The Blue Pill Experiment

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Dec 23, 2022


The Blue Pill Experiment Part 1 By Chaim

I hated seeing teenage boys having trouble having a good sex life. I cared about them and saw it as my duty to develop a new drug that would help those young guys. I found a radical way of making some significant progress and developed the Blue Pill. It needed be tested, that's the nature of scientific research and experiment. Trial and error until something is proofed.

I knew this Blue Pill would change the world of these teenagers and help them to develop in sexual active young men. Jan responded to our advertisement and wanted to participate in this last experiment. He knew it was about sex, and I helped him realize that, like all boys his age, he had a hidden side that needed to be explored. I knew guys like Jan needed two things to develop: discipline and sex, and I was the one who was going to teach him these things with the help of this new drug.

The story develops slowly, experiments are not that simple and it was a lot of work to get Jan in track properly.


"It's good to see you, Jan,"

I said as I welcome the youth in. the handsome teenager came in and sat down on a chair faced my desk. I quickly pulled out his form from a stack of paper on my desk. The boy's name was Jan Bakker, Dutch citizen, living in Amsterdam. I looked at him and said,

"This is the form which you signed yesterday. It states that you've agreed to participate in the testing of the new drug for teenagers, is that right?"

I was getting a huge smile from Jan before he said,

"Yes Sir, I'm very glad that I have the opportunity to participate in your project."

I nodded, "I'm happy you're determined to do so. You're gonna be a hero to all teen boys who have problems having a proper sex life."

I flashed a smile at him. Jan looked handsome in his shirt and black trackpants.

My male nurse prepared everything and made sure Jan was healthy, clean and smooth all over. This morning Jan had checked in at the check-in desk and had been met by my male nurse David.

I watched them from behind a one-way mirror and saw Jan was very nervous during the preparations. They talked a bit and Jan watched as David went over to the cupboard and brought out a set of clippers, a razor and some shaving cream.

"What are you going to do with that?" Jan asked while he followed David's movements. "We are going to remove your body hair. So strip down there and lay on the table."

My nurse instructed him. Jan off his clothes. I watched while his stripped down. I knew what Jan was feeling. Well, there is no way an adult can totally understand what a boy like him experience when he strips down, but I understood his shy attitude. The look David give him, an awe--of disbelief, of lust. He'd told me that on more than one men and a few teenage boys had wanted to touch him, just from seeing him take his shirt off. And I knew he was telling the truth, because I felt the same.

So Jan reluctantly stripped and lay on his back on the table, his dick was limp but impressive. David opened the package with the clippers and plugged them in and told Jan to put his arms back over his head. David came up with the clippers, turned them on and the brought them down to Jan's chest. David started high on his chest and started clipping all the hair off of his chest. Jan looked down over his chin as my nurse David worked on him. David shaved all the hair off of his chest and worked his way down the path leading to his navel. He moved up to Jan's armpits. Jan started to flinch at this. David reassured him,

"Relax, it's okay, swimmer's do this all the time, doctor's orders."

David worked the clippers in Jan's armpit and shaved first one and then the other. David moved down to his navel and started on the treasure trail from Jan's navel down to his pubes. When he reached Jan's pubes, Jan raised up. "Oh please don't shave that off! I could never go home. What would I tell the boys at the gym? Please, don't shave me there!"

David was not dissuaded, "What do you mean, you aren't going to do what the doctor orders you? I am going to shave all the hair off of your crotch. Just tell your buddies that you joined a swim team and don't worry, it'll grow back."

Jan seemed to ponder that. "Okay, okay," He said hesitantly. David moved the clippers and had to stretch out the skin of Jan's sack to clip all the hair from there. Jan's cock started to grow during the process. David had Jan turn over and to get up on his knees, exposing his ass to him. David told Jan to put his head on the table and reach back and spread his ass cheeks. Jan did and David started clipping the hairs out of Jan's crack and all the way down behind his balls. When he was finished he told Jan to lay back down on his back. David brought the shaving cream and razors and used a hot washcloth on Jan's chest and pits and applied shaving cream all over them. Using the razor and frequent rinses, he shaved Jan's chest down to the top of his pubes and both pits. By this time Jan's cock was rock hard and dripping.

I observed them and thought Jan's excitement was a good sign. David didn't stretch his ball sack as much this time, because his balls were tightening up. David carefully shaved everything. Jan was caught off guard, it all happened quite quickly and before Jan could protest, David had grabbed his dick and had pulled it up, stretching it,

"Ready for your crotch?"

