The Blue Pill Experiment

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Dec 23, 2022


The Blue Pill Experiment Part 2 By Chaim

I hated seeing teenage boys having trouble having a good sex life. I cared about them and saw it as my duty to develop a new drug that would help those guys open up to anything.

I knew my medical skills would change their world and help them develop into fine young men. Jan responded to our advertisement and wanted to participate in this experiment. He knew it was about sex, and I helped him realize that, like all boys his age, he had a gay side that needed to be explored. I knew guys like Jan needed two things to develop: discipline and sex, and I was the one who was going to teach him these things, especially sex. My new pill could be an important tool in this.

The story develops slowly, experiments are not that simple and it was a lot of work to fix Jan up properly.

The Blue Pill

I took a small plastic bottle of blue pills from the cabinet. Popping the lid open, he took one pill out.

"This pill is going to make your cock rock hard,"

I told Jan, showing the blue pill to him. Leaning over, he brought it to the teen's mouth.

"Now, be a good boy and gulp it down."

Obediently, Jan opened his mouth and let me drop the pill inside. I gave him some water, and Jan gulped the pink pill down his throat. As soon as the pill was swallowed, it slid its way down his throat.

"Does this pill really work, Sir?"

Jan asked, not being able to restrain his curiosity.

"I mean, I'm freezing here, my dick shrivels like a dried leaf. Can your pill really change that?"

Jan sounded as if he did not believe in the effect of my pill. I explained to him,

"The Blue pill allows the blood vessels to relax and expand, leading to the increase of blood flowing into your dick. Believe me, it is different and ten times stronger than any other drug and removes all further inhibitions. It has no side effects as far as we know."

Lying on the cold examination table, Jan waited impatiently for the drug to affect his body. No words were spoken during the waiting. I kept my eyes on the clock. Suddenly, Jan started to complain,

"Sir, it's getting so hot here."

True to his words, sweat beaded up Jan's broad torso. As the sweat drops grew larger, they flowed down the side of his body.

"Shit! What's happening? I'm burning up suddenly."

The Blue drug worked, and not surprisingly, the warmth coursed through his body and down his dick. Slowly, Jan's dick hardened. Jan's dick grew in slow motion, just enough to get him hard, horny and to weaken his defenses. It was not for the first time in his life Jan's dick was getting hard in front of another man but the thrill this was giving him, made him confused. It made it hard for him to focus. Something inside of him was hit and his muscular frame shuddered as if struck by an electrical shock. He panted,

"Wow doc, it really works. My dick I'm having a hard-on!"

Jan spoke excitedly and I nodded.

I felt great satisfaction. Turning to the machine, I checked for any abnormal vital signs, there were none. Turning back to Jan's hard dick, I noticed Jan's erection was as hard as steel and his dick got thicker, and the cock ring grew tighter. I smiled happy.

"Great! The blue drug works well on your dick. It proves that even the cold is not an obstacle to get a hard on,"

I was quite impressed. I wrote down all the details of the experiment on my laptop, while I left him on the examination table with his aching hard-on. After finishing my notes, I walked up to Jan. Without any hesitation, I rubbed his throbbing dick to feel how hard it was.

"I feel that your dick is throbbing hard. The Blue drug is indeed created a full erection. There is more to it, the drug can also help to get multiple orgasms. We're gonna test how many times you can squirt out your cum."

I saw his face, the idea of multiple orgasms without resting sounded very exciting to him. Eagerly, he nodded his head.

"Yeah, Sir. Let's test it."

I asked him, "You're horny?"

Jan blushed, "Yes Sir, the drug indeed made me horny, if my hands hadn't been cuffed, I would have liked to jerk my cock to orgasm."

I smiled at down him, eager little fucker. I squeezed his dick,


"Yes Sir, just look at my dick. It never stops throbbing."

Jan lifted his head and looked down at his own boner. The dick glared back at him as it throbbed without being touched. The piss slit, slightly open, was like an eye that stared right to us. A minute had passed but I didn't start the next test. Jan got impatient, and I stepped back and grinned.

