The Boy in the Cafe

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Aug 16, 2023


He stood not five feet away from me, smiling past his friend and I blushed. He'd caught me ogling. Who could blame me? He's deliberately arranging his stiff cock in his track bottoms. I'd been sipping my beer casually when he arrived with his buddies. They joked about some obscure thing on one of their cell phones. I watched intently as he shifted in his seat turning so that I had a full view of his cock. He was probably 17 or 18, a legal adult and apparently very aware of his good looks.

One by one his buddies left leaving him money to pay for their drinks. He pushed the money around on the table as he turned to smile at me. I knew that this was a dangerous game to play. I also knew that the boy was very aware of my stares. I looked around the nearby playground and noticed the toilets on the far side. He already knew they were there and likely empty at this time of the day. He paid the waiter and sat slowly sipping his beer, looking at me over the rim of the glass. I tired of the game and ordered another soda. I settled to see what he'd do when he realized that I might be there a while. He downed the remainder of the beer and stood. He stretched as if tired. But all that did was to make his cock more obvious in the track pants. I downed the soda and stood to leave. I walked to the toilets not bothering to look around.

I entered the dimly lighted space. There was only one small window high up on the far wall. I moved to the urinal far away from the entry. It was across from the doorless dirty toilet stalls. I heard footsteps enter and glanced over to see the boy enter and move to the last stall, behind me. I heard him shuffle with his track pants and then heard the unmistakable sound of skin slapping against skin and soft moans. I turned slightly to see the boy smiling as he stared at me. Innocent he was not. I took the smile as a sign so turned to show him my hard 9 inches of man meat. He moaned and licked his lips as I flicked my cock up and down. As if by some animal instinct he turned to show me his pert ass bending just slightly to open his exposed cheeks. This gave me a excellent view of his pink hole. I nodded and abruptly shoved my cock back into my jeans. I didn't bother washing my hands. Instead, I walked out and headed to a nearby park bench hidden along a nearby bike path. I was fully aware of the possibility of police entrapment. I sat reading some old emails on my phone. I noticed out the corner of my vision, the boy slowly walking towards me. He sat on the far end of the bench and fidgeted with his shirt, opening it to reveal a hairless chest with brown nipples waiting to be sucked. He ran his hand up his chest caressing one nipple and letting out a soft, low moan.

I slipped over a bit asking "It feels good sometimes to pleasure yourself?". He nodded agreement but added "It is better when someone else does it though." I let my hand rub my obvious stiffness in my jeans saying "I live a short drive away from here. You might want to visit?" He softly said "I'd like that very much after I saw what is hidden in those jeans." I walked to the nearby parking lot and got in my car. Minutes later he joined me. I started the car telling him "I'm not a rich man so my place is small but secluded. I can't pay you." He turned quickly saying "Money is not what I want. I live with my aged grandparents so don't have much privacy to indulge in what I really want. Perhaps you might show me, teach me about what men do with other men. Sadly, I have never had an opportunity to learn those things." I nodded that I understood and started the car.

We drove the short 5 minute distance to my place on the edge of the town in silence. Arriving I opened the high gate and drove in parking next to my small house. Once inside he pulled me to his body for a deep kiss. As our tongues battled we tugged at each other's cloths. Standing naked with our cloths scattered on the floor we each gazed at the other's body. His pink cock now hard with desire was in contrast to my tanned 9 inches. He swooned when I reached over to hold his cock in my hand. I tugged on that boy dick leading him up to my attic bedroom. He moaned all the way there.

Once in my small bedroom I pulled him in for another passionate kiss. Our naked bodies seemed to cling to each other. My hands roamed down his back to reach those pert globes. I pulled at them causing him to moan louder. I pulled away looked at his glazed expression I knew then that he was mine to have. I pushed him back onto my bed. He smiled up at me saying "Make me a man, your man today." I asked him "Has anyone ever penetrated you?" He looked way sadly "No, I did not want others to think less of me for giving away my body. My grandparents would be shunned by the town and my few friends would leave me." I nodded that I understood. I pulled him up to talk. "It is a painful thing the first time" I began, " I will try to be gentle with you. But once my passion takes over I cannot make any promises." I reached around to grab two things from my night table and held them up for him to see. I continued "I will first prepare you with my finger using the oil. The little bottle contains a strong smell that will likely lessen the pain. Once I penetrate you I will have you inhale from the bottle. OK?" He nodded that he understood. I lifted his legs up to expose that sweet boy pussy once again. Unable to resist, I dove down to suck and lick his hole. He moaned and begged me. I pulled back dropping some oil on his hole. Using one finger I rubbed around the edge of his hole. Then slowly I pushed in searching for his love nut. I found that spot and rubbed around it. He screamed "Don't you ever stop doing that! Please don't stop." I pulled back telling him "Sweet boy that is your love nut. If my finger made you feel good think of how good my 9 inches will feel rubbing that spot." He grabbed my shoulders saying "Then please hurry, I need to feel that good always." I laughed saying to him "If I do it right your first orgasm will be hands free just from my cock inside you. Do you want to feel that? Remember, it will be the first of many I will give you today." He begged "Please, please do it. Give me all your 9 inches to make me feel so good. I need it, I need you!"

So I began my work, our pleasure for the day. As promised my cock stimulated him to have his very first hands free orgasm. I refrained from my own knowing that the young boy had many more stored up in his young balls. I proved to him that making love was far more important and pleasurable than any fucking. We were at it for a bit over 2 hours before stopping to rest and talk. I surprised myself when I had two orgasms in a short time. Of course, he had three. I asked him if I'd caused him any pain? He told me that at the start it did hurt a bit. But as I got into it his pain turned to an intense pleasure beyond words. After a drink we began once more. He seemed to take to being a bottom. But I wanted him to feel more. Once I got him hard again I flipped over, raised my legs, and told him it was his turn to pleasure me. Without any hesitation he jumped right to it. I felt his boy cock begin jerking after only a few minutes in my body. He practically fell over the edge. He lay beside me and told me that now he knew how I felt when inside his body. I congratulated him on becoming a man now.

Time flew by and soon I had to take him back to his own village. I stopped on a small road with few housed nearby. We kissed passionately and he asked if he could see me again. I knew from experience that the first time a boy is made love to he falls deeply in love. I agreed that we might meet regularly at the café. I stopped by three mornings each week for coffee and the local news. I didn't promise anything beyond friendship with some benefits

Next: Chapter 2

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