The Boy I Always Wanted

By Tyler Slader

Published on Apr 20, 2014



My name is Tyler Slader. I'm a gay U.S. college student with a big cock and a passion for romance. All of my stories are based on my own experiences. If you like what you read, check out my other stories on my Amazon page:

I bite my lip as I stare at him across the classroom. His hair is dirty blond, straight and ruffled, and long enough that his ears are only barely visible. He's slouched over in his seat, twirling a pencil with his fingers, obviously bored. I look up at the clock: only five minutes left before school lets out. Today is going to be the day I finally ask him to hang out. We're seniors, both 18, and it's second semester; I'm running out of time. The bell rings and I sigh. Now or never, I suppose.

I throw my notebook in my backpack and rush to intercept him at his desk while the rest of our classmates file out the door. He's bending over his backpack putting his supplies away, his tight butt up in the air, and it takes all my self-restraint not to grab his waist. I give a nervous cough, causing him to stand up and turn around. He flashes me a smile and asks "Hey, Justin, what's up?"

"Haha not much, Chase. Are you busy this weekend? I'm trying to find someone to hang out with."

"Sure! I have a lacrosse meet tonight but I'm free all day tomorrow. What did you have in mind?"

"Eh, not much. Maybe you could just come over to my place and we could watch a movie? How's 5:00? We can order pizza."

"Yeah, sounds great! Just text me your address and I'll see you tomorrow."

And with a wink and another beautifully dimpled smile he was off.

As I drive home, all I can think about is the potential tomorrow holds. I've liked Chase for over a year now, but I haven't said anything. He's tall, tan and buff. He has the most stunning green eyes and teeth as brilliant and pure as snow. He also has a girlfriend. They've been dating for months, and they seem kind of serious. I've known a couple gay guys with girlfriends, but not knowing about him for sure definitely increases my nervousness.

I figure if anyone has a chance, it would be me. I'm 5'10, with sandy blond hair and shimmering green eyes. I play tennis, which keeps me slim but muscular, and I've kept up my tan by lying next to my pool in a speedo all month. Chase and I have gym together, so I've gotten to see him in the locker room. He's a little taller than I am, but he has a beautiful body: a defined six-pack, pronounced pecs, and toned legs. And best of all, he's completely smooth. I don't know if he shaves or if it's natural, but even on his legs there's not a hair in sight. I would love to run my tongue over his body, slowing licking his nipples as my hands explored the front of his jeans, then letting my tongue move down to his abs...A honk brings me back to full attention, and I try to focus on the road for now.

I walk into my house, set my backpack down in the living room, and take the stairs two at a time up to my room. My room is pretty big, with my King bed on one side and a flat-screen TV opposite. I figure I can convince him to watch the movie with me in here where we'll have some more privacy. He has a particular love for Indie films, so I select "The Picture of Dorian Gray", a British indie with blatant homosexual undertones. I figure it's my best shot for getting a reaction. I settle down at my desk with my homework but I can barely focus. The only thought running through my mind is "what if he really is gay?!"

He said he's come over at 5:00, and it's 5:05. I managed to keep busy all day, but I've been sitting on my bed waiting for the doorbell for fifteen minutes. I hope he didn't forget! My cell phone starts buzzing and my heart jumps into my throat. I look at the caller ID as I answer, and sure enough, it's Chase.

"Hey buddy, you almost here?"

"Yeah, sorry I'm late! I had to get gas on the way. I'll be there in five."

Even his voice is enough to get me going. I swallow and start to speak, but he already hung up and I'm talking to a dial tone.

I check myself one last time in the mirror. Dark-blue skinny jeans: check. Shallow V-neck: check. I stretch out the waistband of my jeans and peek inside. Black Calvin Klein briefs: check. I look casual but still stylish. I hear the doorbell and run downstairs, my heart beating quickly in my chest. I open the door and am stunned speechless. Chase is radiant, from his tousled, shining hair to his muscular, tanned arms and legs. He's wearing a loose t-shirt and baggy athletic shorts, but their combined effect of obscuring his features just made him seem hotter. I manage to find my voice and invite him inside. As he takes his shoes off I say that I figure we should just watch the movie in my room so we won't have to deal with any intrusion from my parents. He agrees and follows me up to my room, where I shut the door behind him. He begins to look around and chuckles when he sees the setup I have for watching movies.

"So, Justin, I guess we'll be watching from the bed?"

I give him my most award-winning grin.

"That's right!" I raise one eyebrow. "I hope you don't have a problem with that?"

"No, of course not!" he says with a laugh and jumps up onto the bed. He pats the spot next to him and asks "what are you waiting for?"

