The Book Series

By Matt

Published on Oct 4, 1999


Usual legal stuff applies.... If you're underage (17-) don't read, if it's illegal where you are (bad!), don't read, if you aren't into this kinda stuff (close-minded), why are you here? The preceding statements do not concur with my own personal opinion. If you honestly know what you want in life, go for it, no matter how old you are. If you're curious, experiment a bit, you'll never be truly happy if you don't.

Alright, folks, I've learned my lessons... I'm not going to base my story on any TV show, since it's just a hassle to thank all those people and give credit (as well as some unmentionable trouble =P ).

Sooo, here we go!

-------- The Book --------

Chapter 1 : Prologue (oooo, it gives me goosebumps to type that... in fact, I'm gonna type it again! Chapter 1! Chapter 1! Chapter1!) LOL okay, that's enough of that

"Damnit! Late again!" the tardy bell rang in the sleepy little school of Salem High, and the halls were predictably deserted... except for one young man who was even now racing down the corridor.

His name was Judas Bishop, a young man of 18 years. He was quite remarkably handsome man, with waist-length raven-black hair tied into a ponytail. He had a face so sculpted a statue would turn green with envy, and piercing gray eyes that gave the impression of having no pupils at all, which was disconcerting for many who could not tell exactly where he was looking. Judas had an average build, standing at 5'8" and being neither muscle-bound nor frail. He had been doing a great deal of work on his stomach lately, and as fruit of his labor was now showing signs of developing a respectable 6-pack.

Judas sped down the hall, even though he knew he would already be counted tardy. He all but wrenched the door off its hinge in his haste, and took his seat with a sigh and a <thump!> All for not, for the teacher was even now giving Judas an evil glare.

"Glad you could join us today, Mr. Bishop.." drawled the teacher, one Mr. Glupnik, a most disagreeable man who despised the way Judas slacked off in class and still managed to ace his tests.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Glupnik, it won't happen again." said Judas, a pleading look on his face.

"Of course not," scoffed Glupnik, "And just to make sure of that, you have a detention at 4:30 this afternoon."

"Yes, sir." said Judas, :You grumpy old bastard: he thought.

"Now," continued the grumpy old bastard, "As I was saying..."

Judas slumped in his seat, :What a wonderful start to a wonderful day:


"Hey! Judas! Wait up!" another young man fumbling with a backpack did his poor best to run down the halls.

The second young man's name was Matt Cardinal, a colleague of Judas' of the same age (18 for those who don't pay attention). He was handsome as well, in a very different way. He had short hair he daily put up into spikes, and which was dyed (willingly) bright red and black in stripes. His face was as sculpted as Judas', but where Judas was more triangular in shape, Matt had a sharp square chin. He had very warm brown eyes that seemed to have incredible depths to them, in which people were known to get lost in for hours. Matt had an impressive build, standing at 6'2" and being rather muscular, possessing an 8-pack that put Judas to shame.

"Yes?" replied Judas tersely, not being in the best of moods.

"Hey, it's a long weekend, let's have some fun!" continued Matt, doggedly determined to spend some time with Judas.

"Fine." came the verbose response.

"Kewl, let's go see that new movie, American Beauty, at that theater on Main Street" said Matt, cheering up immensely at the prospect.


"Okay, cool, I'll see you then." Matt walked off happily.

