The Boy & the Bike

By Tag Michaels (Tague Michaels)

Published on Dec 5, 2002


Chapter 1

I had been out for a ride on a warm October evening and decided that a Mocha Frappaccino from Starbuck's was in order. I liked Starbuck's as much for their drinks as the cute boys, many of them student's, that hang out to chat, drink coffee and study.

I pulled in and shut the bike off, parking it in a yellow stripped no parking area, generally where many people park bikes. The selected parking spot was next to the end of a row of faux wrought iron tables and chairs that Starbuck's favor's and as I went by the first table, my eyes caught it's single inhabitant. Young and key-ute, brown skinned in a typical Hawaiian-Spanish-white mix sort of way, I began scheming how I would meet him. That turned out to be easy. When I came out with my drink all of the tables were occupied, and most of the tables had two or three people perched in the available chairs, except the one with the boy. I walked over and asked if I could sit at his table. He looked up at me, then glanced around and noticed the logical reason for my request then smiled and said sure, moving some of his stuff out of the way to give me a little room. So, I sat.

My first assessment of him was correct. He was a fucking cutie boy. Medium brown skin, slender, dressed in cargo shorts and a Stussy T, he went about his school work, his head down and most of his face covered by the bill of a dark blue ball cap. He had a couple of books spilling out of his backpack, a spiral notebook open along with what looked to be a biology text, and was furiously flipping pages in both of them, and writing notes. And, it appeared, getting frustrated. A moment later he all but slammed the textbook shut and sat back giving me my first long look at his face.

Oh my, does drop dead cute mean anything. Smooth blemish free face, full lips, hazel eyes framed by lashes a mile long, he looked to be about fifteen but I knew he had to be older. He picked up his iced coffee and sipped it, then smiled hugely at me.

"Nice bike," he said looking over at it. "A Harley?"

I shook my head. "Nope, Honda Shadow Spirit. Looks like an 883 Sportster though." And it did, which was the idea Honda had in mind when they built it. Thing was, it was about four grand less expensive, had a lot less vibration and in some opinions, was more dependable. Yeah, I know, it still ain't a Harley but I was happy with it.

"Looks new" the young god said. I told him it was, that I had only gotten it last week. "Sweet." He commented and I thanked him. He said that he wanted a bike and one day he'd get one but for now it was the city bus. "At least I get some time to read while I ride," he said, a somewhat ruefully, the expression on his face matching his tone. I knew the feeling.

I decided to take the plunge and extended my hand across the table,

"David," I said by way of introduction. He laughed at that, his voice a sweet melodic sound. "My name's Kavika" and he took my hand, it's amazing softness grasping mine gently. Kavika is David in Hawaiian and I chuckled back at him saying that was some coincidence.

"Soooo, where are you at school" I asked, and he told me he was at UH, a sophomore, and when I asked how he liked it, he told me it was ok, not too much of a struggle. He asked what I did, I told him, and he nodded his head and said that he was considering a career in psych or social work or some kind but hadn't made up his mind yet. We continued talking, and he told me he was from Maui, that he was staying in a cottage on an estate that his auntie managed. Apparently the place was up for sale and no one was biting and she had permission from the owners for Kavika to stay there as a sort of overseer. I told him a little bit about me, where I lived yada yada yada.

"No wife and kids?" he asked and I nodded my head no.

"Had one once, got rid of her and never looked back" I said. He nodded in understanding, said that he had a girlfriend in high school but it didn't work out and now he was so busy studying that he didn't have time.

"Besides," he added, 'I'd rather hang out with my guy friends, it's a whole lot less complicated that way."

"Trudat" I responded. I had recognized a particular book, the top sticking out of his backpack, and now seemed to be the time to comment on it.

"The Spirit and The Flesh," I said aloud. "How do you like it?" He blushed a little, which was hard to see on his skin coloring but his facial expression sort of confirmed it.

"It's interesting," he finally said, "have you read it?" he asked.

I said that I had. Being part American Indian I had a large and eclectic collection of books, my work in the social services area contributing to that collection.

"I find it somewhat fascinating that so many indigenous cultures recognized, accepted and honored two spirited people so easily and yet in today's supposed enlightened and educated culture's, as a people, we tend toward persecution rather than acceptance."

