The Blob

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Dec 31, 2021


The Blob Chapter 9: Escaping the Cell Evan Andrews 2021

This set of stories is a change from what I've written before in that it is not a fan fiction. To be honest, it's based off a fantasy I concocted back in high school, updated as the passage of time required.

The story depicts males in sci-fi sexual situations with other males, oh, and an alien. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Gary couldn't understand why, but the Managerie had suddenly gone into overdrive. Feeding time for the blob had increased from six boys at a time to eight, or nine, so that several of the cum donor crew ended up sharing a chamber. Mostly boys sharing a chamber chose to share space along the wall of blob-flesh, but today Gary found himself in the chamber with Mark, and both realized that they were going to do this differently.

Without hesitation, Gary walked up to the hunky wrestler and took up a position facing him, less than a foot away. The blond's erection bobbed and struck against Mark's own.

"You sure you want to do this?" Mark asked. The answer was obvious, but he had to ask.

"Yeah," Gary whispered, "I do."

This would be Gary's first time voluntarily having sex with a man, even if the blob was involved as an intermediary. In a way, it was a breakthrough. Through their shared vision the rest of the crew watched, intrigued or disgusted. (In the control room the Colonel was not amused, but what could he do?)

"So do I. What do we do?" Mark asked.

As if in answer, the blob sent forth its tentacles and, after engulfing their hard cocks, it pulled the boys close together. They were close enough to kiss, but the blob gave them a double-pudded tentacle to suck on. Gary let the fleshy knob fill his mouth, watching the other enter Mark's oral cavity, and began to suck. The runner felt a tentacle teasing at his asshole, and he relaxed to let it enter. Just as the number of boys per feeding had increased, the number of guards preseeding the boys' asses had increased as well, from two guards to three and in the end four.

As Gary slid into the reverie that now accompanied milking, he let his mind wander. He had hoped for—well he really had no idea what he'd hoped for after the blob's declaration of . It wasn't as if Gary expected the blob to come riding in like a knight in shining armor or the Seventh Cavalry, but clearly "ends now" meant something different in blob time. So instead he sucked, and felt his balls churning with greater and greater fury until they gave up their burden of sperm to the ministrating alien flesh of the blob.

When came, therefore, nobody was expecting it.


This night, a week and change after Gary's milking intimacy with Mark, the blond knelt in the middle of the floor facing Tony, today's designated playthings for the increasingly sadistic guards.

Upstairs Gary could hear one of the black boys and the surfer dude drug out for the guards' amusement as well, but Gary had his own cross to bear. Lolph, fat cock jutting from the fly in his pants, stood to Gary's right, and a similarly erect Asian-American guard stood to his left.

Lolph slapped his boy-breaker hard against his palm and said, "You ready to suck dick, bitches?"

Both kneeling captives, eyes lowered, nodded, not trusting their voices, and Lolph said, "Good, then you won't mind that we invited a couple of buddies to join us tonight too."

Couple of...? Gary thought, looking up for the first time. "Oh fuck."

"Yeah," Lolph droned on as he menacingly stroked his shaft, "A couple of the newer guys decided they couldn't get enough of your sweet boy-asses and begged us to let them tag along."

The door to the Managerie opened and two bully-boys with badges strode in, grinning.

Gary panicked and desperately tried to bridge the gap to the blob, begging for help in enduring this escalated and escalating abuse.

"Come on, blob!" Gary screamed mentally. "I know you're out there!"

The new guards joined their fellows, and whipping out their peckers they came to their knees behind the two captives. Greasing their lengths, they took aim and slowly slid their rigid meat inside the boy's asses. Tony groaned and started to get hard himself while Gary started stroking his dick. Maybe if he concentrated on his own meat and the meat reaming his ass, he'd be able to cope with the increasingly vicious face-fucking the guards had been dishing out.

"Open up, Goldie," the Asian guard said, and Gary let the man's cock slide into his mouth.

Sealing his lips, Gary immediately started using his tongue on the shaft hoping that if he could distract the guard he might not get the usual brutal skull-fuck. For a while it worked.

"Jeesh, Lolph," he said, "You never told me this one was such a good cocksucker."

"Yeah, he sure is, but you know what I always say. Fuck a mouth often enough, Ace," Lolph said, "And a bitch is bound to pick up a trick or two."

"Good practice for later, I guess," Ace said enigmatically. "How's your boy?"

"Oh, this one knows how to suck a mean cock too. Don't you, bitch?" he asked the concentrating Tony.

"Can you two goor-mays shut the fuck up?" Bully One (the one fucking Gary) snarled. "I'm trying to breed some butthole down here."

"What?" Ace laughed. "Are you trying to tell me, Travis, that hearing what a hot slut you lucked in to makes your dick soft?"

"I'll show you soft," Travis said, and he started pounding Gary's guts hard.

"Gugh! Gugh! Gugh!" Gary's eyes bugged out. He gagged, and his gagging on Ace's cockhead was the straw that broke Ace's cock's back.

"Fuck!" Ace screamed, and he grunted as his dick unloaded round after round of sperm down Gary's throat.

At the same time Bully Two seeded Tony's tight ass, and the guards' combined screams, for just a crucial second drowned out the alarms that went off.

"Fuck," Lolph said, when he finally heard the noise. "What now?"

"What now?!" Travis said, pulling out of Gary's ass and leaping to his feet. "That's the alarm. THE alarm."

He stared at the other guards and said simply, "It's loose."


"Loose?!" Ace said. "How the fuck did it get loose? It can't get loose!"

