The Blue Unicorn

By Duncan Jules

Published on Dec 22, 2022


The Blue Unicorn Chapter 6

The usual warnings apply, the characters and events in this story are purely fictional representations and I do not imply that any celebrities mentioned partake in homosexual activities. All rights belong to the revelent parties.

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Barry -- 29, Brown hair, brown eyes, slim, 5' 8". He is the landlord of The Blue Unicorn has a wife(Catherine) and two boys aged 12(Bryan) and 14(Casper) Casper -- 14, Brown hair, lightning blue eyes, toned, 5'3. Son of Barry James -- 24, Black hair, brown eyes, 5' 11, clean shaven, slim, toned, 8" cock Michael Johnson -- CELEBRITY who plays Corey on Teen Wolf. William -- 14, slightly tanned lean, dark quiffed hair, 5' 7 Smithy -- 15, toned with light brown hair, spikey hair and blue eyes

17/12/16 => 21:00

I looked around the bar and smiled towards the Christmas Party that sat in front of me; it was the first time that I had seen them in the bar therefore I was working on a major charm offensive. The party was full of a university fraternity and all of the jocks was looking amazing.

"You look like you want to eat their nobs." James said smirking at me.

I was broken from the spell of the jocks as I looked over at James, "Another drink." I spoke as I poured his drink.

"I'm ok thank you." He replied as he stood up.

"Oh, I thought! Have it on the house." I said placing the drink down.

"You do know I have seen those videos of the week of tortures." He took a small sip of drink, "Was pretty hot. Here your ass is up for raffle."

Startled I walked over to him, "Shut up no one can find out."

"What do I get in return, maybe you should fix the raffle so I win." James said as he winked at me. I turned away from him, "I can promise you the best year of your life."

"How am I meant to fix it for you to win?" My cock began to twitch. "If I could I would when's the raffle?"

"Just palm my ticket and pick it out for the prize, I hear it's the cuddly toy well that's what it said on your Twitter feed." He looked constantly at my ass. "Me you in the function room in two minutes." James stood took one more sip from the drink I had given him. "I'll give you some inspiration to let me win."

I turned and looked at the Christmas Party and then I glanced down at my watch; scared, excited and horny I turned on the glass washer. "I have to pop to the cellar, any of you guys fancy a drink before I go." None of them so I re-arranged my cock in my jeans and slowly started to walk towards the function room.

As I entered I saw James stood naked his legs wide apart his cock swinging between his legs. "Strip and get on your knees."

I took another step in to ensure none of the jocks could see me, "Wow." I whispered peeling off my clothes.

He strode forward, "You best hurry wouldn't want your wife knowing you like to take cock."

Now as naked as James I rushed towards him leaning into him my lips cm's from his. "I need this."

He pushed my face away, "On your knees your lips have my cock to go on not my lips."

I dropped to my knees, placing my hand on his cock I lifted it into my mouth. Taking half his cock in my mouth I started moving forwards and backwards taking a few more inches of his cock. He moaned softly his eyes closed. Unable to deep throat all of his cock I remained sucking on just what I could manage. Suddenly he started pushing his cock deeper into my mouth I began to gag so he stopped and opened his eyes looking down he smiled, "You will learn."

This time he placed his hand behind the back of my head and thrusted his cock as deep in my mouth all the way to his balls. I placed my hand on to his legs and tried to push myself off him unable to take it. As I finally freed myself I felt sick drive up from my stomach and I threw up on the floor next to him. "How do people do it!"

"They learn or else they get punished." He said in a tone which made my cock jump and pre-cum start to drip."Looks like your cock wants to get punished."

"Please my wife is upstairs, let's not do anything that risks her hearing us." I look up before slowly wanking his hand with my right hand.

"So you want to stop do you?" He pushed my hand off his cock making my eyes go down his body and then to his cock.

"No, but yes can we not do it when she is out." I begged.