That evening the two boys, especially Judas, were in a much better mood. As they exited the theater the two chatted amiably about the movie they had just watched. "I can't believe they can show that kind of stuff!" breathed Judas "I know, how perverted! Can you believe that guy liking that girl? That's pedophilism!" chortled Matt. "I'm not sure that's a word... " began Judas. "Who cares? You get the idea, right?" rebuked Matt. "Yeah yeah, well, let's get cracking, a storm is due in at any moment." indeed, the sky was a murky gray, and threatened to burst loose at any moment. The two boys picked up the pace, but before they had gone one step the rain began pouring. "Damn!" the two said simultaneously, bringing their jackets up to protect their heads and running blindly forward. They had no chance of seeing the man up ahead. "Oof!" came the response from all three, as the two larger boys slammed into the smaller man. "Aw, geez, we're sorry mister.." began Matt sheepishly. "It's alright, I'm okay," said the man, dusting himself off (well, as much as you can in the pouring rain), I'm quite alri-" the man looked up. "Oh ye gods!" he exclaimed, his face contorting with fear. "The Twins!" Matt and Judas scratched their heads, "The Twins?" they said. "Leave me be! I am not without protection!" the man hissed, pulling out a nasty gleaming object from beneath his cloak. "Crap!" cursed Judas, stepping back, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" "Defending myself!" screamed the man, taking a swipe. "You'll not take me without a fight!" "Shit!" exclaimed Matt, diving into Judas, effectively shoving him out of the way. The two boys rolled onto the ground bruising shoulders and scraping knees. Both finally came to a halt, lying prone on the ground. Judas was pissed at this point, he rose to his feet, after shoving Matt off with supernatural strength, his eyes gleaming brightly from an unknown source. His face contorted with rage, and he raised one hand at the man-- --the rain stopped-- "NOOO!!!!" wailed the man as something slammed into him, picking him up and hurtling him across the street into a wall, where he.... promptly turned to dust. Judas collapsed. "What the hell?!" Matt cried... (I know this is sorta pointless, but I really gotta end this chapter here, it's perfect!) <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>> Chapter 2 : Puzzlement Judas woke to glaring light piercing his already sore eyes. "Damnit!" he swore, covering his eyes with his sheets. :Sheets? Where am I?: Judas rose with a start to find himself... in his own bed. "Was that a dream?" he mused aloud. Just then the bathroom door opened and out stepped Matt, wearing nothing but a towel. "Morning lover!" he chirped cheerfully, walking over to Judas and planting a deep kiss on his very startled lips. "Ewww, morning breath!" Matt laughed, "Go brush your teeth!" Judas just sat in bed, very confused.. "What's the matter, Judas?" said Matt, his laughter stopping and expression sobering. "Isn't this what you wanted?" Judas still hadn't found his voice. "I know what you're thinking, Judas," continued Matt, his expression now deadpan, "You're wondering what happened... But you don't have to worry about it, you don't have to worry about anything anymore..." Judas could only blink. "All you have to do, to be with me forever, and never have any cares again, is simply forsake The Book." Matt implored, "Just say, "I forsake The Book," and we can be happy together forever!" "I don't understand," said Judas, finally recovering from the shock. "Please, just say it, Judas.." begged the figure once more. "What are you talking about!?" cried Judas. "Nevermind," Matt said dully, his figure blurring at the edges, "You've already made your choice, I cannot sway you," "Wait!" cried Judas, not understanding what was going on, but panicked at seeing his best friend disappear. Judas extended a hand toward the shape, "Please!" "All you have to do, is--" "WAKE UP!!!!" the voice seemed to come from everywhere. The boy rose with a startled yelp. He looked about him, his eyes refusing to focus properly. His surroundings were... not normal. He gave his head a stern shake--BAD mistake. He moaned as a pounding began from his forehead and worked its way (Agonizingly slow, I might add) to the back of his head. "OOoooooooo," moaned the boy, "I'm never drinking Dwarven ale again!" :What? Dwarven ale? Where did that come from?: At that point, everything stopped making sense, for his eyes began to focus... The bed the boy lay in was made of velvet :bed, how did I get into bed?: and had drapings on all four sides that, at the moment, were drawn back. The walls were made of stone :stone? Where am I?: with a few openings on each side. There was a fireplace, currently unlit, and a chair and table with a huge book