His perfectly formed mouth had all but dropped open at my statement and when he finally closed it, said,

"My thoughts exactly, how strange. I said that exact same thing to someone just the other day."

"Well then, there you go, you and I have a lot of things in common it seems." He smiled, his perfect, crystal white teeth all but casting a light on our table.

"So it seems," he said softly, then added. "I hate to have to break this up David, but I really have to go. My bus takes almost an hour to get me home, not to mention the transfers."

"Well, how about if I give you a ride home Kavika?"

His face split in another of his magnificent grins, he seemed to contemplate my offer then he managed an "Ok." He packed his books and, standing up, slipped his backpack onto his shoulders. I finally got a look at his overall body, not as slender as I first imagined but very nicely proportioned and just about exactly my height, five foot seven. His arms and legs appeared smooth, the latter probably being shaved as was common in the islands for boys since leg hair was frequently sparse.

I got the bike moved about, pulled the back pegs down and told him to climb on. He pulled his cap around backwards then mounted and asked in my ear what to hold on too. I told him there was a strap between us, or he could grasp onto the chrome side trim but the manual's all say that the safest way was to hold on to the driver's waist.

He laughed a little and said, "Well safety first I always say" and placed his hands gently on my hips. As I left the parking lot and accelerated, his grip changed to firm and his hands move more forward onto my lower belly. The thought of this young beauty's hand so close to my cock started making me hard but traffic soon put a damper on that process. Kavika's legs were pressed firmly against my thighs, his body held close and tight to mine, all the appropriate things for a person riding shotgun on a bike. And I loved it. Loved the feel of him against me and began hoping and praying that my gut instincts were correct, that his darling cute boy was gay and going to be open to acting out on his sexual instincts.

Chapter 2

I elected to take the surface streets and not the freeway since neither of us had helmets or heavier jackets. Of course being on the surface streets meant having to shift gears a lot which meant that Kavika kept alternately hugging me, and holding on to me.

He talked in my ear at some stop lights, commenting on how good the bike felt, directing me toward his place of residence, which took us through Waikiki, then along Kapiolani Park and up in front of Diamond Head, ending up on Kahala avenue on which sits some of the most expensive real estate in the islands. What few beach front lots that are not built on go for a couple of mil or more and homes start at 5 million.

About a quarter mile down, Kavika signaled to pull into a gated driveway where he punched in the code and the gate slipped quietly open. I slowly drove in, the driveway almost closed in from the jungle like growth that protected the residents from the view of anyone outside the walls of the estate. The driveway curved gently to the left past tennis courts then ended at a circular courtyard, complete with fountain in the center, and lots of white stucco and marble on the large home on the other side. Kavika directed me to park in the carport on the right side, next to a covered vehicle whose outline identified it as a Rolls, likely a later model judging by the square-ness. I shut the bike down, dropped the kickstand and climbed off as soon as Kavika was dismounted, and looked around.

The house that was attached to the carport was more than a simple cottage, it looked much like the three bedroom rambler I grew up in on in middle America. Much of the land was covered in tropical flowers, palms and other greenery that shielded both audio and visual stimulus. I was impressed and said so. Kavika laughed and said,

"Come on, I'll give you the fifty cent tour." We started in his "cottage", a well appointed two bedroom two bath little home that appeared to be well taken care of, that meaning, that Kavika was a decent housekeeper. His bedroom was large, had a king sized bed, huge bathroom done in Italian marble, the tub open to a private garden.

We couldn't go into the main house but wandered around the front of the house with it's custom built swimming pool, a rock waterfall in one corner feeding it. There was a hot tub in one corner and the whole affair overlooked the ocean, the moonlight glinting off of its' oil black surface. Kavika had turned on a few yard lights, all hidden and designed to produce soft diffused light and not be obtrusive. We walked to the hedge at the front and looked down three feet to white sandy beach, empty except for the crabs, running from hole to hole in the deserted expanse of sand.

"God, it's fuckin beautiful," I said softly. I'd driven by these estates, lounged on the beach in front of them many times but never had an opportunity to actually see one from the inside. Kavika was standing next to me and just chuckled.