"You are going to be naked whenever I want do you understand that slut!" My cock jumped more pre-cum seeping out. "Do not pretend it isn't what you want!" I painfully felt my cock bouncing and leaking with every word. "What is my name?" He spoke dominantly.

"Ja..." I stopped as I felt his cock slap against my face. "Master." I quickly changed my answer.

"Good boy, now who are you going to make win you in the Christmas Raffle?" He slapped my face and then looked down at my rock hard cock above a puddle of pre-cum.

"You sir." I said just bowing my head to him.

"Best give you your prize before those lads need another drink." James roughly pulled my hair dragging me over a long table looking towards the door. "You ready I would try and keep quiet if I was you." My mind flashed back to the fact this was the same table that I had seen my son destroying Sam's ass just a few short weeks ago. I remembered hearing the noises and was so desperate to avoid alerting anyone else as I felt James cock at the entrance of my hole. "I'll be gentle baby." He spoke before pushing the head at the hole I was so relieved he was going gentle the pain was unbearable. Now breaking through the resistance of my hole he smirked placing his hands on either sides of my hip and pulled me straight balls deep and then he moved back so his bell end was just in my ass and he drove in faster and harder, "I hope you didn't believe I was gonna be soft on your ass. Bitch!"

I was crying out in agony wishing I could keep quiet I wouldn't have been surprised if the whole neighbourhood could hear me moaning and writhing in agony. "Stop!!!" I cried out at the top of my lungs. "Please oh fuck." I continued to moan.

As he kept the pace up moving in and out he added random slaps on my ass. He then go faster and meaner with his thrusts as my arse grew used to it. "Oh, you have a great ass."

"Please go softer." I said tears running from my eyes. In the limited time between thrusts I listened out for movement in the bar praying not to hear the sound of the door from upstairs opening but I swear I could hear it. James was in his element he had no cares in the world and his thick, hard and painfully long tool was destroying all my insides and I feared my marriage in the coming seconds. "Please someones coming." I begged the tears in my eyes now flooding and been unable to see now the table almost water logged.

"Mpppphhhh... Moan for me like the common whore you are." He said blissfully unaware of what I was saying or anything around us. "Tell me you want it. Tell me you crave it."

I smacked my head on the table just willing the ground to open up as my sense of hearing became stronger as my fear grew. I could definatly hear someone behind the bar surely they could hear me moaning I thought as I placed my fist into my mouth. The thrusts going deep in my ass just made me wish the ground would open up.

I felt his cock somehow seem to grow bigger in my ass as I felt it swelling. "Oh fuck.... Oh fuck...." He moaned as he did three final deep thrusts into my ass. He pulled out slapped my ass and than leaned over and whispered in my ear. "We are going to play a game, I will take all of your clothing and one by one a different man will come in and you will experience what it feels like to submit to men. Each one will test one of your boundarys."

I lay on the table exhausted as James moved from me getting dressed and picking up my clothes. I heard him walk straight behind the bar as I was unable to move I felt extremely empty it must have been a good minute before I dropped to the floor. Curling up in a ball on the floor I cried unable to contain my tears. It wasn't till I heard footsteps walking into the function room which smelt like a brothel I looked towards the and was shocked to see the guy who looked exactly like Michael Johnson who plays Corey in Teen Wolf.

My arse still in pain I crawled over to him I looked up and then towards his hands, "Your underwear and socks and all you have to do is follow some simple demands. Oh and it is to be filmed so I will be wearing this mask." He said firstly removing his t-shirt and then placing on a white mask. "Strip me with just your mouth and then without using your hands you must make me cum within ten minutes."