"Somehow, you look like an eager little puppy needing a game."

Jan didn't care, he begged,

"I'm so fucking horny, Sir. Please do something. My boner is killing me,"

Jan groaned, laying his head back on the cold table.

"I really need to cum. I must give me release an orgasm. I can't take it anymore."

Squirming helplessly, Jan tried in vain to free his hands from the cuffs. "Oh please! Stroke my cock. Make me cum, please."

I looked at him and decided not to do anything. Standing by the bed, I looked down on Jan's helpless body.

"You're a handsome young teen, Jan. I like your athletic body very much,"

I ran my hand over Jan's sweating body. Carefully, I detached the electrodes one by one. As each electrode was being pulled out, I knew it felt like his skin was being sucked away. I said softly,

"Yes, I like you very much, you are a sexual very attractive boy."

Upon hearing the word sexual, Jan froze, but I smiled and told him,

"I chose you to test my new Blue pill because I want to fuck you."

Jan tried to remain calm and polite,

"Well, I'm flattered Sir, but I'm not that way."

I added some pressure on him,

"What way, Jan? Surely you do not deny yourself pleasure, and you were enjoying what I was doing. I could tell." Jan smiled, "Look doctor, I told you I'm flattered. I really am, but I'm just not gay and not get fucked."

I smiled, "Well, well, we will see what will happen. I know that you are straight, but I don't care. My Blue pill will change your mind very soon,"

I grinned as I saw the shocked expression on his face and finally detached the last electrode. Massaging the teen's athletic pectorals, I ran my hands all over his chest.

"Oh boy, your body is so muscular, but you are still so young. I like handsome teens with a firm bubble butt, Jan."

I reached down and groped his dick-head. As I touched the knob, Jan flinched and whimpered. To my pleasure, my own cock throbbed and finally oozed out its first pre-cum. I stepped up, nearly too horny to wait. I wanted his ass and knew my rigid cock would slide deep in Jan's virgin boy hole. I was only too ready to fuck him. I would display my raw sexual power fucking his young muscled butt vigorously. Holy fucking shit! In an instant I forgot everything, I wanted to kiss him, play with his virgin asshole, groping this hard dick as I entered him.

Boys like Jan never really knew they were missing.

Jan's spit-lubed his boy hole, maneuvered in the right position so he could fuck himself into my shaft, would be the best, but whatever position, I had no objections.

Jan would love my cock stretching his pucker and shout out his slutty pleasure at the feel of my throbbing cock, shooting ropes of cum up his fuck tube.

I had to wait, it was too early.

I was up to my task. With a determined look in my eyes, I looked at Jan, a young man, who I would open and fed him with deep, satisfying thrusts. "Oh yes, I'm horny and ready for you."

Jan looked up at me with a hopeless smile, almost as this was more than he could process. He shivered and I shrugged, it didn't matter if he understood. The Blue Pill would remove all preconceived impediments in him.

"I see that you're very horny, boy. This special drug will drive you insane with pent-up lust, unless I help you out."

Jan leaned forward but the ropes held him in place. The teen rocked back and forth, struggled against the bonds holding him in place. I had tied him up securely, and I knew he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Unable to do anything else, Jan clenched my fists in humiliation and fear.

"Yeah, you will like it," I glided my hand across his muscular chest to pinch an exposed nipple. Jan eyes flew open and he groaned in protest. Sweat started to drip off his forehead. I studied him, calculate my probabilities, gauge his mood. I knew intuitively the truth. Jan needed this and he had to let it happen, but he felt very insecure about what's to come.

My hand moved to his stomach, slowly moved up and over his left nipple, his nipple became big and hard. After the left nipple, I visited the right and very soon it's tight and hard and bulging too. With my finger tip I rubbed that nipple and without being able to do anything about it his body trembled and he moaned softly. My hand returned to the left nipple and Jan remained immobile, unable to move I was finding out how he reacted on the blue drug in combination to my teasing. This was just a gentle and soft start. I determined everything and took possession and used now two fingers, and took firm grip on both his nipples. Another deep moan escaped from Jan's lips and saw a rush of horniness as it went through his body. Jan's eyes went uncontrollably to the ceiling at this new and harder sensation.

