The Boy on the Bus

By Jay Williamson

Published on Jan 26, 2022


The following is partially true, partially made up. Names of real people have been changed to protect the innocent or maybe the guilty too LOL. Please you all know the rest of the rules by now. If you cannot read stories like this in your jurisdiction, please don't. If you can well, enjoy.

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The Boy On The Bus

Chapter 1

My name is Tom. This is a story of growing up in a somewhat broken home in the 70's and early 80's, but through it all made me a stronger person. I am the fifth and last child of my family. Mom and Dad got divorced when I was around five years old. It wasn't like most divorces they were still friends and dad was always there when we needed him. I have three older brothers and an older sister who was the middle kid.

When I was, seven we moved to the suburbs and to a brand new house and neighborhood. My oldest brother was already married and expecting his first kid. My second oldest brother was always in trouble starting when he was 11 or 12 and unfortunately, 50 years later has never changed. My sister wasn't a whole lot better and to this day, everything is about her. My brother that is a year older than I am was always trying to scam something whether it be a bike from someone when we were kids. And then later instead of just buying something always would be trading something for something else, most of the time he could have just bought it cheaper.

Dad died when I was ten years old from heart trouble and mom was working all she could to make ends meet. By this time, my 2nd oldest brother was always in trouble either at school or with the law or both. When he wasn't locked up he and my sister who were supposed to be taking care of me and my brother that's a year older than I am would be having drinking, drug, and sex parties at the house while mom was at work. She worked 2nd shift in a factory because it paid a bit more. It was nothing to have drunk or drugged up naked girls and guys running all over the house.

My sister decided she was going to get knocked up and have a kid so she could quit school and did. With my 2nd oldest brother locked up and my sister out of the house with her baby daddy and kid, mom didn't want me and my other brother there by ourselves.

Some kids we played with at time had parents that were old hippies and pretty cool. We talked mom into letting them watch us after school until she got home at like 11:30 or 11:45 pm. Yeah they partied a lot and sometimes the parties got wild but they always made sure their five kids and me and my brother were always fed and taken care of. That is where I started smoking pot when I was like 10 or 11, we didn't get messed up they wouldn't let us but we did sleep pretty darn good after we got home.

Somewhere during all of this, I noticed two things. One was that I seemed to be more interested in boys than girls. Not just playing like normal kids do at a young age, but was more interested in their bodies too. In my young teenage years, I finally figured out what all this meant. Second, since my brothers and my sister we always being a pain in the ass to mom and always in some sort of trouble I decided to try to be good and stay out of trouble.

Fast forward to late Jr.High. I knew by then I liked boys and gym class was a bitch with taking showers trying my best not to be obvious checking out the other guys in class. From all the wild sex parties and naked guys I had seen from home and yes a few times at the babysitters I knew a hot body when I saw one.

I had a crush on one boy from the neighborhood. We had known each other since we were like 7 or 8 and he only lived about 10 houses away so like all kids in the neighborhood all of us were always running around together. But him and another boy down the street always seemed to stand out. Randy was on the tall side for his age and a nice build and could have any girl in the neighborhood and school he wanted.

My brother that is a year older then I am ran away from home and went to live with my 2nd oldest brother that was on the run from the law when I was twelve so now it was just me and mom at the house. Mom decided since I hadn't been any problem and was doing OK in school I could begin staying by myself instead of with a babysitter. We had a neighbor across the street that said if there was any problem to call her or just come over. And this worked out good. I had the house to myself for 8 to 10 hours a day and stayed out of trouble.

One night I was working on a model I was building and someone knocked on the door. It was Randy. I let him in and we talked and watched TV for a while, and he left before mom got home from work. Randy stared coming by every few days or so and I finally found out he was having trouble at home with his mom or dad or both.

One Saturday night he stopped by, mom was out with friends. He came in and sat down in a chair and in a few minutes was fast asleep. Dam it was nice being able to check him out for more than a moment. I decided it was now or never and really didn't care if I got the shit beat out of me. So I went over, kneeled on the floor, and started unbuckling his belt and then unbuttoning his jeans. All I heard was WHAT THE FUCK! And I jumped up and went back to the couch.

He looked and noticed his pants halfway undone and said what's going on. I told him I wanted to suck his dick, he said hell no. I went back to watching TV but noticed he never buttoned his pants back up or buckled his belt.

It seemed like hours but was maybe 15 minutes when Randy asked me, do you still want to suck my dick?

