The Boarder

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Dec 11, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

This is one of my older stories. I hope that you will like it.

The Boarder

By Chris

Marie's husband had died a little over two years ago. Their marriage had been as good as any could be. She was a professor of Zoology at a large university on the eastern coast and had met her husband at a car repair shop when she first started teaching at the university. He asked her out as she explained what was wrong with the car. She, of course turned him down. He did the same thing the next two times she brought it in for the same problem. She thought he was nice and all but not for her. But for some reason, she accepted his dinner date after the third offer. The car finally got fixed that third trip to the repair shop. To her surprise, she found the mechanic to be very intelligent and well read. Six months of dates and he asked her to marry him.

Everyone said that the marriage would not last due the differences in their education. She had a doctorate degree and her husband barely made it through high school. The only person that believed that she was doing the right thing was her best friend from college, Ann. Marie felt forever indebted to her friend for not letting everyone else talk her out of marring Bob. When Bob died, several years later in an auto accident, Ann was there by her side and helped her get over her grief. Even though they lived across the country from each other, they had never let the distance erode their friendship. So when Ann called to say that her daughter April was coming to Marie's university to attend school and she asked if she could stay with Marie. That way Ann would know someone would be keeping an eye on her. Ann hinted that April was trying to get as far from her mother as she could so Marie figured that that there were problems between the daughter and mother. Marie told her Ann that she would love to have the daughter stay with her. The company would do her good, as the empty house was getting very lonely. Ann told Marie that she would be forever in her debt but Marie said she only paying back a debt she could never ever repay.

Marie had not seen April since she was a baby, over the years she had received pictures and she knew she was a very lovely girl with blond hair like her mother's. But when April showed up at her doorstep in mid August, Marie was in for a surprise. Marie opened the door to a beautiful young lady. She was about 5'8', slim and had a well-tanned body with shoulder length hair. She was wearing cut off shorts that were way to short and her top was a size too small. You could see her b cup breasts clearly and her nipples were showing since she was obviously not wearing a bra. Marie welcomed her into her home and showed April to the room where she would be living. Marie had cleaned and painted when she found out

April was coming to stay with her. Marie showed April around the old house that she and her husband had fixed up. She pointed out that they would have to share a bathroom, as they had never gotten around to putting a second one it. They had never had any kids so there was never any real need to do so. Once they got April moved in, Marie took April into the living room and they chatted for a few minutes as she wanted to catch up on how Ann was doing and learn a little about her new roommate.

As evening approached, April went to shower and Marie fixed them some supper. April came back into the kitchen just as Marie was putting supper on the table. Marie looked up and she saw that April was standing there drying her hair with a towel. She was wearing a tee shirt that again was a size to small and panties. The shirt came down to her belly button and her panties did not go up to her navel. Marie thought to herself that modesty was not one of April's best traits. April helped her set the table and they sat down to eat. Marie was afraid that with the age difference and the fact that she was a friend of her mother's that they would not get along but the girl turned out to be very friendly and open to her. As they talked Marie was able to slip in her only three rules, no drugs, no boys staying overnight, and she could not smoke in the house. Marie said that she smoked but her husband did not so she always smoked outside. Even though her husband was gone now, she still smoked outside. April said that she had no problems with that and they went on with their conversation.

They both went to bed early that night and the next day Marie took April to the university to show her around. Marie took note that April, at least had a bra on today, which made her feel better about taking her to her office and introducing her to the other professors in the department. Marie first took her all around the campus showing her everything she would need to know. They ate lunch at a pizza place right off campus and then took April up to her office and showed her what she was working on and let her meet some of the people that worked in her department. By mid afternoon, Marie could tell that April was getting bored so she suggested that they go visit one of the malls. This perked April right up. So they left campus and headed for the mall. Marie was not one for shopping but April was good enough to wait on her while she did some work at the office, the least she could do was to return the favor. Marie found that April could make shopping fun. She trailed along as April went from one shop to another trying on clothes and just enjoying herself. She even talked Marie into buying a dress that was a little more revealing than she would have bought on her own. They shopped the rest of the day away and stopped at a restaurant to eat. By the time Marie got home, she had decided that having April around might be the best thing that could have happened to her.