Jan was shocked but mumbled, "Yes," as David shaved his shaft. David, who was a very experienced nurse shaved his dick carefully. As David rubbed moisturizer onto his denuded pubes David had moaned and he nearly shot a load onto the floor. David simply ignored his excitement and made him bend over the table to shave his ass crack. He gently pried his butt cheeks apart, and shaved the crack completely. Jan was made to take a shower and my nurse put depilatory cream all over his body. To be sure he was smooth and stayed smooth. Now Jan was as smooth as a baby, not a hair left on his body.

"Perfect, you are ready to see the doctor, you can get dressed,"

David announced as he left.

The intake had been yesterday, with the a lot of questions regarding Jan's background, his experience and goals in live. Jan did exceptionally well in answering all those questions. I was impressed and told him so.

"Well, I think we should move on to the physical part."

Jan shuffled his feet. This was the moment of truth. He was nervous about how far this physical would get. I didn't want to waste time so we could start my experiment, but an aura of sexiness oozed out from his young body.

"Let's begin with you taking off your shirt,"

Jan did as asked and l took a moment to admire his smooth sculpted chest. He was aware that my eyes shot straight to his chest. My attention was new, intoxicating and thrilling for him. So much so that Jan's dick throbbed slightly. The slight throb was not missed by me. I had observed his reactions when he was with my nurse. I quickly noticed the very prominent outline of a circumcised dick in his black trackpants. I continued with my checks, all with satisfactory results.

"All is looking well," I offered, "I do, however, need to do some checks down below before we can start."

Before Jan had a chance to even protest I slipped my right hand behind the waistband of his black track pants and quickly them tugged down. Just as I suspected, Jan wore white dry-fit briefs, designed for athletes. I lowered them in a single move and Jan's circumcised dick flopped into view. The teen was too stunned to react. I tugged on his dick slightly, and moved it out of the way so it rested on my wrist while I cupped his balls to perform a hernia check. "Cough for me, please."

Jan did as instructed. I was enjoying this manipulation more than expected and decided I was going to take it a step further.

"Let's get these off you entirely," I demanded.

Jan stepped out of his black track pants and white briefs, which were pooled around his ankles. My hand immediately returned to Jan's dick. I wrapped my fingers around the shaft and gave it a few full strokes, running my fingers over his cock-head. Jan's teen dick was quickly thickening and rising up and his discomfort was palpable. He simply couldn't just stand there and get fully aroused,

"Um, doc is this necessary?"

I stopped my stroking, but was now using his index finger to gently rub the underside of his shaft. A mere five seconds of this brought Jan to a complete, jutting out, erection. I reassured him, "Oh yes, indeed, it necessary! I need to check your dick, before we can start the experiment,"

My response seemed to quell somewhat Jan's concerns,

"We're all men here. You have been naked and hard when David shaved you,"

Jan covered his erection with his hands.

"You are afraid I see your boner, Jan?"

I asked him, my voice thick with horniness. Jan replied shy,

"I don't know, you are a doctor and an adult, I can't get hard in front of you."

I moved his hands slowly away.

"Just let it happen. You're shy. That's okay,"

I said, Jan was so cute standing there. I wanted to just take him into

my arms and fuck him right then.

"Maybe you'll get more comfortable if I help you. I know lots of boys who

are shy about their body reactions. You know, you've got no reason to be shy about that."

I don't know why, but I had not expected him to be shy. "You know Jan, I'm a guy just like you. You don't have anything that I haven't seen before. There's no reason to be shy."

Jan nodded, "I guess so,"

I smiled, "There is nothing I haven't seen before."

Jan nodded, "I suppose you're right," offering his defeat. Now Jan was not only completely erect, but was now leaking some pre-cum.

"This is embarrassing." Jan said in a low voice. "Jan, It's not that embarrassing. Besides it's for science. The study could have mass benefits for the boys like you. Isn't that something you support?"