I looked up at him as he placed my clothes on the table and stood there. He lifted his left foot and glanced down at his watch. "Go." I wasted no time in wrapping my mouth around the heel of his slip on shoe and pulling it off their was just a brief moment of hesitation in taking off his black sock have then placed his left foot down and lifted his right foot, "I'm impressed." I copied the same movements for this foot and then I got onto my knees and undid the button on his trousers before trying desperately to undo his zip. Every second passed faster and faster as I began to desperately get my teeth around a belt loop and pull at his trousers. "One minute down." He said as my panic began to grow finally his trousers edged past his hip and then fell to the floor where I grabbed the end of each leg and pulled them leaving him just in his tight boxers and mask. Moving straight up his body willing myself on at the challenge in front of me my competitive nature now firmly in charge. Grabbing the expensive tight boxers with my mouth I pulled them down in one pull to reveal a good sized cock which was bigger than most I had seen. He again lifted both of his legs up to allow me to pull off his clothes and then he went and say on a chair and glanced down at his watch.

I crawled over to him looking up I asked, "How longs gone?"

"Shut up no talking. Lose one minute." I started to fear how long had gone now especially now I had been punished. I quickly placed my hands on the chair to steady myself until he pushed my hands off the chair just shaking his head. I then just leaned in and managed to get hold off his semi erect cock taking as much in as I could without gagging I went to work hungrily licking it. Then moving on to the balls and than back to the cock. I occasionally looked up to see his covered face just staring down at me. I now was desperately taking all of the cock as I felt the time passing. I looked at his hard cock and then I looked at his body. I placed a kiss on his body and he gave a soft moan. I moved away got to my feet and spread my legs over him. He looked at me as I lowered myself on to his cock my ass taking it as the previous cum acted as lube. In total lust mode as well as having a challenge my body had gone into overdrive I was raising and falling onto a cock in complete control of the pace and kissing his body getting sexual moan after sexual moan out of him. It still hurt my ass but his cock was already twitching so I speeded up moving up and down on his cock. Suddenly I was disturbed as I looked to the door and there was Casper smirking at me.

I froze unable to move our eyes must have been looking at each other for a while as I went back into the routine of moving up and down the cock knowing my son was watching me and the cock in me growing ready to add to the ever growing cum load in my ass I cried out, "Aghhhhhh." I felt my cum shoot out onto Michael and than I felt his cum unload in me.

"Clean me up now!" He said sternly with a smile on his face. As I kissed his stomach eating my cum I looked over my shoulder and Casper had gone. "Also my cock." I dropped to my knees and placed his cock in my mouth cleaning it. The taste was horrendeous after a few seconds he stood up and said while picking his clothes up, "You took to long but I will let you off. Have my card I sometimes need good entertainment for my parties." He dressed quietly placing his card and my boxers and socks on the table He then left silently with me taking the seat as cum dripped out my well used ass.

I looked towards the door again and Casper was back at the door, "Mum's gone to see her friend she left a few hours ago. I never really thought I would tap your ass but!" He said as he winked and walked away shouting out, "Michael wanna drink."

I blushed as a fat man walked in my cock shrunk into my body, "I err I think you have the wrong room." I said concerned.

"No I got told there was a naked man back here who would give me a little dance. Here go get dressed for your performance." He passed me a bag and I felt physically sick. I went behind a curtain and got dressed in the rip off clothes that was obviously wild western in design and a cowboy hat.

I was suddenly alerted by a women walking behind the curtain saying, "We are so glad you was willing to step in and let us have the stripper here for our party. We don't mind men watching you to. That's if your wife doesn't mind of course. Your son and your bar man both said it was fine."

I could feel the two loads of cum seeping out my ass I cleaned up as well as I could and clenched my cheeks to keep the rest in. I heard some music come on and I felt sick as I made my way out to where twenty people now sat including the fat guy his chubby friends and the lads who was at the Christmas Party. I slowly swung my hips to the tune as I walked around the crowd noticing Michael and Casper also there. Michael just winked at me as I clenched my cheeks tighter feeling some more dribbling out. I started off pulling off my top and throwing it at one of the ladies. Then trying to put on a good show so that people may not be looking at my assI ran my groin into one of the ladies face. The first moment I realised it was a mistake was when she placed her hands on the back of my leg extremely close to my ass and into a new streak of cum I had been unable to prevent escaping.

