The Book Series

By Matt

Published on Oct 6, 1999


Hey loyal Nifty readers, I'm glad you decided to read my story (for those who've read the first part, a special thank you for your responses)

If you are underage, do not go any further. If it is illegal in your area to read this material, do not go any further. If you aren't into this kind of thing, do not go any further.

(My personal opinion) If you like this kind of thing go on ahead. If you are underage who cares? (just don't get caught) If it is illegal who cares? (just don't get caught)

Okay... I'm so happy, I'm dancing on the roof! (literally, how scary is that?) I got a response from you folks! Not that many, but who cares?! I got a positive response! No hate mail... sigh I feel like... um.... er.... good... stuff..... Oh, by the way, when things are surrounded by ":" it means it's a thought (mental stuff, ya know) (I'd have rather made it italics, but I can't do that in Notepad, or rather, I don't know how...)

Also, I made this section longer than the first (as per your wishes)

Okay, on to the story! Enjoy!

-------- The Book --------

Chapter 3 : Chores and Discovery

Judas woke to a pleasant aroma, and leisurely sat up in bed. He reached over to the tasseled rope (the one on the left) and gave a pull. Abruptly the drapings surrounding his bed pulled apart to reveal his comfy little room. He glanced around out of sheer habit, taking survey and making sure nothing had been tampered with. :Being Resident Watcher may have its advantages, but it comes with a lot of danger from would-be assassings: he thought to himself.

A window, a door, a table and chair with the Necronomicon atop, and his bookshelf. :Everything seems in order: he thought satisfied, and rose up a little.

As if summoned by the rising of his master, little Tobias knocked, very softly, on the door. Tobias was a little brownie, hired by Judas nearly 10 years ago. Having a brownie manservant was extremely advantageous, particularly to a practicer of the Arts. Having been transformed by the Dark Wars and the magicks in them, brownies were forever young, and years of servitude had left them with a kind of vocation to serve others. Therefore, there was no chance of resentment or rebellion from them, and they could be employed as long as they were wanted. This went double for practicers of the Arts, who generally lived about thrice as long as a non-practicer. This particular brownie was an exception, for this one had a thirst for knowledge, and Judas intended to make him his apprentice, the Guild Masters willing.

"Master, be ye awake?" he murmured, barely audible through the thick wood.

"Yes, Tobias, you should know that," said Judas, exasperated by the fact that they went through this exchange everyday, "You have a link to my mind, you can tell when I'm awake."

"Yes, master, sorry master," Tobias said, whispering, as he opened the door to the room and entered carrying a tray of food. He walked carefully over to his master, carefully because Judas was notorious for his temper after a night of merriment (Hangover, anybody?). He set it down softly, not wanting to even make a sound from the clinking of the dishes. Atop the tray were favorites of Judas: freshly toasted bread dripping with butter, freshly squeezed and strained prakka juice, and of course a comb of honey (Judas had quite a sweet-tooth).

"Hmm? What's this?" Judas muttered absent-mindedly, picking up a parchment that was placed next to the dishes.

"Pardon, sir, but the Masters said to give this to you," Tobias said hesitantly. "Masters," plural, meant that Tobias was referring to the Guild Masters. "They said it was your i-tin-er-ar-y for today." He continued, carefully enunciating each syllable of the long word.

Judas sighed, and looked it over, "Idiotic old bags couldn't magick their way out of a paper bag," he scoffed.

Tobias was a little shocked at his masters lack of respect for his superiors, then reasoned that it was simply the wine still talking, or perhaps the spirits from the night before were paining Judas, and making his temper short.

Judas gave the parchment a cursory glance, paying careful attention to the ones at top, for it was arranged according to the tasks' priority.

"Hmmm, alright, you may go, Tobias, remember, you have lessons at 3rd Noonbell," Judas said, dismissing his charge, "And take the tray with you." Indeed, Judas had devoured his breakfast in short order.

Tobias let himself out, closing the door behind him, as Judas continued to contemplate the list before him, not really wanting to rise just yet.

"There's been another dispute between the Grakkas and Nymphs," he muttered distractedly, "Only this time one Nymph has died..." Judas swore softly and punched the bed. Nymphs and Grakkas were notorious for their inability to get along. Nymphs, beautiful Sylvan creatures, absolutely abhorred the uncouth savages known as Grakkas. Unfortunately for both, Faerun was known as both a haven for all, and a land of oppurtunity. Both races had firmly settled residents when they discovered each other, and occasionally the two had been known to declare war on each other.