I said hell yes, I have been wanting to do it for a year or more. He thought for a few minutes. Then told me ok. I went over and he slid his pants off and dam what a surprise I got. For being 14, Randy had close to eight inches and dam did he taste good. I was doing the best I could with the first dick I ever had in my mouth and for the most part, he liked it. He told me to back off and he slid down in the chair a bit more and told me to lick his balls, which I did while he jacked off. I could tell by his body getting tense that he was getting close when he asked if I wanted to swallow his cum. Hell yes I told him and he said get up here fast. Well I don't have to be told twice I was up and had the head of his cock in my mouth for like 10 seconds when I tasted the first spurts of his sweet and salty cum. But I managed not to lose any of it and made sure it all was off his dick. After a few minutes he said I have to go.

After he left I was like wow, but I was also scared that I might have lost a friend. I knew he had been with girls ok so I had no real proof but with his looks and being the mid 70's I'm sure he had,

Randy hasn't been around for over a week and I figured I had fucked up bad and lost a friend. I had seen him a few times at school but it was just passing in the hallway. He was a grade ahead of me and we didn't have any classes nor lunch together. Somewhere in the middle of the next week, there was a knock at the door. Randy was standing there when I opened it. He acted like nothing had happened and while we were sitting watching TV he finally asked me why I did what I did. I said I was into guys and he had always turned me on and the time just seemed right. He asked do you want to suck my dick again. I said hell yes. He said just go slow and watch your teeth you were pretty rough last time. I told him I was sorry it was my first time.

And so for the next seven years Randy and I got together when we could. Sometimes two or three times a week. He was the first to fuck me after a lot of trying and I was the first to fuck him. But this story isn't about him. But my experience with him led to some confidence in what I was doing and also that I knew now how to please a guy. Mine and Randy's relationship or affair was sometimes on again and off again. There were times I didn't see him for months. This is a story of what happened during one of those times.

The school I went to was a JR and SR High School grades 7 through 12. Grades 10-12 were picked up early by the bus and dropped off then 7 through 9 were picked up. Our school district did not provide transportation for SR High students at the time because most when they turned 16 started driving or riding with friends to school.

Our bus was a contract bus not school board owned so the SR High students had to pay to ride the bus. While still in JR High I started working in the school cafeteria and managed to get some hours in before school in the morning to put stock orders away and help the cook with different things.

So I asked the bus driver a cool guy named Dave if I could catch it early and why he said fine I'd just have to walk a couple more blocks to one of the other stops. Also since the Sr High students paid to ride the bus they could do just about anything they wanted on the bus as long as you didn't cause problems for Dave. I remember one first day of school riding the bus early Dave made his last pickup, and pulled into a parking lot and said I have an announcement to make. Some skinny black kid with Jerri curls hollered out shut up and drive baldy. Dave was a big man to start with so he went back to the kid and grabbed him by the shirt collar and pinned his head against the roof of the bus and said. "What I was going to say before goldilocks here opened his big mouth is. You people pay to ride this bus. I don't care if you smoke, drink, or screw your chick in the middle of the floor, as long as it doesn't interfere with me getting you from point A to point B. any problems on the bus will be solved on the bus, there will be no going to the principal's office. And dropped the kid in his seat and took us on to school.

Things were pretty cool on the bus after that and no one ever caused any real problems. Except for this one guy. He didn't really cause a problem but almost every morning he would be half-drunk already and get on the bus with a bottle of those nasty cheap premixed screwdrivers. A few days he was so bad Dave told him I can't take you to school like this and had to drop him off a block from school.

One day he got on and seemed to be sober and Billy was a nice looking guy I think he was a sophomore and was only about 5'8, maybe 140 and light brown hair, and blue eyes and was always clean. I offered to share the seat with him so he sat down. We made small talk on the 20 minute ride to school and later in the day when I was at lunch, I saw him by himself and went to sit with him.

I told him it was nice to see him able to walk and not be drunk already.

He said I have all kind of problems at home just trying to survive, but I don't want to talk about it here.

Well if I don't have to work late in the kitchen someday just get off the bus with me and we can talk or if nothing else, I can just listen

You would do that as fucked up as I am

Well I would if you're not drunk and can walk

Ok you got a deal

It was time for class, and I had to get going and I didn't see Billy until the next week. He got on the bus again with another bottle and I just motioned to the seat for him to sit with me. He sat down and kind of leaned against me and relaxed. He asked if I had to work after school. I told him no and he said could I go home with you this afternoon. I told him sure just try to be a little more sober. We went our separate ways when we got to school.

