The Blob

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Dec 9, 2021


The Blob Chapter 7: Full House Evan Andrews 2021

This set of stories is a change from what I've written before in that it is not a fan fiction. To be honest, it's based off a fantasy I concocted back in high school, updated as the passage of time required.

The story depicts males in sci-fi sexual situations with other males, oh, and an alien. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Gary, Mark, Randy, Joey, Paul, and Houston were hauled out of their cells and led to their next appointment with the blob. Gary was surprised that Paul, let alone Randy and Joey, was trusted to walk. The guards must have gotten tired of wheeling benches with captives strapped to them around the place. Or that at least was Gary's guess. Or maybe the guards had decided that neither the resistant blond nor the brothers needed to get ass-raped before they went to the blob anymore. Whatever.

When the crew got to the lobby outside the chambers, though, Gary found how wrong he'd been. Three sets of wrist restraints had been set into the wall at about head height, and the "bad" captives were forced between them, balls to the wall. Arms were raised (not without a fight), and cuffs sealed automatically around wrists, like some demented sci-fi bondage prop.

"What the fuck?!" Randy snarled.

"Well," Gary thought, "If that's your attitude, you're for sure about to get butt-fucked."

And they were.

Guards' pants opened, and hard dicks were hauled out.

"No, god damn it!" Paul screamed. "I've been good! You don't need to fuck me anymore!"

Like that mattered to the horny guards.

"What's need got to do with anything?" one of them, Lolph, whispered into Paul's ear. "Besides, you know your tight hole can't wait for Little Lophie here to ream your guts out."

With a growl the guard followed that up with, "So take it, bitch!"

Paul screamed as the guard's shaft forced its way inside him. And on either side of him, the two brothers started howling as well.

"Fuck!" Randy screamed. "Please, fuck me, but let my brother be!"

"What?" his rapist said as he plumbed the boy's anal depths. "Why would Donnie pass up a chance to seed that hot hole? Get real, bitch. Your alls' asses are ours!" He thrust hard, forcing a gasp out of the elder brother. "For!" Thrust. "As!" Thrust. "Long!" Thrust. "As!" Thrust. "It's!" Thrust. "HERE!"

With the final thrust, Lolph's dick swelled and spat cum into beleaguered butthole.

Randy was openly crying as the guard staggered back and his partner took his place in the now juicy fuck-hole."

The guards were fast and sadistically thorough, and in less than a quarter hour two potent loads heated up each of the formerly bad boys' bowels.

"Okay, bitches," the captain of the guards said as he stuffed his deflating cock back into his pants, "It's time for your dinner date."

That said, all six captives were either forced (the bad boys) or allowed to walk (the good) into one of the chambers where an eager blob awaited them. And their loads.


At the end of the next week, the Managerie hosted a full house.

The MIBs had clearly gotten the art of abducting young men down to a science, and the upper level of the Managerie, a dozen more cells, was filled quickly. The guys downstairs had no opportunity to talk with any of those upstairs. If they tried in the Managerie, the guards stormed in and shut them down (which, yes, was different from their first week or so), and of course speaking wasn't allowed between boys being taken to feeding. From what Gary had been able to gather, though, the crew upstairs was mostly men of color, the exception being a white surfer, you know long sun-bleached hair and sun-bronzed skin. Kind of the reverse of downstairs where the crew was white except for Houston.

Once every cell was filled the guards fell into a routine. Boys were taken from both floors when it came time to assemble the next group to be fed to the blob. If there was a logic to the selection criteria then Gary had yet to figure it out. He'd wouldn't have been surprised (or wrong, as it turned out) to hear that the blob itself was selecting the boys it was hungry for -- cum-guzzling a la carte. On top of that, everybody was now sharing the visions, so even when you weren't being milked by the blob, you were able to experience the spectacle another prisoner undergoing the sweet ordeal in all five senses.

Days passed, then weeks.