Judas rose out of the bed with a groan, noting that his side was a little sore from where a pesky Goblin had somehow managed to mark him in his routine practice the day before. He walked stiffly over to his table and picked up his Necronomicon and walked over to the door, already contemplating how nice a hot shower would feel on his sore muscles.

Judas walked out of the front gates of High Tower, feeling refreshed and far more able to deal with the day's tasks. He sauntered along over to the stables where Draecon, his steed, was kept. He found Draecon dozing lightly in his stall after having been groomed for the day.

"Up, ya lazy bum!" Judas teased, tapping the Wyvern on the shoulder. Draecon stirred slightly and gave an annoyed little <whuff!>

Judas reflected, without knowing why, on how lucky he had been to come to own this particular Wyvern. Wyverns were rare creatures, spawning perhaps thrice in a lifetime, with at max 2 offspring from each mating. Wyverns were the largest and most economical of travels, being smaller than a Dragon (who generally ate 1/2 their body weight a day [that's 2 tons]) and could fly, unlike horses. Judas and Draecon's chance meeting had been when Judas was 14 and Draecon 58 (about the equivalent of 12 for Wyverns) and their friendship had done nothing but grow over the years.

Judas gave Draecon a little shove, and Draecon woke up with a good-natured growl. "Let's go, sleepyhead," murmured Judas affectionately, "We've got a long day ahead of us."

Draecon groaned.

At Sylva, the community of Nymphs, Judas encountered an outraged populace that was 2 hairs from arming up and declaring war.

"HOLD!" Judas cried, raising his hands. The mass of men and women slowly milled to a halt, and began staring at the newcomer with no little hostility.

"Who are you?" came a call.

"What do you think you're doing?" came another.

The insults and questions to his authority failed to crack Judas' shell of calm (a long shower and quite a bit of willowbark tea to sooth his headache helping him out) He calmly raised his head, and calmly raised his hands, and calmly proceeded to say softly, "I SAID HOLD!!!!!"

The insults and questions abruptly stopped.

"I am Resident Watcher of High Tower, and you are all in direct violation of of the peace treaty you negotiated with the Grakkas no more than two moons ago." he said calmly and coldly.

"They killed one of our own!" came a cry. Following that the dam of peace burst as more insults began to ring out.

"SILENCE!" he boomed. "Enough of this chaos! I want to see someone in charge!"

"That would be me, Resident Watcher." the man all but sneered to Judas' face. He was a Nymph of middle age, with a killer bod probably earned from bullying those who opposed him.

"Can you tell me what happened, and possibly keep the peace?" Judas did sneer at the man, having no love for insubordination.

"It's simple enough," said the man, "Those Grakkas killed one of our most beautiful maidens and now we're going to make them pay!" At the end of that he raised his hands and his people gave a blood-curdling war cry.

Judas was now nearing his boiling-point, but somehow managed to rein in his temper. "You will do no such thing," he said, saying each word with deadly emphasis, "You will not take any action until I have the entire story."

The people grumbled, vastly discontent with this, and one had the audacity to jeer out, "And if we don't?"

Judas' eyes flashed red for a moment, showing how angry he really was.

"If you don't," Judas continued, "I will haul you off in manacles to be fed to the Krakkans." There was a gasp at that, for the Krakkan were the vilest of creatures and being fed to them the harshest punishment known. The Krakkan resembled gargantuan worms, and the Masters of High Tower kept them under VERY careful lock and key, for before, when they ran free, they threatened all of civilization. Being fed to the Krakkans was like the death penalty, over and over again... When they first devoured you, their weaker stomach acids (compared to those of humanoids) digested your skin alone, an excruciatingly painful torment. Then, you were excreted as $#!+ and consumed again until nothing was left of you but bones. It was rumored that you were actually alive and conscious throughout the entire process, a horrifying prospect.

Judas nodded shortly at the gasps and looks of fear. He pulled at the reins of Draecon and went hurdling towards the Grakka's residence of DarkHaven.