I didn't see him all day but he was waiting on me when I got ready to get on the bus. Dave ran the route in reverse in the afternoon and me and Billy were the last ones on the bus. He was still a little messed up and I asked Dave if he could drop us at my house. He looked at his watch and said he had the time to and did. We went in and I told him have a seat and relax. I got us something to drink and sat next to him on the couch. I turned the TV on and tried to find something decent to watch.

After about 20 minutes Billy said you're probably wondering why I'm fucked up all the time

Well I do wonder but figured you'd tell me when you are ready

It's a messed up story. I don't know who or where my dad is, and mom is always drunk or drugged out whoring herself out to make money. She has even tried to sell me to some of her tricks when she was too fucked up to take care of them. The first time hurt like hell and the guy was nasty as can be. I didn't even get a penny from it because she owed him money for drugs. Now I don't go home unless I know no one is there, and when I do I lock myself in the basement.

Is that why you're messed up all the time.

Partly, the other reason is I found a couple old guys that I let suck my dick for a bottle of booze or some food. Some of them will even give me drugs if I fuck them.

Wow I thought something was wrong at home but the thoughts of that never crossed my mind. But I want to be honest with you. I like guys too and I think you're really hot, but if you just want to keep it as friends I'll do what I can to help you when I can.

I don't mind doing guys but I really would like to be with someone close to my age for once. Could you help me out now? I need a place to stay for a few days. Its social security check time and every month when it comes she pimps me out for extra money. I'm just so tired of it.

We could try it but there are a couple conditions.

What are they?

No getting drunk while you're here, and to keep my mom from finding out you'd have to sleep downstairs with me. I have my own bathroom and shower down there. And during the week I only see mom about 15 minutes a day so in the mornings you'd have to be quiet and I can sneak you out the door when I go.

Is there room in your bed for both of us or do I have to sleep on the floor?

There's room for two

Good. I have another question

Go for it

Do you want to have sex with me

I'd love to, but I'm not going to make it a requirement. It's up to you

Billy leaned over and kissed me, I laid back on the couch, and we made out a while. His stomach started growling and we both started laughing. He sat up on his knees and I could see the outline of a really nice looking dick snaking down his pants leg.

Sorry I haven't eaten in three days

Why didn't you say something before, we got plenty of food. I'll go make something for both of us.

I went out to the kitchen and looked to see what was there. There was enough stuff to make chili so I started getting things ready and made a big five quart pot full. That way there would be some left for mom either tonight or tomorrow.

Billy came into the kitchen and said smells good what are you making. Chili I told him.

He walked up behind me and put his arms around me and said thanks, no one has ever bothered to cook something just because I was hungry.

I said it's no problem, this way you can eat as much as you want and there will be some for later if we get hungry again, but it will take a while to cook. Do you want something to snack on while its cooking

I can wait a while to eat. What I would really like is to show you how much I appreciate you doing this, but what I really need is a shower. I haven't had one in a few days. I have been hiding in a park for a few days, do you have any clothes that I could wear.

Why don't we get you to the shower and give me your clothes and I'll wash them and see if I have anything that will fit you

You want to take one with me

I'll wait, I really should keep an eye on the stove. But come on let me show you where everything is and take your clothes to the washer.

I took Billy to the bathroom and got him a clean towel and got his clothes and headed downstairs to the laundry room and to get him something to wear from my room. I should add even though he is 2 years older than me I'm a bit taller and outweigh him by probably 30 pounds. And most likely stronger from tossing 40 and 50 pound boxes around putting the stock away in the school kitchen. I got him a pair of shorts that are too tight for me and a t-shirt to wear when he got done and went back upstairs and put the clothes on the sink in the bathroom for him. And I went back to the kitchen to keep an eye on the chili. I decided to go ahead and start on us a grilled cheese sandwich to have also.

Billy got finished in the shower and came back in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around me again and said I feel a lot better now and the food smells good too.

I turned around and really surprised him when I picked him up and sat him on the counter. You know the first time I saw you I wanted to know you. Just something I saw underneath. And that day even with you being a bit drunk you looked pretty sexy.

No one has ever told me they thought I was sexy, especially someone close to my age.

Maybe you have been hanging out with the wrong people. I want in your pants, but I also want to know the real you also. He leaned down with tears in his eyes and kissed me so hard I almost lost my breath.

What's wrong.

Nothing it's just all my life I can't remember anyone wanting me for me. You can have anything you want from me right now my mouth, my ass, my dick, anything.

I'll take you up on that later but right now I want you to know there is no pressure for anything. But right now I just want you to be safe and feel better.

He leaned down and kissed me again and his stomach rumbled again which made us both start laughing. I told him I can take a hint I'll have food ready in a few minutes. I put a skillet on another burner and got our grilled cheeses cooking and told Billy just have a seat and I got him a bowl of chili to start with.

