The Block

By Adam

Published on Jan 27, 2024


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Mike lived in a world where the sky was always gray and the air was thick with pollution. Society had retreated from the sprawling cities of the past, now the tens of billions of people that populated the earth were distributed among massive building blocks. Governments were corrupt, and blocks were ruled by de facto militias and gangs. Life wasn't easy.

He spent his days in a massive building block that towered over the city, a place where he was both a resident and an employee. Mike had always dreamed of a better life, but in this dystopian future, that seemed impossible. There were rumors of some blocks being lavish, wanting for nothing, having a functioning government, but this was not one of those places. This block was run by a ruthless gang that ruled over the residents with an iron fist.

The gang's enforcers were always around, watching their every move, making sure no one stepped out of line. It was not unheard of for them to meet out their power with their weapons. Storming into businesses and homes, guns drawn, and taking what they wanted.

One day, Mike heard whispers of a resistance movement that was fighting against the gang's iron grip on the city. He knew it was risky to talk about resisting them, he kept his mouth shut, ignoring the whispered voices of his coworkers.

As if they were listening to the conversations that were taking place in his office, the enforcers arrived. Storming into the administrative offices, they had their guns out. While Mike had heard of these things happening, this was the first time he'd experienced it himself.

Screams erupted from his coworkers, as they were corralled, and herded to the back of the office. The enforcers never approached Mike, so he stayed put at his desk, frozen in fear.

After a few minutes, the leader of the gang came strolling in. Mike glanced in his direction, taken aback by the incredible good looks of this man.

Diego had been running the gang for a couple of years, despite his young age. His father had been in charge, but handed day-to-day control of the block to his son. Now, barely 30 years old, he was the most feared man in the block. If you crossed Diego, you died.

Mike knew Diego, if only peripherally - they were about the same age and knew each other when they were younger. Friends would be the wrong word, as they never hung out.

As all of this was coursing through Mike's mind, his eyes connected with Diego's. He noticed a smirk pass across Diego's face. A momentary flash of recognition.

"Keep them in the back" Diego called out to his men before turning to me.

"Mike, is that right?" He asked as he walked confidently toward me.

I swallowed nervously, taking in the man striding toward me. I took in his image - 6 feet tall, broad and muscular, his skin a beautiful caramel color, a thick mustache and goatee on his face framing a set of plump lips. My eyes raked down his body and caught the impressive swinging pendulum in his loose joggers.

Realizing that I hadn't responded, I nodded, "Yes, I'm Mike."

As I stood there, I felt that he was looking right through me. His eyes moved up and down my body, I could see what could only be described as hunger. He kept coming closer and closer. I was terrified and turned on at the same time.

"I've heard about you Mike..." he says to me.

I don't know what that means, and I'm sure the confusion was evident on my face.

"I don't know what you mean?" I say with a shaky voice.

"Follow me." He says to me, it's a command and not a request.

I glance back to my coworkers, they look at me with a hint of sadness, almost like they know I'm being marched to my death. I knew that you don't disobey this man though, unless you wanted to die sooner.

"Yes sir..." I said, grabbing my bag.

"Diego..." He said with a smirk.

"I'm sorry?" I say, turning to face him.

"Call me Diego Mike - I'm too young to be called sir." He said and a smile crossed his face.

Fuck me! That smile made his face even more handsome than it was before. It took my breath away seeing his face lit up with that smile. He turns and starts walking, I know that I'm supposed to follow him. My eyes are locked on his ass, which is undulating in his pants like a couple of water balloons being bounced in a bag.

I don't notice at first that he's stopped, and I stop myself just short of bumping into him. I look up into his eyes, his beautiful amber eyes.

"We're here." He gestured toward a small cafe.

Glancing over, I saw that the cafe was empty, his men standing at the entrance. Clearly he had the place cleared out for whatever was about to happen. He guided me to a table in the middle of the cafe, pulling a chair out and gesturing for me to sit.

