The Block

By Adam

Published on Mar 9, 2024


Mike had always been a bit of a loner, preferring his own company to the company of others. A bit of a nerd, he found comfort in process and order. In this life, in the blocks, Mike knew that it was about all he could count on.

A few weeks had passed since Diego had come to him, had...taken him in the middle of the cafe. Diego lavished him with gifts and clothes, he wanted for nothing. Having been moved into Diego's apartment, he was now on one of the highest floors of the block. It was high enough that it was hard to make out the ground. Mike had never been this high up in the block. Higher floors were reserved for the rich, powerful, and connected.

Mike still wasn't used to the attention being lavished on him. It was true that he was an attractive man, and he didn't lack for options when the mood struck, but he'd never been in a true relationship. He wasn't even sure that's what this was, it wasn't like he was given a choice in the matter.

He stood at the window naked, his body glistening from sweat that hadn't yet evaporated from his skin after Diego had his way with him. Looking out, the apartment was high enough, it was above the smog that clouded out the sun on the lower floors. He could see for miles, but there still wasn't much to see. A blanket of dirty clouds hugging the ground and giant, brutal, square structures rising above them every few miles.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear the shower shut off, or Diego walking up behind him. It wasn't until he felt the soft hands slide over his hips, that he realized he wasn't alone anymore. Diego's soft, plump lips in contrast to his coarse facial hair, moving across Mike's shoulders.

"You're so beautiful, mi amor" Diego cooed as his gripped Mike.

Mike could feel the perpetually rigid shaft of Diego's cock, rising against his plump ass. Like a heat seeking missile, it ventured between his still slick cheeks. Turning, Mike gripped Diego's cock.

"Please..." was all I said.

Diego growled, and reached down and grabbed Mike below his ass, lifting him with ease. Slammed against the glass, he somehow found his target. His rigid cock slipped right in, his load from earlier and what was left of the lube he use, to ease the intrusion.

"OH GOD" I cried out.

This time Diego isn't gentle, he is fucking me hard.

"My boy needs me, doesn't he?" He growls, through gritted teeth.

"Yes sir, I need you!" I replied, breathlessly.

Diego is really hammering into Mike, Mike's whimpers echoing through the room, almost drowned out by the rhythmic slapping of their skin. The door opens, without even a knock, and Rico steps in.

"What?" Diego grunts, not missing a single thrust.

"Sorry boss, you're meeting this morning, it's in 20 minutes. We can't be late." Rico says, his eyes not leaving them.

Mike looked over, there was a momentary flash of something on Rico's face. Mike wasn't sure what it was, but before he could think more on it Diego spun and lowered him to the bed.

"We'll be fine Rico" he said.

Mike was now beneath him, legs tightly wrapped around Diego's waist. Diego was slamming into him, hard. Rico wasn't moving.

"FUCK" roared Diego as he slammed down.

Mike felt the twitching and pulsing of Diego's cock inside him. No sooner had he felt that, and Diego pulled out and was heading back toward the bathroom. This was the first time in the weeks that he'd been brought up here, that Diego hadn't continued fucking him until Mike came too.

As that thought entered his mind, he realized he was still laying there with his legs spread wide, hole gaping and leaking cum, in full view of Rico. When he opened his eyes, he could have sworn he saw Rico adjust himself.

"God you're good baby" Diego said, emerging from the connected room, dressed and smelling delicious.

"You're not so bad yourself" I says playfully, standing on shaky legs to give Diego a kiss.

With a firm slap on the ass, Diego departs with Rico. Mike is left alone. He walks back over to the window, lost in thought again.

"What the fuck is happening here..." he keeps asking himself.

Before he could get too lost going down that rabbit hole, the door opened again. Turning, somewhat startled out of his own thoughts, he saw Rico striding back through the door.

"Diego sent me back, he asked me to stay with you." Rico said, softly.

Not wanting to let on that he was lost in his own thoughts Mike quickly replied.

"I was just about to get ready and run the stairs. I find it helps me clear my head." I said, walking to the dresser that Diego had my things moved to.

Without bothering with underwear, Mike slipped a pair of shorts on, as he stood up he noticed a blush from Rico. He realized bending over to grab the shorts, he'd likely flashed Rico his well used hole. Not thinking too hard about it, he slipped a sleeveless shirt over his head.

"Do you need to change?" I asked Rico, as I walked past him.

"My apartment is next door..." he said with a bit of hesitation.

"Lets go then!" I said in a slightly forced chipper voice.

As we entered Rico's apartment is wasn't that dissimilar from my original apartment. In fact it was pretty much the standard living quarters in the block. The average apartment for a single person in the block was 400-500 square feet, and the average family would have an apartment between 600 and 1,000 square feet. The only people in the block that enjoyed the luxury of space were those with high ranking government, administrative, or executive level positions. Diego and his family were above even them - which is why his...well now our apartment basically comprised roughly half of an entire floor.