She winked at me as I scuttled back and started to pull down the trousers using them to clean a bit of the stream that was still coming out my ass. Ripping them off I was left in some cowboy boots, cowboy hat and a jock strap with Velcro sides. Suddenly hearing wolf whistles I realised it was almost over one more reveal and I would be able to go to the back. Pulling the hat off I ripped off the jock strap and throwing it into the crowd accidently landing them next to the fat guy who had gave me the clothes. Holding the hat over my groin I took a look at my son and Michael and my cock became erect enough to hang the hat there. I placed both hands abover my head and started to step backwards and as I was about to step behind the curtain I threw the hat into the crowd and took a bow. Before scuttling into a small amount of privacy.

As I turned there was stood James. "Good show you have earned all your clothes back. I was going to make your tongue bath the fat guy if you didn't put on a good enough show." As he passed me the clothes he added. "Tell me you didn't enjoy that." I just blushed, "You even got to ride a celebrity cock. If you want to have this much fun for the next year you know who has to win that swee...." He was about to finish as he tapped my butt,"...seeping butt wow your arse must love cum."

As I dressed I stepped out from the back of the curtain and went to walk behind the bar as the women who I had danced over walked over whispering in my ear, "Whose cum did I just put my hand in then? Tasted nice tho! I won't tell your wife."

I was shocked at the brashness of the women as I went behind the bar removing the glasses I had placed in the glass washer and letting them cool. Michael walked over to the bar, "You best not leave my card around again." He placed it on the bar as I picked it up and placed it into my pocket.

20/12/2016 => 00:30

As I lay there in bed naked next to my wife my arms rested behind my head. As she slept peacefully I looked out the window threw the small gap in the curtains. I could hear the shower in the distance which had been going on for about twenty minutes when Catherine stirred smiled at me and kissed me than whispered in my ear, "I love you."

Just kissing her back I responded, "Love you to. Just get some sleep." I ran my hand threw her hair; I slowly rolled out of the bed and smiled as my feet touched the floor. I glanced at my watch and than at my wife, "You're my everything." I said as I kissed her softly on her lips before grabbing a pair of tracksuit bottoms and pulling them up before slowly looking back to the bed and placing my hand on the door handle. Softly opening it I walked over towards bathroom door I knocked on the door and spoke, "Hey you OK?"

"Yeah, just couldn't sleep." Casper said from inside the shower threw the bathroom door.

"Same here. But busy day tomorrow." I paused a second, "Well today!"

"Can I have a word in a bit?" Casper asked as the water turned off.

"Yeah, pop some clothes on ill be in the bar." I walked away from the bathroom and headed to the bar where I sat on one of the bar stools. I picked up one of the beer mats and began to place it on the bar before flipping it in the air and catching it. I then placed two then three and four before Casper walked over to the bar stool. He was wearing just a pair of tracksuit bottoms, "Like Father, like Son I see."

"Yeah, something like that." Casper said taking seven beer mats and flipping them to catch them. "Can I ask you a question?"

Placing the beer mats on the bar I turned to face Casper and replied in a surprised tone, "Yeah anything."

"Do you like shagging with men." He had a more concerned look on his face than I remember seeing before.

"It's not like I enjoy it, it kinda is different." I try to put on a re-assuring tone.

"I guess what I am asking is Bryan, he is worried you will split up from Mum."

"No we won't we will be fine, but I will stop there is only so many times you don't get found out." I tapped my hand on the bar, "Is that everything cause I do love your Mum right." I stood and tapped Casper on his head and ruffled up his hair.

"So your never gonna suck a cock again. Not even lets say is someone flopped one out in front of you and you knew no one would find out." Casper grabbed a hold of my arm.

