The Block

By Adam

Published on Mar 11, 2024


The night ended the way all of them had since moving up to Diego's apartment. I had Diego on top of me, my legs tightly wrapped around his waist, while he dug deep into me with his cock. It would be lying for me to say that he wasn't great in bed, or that he wasn't beautiful, but nothing about this felt natural. He'd chosen me, and my desire wasn't something he took into account.

After he finished in me, Diego went into the bathroom to shower, he never liked the mess of sex. I lay there, feeling his cum leaking from my loosened hole. I'd begun to feel a disconnect from what was happening physically and what I was feeling mentally. I physically reacted to him, getting hard and cumming, but mentally I was detached.

As I lay there my mind drifted to Rico. I began to wonder what the massive tattoo on his back symbolized. It was absolutely beautiful, and clearly had some kind of meaning behind it. As I pictured him standing before me shirtless, my cock began to pulse back to life. Still sticky from the load that Diego had fucked out of me, I was a bit surprised by it's sudden arousal.

I was shaken from my thoughts by the shower turning off, and Diego striding back into the room drying his hair. His spent cock swinging from thigh to thigh as he came toward me.

"Baby, I have to take care of some work stuff tonight...I am sorry..." He said to me in his buttery, romantic voice.

"It's ok Diego, I know you've got work to do..." I responded, with a sympathetic voice.

With a deep kiss, he rose and went to his dresser, slipping on a pair of pants and a shirt. It was odd that he wasn't wearing underwear, because I'd never seen him go without before.

Turning to me before stepping through the door, "I'll make sure Rico is just outside so you shouldn't have any issues baby."

I watched him walk out the door, before standing and grabbing my robe from the chair next to my bed. I walked to the bedroom door and listened, I could faintly hear Diego speaking to someone, before the main door to the apartment closed. Once I heard that main door close, I opened the bedroom door, assuming he was speaking to Rico, but the room was empty.

"Be ready for me, I don't want to be kept waiting"

That's what I heard Diego say when I was listening through the door. My mind was racing thinking about what that could have meant. Deep down, I think I knew what it meant, but I was in no position to argue. No sooner had that flashed in my mind, and Rico stepped through the door. Glancing at me, there was a look in his eye that confirmed my suspicions.

"Who else is he fucking?" I asked flatly.

"I don't know..." Rico said apologetically, then continued, "he always likes to have a main guy, that's you Mike, and then keeps a guy or two on the side."

I walked over to Rico, lifting his chin with my finger when he wouldn't meet my gaze.

"It's ok Rico. I have no illusion that what is happening here is love. He didn't even give me a choice...hell, I hadn't even spoken to him since our childhood before that day you came for me."

"I know, he decides...and you just have to do what he says." Rico says to, with a sadness in his eyes.

Our eyes connected, and I could see the pain that he felt, it must have been a deep wound that cause such raw pain. I'd never seen this level of vulnerability in Rico before. He had always displayed such strength, such power.

"What did he do to you Rico?" I asked pointedly, unsure of whether I would even get an answer.

Pain again flashed over Rico's face, and he turned toward the window. Honestly, I was unsure of whether he would even answer my question. It was afterall so personal.

"He took the first person I ever truly loved...because he could...because he's Deigo..." Rico said, his voice raw and rough.

Turning to me, his eyes rimmed red, but a fire burned in them. There was a passion there, a hatred that was pure and animalistic.

"Adam was gentle and kind, you could say he was beautiful. Every day I woke up next to him, I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world." Rico continued through his free flowing tears.

"They found his body on one of the landings...he had been raped and beaten. He was so broken when I saw him lying on the table." a gutteral sob wretched from his chest.

Rushing to his side, I caught him as he collapsed forward. His sobbing wracking both of our bodies, as I held him.

"I knew it was Diego, I knew that he'd tried to seduce Adam...but Adam was too pure for that. He was too good for this world." He said as his eyes met mine.

He continued, "You know what he's capable of, you know you can't disobey him...that's why you're here too, isn't it?"

"OH Rico, I'm so sorry..." I said, pulling back slightly before continuing, "yes, I knew that if I disobeyed I wouldn't survive. Everyone knows they can't go against the family."

"I'm so sorry this is happening to you remind me so much of Adam. You're too pure for this world." He said as his tear stained face softened.

"We all do what we can to survive Rico...that's all we can do..." I said putting my hand on his cheek, wiping away his tears.