"So," he said turning to me. "Would you like to go swimming, we can use the pool."

"I'd like that Kavika but I don't have any board shorts with me." He looked me up and down then said,

"Well, we look to be the same size so I could probly get something for you. On the other hand, we don't need any board shorts, that is, if you don't mind skinny dipping with an almost stranger." He smiled, the brightness compete with the moon.

Did I mind! Is that what he asked? Fuck no I don't mind you sexy little thing.

"Sure, I'm game" I said softly, "if you are." He didn't answer but simply pulled his t-shirt off and tossed it at the side of the pool. I pulled my shirt off, tossing it next to his then bent to untie my shoes, sending them and my socks the way of the shirt. When I stood to unbutton my pants, Kavika was already dropping his pants and underwear in one fell swoop, bending over slightly to accomplish that task. He was facing away from me so I got a full on shot of a glorious boy-ish ass, slender and what looked to be, firm brown orbs. Freed of the cloth he looked over his shoulder and said,

"Come on slow poke" then dove into the water, his fine body slicing the surface nicely. My clothes were off and I stood poised on the edge of the pool before he surfaced at the other side, diving in as his head came out of the water. Staying under the surface, I headed toward him and as I got close, I could barely make out his body. There wasn't much light but it looked like the boy was adequately endowed, his appendage seeming to be about half mast and not fully soft and hanging. I surfaced next to him, grabbing onto the edge of the pool to hold myself in place.

"Nice" I said, about nothing in particular.

"Which" he asked coyly, since he knew I was coming straight at him and he hadn't made any attempt to prevent me from looking at his goods.

Our faces were fairly close together and without batting an eyelash I replied,

"Everything," to which he answered back,

"I'm glad you like it."

"Do you always go skinny dipping with strangers." I asked

"Never," he responded in a soft voice, his eyes never leaving mine.

I leaned forward to kiss him and he put his hand on my chest and stopped me.

"I really want to do this David," he said quietly. "But I've never done any of it before, I just need you to know that."

"That's Ok" I whispered back to him, "I'm an excellent teacher." When I leaned in to kiss him this time, he moved his head to meet mine, our lips brushing together gently, without much pressure, testing. His lips were so soft, so inviting, so, kissable. I looked deep into his hazel eyes momentarily, then kissed him again, this time with meaning, leaving my lips cleaved to his, moving them and opening our mouths slightly. We were in water to our shoulders, so able to stand. I put a hand to the back of his neck and massaged gently while we kissed, my other hand at his side, not yet venturing downward to his cock.

I broke away and said,

"You kiss pretty good for a beginner." He smiled, his beaming white toothed smile, and leaned back in, this time taking control of the kiss, both of his hands at the sides of my head, pressing his mouth to mine, open, his tongue snaking into my mouth to explore the new territory, his body pressing into mine. I could feel his cock pressed into my hip, my raging hard-on likewise pressed to his. I let both hand drop to his lower back, then down onto the deliciously firm orbs of his young ass. And firm they were. A swimmers ass if there ever was one, rock solid, the skin was soft to my touch. I kneaded him, squeezed him, pulling the cheeks open and closed, and pulling him even tighter to me in the process. He ground his dick into me, his breathing becoming faster, mine accelerating to match his.

He broke the kiss and without saying a word, took me by the hand and led me out of the swimming pool and onto the grass where he turned to face me. In the moonlight, we explored each other's bodies with our eyes. His was incredible, water beading in various places creating an enhanced erotica sense. Very well defined, firm chest with medium sized dark areola's and nipples segued into an equally defined six pack. His slender hips and smooth lower abdomen created the classic V shape, well defined and at it's apex nestled a thick black thatch of pubic hair, which appeared to be trimmed it was so neat and defined, sequestered above his cock and not extending into the crease of his hip bones.

His cock. Oh god, his cock. It was beautiful, and maybe I thought that mostly cause it was his, and matched his magnificent body perfectly. He was about six and a half inches, circumcised, with a girth that matched his length. From the angle that it jutted proudly from his body, I could see that the head was perfectly shaped as well, and I could easily see precum oozing from his slit. His balls hung gently below, not large or small but as "baby bear" said, Juuuusssst right. They too were smooth and it was very apparent then that he did shave. He was fucking perfect. I'd seen many nude males and this kid was fucking perfect. And I told him so.