Rico's apartment was surprisingly neat, his bed was made, nothing was out of place. I was surprised, but given the military type precision he operated by, I wondered if he was from a family with military history.

"Let me just get changed." Rico said, stepping toward the small bedroom.

He began to pull neatly folded items from the dresser. Most apartments lacked doors to the sleeping area, so he had no choice but to change in front of me. As he slipped his shirt over his head, a beautiful tattoo emerged slowly with the undressing. As his shirt lifted, an intricate design of flowers and vines wound their way over his sinewy back.

Before I could ask about it, his sleeveless shirt was pulled over his head and down. Then he dropped his pants, letting them fall straight to the floor. He was standing before me naked from the waist down. I have to admit, his ass looked incredible, with deep dimples, and the lightest covering of hair. That too was quickly covered by a pair of shorts.

Turning to me, he grabbed the tactical belt that he wore daily, strapping it around his waist. That meant, though we would be exercising and Diego wasn't around, he'd still be armed. After the past few weeks of living up here, that no longer bothered me.

"Lets go" he said softly, not meeting my eyes.

For the next hour, we would run down one flight of stairs and up another. Each corner of the block was served by a staircase, and there were two central stairs at the center, wrapping around each other like a double helix.

By the time we finished, both of us were covered in sweat.

"You're it" I burst out, slapping Rico on the shoulder before sprinting to the stairs and taking them two at a time.

"You little shit..." Rico bellowed behind, chasing after me laughing.

I was just about to our floor, whereby I would beat Rico, when I felt him tag me. The momentum he'd put into catching me, sent us tumbling to the floor. We were both laughing as we lay there. It took a moment for us to gather our wits about us. I had been spun around, and Rico was laying on top of me.

"You're pretty fast..." I said, breathing heavily.

"My instructions were to protect you..." He said softly, almost whispering.

I knew we needed to get up, if we were caught like this, even if it was innocent, Diego wouldn't understand. We'd both be in serious trouble.

Rico sensed it too, pushing himself up, and offering his hand to me. As soon as my hand touched his, I felt a surge of electricity coarse through my body. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. I looked at him, his eyes momentarily gave away that he felt it too, as they went wide.

"Time to get cleaned up Mike." He said firmly, escorting me to the apartment.

Once inside, I slowly pulled off the clothes that were pasted to my body, thinking about what just happened. This is getting to be too complicated. First I'm plucked from obscurity by the guy who runs this place, because he's chosen me to be his boy. Then that guys head of security and I have a moment where it's obvious we're destined for something together.

"I'm seriously fucked." I thought to myself, standing under the water in the shower.

Normally I would be quick with my showers, trying to get in and out quickly. However, this shower I was taking my time. I stood under the water, letting it cascade over my body. I think part of my current state was the realization that I was stuck. I'd allowed myself to be taken - physically, sexually.

"Is everything alright in there?" I hear Rico's voice call out from the other room.

"FUCK" I think to myself before saying, "Yeah, just sore from the stairs, soaking it off..." I say back before shutting off the water.

I step out of the shower and begin toweling off. I catch Rico's reflection in the mirror, and notice that he's changed out of his own gym clothes and is back in his typical attire - black pants, black shirt (short or long depending on the day), and a pair of boots. His tactical belt is back on his waist, and his side arm is affixed.

Walking across the room, I can smell that he's showered. I've never noticed it before, but there is a natural scent to him, not musky or body odor, it reminds me of something earthy. As I walk by, he turns, and faces the door. I can see the flush that must be all over his face, radiating to the sides of his neck even from where I stand.

Once dressed, Rico lets me know that Diego would like me to meet him at one of the cafe's for dinner. I look down at what I'd put on, and decide in the moment that it's sufficient for having dinner in a cafe. It's nothing fancy, but isn't anything too casual either. One thing that I've definitely picked up on since the move, is that everyone around Diego is well put together.

We moved through the apartment and out onto the landing, in the middle of the back wall there is an elevator. The elevator is reserved for the top floor apartments, essentially for the powerful. While it stops on each floor, operating the elevator requires an access key. Rico carries the one I use, I'm not allowed to have my own.

The elevator quickly descended to the floor where the cafe was, and the doors opened. Standing at the end of the walkway, Diego stood there. Mike still didn't understand how he was chosen, he didn't fully grasp what was happening. Looking at Diego, he had to admit that man was beautiful, at least on the outside.

Glancing to his left, looking at Rico, their eyes connected. There was a magnetism. He felt drawn to Rico.

Next: Chapter 3

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