Marie took her shower first, said goodnight to April, and then retired to her bedroom. April followed her into the bathroom and then retired herself. The next day April had to get her class schedule and books in the morning and then was free until the following day when classes started. Marie was up first and was drinking coffee when April came into the kitchen wearing her panties and tee shirt. Marie wanted to say something about her attire but decided for some reason to keep her mouth shut. They ate breakfast then Marie drove them to the campus. As April got college career started, Marie when to her office and got ready for the coming semester. They met for lunch, April told Marie about her classes, and Marie could see how excited April was about starting college. That made her remember her own first day at college and how exciting it was. Marie told April that to celebrate her new start she would take her to a fancy restaurant that night. Marie had another hour's work to do so she told April that she would meet her at the car then and they would head home.

When they got home April went to her room and Marie to hers as they both wanted to prepare for the next day. Later as they were getting ready, April talked Marie into wearing her new dress. She was not sure about that but let April talk her into it. April also wore something revealing and Marie thought as they went out the door that they were two sexy ladies, one young and one a little older. The restaurant was French and April surprised Marie by speaking French to the waiter. April confessed to four years of French at high school and Marie was impressed at how well she spoke. They had a great dinner and had a after dinner glass of wine even though April was only 18 and the legal are for drinking was 21. Marie talked the waiter into pouring her two glasses and then turning his head. Over all, it was a great dinner and Marie was getting more and more impressed by her friend's daughter. This was a fine young lady and could only wonder what was going on between the mother and daughter.

They got home late that night and they both had a long day ahead of them, so they said their good nights. They started to head for their bedrooms, but April suddenly hugged Marie and as she did so, she thanked her for the dinner and for letting her stay at her home. Marie was taken by surprise by the sudden show of affection from April but she hugged April back. It felt nice to hold someone again as it had been so long since she had done that. Marie told April that she was a sweet girl for saying that and she was glad to have her there. April hugged her longer than Marie expected but soon they parted they both went to bed.

As the days went on, they both settled into a routine of one taking classes and the other teaching them. At night, one or the other would fix supper and then they would go do her homework or work on research as the case may be. Marie soon got use to April running around the house with just her panties and a tee shirt. On Saturday evening's, they would go to a movie or stay in and rent a movie depending on the mood they were in. When they watched a movie, April would always move the love seat in front of the TV and have them both sit there, instead of separate chairs. Marie did notice that April's panties seem to get smaller and smaller as the weeks went by. Soon she was wearing panties that just covered her butt and crotch. One Saturday night, Marie got up to put in a new movie into the DVD and as she turned sit down, she noticed that April was sitting with her legs spread out. Marie's eyes noticed that April's panties were stretched tight against her crotch and she could make out her vaginal lips. It stunned her for a second and she had to force her eyes away from April's pussy. She could feel her face flush and she hoped that April didn't notice. She returned to her seat and watched the movie but the picture of April's pussy kept popping back into her mind. The way it was barely covered by her panties and how she could make out the lips, Marie wondered if she shaved her pubic hairs off. After the

movie ended, Marie quickly excused herself and went to bed but she could not rest. She kept waking up from some weird dream that she could not remember.

The next week, she kept noticing how April looked, her young body and each curve that April didn't bother to hide. She found herself looking forward to going home in the afternoon just to see her. She could not figure out what was going on but she knew she had to get it under control. April was not helping with what she wore at home and Marie almost said something but again kept quite. The next Saturday night, Marie said that they were going out to dinner and a movie. After dinner, the movie April wanted to see had just come out and so the theater was very crowded. As the movie went along Marie felt April's shoulder come into contact with her own. Marie could not move over as there was a big man sitting beside her. The contact was like electricity that she could not break contact with. By the end of the movie, April's head was on her shoulder. Marie did not know what to do so she did nothing. The movie ended shortly afterwards and they headed home. Once there, Marie said she was tired and went to bed but again had a restless night of sleep.