"I mean I don't know I do kinda lose control while I'm horny." I smiled to myself, "Doesn't everyone."

"When you need to cum, you need to cum." Casper said still holding on to my arm.

My cock twitched, "Stop tempting me!"

"I am not tempting you, am I." Casper added.

"Shut up and go to bed." I said moving away from Casper.

"You could always fulfill that lust when your not here. I wouldn't say anything." Casper now knowing he is playing with my sexual desires.

"Remember Michaels card, he offered you a way to keep it very discreet. It is much worst for them if they ever let it slip. We would also have some nice few trips abroad." Casper walked up behind me, "Think of all that celebrity cock in you." He placed his hand on my arm and continued to whisper, "You know that's what he meant, all you have to do now is fix the raffle. Fix it for a local customer and you put your marriage at risk." His breathing on my neck made me instantly hard, "Think I might get to fuck some A-Listers too."

"We will see just remember, your right under this roof it is to risky." I went to step away but he kept a hold of me. "Please let go."

"I haven't had a wank all day and so maybe I don't want to." With every word my cock flexed up. "So maybe I won't let you go."

"I just wish you would... I oh so would." I said growing more and more horny.

As he pushed me away, "To risky here Dad and isn't it wrong like incest."

With that a ran up the steps and straight into my bedroom. Taking off by tracksuit bottoms I climbed into bed nestling up to Caroline.

21/12/2016 => 21:00

As I slipped on my shorts for my one and only evening run I usually run when the pub was closed but I had the evening off because the wife was behind the bar I looked in the mirror just in shorts socks and trainers and made a mental note that I must shave my chest before I slipped on quiet a tight fitting t-shirt. I attached my phone inside the packaging on the arm strap and attached it to my arm and headed out of my bedroom peaking in to my sons rooms a little unhappy that Casper was not in but relieved that he could not use the sexual control over me that he knew he had.

Headed out the pub I headed up the mountain and then I was soon headed back down when I heard some noise in a back alley I slowed down and noticed three youths drinking and smoking. The two facing me seemed vaguely familiar. Not knowing if I should open my mouth the one looking away from me took a drag from his spliff and a sip of drink and turned towards me. As our eyes met, Casper, that you?" Dropped out my mouth.

He looked at me in a vile disgusting way of pure hatred, "Jog on old man."

I knew it was him so I started walking to him slowly, "Casper, seriously are you OK?" I took another step, "Come on home you had enough to drink." I stepped closer again now just five meters apart. "Come on son."

"Look at you pretending your all perfect and never get drunk or stoned,." He spat on the floor.

"I hate drugs and have never been stoned." I replied taking a step forward, "It's ok tho. I know you don't mean what your saying, just come home with me."

He placed his hand on his leather belt as he continued to slur, "So your a pussy and a puff then." He stepped towards me now in my face.

"Look son this isn't you, you are polite and loving and would never do this sober." I placed my hand out and placed it on his arm. "Look just come home where I know you will be safe."

As he hucked back a massive spit he spat on me, "Get your hands off me puff." I removed my hand as he continued, "Thats a good boy now turn around and leave before someone gets hurt." He took another drag from his spliff.

I placed my hand on him again as I said softly, "Please, just come home we can talk about this in the morning."

As he took a drag he looked at me before looking at my hand, "No."

I turned took a few steps from him and looked at him getting mad at his lack of respect, "OK then stay out, for every minute longer your out its another day your grounded for."

As I turned and headed for the exit of the alley I felt him grab me twisting my arm around my back and running me into the wall before snarling into my ear, "You think your the man of the house." He then looked at his mates and called go get e something to tie this puff up with." He waited a few seconds before shouting at them, "Now!" They scuttled off and jumped a nearby garden fence as he snarled again into my ear, "I am going to teach you some respect. I am going to teach you never to tell me what to do again."