We ate and then washed up the few dishes and went to watch TV again this time we laid on the couch with him in front of me just cuddling. This feels so good he told me and moved my hand from his stomach down to his crotch and said see how happy you make me feel. Ssshhhh I said and kissed the back of his neck and popped the button on his shorts and unzipped them and slid my hand to his dick and was just lightly stroking him. He started humping my hand and I moved my hand down to his balls and boy were they full.

Let's go to my bedroom I told him and took him by the hand and we went to the basement and my bed. I pulled the t-shirt over his head and kissed him gently and slipped the shorts off of him. I shed my clothes too and pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on top of him kissing and stroking him even more. I left his lips and started down his neck and chest which was average and made sure to kiss suck and bite his nipples until he was squirming under me.

I continued on down his stomach licking and kissing my way until I got down to the nicest looking cock I ever saw. He was a bit above average thickness but around seven inches long or maybe a bit more. I licked my way up and down his dick and then moved to his very full balls and gave him a tongue bath and thought he was going to go wild. Tom, Tom I'm going to cuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm I quickly moved up and took him in my mouth and he was soon shooting so much I couldn't hold it all. I cleaned him up with my tongue and went back to his balls and started licking again.

I had heard about eating ass but had never done it with Randy and with Billy being just out of the shower let my tongue lead the way. Dam he tasted good all the way down here too, I lifted his legs up and started licking around his small cute hole and I thought he was going to go nuts.

Oh my god what are you doing he asked.

Do you like it?

Fuck yes it feels great

Then relax and enjoy. I was hard as a rock myself and he did say earlier I could have his ass. So I stopped licking and moved up to where my cock was at his hole and rubbed it around a bit.

He looked at me with a smile and said go easy

I grabbed a bottle of lube and slicked my dick up and started to ease into him. He gasped and started breathing hard and fast. I leaned down and kissed him and said relax I'll go slow or pull back out if you want

Just go slow he said. I've only been fucked a couple times but I really want you to fuck me

I had learned a lot from when Randy fucked me those first several times. So I eased back out a bit and slid back in nice and easy. Every few minutes I'd go a little deeper until I had all my seven thick inches in him. I was just slowly fucking him for like 15 minutes when Billy said this feels so much better than anyone before. I'm glad you like it and slowly started varying my strokes. I must have found his little joy button because on one stroke he let out a long moan and shot another huge load of cum between us. I sped up a bit and was soon shooting my load in him, he cried out I can feel you hitting my insides. I slowed to a stop and resting on my elbows over top of him and started kissing him again. we finally got up and went to the bathroom to clean up and then went back upstairs.

We were on the couch again and he told me. No one ever made me feel the way you just made me feel. Can I return the favor a little bit later?

Sure you can, I like getting fucked too


Yeah, I started with a friend last year. We learned a lot about each other.

I used to think it was the most terrible thing in the world after the way my mom's friends treated me, now I know it can be real nice.

We had some more to eat and then put the rest in the fridge and washed the pot. And Billy suggested we go back to bed, so we did, Billy gave me a real good blowjob and then he fucked me slow and tender for about an hour. After we were done, we took a shower and went to bed again this time to sleep. I held Billy all night long and during the night; he ended up holding me for a bit.

The next morning when my alarm went off, I rolled him over and started kissing him. He woke up startled a bit and I whispered to him to be quiet remember you aren't here. We got dressed and I went upstairs to grab something to drink and went back to my room.

I saw mom headed for the upstairs bathroom so I hollered to her I'm leaving and I got Billy and we left to go catch the bus.

Dave looked at us both questioningly when we got on the bus especially this like 10 stops before Billy's and he wasn't drunk. Dave just sort of smiled but didn't say anything else.

It was a typically normal day at school and after my last class I went out to wait on the bus. Billy saw me and came over and sat on the grass with me.

How did your day go today

I actually went to all my classes and the teachers were surprised I wasn't drunk or high.

Well that's a plus for you

Yeah I guess I needed someone to give a dam about me

You coming home with me again today

Can I?

Sure but you know we need to figure out something for the weekends

I have been thinking about that

Well he have a few days to figure it out

Dave showed up a couple minutes later and we got on the bus. Dam Billy you're looking better the last couple days

Tom has been helping me get my life straightened out

Well if I can help let me know

Ok we will

The bell rang and soon the bus started filling up and we left the school a little late today. Dave said I can't drop you at your house today but I'll get you close.

What ever you can do Dave will be ok

Some of my other stories are listed below

Next: Chapter 2

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