The next morning when April came into the kitchen, her tee shirt was replaced by a man's dress shirt and the top three buttons were unbutton. As April sat opposite of her, Marie could just make out the beginning of the swell between her breasts. She felt something stir in her body and that scared her. She tried to look away from the opening but her eyes kept being drawn there. Sunday was cleaning day, so after breakfast they set about cleaning the house. Marie tried to stay in a different room but they both eventually ended up in the living room. As April bent over to dust the tables, Marie could see more of April's breasts but never all of any one. She found herself looking more at April than cleaning. Once they were done, they both went to take a nap but Marie could not sleep. She found herself thinking of April, cursing herself for it, and cursing her husband for dying on her. At supper, Marie was quite and April did not force any conversation. They ate then retired to their rooms.

Monday morning came and Marie found that now April had the top four buttons unbuttoned on her shirt. She could see more of her breasts and the soft, smooth skin between her breasts. On Tuesday, the top five buttons were undone and Marie had more trouble concentrating on her food, both at breakfast and supper. After they had eaten supper, April joined her on the back porch as Marie smoked her cigarette. April had joined her there before but this time as the sat on the swing, April took a cig from Marie's pack and lit one up. Since she did not choke, Marie figured that she had smoked before and since she smoked she felt she could not say anything to April. They talked and swung and as they did so Marie noticed that at this angle, she could almost see all of one of April's breast. The nipple was light in color, and was slight hard. Marie quickly looked away but the imagine was engraved in her head. By Friday, April had her shirt completely unbuttoned. April kept her breasts covered but now Marie could see her front completely with only panties covering her crotch.

Marie had a department dinner that evening so she did not get home until late. When she got in, she found April sitting on the love seat watching a movie on one of the movie channels. She sat down beside her and watched a minute or two before she realized that it was one with a lot of sex. As she sat there, she picked up a strange scent. It took her a few minutes to figure what it was but suddenly it hit her. What she smelled was the scent of an aroused woman. She looked down and she could tell that April's panties were not completely in place. There was also a small wet spot at the center of April's panties, which she could just make out. Marie had to smile to herself but did not let April know that she had noticed anything. Marie faked a yawn or two, then told April she was heading to bed. As she was lying there thinking about April masturbating to the movie that she was watching, she felt herself get horny. She had not had sex for a long time and this was the first time since her husband had died that she missed it. She slowly put her hand under the bottom of her pj's and panties to her pussy. Her lips were already swollen and she was wet. She started to stroke her outer lips and soon she was moaning softly. She kept her moaning low so that April would not hear her but what she did not know was that April was listening just outside her door. Marie tried to think about her husband but her mind kept going back to the thought of April masturbating on her love seat. After a few minutes of stroking her pussy lips and dipping her fingers into her pussy, she sought out her clit and let out a groan as her orgasm overcame her. When April heard this she went back to her bedroom with the knowledge that the time was at hand.

Saturday morning April left early as she had some research to do at the library for a paper she had to write. She was gone until early evening thus leaving Marie on her own. Marie took the time to work around the yard until the rain set in. She then moved indoors and caught up on her email and bills until April came back. When April came in, she suggested that they order and pizza and get a pay for view movie on the TV. Marie agreed and as she went to take a shower, April ordered the pizza. When Marie came out, she called to April that the bathroom was clear. As April was finishing her shower, the pizza arrived. Marie put a robe over her PJ's that she was wearing and paid for the pizza. They set the pizza on the coffee table then decided what they wanted to watch. They argued over the movie before finally deciding on one. But it had already started so they had a about an hour to eat before it started again. They ate and talked for the next hour. After April had eaten all she wanted, she turned and faced Marie on the love seat. She was sitting crossed legged and her shirt was even more opened that ever before. The top of the shirt was opened to the sides of April's breasts and then to the sides of her hips. The panties were tight and Marie could see the outline of her pussy. Marie tried to keep up with what April was saying but her eyes and concentration were drawn to April's body. Marie was thankful when it got close to the time that the movie would come on. They put the pizza away, got something to drink, and settled down to watch the movie. It was a romantic drama that they had chosen to watch. Marie quickly got caught up in the movie and was surprised when April curled up on the love seat and put her head on Marie's lap. After the initial shock of April doing that unexpectedly, Marie adjusted her lap so April could get comfortable. It felt nice to have the contact and between the romantic movie and April's head on her lap Marie felt a pressure in her heart. A few minutes later, Marie moved her hand down and began to caress April's' fine soft blond hair. She ran her fingers through the shoulder length hair curling it around her fingers. She felt her body began to react to this close contact with April. She wanted to ask April to get up but she could not as she realized just how lonely she had been.