"Please Casper this isn't you." I begged as he released some of his grip I managed to free my arm so I side stepped and stood face on, "We don't have to talk about this again if you come home now." As I finished my sentence he swung his knee into my balls and I dropped to the floor in seconds. "Please."

"Please nothing Dad, I suggest you strip for me now before I beat you and rip your clothes off that pathetic body." He spat on me undoing his belt.

I started to crawl into the street when he grabbed my leg and pulled me back into the dark alley. "Please let me go." I begged my body in pure shock. It was then I felt the air and then the full force of a kick into my stomach making me hit the wall as I was sent rolling on to my back. He took a hold of my shirt and ripped it off before pulling his belt out of the loops of his jeans. "Please if you let me go now I won't get the police involved please Casp."

It was then that lashing after lashing from his belt hit my stomach, "Never call me that. You are not my friend." I rolled onto my stomach after one of the belt hits found my nipple which felt like agony. Yet he continued on my back one after another till he asked, "Take your shorts off and get on your knees." I paused and hesitated so he hit me again, "Now!" Feeling the bruises forming and blood from a few of the hits I complied, "Looking at the wall." He added as he smashed the belt into my pecks. It was at that point naked other than socks and trainers I fell to the floor and slowly clambered to my knees and faced the wall wondering yet relieved to why he had stopped I dare not look round. Seconds later I heard Casper slur to his two friends, "Tie his hands behind his back." It was then I received the most vicious of the blows on the back of my shoulders.

"For god sake son please stop this." I cried out as I felt my hands getting tied behind my back, "Think guys, please."

As they sniggered I looked down at my chest the marks undeniable the control style he was using was brutal as he slurred, "Pick him up." As they pulled me to my feet and held me there I felt more lashes from the belt attacking the back of my legs. After what seemed every inch of the back of my body had been whipped he demanded his friends turned me round. "Look at that pathetic cock." With that his belt smashed into it and then my balls I felt my legs buckle yet Caspers friends held me up. "Bend the bitch over."

As he undid his jeans and dropped his boxers and jeans to the floor my arse was presented to him, "Please do not let him do this. Please!" Suddenly Casper drove his cock balls deep in to my ass my tenderised ass taking a pounding going in and out each time his midrift hit my body.

"Oh you are so tight." Casper rolled his head back as he thrust his long hard rod deeper and more rougher than I ever knew possible. He stopped for a brief second before he slowly this time to push deep into me hitting my arse he placed his hands on my sides and he slowly continued, "Get me a drink." As his mates let me go I remained bent over my head buried into the ground, my cock soft and shrivelled up. He rocked me on to his cock as he groaned taking a sip from a can he had just been given. He placed the can on my back and sneered, "Don't let it fall or else." He placed his hand in my hair and and rocked deep in me, "Whose the Daddy." He said laughing at me before picking up his drink and sipping it. He took a handful of my hair and lifted my head up as I stared at the wall tears in my eyes. "I hear he sucks cock well give him a go."

With that one of the lads a slightly tanned lean lad who had dark quiffed hair pulled down his jeans and placed his cock in front of my face. "Your doing this to your own father, that's pretty fucked up."

Casper looked at him still rolling in and out of my arse my hands still tied behind my back his can resting on my back, "William, just stick your willy in his mouth." He giggled as he leant forward taking a spliff out of Williams left hand and taking a drag before handing it back.

William slipped his cock into my mouth as I reluctantly began to suck it, as the rhythm of both of the cocks moving in and out rocking forward and back concentrating on trying to ensure I wouldn't be punished by my own drunk violent son. I moved my hands to hold the can before they was slapped away before having my hair yanked again. I moved my eyes around as I noticed William recording it on his iPhone. William called over to the third lad, "Smithy take my phone I need a keepsake." The third guy another young lad in his teens who was equally as toned with light brown hair and blue eyes. He continued to aim the iPhone at me taking teen cock from both sides. "You must use these holes all the time."