I gave him a moment of rest. Jan was helpless, horny and surrendered to me at the same time, his head moved adrift with the intensity of the squeezing of my fingers. I played with his vulnerable and powerless body like an instrument by working those buttons.

Meanwhile I studied his reactions. He read his pain, his pleasure, his horniness, his dependence, and even his sluttiness. He really have become an object, an instrument in my hands. I was time to wake him up, to tell him the truth.

"Oh boy, you know, I like be a little dominant, that's me. I like to take sweet boys and turning them into good bottom boys. I love to fuck them,

nothing hornier than a tight virgin ass. I always give them a second go anyway, making sure a boy understands the impact of being fucked. You will be my willing bottom, Jan, my fuckboy, you little firm butt belongs to me. You are not only getting fucked like a whore, but you will love every minute of it like a total bitch."

Jan shuddered. I was sure he imagined I was touching him everywhere, my fingers grazing over his skin to elicit pleasures heretofore unknown to him. Jan actually made a soft audible groaning sound as he clearly imagined my cock in his boy pussy. Jan groaned again as he imagined my rigid cock filling his tight ass with my man cum. Jan's erection throbbed, and I saw the wetness of his oozing precum.

Jan dragged himself back to reality, slightly stunned by the strong desire I felt for me. I thought of how far I might push him, and at how much I would enjoy it. The poor teen could only imagine where this was going, but he was helpless to do anything about it. Using all his physical strength, he vainly tried to break the cuffs.

All I could think about was how I could give him maximum pleasure by fucking him, so that he would writhe and wriggle despite himself, despite his objections, and beg me for more. I had him completely under my control, this young eager stud, and soon he would be whimpering like a puppy.

"Oh fuck, you are insane!" Jan cursed, kicking wildly. I pinched his nipple again, but much harder, "Fuck you!"

Jan yelled and screamed, but all the hard struggle brought nothing but exhaustion. Suddenly, Jan realized that there was nothing he could do to break free.

"Let me go! This is insane, and you know it." Jan flexed his biceps. Instantly, his pecs also contracted. Jan's nipples looked more pointy as the pecs where they rested on suddenly bulged up.

"Release me now!"

I ignored all and told him calmly, "If you want my help, stop your childish act. The more emotional you become, the faster the drug will work."

Jan groaned in frustration, he was lost but not broken.

"I must warn you, this drug is the best there is. It was designed to last for approximately 24 hours. So, any guy who takes it will have a raging hard-on and insatiable lust for at least a day."

I dropped my coat and unbuttoned my shirt. I was in a hurry to get out of my clothes, it was time for sex.

One by one, my clothes dropped down to the floor. A minute later, I stood in front of Jan in my black boxershorts. Jan thought he was a really straight macho dude, who would never even look at another guy's naked body, let alone touched a cock. He looked at the outline of my cock. I pulled my cock out real slow, and played with it just enough to get it dripping. "Look what you did to me."

Jan watched me, he tried to pretend he was not looking, but he couldn't take his eyes off my cock, he was impressed. Jan's eyes closed his eyes, and he couldn't not look at it. Jan flinched as I said,

"This is what I really wanted to show you, open your fucking eyes, boy."

I stepped back so he could see my cock really good, and Jan's jaw dropped. He's so awed by the dripping cock I was waving at him. I stepped closer to the young stud, challenged him,

"What looking at, Jan?" I asked, as I shook my cock rapidly above his face and my pre-cum hit his nose and mouth. I grinned as I saw Jan's head tried to move away. He seemed disgusted at the idea of feeling or tasting my cum. I was really loving the situation I had set up, because any decision Jan could take would still result in a good fuck. Jan just lay there, transfixed, unable to move or speak, he's never seen anything like this. In my experience, young faggots who still thought they were straight deep inside knew they wanted to be a fucked by a real man. They didn't really understood what it was to be fucked. They weren't actually ready for the real thing. Young queers like Jan usually needed to go through a variety of sexual and psychological stages before they were ready for a true fucking. Jan was for sure of one of these young, inexperienced faggots. He would be crying for mercy before he could say he never had understood what entailed it took to be a bitch.