When the movie ended, April turned over onto her back. As she did this, she allowed her shirt to open so that both of her breasts were exposed. Marie looked down at April's pink quarter size areolas and her erect nipples. April took Marie's hand and placed it on her left breast keeping her hand on top of Marie's hand. Marie knew this was wrong but the soft flesh of April's breast felt so good. She had never been attracted to another woman before but she could not take her hand away.

This was her best friend's daughter and she knew that her friend would never forgive her, but she began to caress the breast. After a couple of seconds when she knew Marie would not stop, April removed her hand.

Marie felt her pussy start to get moist. She did not know what she was doing so she just did what she liked to have done to her. She squeezed the breast then lightly ran her finger around the nipple. April closed her eyes and moaned softly and Marie knew that April was enjoying what she was doing. Marie moved to the other breast, played with the nipple, and caressed the soft flesh of this breast. She did this for a few minutes causing April to moan more but then she did not know what to do next.

April solved this problem for her. She took Marie's hand in hers and brought it to her lips kissing the palm ever so tenderly. She then got up and moved Marie to the center of the love seat. Putting her knees on each side of Marie, she sat down on her lap. Marie watched as April removed her shirt and let it drop on the floor. April was now naked except for her panties. April looked into Marie's eyes and took her face in her hands. She then leaned in and kissed her. April's lips were so soft and sensual that Marie could not help but to respond to the kiss. The kiss was soft at first with only their lips touching. Marie put her hands on April's shoulders and held her. Slowly she felt April open her mouth and she did the same. April's tongue found her tongue and they caressed each other. Marie felt herself getting more aroused and she pulled April's body against her. They kissed and kissed and their kisses became more passionate. They were out of breath when April finally pulled away.

April smiled at Marie as she began to unbutton Marie's pajama top. Marie bit her lower lip as April finished unbuttoning her top and pushed it back onto her shoulders thus exposing her breasts. Marie's areolas were a little bigger and darker and her breasts while still very nice looking were not quite as perky as April's. Marie was afraid that April would not like what she saw, as April finished taking the top off. But April smiled at Marie and kissed her lightly on the lips. She then cupped Marie's right breast and brought her mouth to the nipple. She kissed the nipple and then took it into her mouth and began to suckle. Marie moaned softly as she loved having her breasts played with and teased. April brought her other hand to the other breast and caressed as she continued to tease the first one. Marie lay back on the seat allowing April to do her magic. April soon switched breasts kissing and teasing the left breast. As she did this, she used her fingers to gently pinch and twist the nipple left behind. Marie pussy was now soaking her panties with her juices. She was beyond stopping April now. She was so caught up with lust for this young thing sucking on her breasts. April went back and forth between Marie's breasts spending a couple minutes on each. Marie was moaning and pushing her breasts toward April's mouth. April kept this up for about ten minutes before giving each nipple a last kiss.

She slid off the chair kissing her way down Marie's lean belly. April put her hands at the sides of the waistband of Marie's pajama's bottoms. She began to pull them down, taking Marie's panties with them. Marie lifted her hips and slid forward as April pulled the pj's down and then off. April put her hands on Marie's knees and opened them up exposing Marie's pussy. April looked at Marie's full black bush that was matted with her juices. Marie closed her eyes as April began to kiss her way up her thighs to her pussy. Marie sucked in her breath when she felt April's lips first touch her outer lips. April licked the outer lips then stuck her tongue into her slit and licked upward toward her clit. When April took her enlarged clit into her mouth, Marie felt a small orgasm wash over her. April kept her tongue on her clit until the orgasm ended then she began to lick her slit in earnest. April stuck the tongue deep into her pussy and twisted it around. She licked up and down the slit and pulled on Marie's pussy lips. April's mouth was driving her wild. She had never felt anything so good. Marie drove her hips forward and gripped the couch in her hands. She cried out to April not to stop and that drove April to lick harder. April went up and down the slit sticking her tongue in as deep as she could. When she got back to the clit, Marie cried out "I'm cummmmming" and she flooded April's mouth with her girlcum. April sucked her through wave after wave of her orgasm. Finally, she had had enough and Marie collapsed back on the seat. April then licked up all of Marie's girlcum. Once she had done that, she moved up, lay beside Marie, and hugged her. Marie took her into her arms and they hugged each tightly.