on top. The boy shook his head again, more carefully, this time, and tried to gather his thoughts. :My name is... Judas: :My name is... Judas: :I am 18 years old: :I have lived 18 summers: :I am a student of Salem High School and a resident of Los Angeles, California: :I am Resident Watcher of High Tower, in the glorious country of Faerun: :??: :??: Judas was confused. He called his manservant :manservant?:, "Tobias! Some aspirin, please!" A young man opened the only door to the room, and stood at attention, "Sir? Aspirin? What are you talking about?" "I... I don't know..." said Judas, his thoughts still muddled. Suddenly it came to him in a rush. "Smelling salts! Please bring me some smelling salts!" "Smelling salts, sir?" Tobias said, confused, "Are you alright? Do you feel faint?" "No, I don't feel faint, but I will be alright, once you bring me some smelling salts from the herbalists." Judas said crossly, "Please make haste, I dislike having my thoughts muddled." "But sir," the young man said, still confused, "You don't need any smelling salts to feel better." "I don't?" sneered Judas, "And I suppose you know exactly what I need?" "Of course, sir, all you need to do is--" "WAKE UP!!!!" the voice was panicked, and VERY loud. Judas woke with a start. He looked around dazedly, not remembering anything. Slowly, his eyes began to focus... a wall... a trash can... a street light... a man looking worried... Then everything came back in a rush. "Matt!" cried Judas, rising quickly. A wave of dizziness, however, coupled with more than a little nausea convinced him to stay put. "Judas! You're alright! Can you walk?" Matt asked worriedly, "We can't stay here, people are going to start wondering." Judas rose again, more slowly. He tested his legs, and found to his satisfaction that they still worked. "I think I can, with a little help.... what happened?" said Judas. Matt wrapped one arm around Judas' shoulders, more than half supporting him. "You mean you don't remember?" he asked concerned. "Nothing but the movie." said Judas with a soft chuckle. "It can wait 'til later, let's get you home." Matt replied sternly. As the two young men stumbled into the dark house, Judas put one hand on the doorway and stood for a moment. He reached over blindly and flipped a switch. Abruptly, the room filled with soft light. It was a spacious living room, with much beautiful (natural) foliage as well as three very comfortable-looking sofas. There were two doorways, one leading to the kitchen and a bathroom, the other leading to the game room, another bathroom, and the garage. There was a staircase directly before the doorway, leading to the bedrooms of the residents. "Now, what happened?" Judas demanded, collapsing into a sofa. "Hold on, it's still all jumbled in my head." complained Matt, collapsing in another sofa nearby. The two sat in complete silence for a moment, Judas impatiently, Matt trying to sort out the evenings events. Finally Matt sat up, and steepled his fingers before his face. "Alright, here's what I remember.." began Matt. "Okay," said Judas, holding his head with care, "You're telling me that some freako attacked us and I magically blasted him into dust?" the disbelief and sarcasm in his voice were thick enough to be sliced and served in a brew. "I know it's hard to believe, but I swear it's true." Matt said, slightly hurt that Judas couldn't have a little faith in his best friend. "I don't understand what happened either..." "Please, just stop." Judas interrupted wearily. "I have a splitting headache right now, and I can't think clearly. Could you go get me some smelling salts, please?" "What?" Upstairs, in the attic, locked away and all but forgotten, a chest, worn down by the years, began to rattle softly. An eerie light began to peep through every crack and hole... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LOL well, whaddaya think at my first attempt at writing? I know, I know, not enough You Know What, and if you don't know what You Know What is you're in the wrong place! I know both of these chapters are awfully short, but I'm just starting! Cut me some slack here! If you absolutely, positively hated it, please e-mail me and lemme know so I know not to post anymore and offend you people. =P If you happened to enjoy it (Yeah right!) feel free to e-mail me and maybe drop off some suggestions you may have =) If you just read it and don't have any attitude towards it, please e-mail me and tell me how to get a reaction out of you! So... basically, the only instance you shouldn't e-mail me is if you liked it! LOL My e-mail address is please do not take advantage of knowing my e-mail address =P (Not that I think you will, I'm just taking some precautions...) I'm outy!

Next: Chapter 2: The Book 2

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