Jan wanted to protest further, but he recognized the strict tone in my voice. With my index finger and I moved over the slit in his dick, rubbing the fluid all over the head of his dick. He couldn't help himself and let out a soft moan and I commented,

"You got quite an impressive dick, I would say,"

I continued my ministrations with my right hand and placed my left hand on Jan's pecs, kneading them slightly. Once Jan was fully erect, I paused and placed the little tube on the tip of his erection. It wasn't just a regular tube, one side of it flared out a little and when I squeezed it, I pulled a little on his erection. It was sucked in by his wide open piss slit. My hand slid up and down his dick, squeezing and pulling while the other hand fondled his balls. Jan started to breathe heavily. Images of Jan sticking his dick up another boy's butt filled my mind as I heard him panting. I smiled, Jan had a great young body, but really didn't know how to use it.

"Tell me when you're going to climax." I demanded. Jan's head dropped back in ecstasy, "I think I'm almost there."

Jan simply couldn't resist this anymore, but he wasn't sure he wanted to do this. Jan didn't have much time to wonder as I continued my stroking again and suddenly he closed his eyes. He was leaning back, pushing his butt cheeks upwards and he did all he could to resist shooting his load all over me, but it was too much, he couldn't take it anymore. It just happened, he came!

Jan was unprepared for it, he had been holding it all back for far too long, and suddenly he shot out what was perhaps the biggest load he ever shot, right into the air. Jan shot not only once, but also second time, before his cum was dribbling out. After a second, Jan rested his elbows against the table to catch his breath. I couldn't have been more fortunate, this boy was the best subject for my experiment. Jan fell onto my desk just behind him in complete exhaustion. He simply couldn't take it anymore and his knees simply gave out. The room was complete silence for a full minute.

"Well," I finally said, "You are most definitely healthy enough to perform well in the test, that's for sure."

I gave him time to recover. Jan didn't know exactly what to say, to do, to even think, it was normal for a teenager to have a cocktail of emotions after such an orgasm. Guilt, anger, confusion, fear and arousal. "The shower is all yours," I offered and showed him the small attached bathroom.

Jan left the room and took a quick shower and I looked in his file and read:


test subject: Jan Bakker

Jan is a bright student, he turned eighteen two weeks ago and next week I will start his last year at High School. He is eager to get additional income. Being a participant for the test of this drug sounds fun to him and it was a fast way to earn easy money. He wanted to buy a car to impress the girls around him. Before signing the form, he has considered all the risks he might face. We talked about that during the intake and I persuasively assured him that the side effects would not be dangerous but stimulating.

The drug which will be used on Jan during this experiment is a performance enhancer in its most broad interpretation. The drug causes a stimulation in the brain and in the body by a factor of two-fold. This causes an increase of sexual stimulation of the test subject by a factor of 80% for the duration of the effects.

In simple words one pill and the test subject will become a willing sex subject for the next twenty-four hours. He will easy accept things to do that he would never have thought about without the drug. It breaks down his inhibitions and will improve his drive for sex.

On some level, we expect the test subject will be open and willing to accept everything offered. It will bring him in a state, he will not have care anymore. All he his desire will be focused on total sexual satisfaction. Beyond that the test subject wants to push every limit he ever had. The test subject's sexual orientation will be open for change. The test subject wants to be used by the leader and performer of this experiment. It is likely he wants to be degraded to feel like a real subject. Therefore he will accept everything, and feels submissive.

Analog with the test he will be desperate for an endless way to relieve his sexual tension by having endless orgasms.

Participant's social history and school records indicate that subject of this experiment, Jan Bakker has a typical heterosexual orientation. Background examination indicate that participant likes to be in charge combined with his ability to dominate in his interactions with others. Jan is currently a soccer player and gym addict. A discreet secret hack of his personal laptop has revealed that the participant also is addicted to straight and bisexual porn and masturbation.

Psychological examination results: Tests indicate a high degree of alpha attitude. Clear indications the participant actively seeks to dominate other boys and has been successfully doing so. There are indications he is aroused being dominant, but there is a strong indication of a latent, submissive mental propensity within him. The subject's need to dominate other boys could be his need to prove himself as a man, instead of being associated with gay people or in his eyes even worse being considered effeminate or queer.

Signed David Smidt

Warming him up

David, my male nurse did an excellent job! I smiled and then put the form away. Jan had finished his shower, dried himself, and went back to me. He stood directly close to the door that led into the examination room. I ushered him inside,

"Come in, Jan. Let's start."