At DarkHaven the residents weren't two hairs away from arming up, they were already armed up and a hair away from leaving to attack their neighbors. Judas winged in, Draecon gliding as softly as one could hope for. As he landed Judas noted that the Grakkans didn't seem to be as bloodthirsty as the Nymphs had been. :Good,: Judas thought, :Maybe I can get these fellows to forego the bloodshed.:

"Citizens of DarkHaven, residents of Faerun, listen to me!" Judas boomed, since he surmised that these folks seemed much readier to listen to authority.

"Get out of here, you don't belong, you're not one of us!" came a bellow. :Well, maybe not as ready as I thought.: thought Judas.

"I belong where there is trouble," retorted Judas, "And there is much trouble here!"

A bulky Grakkan made his way to the front of the circle surrounding Judas, and looked Judas dead in the eye before answering, "There is no trouble with us, only with the Nymphs and their false accusations."

"False accusations?" questioned Judas after a moment of thought, "Would you care to tell me your side of the story?"

"We are a peace-loving folk," began the leader, "We have no quarrel with Nymphs. We only defend ourselves when the Nymphs find some outrageous reason to attack us."

"Why would they do that?" asked Judas, a bit disbelieving, but feeling obliged to let him continue.

"Because we are not beautiful by their standards," said the Grakkan simply, and Judas had to admit that the statement made sense. "They wish to annihilate us because they cannot stand to look at us."

"And that supposed murdered Nymph."

"That is the reason we are arming," said the Grakkan, "Our scouts have detected a new stronghold in the depths of the jungle. Our mages have detected Dark Magicks being practiced there. We are prepared to lay seige to the stronghold. We also believe that this new Dark Mage may be the true murderer here, and we are prepared to destroy this evil before it strikes again!" At that last comment the entire Grakkan village raised their arms and gave a war cry.

"You will do no such thing." Judas replied shortly, raising his hand at their cries of protest, "A Dark Mage is no thing to be trifled with. I will investigate this myself. In the meantime try to convince the Nymphs and make peace."

"Very well," grumbled the leader, "We bow to the authority of the High Tower."

Judas nodded, very satisfied in the way this exchange had gone, and sent Draecon winging to the skies.

At the supposed stronghold Judas could sense that the fortress was indeed the base of some sort of operation. Sending out a delicate probe he detected not only Blood Magick of the highest order, but also some Runick Magick in recent usage. That was alright, since as Watcher he was familiar with both Realms. He ordered Draecon to land very gently, :no sense in tripping any traps,: he thought, :best be on alert for anything.:

The castle was large, and very new, and Judas could almost taste the taint of Blood Magick in the creation of the base. He stalked over to the front door, and wasting no time in preliminaries, blasted it down with a surge of raw power.

When the smoke had cleared, Judas walked inside nonchalantly, peering into the darkness curiously, but without much caution. Out of the haze a figure walked, limping slightly.

"Who are you?" it rasped. Out of the mists now, Judas could see that the figure was an aging Elf, a rare sight, and could sense great power within him, which was slightly disconcerting. Elves' power, according to lore and most research done, could only decline with age, and if this creature was this powerful now, it could only mean that in his prime, this Elf must have been a force to be reckoned with.

"I have heard allegations that you have been following the Darker Path," Judas began.

"Darker Path! What lies have you been told?!" spat the Elf, interrupting him.

"Hold your peace," Judas said sharply, "I have sensed it, and the proof is uncontestable, you have sold your soul to the evil within, and you must be brought to justice."

In lieu of a response, the Elf sent a bolt of fire winging towards Judas.

:Damn.: was all Judas could think. He raised his hand and a barrier arose, stopping the bolt with no difficulty. He countered with manacles of pure Magick, glowing vises that clamped around the Elf's arms and legs.

The Elf broke the vises after a moment's struggle, and pulled out a Runecaster from beneath his cloak. He turned it once, and Channeled power directly into it. A myriad of Elemental daggers (lightning, earth, ice, and fire) flew from the Runecaster towards Judas.

Judas hastily erected a new shield, one of Magicka, and managed to absorb most of the shards. He then called forth the earth and the sky, creating a fissure beneath the Elf and blasting through his protections with a bolt of lightning. The Elf didn't have a chance, and with a howl of agony vanished into the fissure.