"Yeah, really?" Travis said. "Who told you that?"

"The Captain."

"And you believed him? Whadda maroon."

The guards were no longer paying attention to the boys they had been raping, so Gary and Tony made a mad scramble for Gary's cell. (It was closer.) The wall slid shut automatically, so whatever was going on, there was a wall of whatever between the boys and their abusers.

The guards argued for just a second before Lolph said, "Look, if it's loose, we've got to get out of here."

"What about them?" Ace said, waving at the Managerie captives. "They can't be allowed..."

"Fuck that, Ace," Lolph shouted as he headed towards the door, "What's more important: duty to some brass-poisoned jerk or your life?"

"It won't take any time," Ace said, "We press the red button by the door, and the gas will take care of things while we get the hell out of Dodge."

"Gas?!" Gary thought, "Jesus fucking god, of course gas. Blob, where the fuck are you?!"

The guards wasted no more words. They shook their heads in agreement and quickly followed Lolph towards the door. Ace was just about to press the panic button when ropes of tentacles fell from the ceiling. They immediately grabbed hold of the screaming guards and pulled them up to the ceiling and into the flesh of the blob. As the screams died away, thicker tentacles dropped and pressed up against the doors to the cells. The alien flesh exuded a chemical and a hole, large enough for a man to squeeze through, appeared in the doors.

A voice, real words not feelings or visions, resonated in Gary's head, and a glance at Tony confirm that he had heard it too.

It was the blob.

"Blob?!" Gary yelled out loud. The captive had called for help, and it had come, but panic made him hesitate.

"Go?" Tony said.

Tony climbed through the hole, but Gary still hesitated.

<do you trust this one, gary>

Oddly, Gary did. He certainly had more reason to trust this cum-supping alien than the kidnapping man-rapists and whatever shadowy agency lay behind them. It might be Stockholm Syndrome, or it might not, but in that instant Gary chose.

"Yes," Gary said after a moment. "I trust you."

"Live? Like what the guards said? The gas?"

<that too, yes>

"Do I really have any other options?" Gary thought. "Of course not."

The blond squeezed through the hole and found himself standing amongst the dangling tentacles with his eleven first floor brothers.

Lolph had gotten the door to the Managerie open, so no obstacle stood the crew and freedom. The boys from upstairs pounded down the stairs and met the downstairs crew at the door.

"Do we trust it?" one of the upstairs Latinos said, clearly in a quandary.

"Do we have any choice? They were going to murder us," Gary said, and he led the way out into the corridor towards the chambers.

The full (eventually) Managerie crew made their way along the corridor. They went cautiously at first, but when screams erupted from the direction of the medical bay, and beyond that from the front offices, they switched over into a run. The blob was clearing the way for them.

In the lobby, tentacles had opened the chamber doors. Inside the six dark grey rooms, the far wall of blob flesh shone with an intense green light.

Breaking up into groups of four, they piled into the rooms. Gary found himself joined by Mark, Tom, and Tony.

Shrugging, the four studs pressed up against the wall, and four man-sized openings appeared when human flesh met alien.

"We've got to be able to breathe!" Tom said, panicking.

<there's no time to delay>

Shrugging his shoulders, Gary stepped forward and found himself surrounded by, well, a close-fitting suit of blob flesh. It adhered to his body but left him free to move. On both sides, more of the crew were stepping into the blob's cytoplasmic embrace, and finally all the twenty-four were suspended in the green flesh. A light began to shine in the distance, and they all made their ways towards it.

Gary started trying to walk, but there was no floor, so he made no headway doing that. Next he tried swimming, and finally started to make progress towards the light.

"Swim!" he thought as loud as he could over his link with the other captives.

One by one the other captives followed Gary's example. Even the ones that could only doggy-paddle were able now to make progress towards the light. When Gary reached it, he found another wall and stepped through it into a large amorphous chamber the blob had formed within his body.

"Jesus," Gary thought, "This thing is huge."

"Yeah," Mark said out loud, "Who'd'ah thunk?" and then he stopped and stared at Gary.

"You didn't say that out loud, did you?"

<no, he did not>

The blob's flesh shuddered.

Along the walls, alcoves opened in the wall. Twenty four of them. One for each boy.

<this one is leaving, and this one can take you along> <you'll be earth's first interstellar travelers> <please don't stay>

"Why not?" the surfer dude said.

<you don't really think they were going to let you go, do you?> <after everything they've done to you?> <after everything you've seen?> <come with this one, you live> <stay here, you die>

The boys hesitate for no more than a minute. Then Charlie stepped into one of the alcoves. Tentacles reached out, securing him in place while at the same time swallowing his cock and penetrating his butthole.

<mouth, charlie>

Charlie opened his mouth and a final tentacle slid inside. The dark-haired stud's eyes rolled up into his head, and his body relaxed. The entire crew could feel their brother slip into a dreamless sleep.

As the blob flesh started to grow around Charlie, the blob said,


One by one, the boys stepped into the alcoves and let themselves be enveloped by the blob's alien flesh. In the end only Gary and Paul were left.

"After you?" Gary said.

"Fuck that," Paul said, "Together or not at all."

They stepped into the last two alcoves and felt the blob's gentle touch as it filled and fulfilled their bodies.

And the two blonds passed into oblivion.


As they slept, the boys had no idea that the captured guards (and other staff) were nearby, stripped naked, kneeling, held in tentacle bondage, penetrated orally and anally while the blob turned the entire milking process into a torture, making them cum over and over. If they could have screamed they would have.

Next: Chapter 10

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