Yet, although Jan claimed to be young and straight and inexperienced, he was excited and he longed for my cock. Something that made me think that this eager-sounding young faggot was be very suitable for me and the intense and live-changing tests that were my specialty.

I knew Jan wanted to touch my cock, he was desperate to know what it felt like to wrap his hands around a real man cock. I looked between his outstretched legs, Jan's teen balls were roiling in their sac, swelling with cum, churning with lust for my beautiful man cock I was offering him.

"You like my cock?" I asked, "You want to feel it, don't you?"

Jan nodded slightly, unable to stop himself, he had never done such a thing, would die rather than do something so queer. Now he couldn't help it, the temptation was huge. Jan looked up at me and I noticed he was really unsure, "I don't know... I mean... I never...", he stammered, "I have never done such a thing, it's queer. I don't know..."

Jan only knew you were supposed to be a man and men did fuck girls. Nothing more, nothing less. Deep inside he wanted me to take care of things, I had to tell him what to do, he wanted to it but was frightened, because he had no experience, and he didn't know what to expect. Jan didn't know if he would be able to do such things. Gay sex was a mystery to him. He wasn't prepared for this, but he longed for my cock. He needed someone much older, wiser and with a lot of experience to show him the way. I stepped back,

"Like to see my body, Jan?" Jan's eyes hot wide as he looked at me, and I asked again, "Are you amazed to see my body, Jan?"

I smiled, dropped my boxershorts to the floor and stepped out of them. I showed him naked body my naked body and deliberately flexed my muscles. Jan ran his eyes down my body. My cock didn't stop throbbing as I knew that I would soon drill Jan's ass. Glistening, my cock-head was coated by a layer of pre-cum, my heavy balls were hanging under my crotch. Jan suddenly lost the will to fight. He realized that what I said was quite true. The heat produced by his body continued to build up as more sweat escaped his body pores. The cold examination table where he lay on was flooded with his sweat!

"Oh fuck! This drug is killing me, Sir. I'm so horny that I feel my cock is gonna burst."

The cock ring only added to his suffering, it was choking his shaft. Jan have no choice, and we both knew it. Jan was so scared, so unbelievably afraid what might happen, when his own strategy for getting an orgasm, didn't work anymore. He was wanting something more and more, something what a girl simply couldn't give him, but he absolutely fucking dreaded it. I knew his line of thoughts, yes his doctor was gay. It was okay to cooperate, this was an experiment, he was a test subject and he could finally admit it to himself he liked it. Okay, it was gay to be touched by another man, this doctor, it was gay to admire his cock, but there was no way in the world that he could ever admit this to anyone else. No fucking way!

Being with a girl, yeah, the sex had been great, he had to admit that too, but it wasn't what he wanted, what he craved. Jan was a macho, he hated to admit his defeat.

I waited, the blue drug was awesome and worked superb. Soon Jan yelled,

"Oh! Fuck!" as the lust growing in him became unbearable.

"Okay, you win, Sir! You win!"

Jan knew deep inside that he would be fucked against his will but he had no other choice. I smiled as Jan groaned in despair, he was slowly accepting his defeat. The urge to cry bubbled up inside him, but he suppressed it. Jan swallowed, he wanted to show me he was strong enough to take this.

"Please help me, Sir! Release my cum! I'm so horny," he begged desperately. "Please! I beg you, do something!"

Both of his eyes were staring helplessly at me. I smiled as I had managed to subdue this cocky boy.

"Good boy, that's what I want from you. Your total submission to me."

Shamelessly, I grabbed my own erect dick. Stroking it in front of Jan as I continued,

"Oh Jan, there is so much to learn. Accept the need to cum, I might say that it will be almost intolerable. I will give you a sense of its intensity as you are cumming the first time. You worship me, surrendering to it. You will become one with your needs. I will stretch your boundaries, and will become the man who make the choices for you.