Judas stood for a moment, as if expecting the Elf to resurface and resume the battle. He was drained, for the Elf had been very strong indeed, and breathed heavily as he replenished his channels with the stored Power of his Amulet (made of pure Aquamarine, the stone he had the greatest affinity to). When the Elf didn't surface, he knelt down, his knees shaking and unable to support him. He remained that way for just a moment, for out of the fortress came a forlorn cry...

"Help me, please!"

Judas leapt to his feet with a muttered curse and dashed into the building. He called a Vindir, a wind elemental, and sent it before him to find the presumptive captive.

Up in the tower, Judas finally found the source of the plea for help. A young man, in a cage, shook at the bars of his prison in vain. He was dressed in ragged clothing, but even his shabby garb couldn't disguise the fact that this boy was very handsome, and obviously of noble lineage.

"Hold on," said Judas placatingly, as he walked to the cage, "I'll have you out in just a moment."

"Oh, thank the gods," the youth practically wept with relief, "That Sorcerer-"

"Is gone, don't worry." Judas interrupted, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" By now Judas had managed to pick the lock (no sense in wasting Power on a simple lock, right?) and was now half-carrying the young man to a chair.

"I am a Rune Kaster, sent by High Tower to deal with a renegade sorcerer.." began the young man. Judas felt a spark of recognition at that, and pummeled his head for when he had heard of this...

"Instead, he locked me in here and forced me to aid him.." Judas clicked his fingers silently, for he recalled where this was from. This young man (Judas couldn't remember his name) was one of the most promising of the new recruits from last Summer, but had mysteriously vanished on a fairly routine mission 2 moons ago.

"Yes," interrupted Judas, "And this Elf is the one who slew that Nymph?"

"Yes," replied the youth, a bit bewildered at how this man would know that, "How did you...?"

"I was sent here to investigate that very deed," explained Judas, "Now, what is your name?"



Judas looked at Matt oddly, "Aspirin, I want some aspirin please."

Matt gave Judas an odd look as well, "Judas, you said smelling salts, not aspirin."

"Smelling salts, what are those?" Judas asked, confused, "Why would I ask for something I don't even know exists?"

"I don't know," said Matt, scratching his head, "But.. nevermind, I'll get you that aspirin." Matt rose from the sofa and walked into the kitchen.

Matt returned with the aspirin and a glass of water. Judas took them gratefully and downed them with a <gulp!>

"Now, what happened?" asked Judas, after giving the aspirin a moment to take effect.

"I told you!" Matt exclaimed, exasperated.

"But that doesn't-" Judas began. Abruptly a glazed look came over his eyes and he rose from the couch.

"Judas? Judas, are you alright?" Matt queried, a worried look on his face.

Judas paid him no heed, and began to walk stiffly towards the staircase. At the base of the stairs Matt grabbed Judas by the arm, trying to get his attention. Matt all but ripped off his own arm; Judas felt like stone, and was as unmovable. Judas stalked up the stairs and began walking towards the attic stairwell.

"JUDAS!!!" hollered Matt, not giving up. Judas didn't respond, not that Matt expected him to.

Judas reached the stairwell, with Matt a breathe behind. He walked up the stairs and into the attic.

"What's that?" asked Matt, again not expecting a response, and again not receiving one. Matt was looking directly at the chest at the back, which was emitting an eerie light.

Judas walked to the chest, and placed one hand upon it, and the box grew dark. He laid one hand on the lock, which promptly undid itself. He opened the chest and took out a large dark object--

-- a book. The book was, Matt noted, in terrible shape. It was easily centuries old, and probably hadn't been seen for decades, if not centuries as well. There was an insignia on the cover Matt couldn't identify, but which seemed to glow of it's own accord. The book was once gilded, even Matt could see that, but the gold dust had long since all but worn off.

The book in his hand, Judas collapsed. This time Matt was better prepared, he was right behind Judas, and managed to catch him before he gave himself a concussion on the wooden floor. Matt carried Judas to his bedroom, after trying, unsuccessfully, to pry the book from Judas' fingers. He placed Judas onto the bed, and went to get a glass of water to splash him with.

When Matt returned, Judas was no longer in bed.

"Awww, damnit..." muttered Matt, looking around frantically.

