The Blue Unicorn

By Duncan Jules

Published on Nov 18, 2023


The Blue Unicorn

Barry -- 29, Brown hair, brown eyes, slim, 5' 8". He is the landlord of The Blue Unicorn has a wife(Catherine) and two boys aged 12(Bryan) and 14(Casper) = Tight black trousers and white shirt and black tie

Casper -- 14, Brown hair, lightning blue eyes, toned, 5'3. Son of Barry = Tight black trousers, white shirt, black tie

Bryan -- 12, Black hair, son on Barry = Black trousers, white shirt, black tie

The usual warnings apply, the characters and events in this story are purely fictional representations and I do not imply that any celebrities mentioned partake in homosexual activities. All rights belong to the revelent parties.

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06:00 => 27/11/16

I awoke with a jolt as my phone went off, I quickly jumped to my phone naked and picked it up. I looked at the screen to find out who was callin=0=0=0g as I feared that it must be bad news as I looked down at my wife laid naked next to me where we had sex the previous night. I the number came through as withdrawn so I left the room to answer it. Before I could say hello a voice came over the phone in a very mechanical tone not unlike the Microsoft voice, "You failed again yesterday report to the bag now. No balls was allowed to be on the floor."

I cursed as I run into the bedroom pulled on my tight trousers from yesterday and through the shirt on I was due to wear today. Grabbing my keys and phone I scuttled out the pub and straight to the venue of my recent abuse.

This morning felt different, it felt like it was going to be worst. I feared I was about to be jumped by thugs as I went in to the building. This time there was a laptop on a table to the left. The same electronical voice triggered as I stood in front of it, "Strip go out to the front garden and sit on the small dildo. Then place your blindfold on. Come back when the alarm sounds."

I looked around removing my clothes placing them on the table taking the only item in the bag which was a blindfold I headed to the front opening the door to a wide open visible garden. I dropped to the floor and painfully sat on the small dildo that must have been around six inches long as it went all the way in I gasped in pain, "Aghhhhh" I placed on the blindfold and remained there sat on the dildo my arse moulding around it.

My hearing now hyper sensitive as I heard movement in the bushes. Moving my head round wishing I was not blindfolded and able to see. Knowing that for some reason they knew I had broke the rules before I dare not remove the blindfold. It couldn't have been that long in truth when I heard the alarm go off and I swiftly stood removed the blindfold and looked around. I walked smartly back into the main room and directly to the laptop where the voice bellowed out again. "Now, go to the bag and write slut on your forehead, slave on your chest and @BS18101987. The pen is in the bag as is something to help illuminate the situation. Remember you must keep your blindfold on unless you want all the locals to know."

Realising I was not alone, I bent over picking the pen up out of the bag and wrote everything as I had been instructed on myself before I removed the three various sized candles out of the bag lighting them placing them on the floor. Getting on to my knees I remained there before placing on the blindfold. It was then I was sure I could hear foot prints I removed my hands from my head as the voice from the laptop echoed around the room. "Leave your hands there!" I stopped left my hands there scared my cock jumped. It was then that I felt someone breathe on my neck and there hands begin to touch the candles. My cock went straight to erect. I felt what must have been the smallest candle placed under my cock. Not wanting to break the rules and move I kept willing my cock to stay hard to avoid it falling into the flame. As I was felt the person leave I relaxed but kept thinking of the most filthy thoughts the first that jumped to my mind was when I was watching Brinn fucking his boyfriend and that kept my cock hard. Suddenly the laptop spoke again, "I wonder what your thinking to keep yourself away from that flame." I kept playing the scene in my head about what I had seen the previous day. "Why don't we help you and let you listen to your wife."

Refusing to speak I closed my eyes as I thought about her and my cock went slightly limper as it nearly touched the candle my mind jumped straight back to toned men which saved me from burning my cock on the candles flame.

"Struggling don't worry the alarm goes off in five minutes." I felt like I was about to cry as I heard them playing my wifes voice to me. I felt my cock getting limper I felt the heat of the candle on my cock.

"Please stop!" I screamed as the heat got to my cock.

The playback of my wifes voice stopped and was replaced by an obvious recording of about a week ago with my sons voice saying, "Just wanted to know that I could have you whenever I wanted. Seems like I could you cannot take your eyes off my cock." I listened and relaxed and let my body take control of me. My cock happily went harder I breathed a sigh of relief as I relaxed thanking the fact I was not burning my cock.