After they had hugged for a few minutes, Marie turned April on her back.

Marie kissed her tasting her own juices on April's lips. Marie did not know what she was doing but only that she had to give April the same pleasure that she had just received. She moved her head down and took one of April's nipples into her mouth. The pink, soft nipple quickly harden in her mouth. This spurred Marie on and she began to caress the other breast with her hand. April seemed so delicate that Marie did not want to be to rough but when April put her hand behind her neck and pushed her head into her breast Marie began to suck harder. She teased the nipple with her tongue and pulled on it with her lips. April cried out "Please don't stop, this feels so good." Marie switched breasts and kissed the new nipple before sucking it into her mouth. She sucked as much of the breast into her mouth as she could before withdrawing while continuing to suck. The nipple popped out of her mouth and she quickly took it back into her mouth sucking and licking the nipple. Marie could not believe sucking on another woman's breast could be this exciting but she was getting wet again just from playing with April's breasts. Marie now had both hands cupping April's breasts as she went from one to the other licking, biting, and sucking on the nipples. April was moaning loudly now twisting her head back and forth and breathing rapidly. Marie knew it was time to move on and even though it scared her she knew she had to do it.

She slid off the seat and positioned herself between April's legs. She could see that April had soaked her panties with her juices. Marie took April's panties by the sides and pulled them down revealing her shaved pussy. Marie had guessed that April shaved her pubic hair and she found she was correct. She finished pulling the panties off. April opened her legs wide and Marie scooted forward. She took a few seconds and looked at April's pussy. It had been twenty years since she had seen another woman's pussy and that was in the shower at high school and she had never seen one up close like this. April's lips were swollen and wet. Her lips parted to reveal the darker pink inside. As Marie lowered her mouth to April's pussy, she took in April's musky scent and she found she had to taste it. Marie kissed the outer lips lightly, tasting pussy for the first time. The taste was different but she found that she liked it. She slowly began to lick up and down April's slit drinking in her juices. April moaned loudly and Marie knew she was doing something right. She licked a minute or two and then moved to April's clit. It only took a lick or two and April moaned loudly and had a small orgasm. Marie did not mean to make April cum so quickly but she was so excited that she was ready to cum as soon as Marie's lips touched her clit. Marie allowed her to calm back down then went back to April's slit. She licked up the girlcum then using her fingertips, she spread April open. Marie stuck her tongue deep into April, enlisting another moan from her. She licked and twisted her tongue in April's pussy. April pushed her pussy against Marie's mouth and they pushed back and forth. Marie would lick her pussy for a few minutes then go to her clit and take the little bud into her mouth sucking and licking it but stopping before April could cum. Marie wanted April to cum hard this next time. She may have never gone down on a woman before but she knew what she liked her husband to do to her and she did the same to April. Marie sucked and licked April's pussy until she could not take it any more. She went to her clit one last time and she felt April's body tense up as the orgasm hit her. April shook and moaned as wave after wave of the orgasm washed over her. Marie licked her through it all and when April finally came down Marie sucked the last of the girlcum out of her, came up, and sat beside April. Both of their faces were shinny with the girlcum of the other's pussies. April climbed up on Marie's lap and Marie held her tight. They sat there resting with both of their sexual urges satisfied for the time being.

Ten minutes later, Marie realized that April was fast asleep. She slid out from under her and then scooped her in her arms and carried her into April's bedroom to put her to bed. As she was covering April up, April reached for her hand. April pulled her into bed and Marie lay down beside her. April kissed her lightly on the lips and fell back to sleep. Marie woke up later that night and looked over at April sleeping beside her. She looked so young and innocent lying beside her. The way April dressed and acted she had thought that she was very experienced with sex but now she wondered if that was really the case. That and the fact that she had just made love with a woman made her start feeling guilty. Finally, she had to get out of that room and think. She slipped out of bed and went to her room. She pulled out a robe and got her cigarettes, as she had to have a smoke. She went out on the porch, sitting on the swing and lit a cigarette. Before she knew it she was crying, trying to figure out how she had let things go this far and how she would get out of it without hurting April. About the time, she had figured out a way to tell April that this could not happen again she realized that someone was standing there. She looked up to see April, still naked, watching her.