Matt found Judas wandering the master bedroom, which had been vacant for nearly a year on account of his parents' prolonged vacation in Hawaii. Judas had that glazed look in his eyes, and couldn't seem to see anything, although he didn't bump into anything either.

"Judas!" Matt shouted, approaching Judas rapidly, "JUDAS!!" he yelled directly into his face, giving him a shake to add emphasis. Judas' eyes suddenly came back to life.

"-make any sense!" Judas finished. Then he looked around, and got a very unusual look on his face, "What am I doing here?" then he looked down, "What is this?!"

"Why don't you tell me?" retorted Matt shortly, angry at being in the dark for all this time.

"I have no idea!" Judas said, shrugging his shoulders, "Last thing I remember I'm talking to you in the livingroom!"

"Well, then, what the hell is going on here?" Matt said, a frightened look replacing the one of anger.

"Um, at the risk of being repetitive, I have no idea!" said Judas, somehow managing to crack jokes despite the situation. Judas suddenly frowned.

"What? What is it?"

"I can't put the book down..." Judas replied, a panicked look on his face.

"What do you mean? Just let go!" said Matt, as if to a child.

"Well gee? Why didn't I think of that?" the sarcasm was unmistakable, "What do you think I've been doing, you moron?!"

Matt took hold of the book and pulled. No luck. He grabbed Judas' fingers and pulled. No luck. He gave Judas a good shake (which Judas did not appreciate). No luck.

"Stop!" cried Judas, as Matt began pacing. "Let's see what's in this damn book that it's so important!"

"Whaddaya mean important?" asked Matt, "The only thing we know about it is that it has seperation issues!"

"There must be some significance," continued Judas doggedly, "I for one am curious as to what this is all about."

The two stood shoulder to shoulder, and looked down as Judas cautiously turned the first page. Necronomicon, the book said on its title page. Judas flipped the next page with care, and saw--

--himself, in a black robe brandishing the book and a wizened staff.

Both boys stared blankly at the picture, but the picture was hardly a shock after the day they'd had. Judas flipped the next page and beheld a picture of--

--Matt, in a red robe brandishing a long straight staff with many inscriptions upon it.

Both boys looked at this picture, and Judas flipped the page again. At that point the Judas shut the book hastily, for there was a picture of the two of them, sans a great deal of clothes, in a very passionate embrace.

"Ummm..." Judas murmured, red with embarassment.

"Why'd you close it?" asked Matt, for he had not seen the picture.

"Ummm..." Judas repeated.

"Com'on, don't you want to figure out what's going on?"

Judas heaved a sigh, and carefully opened the book (past the picture) and the two were taken aback. The entire book was in a very foreign script. VERY foreign, which bore no resemblance at all to any other written language they knew of.

"Uhh, I don't get it." said Judas intelligently.

"I don't either." muttered Matt.

Judas then put the book down on the bed, and let it go.

"What the?!" the two said simultaneously. The two boys gave each other a look, and walked out with their faces towards the book at all times.

"So what's the game plan?" asked Matt, as they entered the livingroom.

"Wha? Why are you asking me?" replied Judas.

"Because you incinerated that guy, or whatever, you found the book, and the book obviously likes you alot." answered Matt, "Not only that, but your picture came before mine, meaning you are probably the leader, or whatever."

"Well, that's too bad, 'cuz I'm completely in the dark about this." Judas said, collapsing on the sofa with a dull <oomf!>. Matt sat down with care on the sofa next to Judas, not wanting to think about anything at all. The two sat in complete silence, both trying not to think about what had happened. Finally, one spoke up...

"I don't know about you, but I could use some rest..." said Matt hesitantly.

"I dunno," began Judas, "If by 'some' you mean 'a lot' then yeah, I could use some rest too."

"I don't even want to think about this," Matt said, clutching his head, "I just want to sleep and maybe all of this will turn out to be some nightmare."

"If only..." chuckles Judas softly. "BTW, you're spending the night, I'm not spending the night alone with that thing."

The two boys trudged up to bed, not bothering with their toiletries, and went to sleep.

"Judas....." Judas stirred slightly, but did not rise.

"Judas..." No response at all from the prone body.

"Judas!" Judas got up with a wince.

"What? What is it?" he growled. Then he looked around... :What the?!:

His room had vanished, to be replaced with a misty substance that was almost tangible. He was standing up now, and wearing the black robes from the picture, which was a surprise (Judas sleeps in the nude). He looked around again, trying to find the source of the voice.