"My god Kavika," I whispered to him, "Your body is so fantastic, so perfect. I could stand and look at you for hours."

He smiled and said, "I don't have much experience even looking at guys like this, naked and hard, let alone touching them. I like your body too David but I don't want you to just look. I want you to touch me, teach me, to love me. Show me what it's like to be loved, to be sexual, and how to love you. I want you to teach me how to be a gay man."

I brought him to me, and began kissing his neck. He allowed his head to lean to one side, giving me full access to the soft hallow where his neck met his shoulder. His body quivered as I kissed him, and he broke out in goose bumps. I kissed my way up until I reached his ear and nibbled his ear lobe, air exhaling through my nose and into his ear, causing him to squirm and moan. I kissed and licked inside and he gripped onto to me as if for support against falling. My hand trailed down to the small of his back and onto his glorious ass, gently kneading, stroking, and tickling. I let my fingers slide down his crack, reaching almost all the way under his before moving back upward. I came around and kissed his lips again, this time he put even more force and energy into it. Kavika was heating up, no doubt about it. I wanted to lie with him but the grass was really too "pokey" and uncomfortable and I wanted to be very comfortable.

"Can we go to your bedroom," I whispered in his ear. He nodded his head and took my hand, leading the way, leaving our clothes where they were. He asked how old I was as we walked and when I told him thirty four, he remarked on what good shape I was in, how nice my body was. I thanked him and he volunteered the same information.

"I hope this doesn't freak you out David but I'm only seventeen, but I'll be eighteen in a few months. We had reached the front door to his cottage and he turned to face me. "I graduated high school at sixteen, they say I'm a genius, that's why I'm in my second year of college already. I wanted you to know this, I don't want to fool you or anything ok. So if you are uncomfortable with my age, it's okay and I understand.

To answer him, I pulled him too me and kissed his soft full lips, once, twice, three times in quick little kisses.

"I think you're more than able to make rational choices about your sexual activities baby boy," I whispered to him. "I'm very comfortable with you, your age is of little importance," and I kissed him again, staying this time and when I broke it, I led him into the house and onto his bed

We lay facing each other and I hugged him to me tightly, kissing his face, his neck before I rolled him to his back and took over. I took a few trips around a brown nipple with my tongue before drawing the little nub into my mouth and sucking it till it turned hard. Kavika moaned, clearly this was a not spot for him. I allowed my hand to trail down his torso, along his ribs, back over onto his hard belly, downward until the head of his rock hard cock poked the back of my hand, then over onto a hip and down the outside of his leg. I continued to suckle him as my arm reached it's full extension at his knee then moved my hand to the inside of his leg. He automatically opened his legs to give me better access to him and I brought my hand back upward, my fingertips barely touching him, tickling, causing more goose bumps and moaning. I reached high up on his inner thigh, his soft balls touching the back of my hand, and moved outward to the top of his leg and continuing upward until I reached his other nipple and tweaked it in my fingers before starting the downward trek all over again.

This time when I reached the bottom and came back upward to his balls, I motioned for him to spread his legs farther open. I knew he wanted me to grasp onto his cock or his balls, I wanted to, but I also wanted to drag it all out as long as possible, making the sweet young thing so hot that when I did finally touch his boyhood pride and joy it would be almost as sweet a release as his cumming. Not quite, of course, but sweet none the less. I allowed my the back of my hand to nudge his balls up, giving access to the tender sensitive area underneath and with one finger, I traced along the seam of skin that went from his balls to his asshole, concentrating more on the underside of his balls than anything. As I predicted in my brain, he went fucking nuts.

"Ooohhhh God," he moaned as his body shook from the feelings, new to him, pouring through his body. My own cock was throbbing, almost painfully, from the exquisite torture that I was putting Kavika through and I decided to speed things up. I needed a release and if my guess was correct, there would be many more to come from this young thing.