As I lowered myself into the seat, a young girl came out and asked what we would like. I ordered myself a fizzy drink and Diego said he would have the same. The girl never looked up from her tablet, clearly nervous. It didn't take long to get our beverages, and when she returned with them, Diego ordered us some food.

He peppered me with questions about my life, my past, my job. It felt like an interview of a sort. I answered honestly, knowing that Diego and his men had ears everywhere and would probably know if I was lying. This went on for about an hour before he came to the point of all this.

"Mike, I'm sure you're wondering why I've done this." He says.

"It has crossed my mind." I say sheepishly.

Diego stands, pulling up with him, and he kissed me. I wanted to fight it, but as his plump lips met mine, I melted. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling his tight, firm body against me. My hands began roaming his back, and eventually fell to his plump ass.

Diego is beautiful, I think to myself. Now, I'm no slouch myself. I'm just shy of 6 ft tall, my body is tight from regular exercise. I have taken to running the stairs in my section of the block. It keeps my mind off the monotony of our existence, and keeps me in shape. This, as a result, has given me a nice fat ass. My body is covered in a heavy coating of hair. I've had my fair share of suitors in my nearly 30 years of life. While I'm not a total slut, there are several men I regularly lift my ass for.

I don't know how long we were making out, but before I realized it, I was laid back on a table and Diego was bent over the top of me. Slowly making love to my mouth with his tongue, he smoothly pulled my pants off, breaking our kiss only long enough to get them all the way off and tossing them.

"Please..." I whispered breathlessly.

Diego pulled me to the edge of the table, sinking inside me in a steady, fluid motion.

"AHHHHH" I gasped as I felt the invasion.

"FUCK, you're tight" Diego growled.

Opening my eyes, they connected with his, the amber in them glinting in the light. The intensity in his gaze was breathtaking. I'd never had a cock this big inside me. The pain was intense and felt delicious.

There was something tantalizing about the danger of this situation. The fact that I was being fucked by the leader of the gang that owned the block. What was I doing?

"God you're so sexy," Diego cooed as he kept his momentum.

"So are you Diego..." I moaned.

As those words came out of my mouth, the warm intensity in my core began to build. I knew what was happening. I reached out and pulled Diego to me. As he collapsed on top of me, his mouth found mine again. His cock buried in one end, his tongue in the other.

"Don't stop baby...don't stop" I cried out, gripping his back.

"Cum for me Mikey" He grunted.

His thrusts became irregular and hard. He was close too. I felt his cock sink all the way into, and felt it start to twitch.

"FUCK" we cried in unison.

My cum spilled out between us, our bodies coated with the thick thread of my load. His was flooding my insides. Each twitch of his cock, a new flood of hot liquid.

It took a few minutes for us to catch our breath. His cock softened and slipped from me. I felt some of his cum leak out when it did.

"That was amazing Mike..." Diego said, looking at me intensely.

"You're amazing..." I said looking into those amber eyes.

"I'm going to have my men move you into my apartment. I think you'll like it there." Diego says commandingly.

I realized at that moment, whether I wanted it or not, this was happening. Diego was going to get what he wanted.

"Yes Diego" I say, sheepishly.

"That's a good boy," Diego said, before kissing me again.

As he eases off me, he grabs a napkin from the table and uses it to wipe his cock before pulling up his pants. It was only then that I realized his men would have seen every thrust of that. One of them is looking at me with a leering grin. The other looks almost disgusted. I pull my pants up, not even bothering to wipe the cum from my ass.

"Rico, take Mike back to work, and stay with him. He's my boy now." Diego says, winking at me.

There was a surreal feeling as we walked through the block. Rico was known to be one of the higher ranking officers in Diego's gang. Being escorted by that elicited sometimes sympathetic, and sometimes scared looks.

When I got back to my office, Diego's men were still there, but everyone had returned to their jobs. Albeit, cautiously given the watchful eye of the men.

I don't know where this will lead, or how things will change. However, I learned a long time ago, life is tough in the block. Sometimes, you have to do things that are...questionable.

Next: Chapter 2

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