The painfully longing to have an orgasm is pure in itself and will be your pleasure. Believe me, the Blue Pill mobilizes the intensity of your excitement and emotions.

I don't need the drug because I can get pleasure from seeing you cum again and again. Yeah, boy. I'll make you cum till you beg for mercy and of course I will fuck your ass for my own pleasure after that."

Fondling Jan's sweaty chest, I gave him a sly yet horny grin. "You're so horny. You do want to cum, right?"

I teased Jan's left nipple with his fingers. Using his thumb and index finger, I played with Jan's hard nipples.

"Yeah, I love your boy nipples, Jan. They're so pinkish, so sexy, and so hard. Does it feel good if I rub them with my fingers?"

Now I used my other hand to finger Jan's right nipple.

"Yeah boy, groan for me. Let me hear you can moan like a bitch."

Jan whispered, "Oh fuck! Stop it, Sir! You're only making me hornier. Oh, please, stop!"

Jan was squirming helplessly on the examination table. Repeatedly, he was bucking hard against his restraint. Jan's muscles, especially the biceps and pectorals, flexed to their limit as he desperately tried to avoid my fingers.

"Don't play with my nipples! They're too sensitive. Sir, please!"

However, I ignored Jan's pathetic pleas. I continued to finger those delightful nipples. Apparently, the side effect of the drug increased the body sensitivity. Jan's body was more sensitive to my touch.

"Oh, fuck! Sir, leave my nipples alone!"

Jan yelled, struggling to free himself from the handcuffs. The more he struggled, the hornier I became.

"You are such a slut Jan. You are a slut who loves cock, who loves to get fucked."

I now humiliated him and played with his nipples. Jan was at the brim of a mixture of despair and ecstasy that he couldn't comprehend my words. Jan was breathing faster and he wanted me to use his nipples, and his need to cum was building up, it was unbearable.

"Tell me Jan, you are a slutty bottom, right? There is slut living

inside you, a slut who loves to take my cock."

Jan howled in frustration, he couldn't believe this was happening, but every word was giving a him a sense of new pleasure.

"O please, fuck, yes, yes. I'm your slut, but please let me cum," and I knew Jan said that without even analyzing what he was saying.

I was getting more verbally derogatory towards him and we both looked at each other. There was lust in both of our eyes for each other. Jan wanted to cum badly, his cock had leaked so much precum that he wanted to explode now. After a few minutes finally Jan lost all his energy. "Please, don't rub my nipples,"

Jan sobbed, flinching weakly.

"Yeah, you're nothing but a little slut to me. You desperately need to cum. Well, I'm gonna give it to you!" I said. "But wait till I finish kissing you."

Without any hesitation, I suddenly bent my body over and brought my lips to Jan's mouth. I was aware that, as a straight boy, Jan certainly hated being lustfully kissed by a man. I didn't care, he could fight his own craving, to me he was already the little faggot who needed me. I forcefully pressed my lips against his and gave him his first man-to-man kiss. I forced my tongue into his mouth. No matter how hard Jan tried to keep his mouth shut, my tongue took possession. I managed to pry his mouth open. As soon as it happened, my drool poured out and entered Jan's mouth. While I kissed the little faggot stud. Believe me, I didn't forget to grope Jan's body and squeeze his muscles to stimulate him. Jan couldn't help flinching as my hands touched him everywhere. My tongue continued to sweep the inside of his mouth.

"Oh! Fuck!"

Jan groaned, between the slobbering kisses he received from me.

"Oh please make me cum, Sir. I want to cum, I need it," he whimpered, almost crying. The lust that he felt had started to disorient him. That's what I needed, Jan's only need was to cum and the only one who could make him cum was me.

Jan tried not to resist anymore as my tongue invaded his mouth, but he begged, "Sir, I'm still horny. Have mercy. My cock almost bursts."