I grab the TV remote from my desk and join him on my bed. I press play, and as the previews begin I take a risk and suggest we get under the covers for warmth. To my delight, he agrees, and I pull the covers over both of us. As I do, I scoot a little closer to him, and now our legs are pressed together. I can feel the heat radiating from his body, and I have to fight from getting hard. We watch for a while without talking, and since he hasn't moved away I decide to move it forward another step.

I yawn, stretch, and rest my head on his arm. He shrugs, and I'm terrified he's going to move away, but he just lowers himself so that my head fits into the crook of his neck above his shoulder. I sigh softly and I feel him vibrate with concealed laughter. Without looking, he puts his arm around me and asks "getting comfortable, are we?"

I decide to go for it. I roll onto my side, facing him, and without saying anything place my arm around him under the covers, letting my hand brush over his crotch. I wait for a second, then two, without breathing. Then, I feel his hand move lower, caressing my lower back and then my butt through my jeans. Oh my God, Chase has his hand on my butt. This is going better than I ever could have hoped. I move my hand back to rest on his crotch and I feel his dick starting to get hard through the thin fabric. Oh, it feels so big. Just touching it through the fabric gets me hard, and I press into him, my cock rubbing against his hip. He moans softly and thrusts his hips up, pushing his cock into my waiting hand. I grab it through the shorts and began rubbing. I raise my head off his shoulder, pull the covers down, and give him a sly grin.

"Why don't we get these shorts off you? It's getting kind of hot in here."

He gives me a naughty grin, grabs both sides of his shorts, and yanks them off. His hard, cut cock springs into the air. It has to be at least seven inches. I'm temporarily speechless, and he takes the opportunity to push me onto my back and hook his thumbs into my jean pockets, pulling them and my briefs off in one shot. My six-inch dick springs up too, and he, now kneeling next to me, grabs it and begins slowly rubbing up and down. The movie is playing in the background, completely forgotten.

He grabs my balls in his other hand and gently massages them, eliciting a moan from me in response. I reach one hand between his legs and grab his butt, pulling him closer to me. Now his dick is only a couple inches from my mouth, and I have to have it inside me. I lean up, my abs stressed with the effort, and run my tongue around the head of his cock. He throws his head back, closing his eyes, and moans. I then move down to the base of his shaft and run my tongue all the way up his long cock. When I get to the top I put it in my mouth and begin sucking. I've never tried to deep throat something so big before. I get about five inches down the first time, and when I start going back up he grabs my hair and forces me back down. I take as much of him as I can while he pushes me onto his dick, and eventually I make it all the way down to his body, my lips pressing against his smooth skin. He moans in ecstasy and manages to say "Oh, God, Justin, no one I've been with has ever been able to take my whole cock in their mouth. You're incredible." I feel him tense, and precum oozes out of his dick. I quickly swallow all of it, and it tastes amazing.

He releases my hair and I take his dick out of my mouth. He pushes me down on my back and positions himself over me so that we can 69. He bends down and starts sucking on my cock and I began sucking on his. This is my first 69 and it feels wonderful. I can barely focus on giving him a blowjob because he's doing such a good job on my dick. He's holding himself up with one hand and running the fingers of his other hand along my crack, pushing one finger gently into my hole while he sucks me. I want to return the favor, so while sucking his long cock I spread his cheeks and stick one finger into his hole. I feel him tense and then relax, allowing me to push deeper. After he's comfortable with one finger I put in another, and then another. I can feel him tense again and I know he's going to cum. I speed up my rhythm, rubbing my fingers against his prostate and massaging his balls with my other hand, and soon I feel his warm cum shoot into the back of my throat. He shudders as he orgasms and my mouth fills with so much cum that it drips out of my lips and onto my cheeks. When he's finally dry I stop sucking and he goes right back to sucking my dick. After a few seconds I feel myself tense and just as I'm about to cum he deep throats me for the first time. I moan loudly and arch my back as I shoot huge streams of cum into his mouth. It takes me forever to stop cumming, and he lifts his head off my cock and turns around. He's wearing a huge smile and cum is dripping from his chin onto my stomach. He lies down on my body, our still-hard dicks pressing together, and begins kissing me, our cum running together on our tongues as we make out.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing he sits up and glances at the TV. The movie has finished, and he checks his phone for the time.

"I'm sorry, Justin, I have to get home for dinner...But this...this was absolutely amazing. I want to do it again...I mean, if you want to."

I just smile. "I loved it too. Let's get together again soon, okay?"

He nods as he begins wiping himself off with the tissues I have next to my bed and pulling on his clothes. When he's finished I walk him to the door and wave goodbye. The whole time, my smile never leaves my face. When he drives off I close the door, then lean back against it, sighing and closing my eyes. I could not have asked for a more perfect day. I can't wait till next time.

If you like what you just read, check out my other stories on my Amazon page:

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