The Boy in the Cafe

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Aug 16, 2023


The boy in the Café 2


This story is a work of gay fiction, the sole property of the author. If This offends you leave. If you enjoy the stories on this site please donate to keep it going, comments;jaskejr@hotmail

I'd settled down at my computer with a chilled bottle of rose. I checked my emails and was about to check my favorite story site when there was a soft knock at the front door. Strange the dog did not bark. I yelled out :It's open come in." I turned just as he entered the small office. The stereo was playing so at first I didn't hear him. I sensed that some one was standing in the door way. I turned and there he was stark naked with his teen cock at attention. He smiled as I motioned for him to come closer. "Welcome" I said with a bit of a hunky voice. He moved in front of my desk chair and knelt down as a supplicant in church. I was fully aware of what he was praying for. He reached for the zipper of my cargo shorts, the only thing I was wearing on such a hot day. Slowly he inched the zipper down revealing my adult cock. It sprang out as if to greet him. He planted kisses on the length from the base to the tip. I moaned as he kissed the slit with his tongue. I moaned in surrender to his kisses.

I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up into a passionate kiss. He was smiling but a tear ran down his cheek, I wiped the tear away , "Are you OK?" He hugged me tight saying "I am here to learn more. I told my grandparent that I'm gay. They are in shock. So I ran off." He burst into tears again and I held him until they stopped. I took him to the living room and got him a brandy to calm his nerves.

Finally, he stopped and seemed to get himself under control. By now I was naked too having left my shorts in the office. Sitting there naked with a naked young man did not restrain my cock. But this was not the moment for sex. It was a time to help him work through the problem. I asked if he had a meal yet. He shook his head no. I lay him on the sofa and went off to fix a meal for the two of us. Over a simple pasta we talked of his plight and possible plans. I knew that his parents had been told by now and I could only imagine their reactions. One of fury or another of frustrated sadness.

After cleaning the dishes, we returned to the computer. I sat him down to compose an email to his parents. He poured his heart out trying to explain to them that he had known this for a long time. He told them that he was not sick, not mentally ill as some would suggest of a gay teen. It was just who he was. Yes, he had had sex with another male and even tried to have sex with a female. But that just was not the same intense feeling. I watched as he closed and sent the email off. Now we faced a choice. There was no safe place for the boy to go around here. Not as single gay friendly refuge. I looked at the sad teen and finally asked "Do you want to stay here tonight? We can take it one day at a time." He looked up at me hopeful that I would accept him and nodded. He whispered "Can I sleep with you? I don't want to be alone tonight, at least." "Sure" I said not really sure it was a good idea. I told him to go clean up while I put his bike in the garage out of sight, I gave him a towel and quickly moved the bike.

I returned inside and went to find something for him to wear. I did not hear the shower so went to check on him. I found him sitting on the floor of the bathroom sobbing again. He looked up and whispered "I didn't know it would turn out this way. I thought they would understand." I sat on the floor next to him and pulled him in saying "Maybe someday they will. But right now you have to move on, plan what to do next. Perhaps, tomorrow you might phone your parents to find out how bad things are. Afterall they are your parents. The worse thing that could happen is that they take your grand parents side. Then we'll need to see about a school for you away from here. I can't make any promises that this will be easy. Now how about a shower before we go to bed?" By now we both needed that and my shower was large enough for two people. I got the water right and we both were again naked and stepped into the water. The shower was the right thing to relax us both. I had to admit to myself that it was tempting there next to the naked boy that hours earlier I had introduced to gay sex. But I refrained and we both were clean and refreshed. Drying off I suggested that he might want to sleep in one of my oversized t-shirts. He looked at it and asked what I normally slept in? I was honest saying that in the summer I preferred being nude. He softly said "Ok, let's do that." I knew where this was going against my better judgement I got in the bed naked. He crawled in the other side in the same condition. Laying there we talked. He asked me to be honest. I agreed to that. He rolled over to face me and asked "Why me? Why did you have sex with me?" I looked into his handsome face and confessed "I thought that you wanted it. Maybe even needed it. There was a look that drew me to you." He snickered "Are you saying I seduced you somehow?"

Laying there under just a sheet it was not difficult to see the two tents formed by our stiff cocks. I paused and finally said "Ok, maybe I had a brief thought that we might want the same thing, a kind of relationship." He moved closer to me and put a hand on my chest before speaking "At first, I was curious about you, being an adult and all. But talking with you made me feel comfortable. Slowly, I began to feel some attraction to you. Now I think that something more is there. I do know that the sex was sensational even if it was my first time. I want us to do more together and for my part I want to make a commitment to you. That is if you want me to?" I pulled him to my chest moaning "Yes, and so much more. I want to protect you, to love you, to know that nothing will ever harm or hurt you."

By this point our naked bodies were intertwined with our hard cocks leaking giving us our own natural lube. I kissed his neck and he nibbled on my ear. I held him tight against my chest. He pulled away saying "Please make love to me again. I want to know that there is a part of you buried deep inside me forever." I moaned out "I want to give you that and so much more." He rolled over me and positioned his ass over my lubed cock. He whispered "I love you and I want to carry a part of you in me." He began moving up and down on my cock. I tried to hold my orgasm back to give him more and more pleasure. Finally, I yelled out "Baby here it comes. I want to fill you with my seed, my love." I did that feeling my load rush up into his waiting body. At the same time he yelled and I felt his load cover my chest and even my face. At last we fell asleep with my still rigid cock buried deep in his body. Somehow it remained inside him all night. I woke up pumping into his love tunnel with another load.

Next: Chapter 3

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