Jan followed me into the examination room. The examination room was a large room, with a lot of medical equipment. Once Jan stepped in. I idly reached out my hand and stroked his chest. Jan blushed and shivered but did not protest. He had a really nice smooth muscled chest. I smiled at him, and gently touched with his nipples. He seemed surprised and after minute or two of feeling him up, avoiding any of the really fun areas for now, he got a little stiff under the towel. A very promising and very nice start. Jan looked around, my examination room was quite large and of course Jan noticed the examination table in the middle almost straight away. Black, shiny material covered the top and stainless steel legs supported the table. At one end there were leg supports. He looked at them and maybe wondered what they were for. I seated myself at my desk and was busy clicking away his files with the computer mouse. Next to the examination table was small table with some electric equipment for measuring his vital signs, we don't take any risks.

"Take off that towel, Jan. I want you to be naked,"

I said to him, walking over to my medical equipment to prepare everything. Before I quickly added,

"Oh boy, don't be shy, as I told you, being naked is a must. After all, the drug that will be tested on you is made to help your penis to get hard again. I can't test the effects if I can't observe your penis."

To my delight, he finally took off the towel. Jan's muscular pectorals and abdomen were exposed as he stood there. He turned his back to me, and showed off his broad back when he dropped the towel to the floor. Somehow I thought he didn't realize that I was watching him very closely. Jan proceeded, his firm bubble ass, wrapped in tight white briefs was on display. My heart pounded fast as I enjoyed the scene in front of me. Slowly Jan's fingers slipped into the briefs and held the waistband. Suddenly shy, he looked over his shoulder asking,

"Do I have to...?"

I nodded wanted to see him naked. I couldn't wait. It thrilled me how cute and shy he looked right now. Jan shucked his briefs off. Jan's ass cheeks collided with each other as he lifted one of his feet to release his briefs. From behind, I saw his dick hanging between the thighs. When he turned his body, I had to fight my urge to rape him on the spot.

The awesome sight of Jan's naked body was overwhelming. Jan reached down to cover himself, he put his hands over his dick and balls. Blushing he stood there with his hands covering his impressive package, to his utter amazement I said, "Put your hands behind your head."

My tone was gentle, matter-of-factly and he did. I looked at him, straight in the eye, and saw a mixture or emotions. There was definitely the suppressed lust of exposing himself, but there seemed to be also understanding, and promise. I reached up, put my hand on his naked shoulder, and he backed up, resting his butt against the examination table. I looked at his dick. It was very straight, and now flaccid. I reached up and grabbed his dick, marveling at how smooth he was. I gently ran my hand up and down his dick, lightly jerking him, eliciting a surprised moan of pleasure from him.

"You look good, boy."

Jan smiled, he was so proud of his body. He thought everyone was intimidated by it. Jan said, "Thanks doc, I'm glad you noticed."

I ignored this remark, his exaggerated self-righteousness was in a way amusing. I simply said to him,

"Let's continue,"

shooting him a look to remind him that I was in charge. I walked around him, I was eyeing his body all over. Jan was young and hot. I loved to see his young muscles. He was already handsome and athletic. I started to get hard and tied to hide my erection under my laboratory coat. My fingers traced a path down from his biceps to his armpits. I asked him, "So tell me boy. Are you ticklish?" At the word ticklish, Jan giggled, that was the best answer he could have given me. I dug my fingers into his smooth armpits and his oppressed laugh was music to my ears.

"Oh, I'm going to have fun with you, but first we need a piss sample, boy."

I took him to the little attached bathroom and said,

"Jan, step up to the toilet bowl and let it fly."

Jan's hand slid his hand down to his slightly stiff dick, it immediately began to lengthen but Jan held his dick down, and aimed it to the toilet bowl, even though it continued to throb and was erect. Jan grunted, he couldn't piss while he had a boner, but I just smiled and said,

"You better piss Jan, because when we started the test, you're not gonna get a chance. You wouldn't want to piss on yourself later, would you?" Jan rolled his eyes, and then squeezed them shut trying to concentrate on willing his erection down. Somehow, through sheer will, he grunted and squeezed until piss began to squirt from his dick, and through a partial erection, he managed to squeeze out his piss as the I watched him and smiled, enjoying the quite humiliating performance.

Jan blushed deeply as he thrust out his hips and made the piss shoot out in consecutive bolts rather than a steady stream. It was the only way he could do it, and he looked so fucking sexy standing there. Jan's toes curled a bit as he forced the piss out, and his chest continued to stick out, the luscious teenage nipples looking ripe and succulent.