Happily four minutes later the alarm went off I quickly jumped to my feet, removed the blindfold and looked at the bag which had more items in so that I knew my torture was not over yet. I went to the bag as the laptop said, "Same rules apply use what is in the bag." I opened the bag and then I pulled out a bottle full of a white substance written on the label was, 'Over the head or in the mouth your choice. No blindfold!'

I couldn't believe my cocks reaction as it flicked up, I gave a slight moan of what could only be called pleasure or maybe even lust. I went and sat down on the floor placing the blindfold next to me I opened the bottle and then I looked around lifted the open bottle to my nose and smelt it. It smelt horrid, I began to feel sick. I lifted it over my head and began to pour it before I stopped thinking of how I would explain the stench when I got home. I put it on the floor and looked at myself with all the writing on me.

I then lifted the bottle to my lips and took a small sip but immediately regretted it and felt the urge to spit it out. Swallowing the very small amount I had taken I looked at the candles and then at my now very soft cock the taste had drove me to almost shrivel up.

If I had been blindfolded this would have been easier of that I was sure. Suddenly the voice from the mechanical voice from the laptop called out, "Do it now!" Stunned I stared at the bottle and then around at, my body and then I heard the Countdown clock. I took a swig and the gaggin and sick feeling came back.

I felt vile time seemed to be going so quick the clock started to speed up with its ticks holding my nose I prepared to down it. I counted down in my head and then put the bottle to my lips as the countdown clock was seconds from finishing I realised it was now or never.

Closing my eyes I lifted the bottle to my mouth tipped it back slightly before shouting out loud, "Fuck It!" I pulled the bottle up over my head and tipped the filthy cum all over myself. The stench was horrible. I felt defeated. Not even knowing why I was still even here.

I stood threw the bottle on the floor and looked at the Laptop where a message appeared, 'Good Boy, you peaked at 1,724 viewers. There's a shower upstairs.'

I didn't know what to say or do. All I knew is that I could not go home like this so headed into the shower. It was a shower in the most basic of terms it was a hose coming in through the window. I pressed the end of the hose and pushed in the lever. The cold water sprayed over me I let go of the end of the hose the water stopped. I shuddered with extreme cold water dripping down me. I took a deep breathe in and sprayed the water over me again shivering and shaking. Taking it been unable to let go as not wanting to make this last any longer. Stopping for a brief second I rubbed the writing off me as I then took one more brief spell of extremely cold water all over my body. Sniffing up I could still smell cum on me but it wasn't as bad and I could always get some deodorant from the shop. I walked down dripping wet and naked to my clothes. I placed on my clothes and looked at the time on my phone. I had spent the last two hours here somehow I could not believe it as I scuttled out the door.

Going out in the cold winter air still soaking wet from extreme cold water I walked at a march to the shop as I got a notification from my phone from Twitter. I had never installed Twitter so in my wet, cold and smelly state I opened it and there was a profile of someone who was obviously me. The image was that of me blindfolded naked outside on my knees from earlier today with writing on me. I noticed the extra followers it said I had received and the fact I was now on 45 followers. I didn't know whether to be glad it wasn't in it's thousands saying that was the mount of devices attached to my most recent degrading and abused state.

I stopped as I noticed on the media I had apparently added was images I had sent to my wifes phone while I was away a few months early. I looked around unable to contemplate how anyone other than me or my wife had got these and fortunately I had reached the local shop where Ahmed worked he always smiled at me. Earlier this year his wife had passed away yet he always seemed able to raise a smile. He sniffed up as I walked in and didn't say a word, I kept looking at the ground.

As he scanned it and I paid he said calmly, "You missed a bit on your right ear."

I went bright red before wiping it with my hand and then I realised I had no where to wipe my hand so I quickly made my way embarrassed out of the shop. I quickly rubbed my hand on the grass and then my phone vibrated again. I sprayed myself using nearly the full spray and then checked my phone it was a message on Twitter. I opened it and then I read the message in my head, 'One years service then you are free. Your date of service starts 1/1/17.'

I felt horrid how could I lead a double life for over a year. My mind was already changing and the challenge with the candles was proving that I had begun to look at men to keep me erect from time to time.

Upon reaching home I went straight into the shower washing myself down I was just relieved to be having a warm shower.

Next: Chapter 6

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