"What are you doing up? You need to get some clothes on, you will get sick out here with nothing on."

April came over and sat beside of Marie lighting up one of her


"Are you crying about what just happen between us? You know it was not your fault. I am the one who seduced you. When I got here and you were so nice to me and so pretty that I knew that you had to be the first person I ever made love to."

"Why me?"

"Because you needed someone to love as much as I did. You were missing

your husband and here I was a lonely lesbian who did not have a clue as what I was suppose to do. And yes, I am sure I am a lesbian. I have no desires for men. They do nothing for me but women do. I figured it out a couple of years ago. I just had never done anything about it. No one knew until I told my mom after I graduated high school. I thought she would understand but we had a big fight and now she can hardly talk to me."

April burst out in tears and Marie could not help but to take her into her arms and let her cry and she started crying with her. This was not what she had in mind but she could not let April cry there without taking her into her arms. Marie opened her robe April slid up on her lap and Marie closed it around both of them. Marie held her tight and let April cry it all out. They sat there and smoked another cigarette and Marie knew she could not tell this girl that she did not want to make love to her again. Beside she was not sure that that was the case.

"If you don't want to make love to me again I will understand. But I do hope you will continue to be my friend." April said.

Marie through about everything for a few minutes then she took April by the chin lifting it and she kissed her. The kiss was soft and sensual and lasted for what seemed like an hour. After the kiss, April laid her head on Marie's shoulder. Her hand found Marie's breast and she cupped it in her hand. She caressed the breast in her hand. She teased the nipple with her fingertip causing it to get hard. Marie sighed deeply as April played with her breast. Marie felt her pussy getting wet as April started kissing her neck. Marie had her hand on April's thigh and she moved it toward April's pussy. The closer she got the more April opened her legs to give her access. Marie gently ran her fingers up and down April's slit and she moaned into her neck. Marie circled her clit with her fingertip and April shifted in Marie's lap so that she could put her leg up on the arm of the swing and moved her knee outward opening her pussy to Marie's fingers. Marie's robe was now completely opened and the cool night air only heightened the sensitiveness of their bodies. Marie worked her fingers deeper into April's wet slit. Marie slid her fingers up and down feeling April getting wetter and wetter. Marie dipped a finger into April's pussy feeling the tightness. She pushed it up to her second knuckle and left it there a few seconds letting April get use to it. She then began to work it in and out. April moaned again and Marie started working more and more of her finger into April. Soon she felt a resistance and she realized that April was still a virgin. Marie eased her finger back out a bit, but kept fucking April with her finger. April clung on to Marie as she pushed back against Marie finger. Marie pressed her palm against April's clit and rubbed her as she continued to push her finger in and out of April. Soon Marie felt April's pussy walls tighten against her finger and she felt April have an orgasm. April moaned so loud that Marie was afraid that her neighbors would hear them and they lived a half mile away. April's girlcum spilled out over her fingers and onto her thighs. Marie held on to April until she came down from the high of her orgasm. April took Marie's hand and licked the girlcum from her fingers then got up and pulled Marie with her. April led her through the house and was taking her toward her bedroom but Marie stopped her. She figured if they were going to do this then they might as well sleep on her king size bed and not April's double. Marie thought of all the good times she and her husband had on that bed. Since he was gone now she might as

well share it with April.