When Jan finally finished, he sighed in relief, hoping that his ordeal was over. I smiled to him, "Up you get on the table here." I was pretending to ignore his nakedness. Jan got up and swung his body up onto the table and lay down on it. I used one handle to adjust the table raising his upper body from horizontal to an angle of about 45 degree's, the bottom part of the table dropped slightly.

"Okay Jan, now get your feet up into this stirrup and then the other one, that's it, boy."

Jan's legs raised up into a none too comfortable position. I used little leather fastening straps to secure his legs to the leg frame securing them in a bent position. Now Jan felt even more discomfort as he his legs were spread wider, adjusted to the leg frame. In this position his ass and smooth boy hole were exposed. Jan's bubble butt hung over the edge of the bench and the legs stretched wide by the leg frame, which gave me exactly the access I required for the next stage.

I just hoped he wouldn't understand right away how exposed he was, his crotch and ass open to whatever I had planned for him. I asked,

"Do you feel comfortable, Jan?"

Jan swallowed, "Not really Sir, I haven't had my legs pulled so wide apart before."

I smiled, "Well, you soon get used to it boy. It is going to be a little uncomfortable now but won't feel bad as soon as we started the test."

Jan nodded, "Yes, doctor."

I couldn't stop myself getting horny and my hard-on throbbed as I looked at his boy hole. I wished I could fuck the teen's ass and make him my boy. My cock did not stop throbbing, it was an exciting thought to fuck his tight ass. In my fantasy flash Jan's legs were wrapped around my waist as I fucked my cock into him. He needed a strong mature man like me, to tie him up and to fuck me all day. Well, I would give him just that, I would slowly picking up my tempo as he begged me to get fucked harder. I would bury myself in him and shot my load deep inside his tight ass. Jan would gasp as he shot his load all over his panting smooth chest, giving it a glistening coating of cum. In my fantasy Jan would be so excited by my fucking that he would tell me that he longed for more, much more. I loved that fantasy and leaned down and whispered softly, "Hell yeah, we will make it happen!"

He didn't understand it but rebelliously, my erection pushed forward and created a tenting bulge in my boxershorts. My body shuddered, somehow I had to take care of my erection, and I reaching down. Secretly, I massaged my aching erection through my boxers. Another shuddering wave washed down my body as I looked at the naked teen. Jan was nervous, he laid his body on the cold examination table. Involuntarily, his body shivered as coldness jabbed his spine. Jan looked at me and I smiled,

"Just relax, you will be fine," I reassured him, "You're doing okay?"

Jan blinked, he was obvious very nervous. "Just tell me, be honest with yourself, it's important for us to know your feelings."

Jan swallowed and said softly, "I'm fine, but this is strange. I'm lying naked on this cold examination table. My legs are wide open and it makes me feel exposed."

I nodded, I understood that, he didn't know how the procedure would go, and was naked, his ass was exposed to me. Jan shivered out of cold or anxiety, I didn't know. The teen's dick stayed limp, resting between his thighs. Jan's eyes widened when I produced a pair of cuffs and locked Jan's right arm to the table.

"Doctor! Why am I being cuffed?" I smiled down at him, "Relax, Jan. This experiment is very delicate. If you move too much, it will fail. Trust me, will you?"

My hands itched, all it took was a handsome boy and the blood left my brain to migrate between my legs. The deluge of sexual energy left me horny and I knew my cock would soon escape the tightness of my boxers. No matter how desperately I tried to remain professional, as soon as I got hard the fabric couldn't hold my cock from arising between my thighs. Jan was a fucking hot kid and I desperately wanted to grab Jan's pecs.

I stood by the examination table and knew I was in charge of the whole situation. My main concern was that I remained calm. I had a role to play and we were not equal. Jan had to do what he was told. He was here to be a subject to my experiment. He had agreed to that willingly, he had to accept my way of doing. I moved to the other edge of the examination table and did the same thing to Jan's left arm. Great, this was a good first step and there was no turning back for the boy, his legs and arms were securely tied up.

My cock was rock hard. I was fighting the urge to blow my load all over him but I knew had to hold it in for him, to fuck him later on. I went on autopilot and prepared the electrodes which were to be placed on the Jan's naked body. The situation was very arousing. I decided that I should start off in my underwear for a little while before getting totally naked for him.