His hand shot up and pressed mine into his cheek, and he turned and kissed my palm. His other hand reached up and gripped my hand, interlacing his fingers in mine, and pulled my arms around his shoulders.

"I don't want to just survive anymore Mike..." He said pleadingly, hunger burning in his eyes.

His lips burned on mine, as his tongue was welcomed into my mouth. Our kiss was animalistic and hungry. My body was alive with electricity, a passion that Diego's beauty would never spark. Every time our tongues met, a current ran through me.

We pulled apart, "We can have so much more..." Rico said looking whistfully at me.

"How? I want to, but how Rico?" I asked, between kisses.

Rico pulled away and walked over to the window. Looking out over the horizon, the silhouettes of the other residence blocks could be seen for miles. Lights dotting their mammoth walls, like fireflies in the night.

"There are rumors of blocks that have changed...that have gotten better." Rico said, almost whispering.

"Talk of those places is treason though Rico, people are killed for it." I said rushing to him.

"What if I told you I've seen pictures? There are blocks that are lush, thriving with plants, where the sun isn't blotted out by pollution and smog...would you believe that it exists?"

"How could you have seen that? It's real? The rumors are true?" I ask incredulous.

Turning to me and pulling me to him, "I swear on my life they're true Mike."

Rico started kissing me again, but I stopped him and pulled him into the bathroom, and turned on the shower.

"I want to wash him off before we do this Rico. You deserve to have me to yourself." I said to him, as I slipped from my robe, and stepped under the water.

Barely a moment passed before I felt Rico's hard, hairy body press against me. His half-hard cock nestled against the small of my back. His hands worked the soap over my skin - across my shoulders, down my back, his fingers dancing dangerously close to my twitching hole. Then he reached around front, his soapy fingers tweaking and rolling my nipples, lightly and deftly sliding down from my belly button.

His cock was solid against me, grinding into my body like a steel rod. Turning in his arms, our mouths met. Hunger devoured us both in the moment. Sliding against each other in silent heat, as our bodies marched into familiarity. His cock sliding against mine, more than soap lubing our frotting.

Pulling back for a moment, my eyes speak silently to him, knowing we're both in a hopeless situation. He leans in for another kiss.

"I know, I still want you Mike." He says in a quiet voice.

Before I can respond, we're spilling to the floor of the shower. He spins us to brace my fall, landing on his ass, and I come down on top of him. Leaning forward I kiss him deeply, and run my hands over his chest. As I lean back I feel him nestled in my crevice, throbbing. I know what I want, and I ask silently for permission.

"Please..." He whispers breathlessly.

I lean forward again and kiss him, while deep in the kiss I reach back and guide him into me. Pulling away from the kiss, I slowly lower myself onto his cock. Rico's face contorts with pleasure and he growls from deep within.

"FUCK" rumbled from him.

I slowly begin riding him, working myself up and down the shaft, gripping his chest as I do.

"OH GOD, you're thick..." I say to him, grinding down hard.

"You love it though don't you?" Rico asks with a mischievous grin.

"I love it..." I say, smiling down at him.

"GODDAMNIT...not so quick..." Rico grunted.

"It's ok...this isn't the last time..." I reassured him.

He pushed himself up, and wrapped his arms around me, and screamed into my chest.

"FUCK, I'm cumming" he called out.

I could feel his cock expanding inside me, with his girth it felt like someone was pumping a tire inside me. Then I was filled with an incredible warmth, radiating from my core. I looked down at him, and when our eyes connected I was falling. I knew that I was lost.

"RICO!" I cried out.

My ass clamped down on him, and I felt my insides burning. I was shocked that my eyes didn't snap shut, like normal. I needed to see him, to look into those eyes as I was rocked by this orgasm. In that moment our souls connected. I was his. I would always be his.

"I feel it too" he whispered, as he kissed me.

Standing on shaky legs, we showered, and cleaned ourselves up, washing the sex from our bodies. We were barely successful at keeping our hands to ourselves, Rico re-dressing while I slipped my robe back on.

Rico turned to me before he slipped back out to stand guard outside the door.

"We're going to make this work Mike, we can make this work" he said, his smile lighting up the room like a thousand suns.

"I know Rico, I'm yours..." I said softly.

This was dangerous. We both knew how dangerous this was. Neither of us could deny it though. Both of us lived in a world where you had to grasp, and cling to the happiness you could scrape together.

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