave me a smile. I had him get on all fours and I did him doggy style so I could reach under and play with his hard cock at the same time. I wasn't even close to cumming yet but Billy sure was. He started moaning and crying out and then shot a nice big load all over the sheets. I pushed his shoulders down and just kept giving him my cock.

This angle had him moaning and thrashing all over again. FUCK ME HARDER he yelled, so I did. I was drilling so hard and fast he was almost hitting the headboard of the bed when his ass clamped down on me and he just cried out AARRRRRrrrggggggghhhhh and he blew another load. With the tightness his ass was doing to me, I blew another load in him.

His legs just slid out from under him and now he was on his stomach just moaning and I continued slowly fucking him. Soon I had had enough too, my dick started to soften, and I slowed down and pulled out of him nice and easy.

I eased over next to him and he had his eyes closed but a big smile. I kissed his cheek and he looked at me.

When can you go again?

You want more.

I can't help it. When you're in me I just feel so great

You know it feels great when you're in me too

Do you think we're becoming nymphomaniacs?

With you I am and I grinned.

Lets take a shower and change these sheets. We took a nice long shower together until the hot water started running out then threw the sheets in the washer along with Billy's clothes. Then we went upstairs to make supper and get something to drink.

Mom had a casserole of some kind made and it was in the fridge with cooking instructions. So I put it in the oven and went to lay on the couch.

Billy came and laid down with me and told me, I know this is soon but you know I really am beginning to love you

Honestly, I really like being with you. I don't know if its love but I really do like you a lot

I'll take what I can get at this point.

Lets just see how things work out


We had our supper and after Billy asked if he could have a drink. I'm really nervous about tomorrow and maybe it will calm me down.

Ok I'll make you one. You have been doing pretty good. What would you like.

Anything really just something to help me relax

I went and looked, didn't have anything to really mix with vodka so I made him a 7&7 and brought it back to him and sat it on the coffee table and laid back down behind him. Occasionally he would take a drink and then settled back into me real close.

Are you ok?

Yeah I'm starting to relax some more

That's good and I was slowly rubbing from his chest down to his stomach and back

You keep doing that and you might have to fuck me some more tonight

I think you need a bit more than just a good fucking

What do you have in mind

It's a surprise, but I think you will like it. Just relax for a while we have all night

He took another drink and pressed back against me even tighter and we watched TV for another hour or so.

Billy had finished his drink long ago and didn't ask for another one. He turned to me and kissed me and said thank you

What are you thanking me for

For all this and taking me in and helping me and not demanding anything in return.

I kissed him back and told him you're easy to help. Are you ready for your surprise

Will I like it

I think you will, come with me.

I turned the TV and the lights off and took his hand and we went back downstairs and put the wash in the dryer and went back to my room and put clean sheets on the bed.

Then I kneeled on the floor in front of him and took his shorts down and started licking his balls and up to his rapidly hardening dick. I took his dick in my mouth, started with a nice slow blowjob, and was rolling his big balls in my hand. I stood up and dropped my shorts and he took that for being his turn so I let him suck me a while before pulling him back up and pushing him back to the bed.

He slid back in the bed and I laid on top of him with my dick under his balls and could see his smile. We made out a while then I reached for the lube and lubed my cock and his cute little ass up again. I slid into him as slow as I could and hooked his legs under my arms and fucked him as slow and as gentle as I could. Billy soon got the idea and he grabbed both his legs and I leaned down and started kissing his neck and gently biting his neck and ears. He started moaning fuck me Tom and fuck me hard. He looked disappointed when I raised up and kept fucking him slow, then I bent as far as I could and managed to get about half of his rock hard cock in my mouth.

OH FUCK, OH FUCK was all he could manage to say. I kept this up and when I felt his ass tighten and his cock expand I pulled off his dick for a while and just kept slowly fucking him. When he would calm down I started sucking him again. I did this several times and he was whimpering, almost crying I need to cum so bad. Finally, I kept sucking him and he blasted one hell of a load in my mouth but I didn't swallow it, instead I laid down on him and started kissing him. This seemed to set him off more and he was moaning through our kissing so I sped up hammering his ass until I blew another load in him.

I slowly pulled out and laid beside him. Did you like your surprise?

Oh fuck man that was just like I don't know great or something better than great. How'd you think of that

Well, I had a good teacher

If I ever find out who it is I'll have to thank him

I take it you're not nervous anymore

No just the opposite, I'm worn out

I looked at my clock and we had been at it for almost 3 hours. Come on we need to get cleaned up mom will be home soon

Is it that late

Yeah its after 11. We got cleaned up quick and I got his clothes out of the dryer for tomorrow and we went to bed. We cuddled up next to each other and slept all night long.

Some of my other stories are listed below

Next: Chapter 3

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