I had thought about that, had toyed with the idea of loose boxers for a little while considering them to be the least revealing but had decided that my cock would be rock hard and would look stupid tenting them out. Anyhow, I was pretty sure they wouldn't be on for that long. In the end I settled on a pair of tight black boxershorts and now it was time to reveal them to him. I started with my coat, and went on with my shoes, fumbling a little with the laces, and then the socks, shoving them into my shoes. I slipped my shirt off and folded it and Jan lay there quietly watching me.

Jan seemed to be enjoying my slight awkwardness. I hesitated at my jeans. Neither of the other participants had seen me anymore than shirtless before this. My heart was racing and the experiment had barely started.

After a few seconds I took a deep breath and unbuttoned my jeans, sliding them down and off. I folded them and I stood there in front of Jan in my tight black boxershorts.

Jan's eyes wandered over my body but quickly settled on my crotch, and I could understand why, my cock which had been soft while undressing due to my nerves, started to stir and grow in my boxers, stretching them out. It was more than a little obvious. Jan smiled as I instinctively adjusted my cock to point to the side where it stretched out the soft black material. Now Jan got big eyes of surprise, but didn't say anything. Jan wasn't expecting this, they never do.

I went back to the examination table and fetched a tube of gel from a nearby cabinet before returning to the table. My hands slightly shivered of excitement, but I managed to pull myself together. Carefully, I applied the clear gel on Jan's smooth torso. As my finger brushed one of the teen's hard nipples, he flinched. Indeed, his nipples were very sensitive to my touch.

Normally, a teen's dick would rise up and harden immediately as the test subject's nipples were rubbed. We had studied this and drawn our conclusions. We changed the condition, the examination table was cold, ice cold. The coldness emanating from the examination table rendered Jan's dick helpless. Automatically, Jan's balls pulled themselves close to the base of his dick and that was the right response.

I smiled and decided this would be a right moment to teach him the rules during the test.

"The rules around here are these simple. Your only goal here is to make this experiment successful. You will call me Sir, during the test. You will remain undressed and you will do what you are told to do. You will participate sexual acts whenever you are told too and it doesn't matter if it does match your preferences. You promised to participate to the end, and gave up all your rights to be under my control during the test. The test is based on your intake but we have modified it to suit our goals and preferences. We will make some changes because you shall be getting more mature during the test, but the basic is perfectly the same. The testing of the new drug for teenagers who have problems having a proper sex life. Everything said or done here is confidential and the results will be processed anonymously. So there is never good reason to hold back, you understand?"

Jan just looked at me like a lost little teen boy and right then I knew I had made the perfect choice. Behind his muscled macho facade was a little teen boy looking for guidance and rules. I was the one that would provide him with the right strictures and boundaries. Jan answered almost eagerly, "Yes Sir."

I could not imagine how hard it was for him to say to me, Yes Sir, but he did. Jan knew he was in my care and control. Would the experiment go swiftly, painlessly, or be long and tedious? This was no longer his problem, I was in charge and he couldn't change his situation. Calling me Sir made clear he was aware of that. I was hawk by my nurse's definition, I observed my test subjects cautiously and surreptitiously before I decided to move on. Jan was a jock but now revealed he was barely beyond puberty, and the way the teen surrender was causing my hormones to go into overdrive. The boy was still so innocent and unsullied that I was almost drooling.

I continued to work, stealing a naughty glance once in a while and picked up the electrodes and placed them on Jan's chiseled stomach. Each electrode was connected to the machine by long cables. During the procedure, Jan could not stop squirming and gasping. Jan's gasped, although not erotic or excited, his noisy reactions were music to my ears.

"Sir, it feels so weird," Jan commented, "It feels creepy, but it's cool."

Squirming, he flinched again as I placed an electrode on each of his gel-coated nipple. Giggling, Jan said, "Oh, be careful! My nipples are very ticklish, Sir. They're very sensitive." As he flinched, his chiseled abdomen contracted. Getting goose bumps, the little soft hairs left on his skin stood erect.

Finally Jan realized that I was looking at his athletic naked body. Smiling proudly, Jan asked, "Doesn't my body look good, Sir? I've trained a lot, you know. This sexy body did not come by magic."

The absurd urge to show off his muscles suddenly filled his mind.

Proudly, he contracted his biceps. I just nodded, which he regretted.

"Yeah, I'm quite proud of my muscles, Sir."