Casper picked up the can and took a sip as he placed it back on my back he rammed his cock in hard and deep I shuddered, "All the time." The can fell from my back as he slipped his cock in me, "You dropped my drink, are you stupid." Smithy walked further from us filming everyone in the fast action as Casper was now ramming deeper and harder into me going back to the pace and ferocity that he started with. "I'm gonna breed your slut hole, your man pussy and my play toy." His panting continued to grow, "I'm breeding you."

He began to shudder as rammed into me wanting to cause harm, "No more I cannot take it." I moaned as his cock unloaded in my ass. Five or six spurts of cum filled my hole, my man pussy took all the cum in willingly.

Leaving his cock in me he high-fived William before he placed both hands on his hips, "Here comes the punishment." With that I felt more warm liquid filling my ass as he sigh. William slipped his cock in my mouth as Casper pulled out my leaking ass. "Maybe we should have some more fun, Smithy you want to have a go?"

Smithy shook his head as William pulled out of my mouth and tapped my ass with his hand, "This is ruined." I looked over to Smithy as he filmed me as I felt Williams cock begin to press against my hole, "Don't worry I won't hurt you." William said pushing into me his cock slowly slipping deeper into me his hands slipped round to my cock. He started to stroke it as he pushed in and out at a gentle pace. "Feel free to tell me you love it." He spoke softly as his balls moved against my ass. He pulled it back to just the head as he than slipped in me again as he stroked my now hardening cock. "Oh you are loving it."

Casper was stood behind Smithy now with a new can drinking now fully dressed.

William pulled all the way out my ass as he slowly pushed in again as I moaned as he hit the right spot, my cock jumped now semi hard and feeling all the more horny forgetting about the whipping I had received earlier I rocked back and forward on the cock. "I'm gonna have to tap this more often, will have to come over some time and blow my load in you." He run his left hand through my hair as his right was still stroking my cock. "Would you like that."

I could not answer I kept my mouth shut so I couldn't moan or allow anyone to know how much my arse was loving the soft gentle pace. Suddenly as my cock grew fully erect he pulled his cock out and rammed it back in hard and fast.

The next thrust was slow and careful then the next completely different than the previous two he was blowing my mind with his technique not knowing what to expect next. "Oh your good, fuck yes." I let out unable to control it.

"Your Dad likes it!" William said calling over to Casper as he moved in slowly this time. "Some may even say loves it." He pulled out and then he drove in harder and deeper as he said the word love. "I don't know how he kept you quiet for so long, anyone would want this."

I mumbled, "Please sir breed me." I paused, "I need your baby makers."

He stopped stroking my hard cock as it had started to leak pre-cum and run his hand down my back where my son had whipped me as he rocked in and out. "Good boy, how do you like your cock?" William said as he started to stick to a faster speed as he slipped in and out. I looked over my shoulder as he pulled off his shirt to reveal a toned body and he placed it onto the floor. He took both of his hands and placed them on my hips as he moved in and out keeping up the now speeded up pace.

I moaned louder than I would want, "I'm gonna fuck, oh im gonna, oh please, oh god yes..." The babble came out my mouth as ropes of cum came out my cock and on to the floor. My ass tightened around Williams cock and I felt his cock begin to pulse and with one last balls deep thrust he emptied his load deep in my ass.

William patted me on my ass as he pulled out his cock and smiled at me. "You best get going home before I want round two." He pulled up his trousers and placed back on his top before throwing me my shorts. He walked over to the trash cans before I could get dressed and threw me his jacket. "Should cover up those marks for your walk home." As I placed it on I looked over at Casper who was just throwing another can in the bin as William spoke, "Get out of here cause next time me and Casp will both be in that ass at the same time."

As I did up the jacket which was slightly to small I walked out the alley my ass abused cum and piss leaking from my hole. Deep in my mind knowing Casper was out of control when he was drunk.

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