Jan groaned in despair, but he knew he had no choice, despite how distasteful it was to admit, he needed me, a man, to have an orgasm. With tears on his cheeks he begged for it,

"Please, make me cum, Sir. Jerk my dick off or suck it. Do anything you want to me, but make me cum now, please."

Throbbing, Jan's cock-head looked shiny, covered in a layer of pre-cum. After breaking the kiss, I turned my attention to his dick. The slimy dick looked very inviting, throbbing before my eyes. I teased him,

"You want to cum?"

Jan gasped desperately, "Oh yeah, please Sir. Please!"

I showed him my understanding side,

"I'm gonna make you cum, slut boy,"

The helpless boy groaned deeply as the I started slowly to stroke his stomach with my fingertips, driving a bubble of pre-cum burping from his aching prick. Jan knew he should be resisting this violation, but every move of my fingers made him want more. The sheer forbidden wrongness of being gay was like a drug. Watching my moves in crazed lust, Jan twisted up his hips to meet my fingers as my stroking continued, his untouched dick was drooling his boy sap. My hands roamed all over him, playing with his nipples, his ears, his navel, his balls, anything but his dick. Jan need was slowly growing more and more urgent. Jan squealed with frustrated lust.

"I think you're going to beg to cum now. Beg to cum like the faggot whore you are."

I reached out for his impatient dick and he did,

"Oh please Sir, I'm a faggot, a slut, but please, make me cum!"

As my hand wrapped around his shaft, Jan shuddered and let out a deep groan.

"Yeah, my hand feels so good on your cock, right?"

I asked, tightening my grip around his throbbing meat. Mercilessly, I kept squeezing the shaft until Jan groaned out in a mixture of lust and pain.

"Yeah faggot boy, I'm making you cum. Spurt your cum for me. Let me see how much you can cum, boy. Oh, I love seeing a boy cum."

My gripping hand started to slide up and down Jan's slick shaft. As Jan's dick throbbed harder, the piss slit opened wide and he produced more pre-cum.

"I'm jacking your dick off. Cum for me, Jan. Let me see you shoot that cock juice. Oh yeah, you can do it. Shoot it. Shoot it now!"

I leaned forward and jerked Jan's head back by his hair and started to kiss him. I forced my tongue into Jan's mouth while I tugged at his dick. It only took a few strokes, his body was ready to expel his cum from his tight nuts.

"Oh! Yeah, Sir. I can feel it. I'm so close. Oh, Sir!"

Jan whimpered, squirming violently. Contracting and flexing, his body immediately responded to the furious stroking and kiss . In my hand, Jan's dick could not stop drooling. Repeatedly, drops of pre-cum were pushed out of the cock slit.

"Fuck! Oh yes! I'm cumming! Oh! I'm really cumming!"

Suddenly, Jan's muscles bulged up, flexing beyond their limit. The skin, covered by a layer of sweat, was stretched to accommodate the contracting muscles. Orgasm finally dawned on Jan as that he lifted up his hips to fuck my hand.

"Oh please! Make me cum! Oh yes! Fuck! I'm spurting out my cum for you, Sir!"

Uncontrollably, Jan spewing out his gooey boy juice. The milky liquid flew up several inches in the air before landing on Jan's contracting stomach. For several times, Jan's erect dick pulsated. I kept milking it hard and demanding.

"Fuck! Oh! Yes, oh yes! I'm cumming!"

Jan's orgasm was wracking his body for seconds. However, to Jan, the orgasm felt like an eternity. With a long sigh, the boy finally ended his ejaculation. No more cum flowed out of the dick. Looking quite exhausted, Jan lay quietly, his sweaty torso was heaving up and down. I praised him,

"It was very nice, Jan. I didn't expect you would cum so much,"

planting another lustful kiss on Jan's mouth. He no longer resisted. He visibly enjoyed my compliment on his amount of sperm produced by his teen balls.

"How are you feeling? Is it better now? Don't get too happy, boy. The Blue drug will force you to cum again, this was just the beginning.

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Next: Chapter 3

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