I reached over and felt his rounded bicep. It was hard as iron, without the baby fat that you sometimes see on a teenager. I felt the hardness in my boxershorts intensify. All those teens were the same. Jan was proud of his body and willingly to do everything to get compliments on his development. I was impressed, "You're really strong, Jan." I said plainly, ignoring his bravado.

"You're not impressed, Sir? Well, these arms took me years to build."

I fought to keep my lust under control. I was convinced, Jan was very sexy, and no doubt this was his unknowingly his first attempt at cruising another man. All teen boys go through this awkward rite of passion, mostly with each other, but sometimes with hot older dudes. They want to show they were mature and equal. Even if they are straight, this was part of their development. They did it, not just to dudes with the kind of body they wanted, but dudes who seemed so sure of themselves, comfortable with their bodies, with their sexuality, with their intimacy with other males. All of which these boys found incredibly exciting, even if they didn't know why.

I knew my part in this always-exciting ritual and would not disappoint him. I gulped down my drool as I felt helpless to fight my arousal. My erection was still throbbing. At that point, a drop of pre-cum oozed out of my cock slit and wetted my boxershorts and soon the dampness of my pre-cum reached my trousers.

It felt like Jan kept teasing me, and the temptation to rape him became more urgent. I was too horny to behave responsible. Jan looked so damn sexy, I really wanted to fuck his 'straight' virgin ass. I

I stepped forward and grinded my erection against the edge of the examination table. My cock pulsated inside my boxershorts as it eagerly waited for discharge, a chance to fuck Jan's tight ass and to breed him. I stepped back, tied to calm down, I inhale deeply exhale and inhale again. I fetched a cock ring. I wrapped the cock ring around the base of Jan's still limp dick. As I touched his dick, the intensity of my lust grew, but I felt a sense of calm wash over me. I pretended to be nonchalant, I grabbed Jan's limp dick and gave it a few strokes.

"I need to get it semi-hard so that I can attach this cock ring around your dick,"

I stated, before Jan could protest. Surprisingly, Jan did not protest at all. On the contrary, he seemed to enjoy my treatment.

"Oh," Jan gasped, his naked body squirming, "Oh it's strange, but your hand feels so good on my dick, Sir." He blushed like a little boy, and confessed, "No man ever touched my dick before."

Involuntarily, Jan flinched when my palm brushed his reddish cock head. "You will use some lube, won't you?!"

I pressed a button and cold air in which we added a mix of drugs being an inhibitor to sexual arousal and prowess was blown on Jan's crotch. It seemed he didn't feel it, but Jan certainly enjoyed my stroking.

It was fantastic to be able to control Jan's body, his warm skin, to feel of his young and eager muscled power. I knew that I owned him as I slid my hands all over his shaved skin, focused on exploring his crotch. Before I reached back for his dick I put my hand on chest, as I knew I didn't need my physical power to do this, but it's a powerful psychological inhibitor to the boy's moving. To Jan's delight, I squeezed some lube from a bottle and smeared it on his cock-head.

Jan moved nervously as my hand stroked his dick.

"Yeah, that feels so fucking good."

Jan moaned as I rubbed the lube evenly around his cock-head. I finished lubing up his entire cock-head, and continued stroking his dick. No matter how long I stroked his meat, it stayed soft. I was satisfied, it's always hard to get that done.

"Fuck! I can't get hard, Sir," Jan whimpered, his eyes staring at me desperately. The pressure had built itself inside Jan's balls, but he could hardly derive any pleasure from it.

"Sir, I can't get hard," he whimpered again, pleading for help. The look on Jan's face indicated a feeling of defeat. I ran my fingers gently over his smooth crotch, just above his limp dick. My fingers found their way around Jan's balls. I held them gently in my hand, and then gave them a slight pull. Jan's eyes looked afraid, terrified, and pleading.

I smiled calmly, it was all so conceived. The whole point of this experiment, was keeping dick limp. The cold examination table and the cold air mixed with the inhibitor worked superb. Jan couldn't get hard. It was important that his dick stayed limp so that we could test the drug properly. Despite Jan's protest, I was very happy with how it worked out.

Now I secured the cock ring around Jan's shaft. It was not an ordinary cock ring, because it had wires attached to it. The wires were connected to the same machine to which the electrodes were attached.

"With this cock ring, I can measure how hard your erection is after you take the experimental blue drug."

I stepped back and marveled at my own work. "I think we're ready now."

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