A figure emerged behind Judas, and placed a hand upon Judas' shoulder. Judas whirled, taking a defensive crouch.

"Peace, boy," the figure said gruffly, "I bring you no harm."

"What do you want.... ma'am?" Judas said, after looking at the figure closely.

The figure laughed, and Judas revised his decision, the laugh was low, and gravelly, like rocks from a mountainside, tumbling down.

"Don't worry, lad," the figure said, patting his shoulder, "When the Lord placed his blessing upon me, it came with the curse of adrogynomity. You're not the first, nor will you likely be the last to be confused."

"What do you want?" asked Judas again, a little frightened of being confronted by a hermaphrodite in his sleep.

"I've come to teach ya, lad, there'll be need of it in the very near future?"

"How near is that?" asked Judas, still frightened, but regaining some of his composure.

"Too near to dawdle, boy," the figure rasped harshly, "The merging is at hand, now on your guard!" the figure lunged at Judas. Judas, in the split second before contact, suddenly found a weapon in his hand.

Judas gave a yelp and dove out of the way.

"What are you doing?!" cried Judas, "I don't even know how to fight!"

"Well, that's what I'm here for!" it laughed, lunging again.

Judas woke covered in sweat and breathing heavily. :What was that about?: he mused. Dismissing it as a nightmare, Judas settled back into the bed and soon fell asleep again.

Across the Hall, Matt was experiencing a "nightmare" of his own.

"Matt..." Matt, not being the deep sleeper Judas was, rose at once. Matt looked around, but after today's events, was not surprised at all.

Matt found himself in a room filled with scrolls of all sizes. He looked around calmly, sure this was a dream, and waited to wake up.... He didn't.

A figure walked out of the wall behind him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. Matt calmly turned around and looked at the figure.

"What, aren't you scared?" laughed the figure, "Your friend certainly was!"

That got Matt's attention, he narrowed his eyes and glared at the figure. "What have you done to Judas?"

"Ah, don't worry your pretty little head about Judas," chuckled the figure, "He just found his first lesson a little hard."

"Lesson? What for?"

"For the merging, lad, you have to be ready for anything. It's almost upon us."

"The merging?" asked Matt, puzzled.

"Nevermind, lad, there's no time to explain. We must fill your head with the Powers that Be."

"Powers that Be? Is this what you taught Judas?" Matt asked, playing along with what he thought was his dream.

"Powers? Judas? Don't be silly," scoffed the figure, "Judas' Power is purely instinctive, your Power is the one that relies on Memory. I taught Judas how to keep himself together should his powers fail him."

Matt laughed a little, finally pushed to the brink by what he thought was pure nonsense. The figure glared at the boy, and grabbed his shoulder.

"Don't take this so lightly, boy," the figure snarled, emphasizing each word with a rough shake, "What you learn or don't learn right now could mean the difference between life and eternal suffering."

"Al-al-alright!" Matt stuttered, trying to be coherent through the jarring of his teeth.

"That's the spirit, lad!" the figure beamed, all earlier anger gone in an instant. "Now, get cracking on those scroll!"

Matt looked around the room again, filled to the top with hundreds and hundreds of scrolls, and groaned.

Matt woke with a pounding headache and a definite feeling that his brain was on overload. He groaned and said, "That's it, no more encounters with the unknown before bed." He chuckled a little at his nightmare, and lay back down and soon fell asleep once more.

All right, thus ends the second chapter.. oops, third chapter, second portion of my story!

It's a bit confusing, I know, but to make it simpler, read each section as a seperate story and you'll get it!

If you hated it, e-mail me with suggestions or threats!

If you loved it, feel free to e-mail me with Kudos and stuff!

If you OK'ed it, e-mail me with suggestions on how to make it nicer for you!

If you don't feel like e-mailing me, then that's okay too, I don't need a response. If I don't get too much hate mail, I'll keep writing =P Same rules as last time. The only time you shouldn't write me is if you liked it, and even then feel free to lemme know what you liked about it, and especially what you didn't like about it. After all, how am I going to get any better if I don't know what I'm doing wrong?


Matt =)

Next: Chapter 3: The Book 3

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