April lay down on the bed and waited for Marie to hang up her robe and join her. Marie turned around and looked at April with the moonlight reflecting off her body not believing how much this young lady turned her on. Marie climbed between April's legs and lowered her mouth to her bare pussy. She began to lick the fresh cum off the outer labia; suddenly she was addicted to April's pussy juice. April let her lick a minute or two then pulled Marie up in the bed. Marie was afraid she was doing something wrong but April just kissed her then turned her over on her back. April got up on her hands and knees and moved around so that her pussy was over Marie's face and her own face was over Marie's. She pulled Marie's legs apart and started to lick her. Marie let her lick her pussy for a minute or two enjoying the sensation then she pulled a pillow under her head and began to lick April's pussy. Neither had ever done it this way before and it took them a while to get use to licking and being licked at the same time. Marie tried to concentrate on licking April's' pussy but when she felt April's mouth on her clit she had to stop and just enjoy. April would lick her clit until she came and then she would suck the girlcum out of her. When Marie recovered she would go to April's' clit and push and finger into her pussy and make April cum. She then felt April place a finger at the entrance of her pussy and slowly push it in. She knew she was not as tight as April was but if felt good to have something other her own fingers in her pussy again. April gently pushed her finger in and out as if she was afraid she would hurt her or something. Marie laid back and let April take her time as she explored her pussy. Marie could feel April move her finger all around the inside of her. Marie let her do this for a bit but then she told her to use a second finger. April slowly eased a second finger in and began to move the two fingers in and out of Marie's pussy. This filled her up a little more and she began to push back against April's fingers. This encouraged April to go faster and harder. They got into a rhythm and Marie moaned out April's name. April finger fucked her for about five minutes, when April's mouth found her clit Marie felt herself cumming again, and she cried out. Marie went back to licking April and fucking her with her finger. They brought each other to climax one more time before collapsing from exhaustion. They rested a minute then licked each other clean. April move back up on the bed and lay beside Marie. They kissed each other and fell to sleep.

Marie woke up first the next morning and looked over at April. She again wondered what she had gotten herself into but realized she had made her bed and now April was sleeping in it. She gave her a light kiss and got up to make some coffee. She smoked a cigarette while waiting for the coffee to brew. As she made her first cup of coffee, she felt April come up behind her wrapping her arms around her. Marie turned around to find April naked except for a pair of socks. Marie opened her robe, April came to her, and they hugged. The hug lasted for about five minutes as their naked bodies pressed against each other. April then lifted her head and kissed Marie. It was a good morning kiss at first but then April opened her mouth drawing Marie's mouth open. The kiss grew more and more passionate as their tongues touched. When it ended, April had Marie breathless. Before she knew what was happening April was kissing her nipples and taking them into her mouth while pushing the robe off Marie's shoulders.

"Oh God, do you ever stop?"

Marie heard April mumble "No" without ever taking the nipple out of her mouth. Marie cupped her hand behind April's head as she began to suck harder. Marie felt her pussy get moist as April continued to lick and suck. April moved to the other nipple licking and sucking on it getting it as hard as the other one. Marie moaned as she felt April's hands grasp her ass cheeks. April pulled and squeezed them causing Marie to get a little weak in the knees. April gave a kiss to each nipple before dropping down to her knees. Marie spread her feet apart as she felt April's tongue touch her clit. Marie had to grab onto the counter top as she felt April suck on her clit. April got her close to climax then stopped and moved to Marie's slit licking the juices she was causing. She buried her face into Marie's pussy, licked, and sucked in earnest. She would gently pull on Marie's pussy lips making Marie moan. She went back to licking the slit going from the bottom to the top giving Marie's clit a kiss and then starting again. Marie was torn between wanting April to draw it out as long as possible and wanting to cum. April chose to draw it out. She used her tongue to go as deep as possible into Marie's pussy as she moved her tongue up the slit. Finally, Marie could stand it no more and she cried out, "Please April, make me cum! I can't take it any more!!!!!" April put two fingers at the entrance of Marie's pussy and inserted them as deep as she could. She fucked Marie with her two fingers as her mouth found her clit. It only took a few strokes of her fingers and tongue to make Marie have a massive orgasm. Marie's pussy clamped down on April's fingers and she coated them with her girlcum. If it weren't for the fact that she was holding on to the counter top, Marie would have fallen to the floor. April kept her fingers inside Marie until the orgasm ended. She removed them licking the girlcum off them she proceeded to lick the girlcum from Marie's pussy and thighs where it had run down. Once she had Marie's pussy clean, she got up and took Marie into her arms and held her tight. It was a while before Marie could talk and what she said would sum up her relationship with April.

"You are the best thing that has happened to me since the day I met my late husband."

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