My mouth left the delicious little nub of nipple and traveled downward over the solid surface of kavika's belly until the head of cock poked my cheek. I turned my head, looking at it eye to eye then let my tongue snake out and lick the head, clearing the precum from it. My hand meanwhile had turn palm forward and cupped his soft heavy balls at the same time my mouth covered the head of his young cock. I didn't really suck at first, simply allowing my lips to explore his cock head, feeling the texture, the edges, while my hand gently kneaded and tugged as his sperm filled smooth young balls. Once I knew the head, I moved my head downward, my mouth sliding smoothly onto his stiff shaft, the head hitting the back of my mouth and then I bobbed there, moving up and down on about half his length. Kavika was becoming more audible now.

"Ooohhh god, Oooohh man that feels so good David," he moaned, his hands rubbing my head. Finally I shoved my head all the way down, taking the full six and half inches of boy cock in my mouth, my lips touching the base of his balls. That took him to the edge.

"Fuck I'm gonna David any second if you don't stop on man." I took my mouth away. I wanted to see this cute boy squirt, to see his young sperm pour forth from his body. I moved my head out of the way, my hand taking over where my mouth had left off and I began stroking him. It only took a few.

"Oooohhhh fuuuuuuck, AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH," he all but screamed as his body tensed. I felt his magnificent cock swell in my hand and then the head erupted in a thick white stream of teenage cum that landed on his chest between his nipples, contrasting against his brown skin. He thrust his hips in the air as jet after jet of virgin sperm blasted free from his body and leaving a long thick trail of white from his nipples to his belly button. His throbbing cock finally slowed to a dribble and I lowered my head to lick the remaining cum from the swollen head which caused the young god to squirm then hold my head away.

"No," he laughed, "it's too sensitive. I gave in then moved along side of him, leaned down, and kissed him heavily, out tongues resuming the dance inside our mouths and his hand sneaked downward to find my still throbbing cock. He stroked me slowly, lovingly then broke the kiss.

"I want to suck your cock David" and without further words, slid down to the object of discussion. "God it's so beautiful, so thick and hard." he said softly.

Just under seven rigid inches, my cut dick was thicker than kavika's, the nicely shaped head fatter. My balls are slightly larger as well and he commented on it as he hefted them in his hand, gently, as though gauging their weight.

"I love how you look and feel David. This is the first time I've been able to actually touch and admire another man and you're body is so awesome." He put his lips to the head, nibbling the precum that was oozing from the slit. His lips felt so good. I sighed and let myself relax to enjoy him. Me finally took the head into his mouth, instinctually covering his teeth with his soft lips. Kavika proceeded to take about four inches of rock hard penis into his mouth before he started to choke and backed off. I rubbed the back of his head gently and said,

"Easy baby, you don't have to take it all." Besides I was getting hotter than hell. I'd had tons of blow jobs before but as any guy knows, sometimes the person doing it to you takes you to the edge fast, not because their better necessarily but because they're who they are. That was the case for me. Picturing in my mind, Kavika's magnificent body and so cute face, knowing he was a virgin boy who was dying to learn the ways of being gay and knowing I was gong to teach him everything he'd ever need to know, along with his soft lips and hand stroking on my, worked to bring me to a climax much faster than almost any other blow job I'd had since the age of seventeen.

"I'm there baby boy you better move your head." Kavika had barely gotten out of the way before the eruption started, the first little shot only going a few inches but that was only the beginning. The next six blasts of cum were thick globs of white that flew out of me like rockets and landing at my neck, upper chest and nipples. Kavika gasped at the sight then smile hugely and his hand seemed to stroke faster, his grip tighter, as though trying to encourage my body to keep up its' natural force. Alas, the feelings along with the liquid subsided and my body, tensed from the intensity of orgasm, relaxed back onto the bed.

"That was awesome," we both said at once then laughed. He came back along side of me then snuggled up and kissed me, long and deep before breaking it off and looking into my eyes.

"That was so incredible" he said quietly. "I can hardly wait for me next lesson."

I kissed him back then suggested that we take a shower and clean the sperm from our respective bodies and move on to lesson two. Kavika smiled, crawled off the bed, and taking my hand, led me to the bathroom and into his large marble shower stall.

***** More if you want it, let me know if it's worth my time *****

Next: Chapter 2

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