Today the crew going to the blob for the second "meal" of the day consisted of Tony, Tweet, Gary, and three studs from upstairs (the really black-skinned African, the Latino Lothario, and the Chinese guy – all now experienced in getting their balls drained. The three upstairs victims trooped into the space between the cells on the first floor, and they all fell into line. It was routine now, and the boys knew better than to buck the system – unless, of course, they wanted to go back on the forced piss-and-paste diet and getting fucked before going to the blob. Gary was thankful he'd decided to play along from the beginning. He didn't think he could hold up if he was getting ass-raped every day or even every other day. He wondered, therefore, at the increased number of guards accompanying them today, though. They hadn't needed this much supervision before.

When the parade of naked young men got to the lobby, it became clear why there were more guards than usual. Instead of the three sets of shackles on the wall, there were six. One for each captive.

The guard in charge laughed at their looks of consternation.

"Yeah, bitches," he said, "From here on out you all get to take a couple of extra loads to your dinner date."

The guards fell on the boys and manhandled them face first against the wall before shackling first one wrist and then the other. The boys fought, but the guards had had the foresight to lay in extra numbers for this.

"Please!" the Chinese kid wailed, "You can't! Please! I've been good! I've been good from the beginning!"

His guard stopped opening his pants for a moment in order to slap the kid on the ass. He left a mark, as he meant to.

"Can't?! Fuck can't, bitch! You just shut the fuck up and get ready to take my cock!"

Gary's guard held a beefy hand over the blond's mouth as he greased his hole.

"Mmm," he hummed, "You're tight, boy. I like fucking tight holes."

The Chinese boy screamed as his ass was breached, and a second later Gary joined him. So much for that anal cherry.

Gary had seen ass-fuck porn. Yeah, it was mostly guys butt-fucking girls, but one or twice he'd stumbled across the gay stuff. The difference between that and this was that those actors knew what they were doing and how to take a hard cock. Gary was up to this point an ass-virgin, so he was completely unprepared for the reality of the sudden pain in his backside. It was excruciating, almost unbearable. In fact he noticed that Tweet and Lothario had passed out from the pain—not that that stopped their rapists from continuing to plunder their asses.

"You're a tight cunt, bitch," Gary's guard grunted, "And all that noise. You'd think I'd done more that stick my cockhead into your chute."

"Cockhead?" Gary thought. That was all?! Fuck, what was it going to feel like when the guard rammed more of his fuck-meat inside?

The fat plum of engorged meat slipped out and then pressed against Gary's pucker again.

"Take it," the guard growled. "Open that hole, bitch."

"I'm try..." Gary whimpered against the pain, "Trying..."

The blond called on a relaxation class he'd had a couple years earlier and forced himself to breathe. With each intake of air he focused on a muscle, and with the exhalation he willed the muscle to relax. He didn't trust himself to tackle his anal sphincter yet, but he tried with his arms, then his shoulders, then his back.

"Okay," he thought, "Here goes nothing."

Gary took a deep breath and focused on the straining muscle in his butt. It protested, but Gary took a second breath and put his will behind the relaxation command. Slowly, reluctantly, the guardian muscle slacked just enough for the guard's cockhead and the first inch or two of his cock to slide past.

"Fuck, boy," the guard gasped as the sheath of Gary's ass clenched at his rod, "You've got the gift. Now, keep that up and enjoy the ride."

Gary nodded like he had a choice) and returned to his breathing exercises. He'd read that there was a place inside that if hit just right, would make up for all the pain. (Yeah, relaxing hadn't reduced the pain much at all.) Of course ass-virgin Gary had no experience with that. He was a ladies' man, and his asshole (up to now) had been strictly off-limits.

The guard, after each withdrawal, sank a bit more dick into the prisoner's ass on the next thrust, conquering the virgin guts with inexorable resolve. Then with a final thrust, his shaft bottomed out, and he was grinding pubes against Gary's butt-cheeks.

"Oh fuck," Gary whimpered, "Tell me there's no more."

It was only seven and a half inches, but the guard saw no reason to belittle the boy's achievement. Especially given the whining, wailing, and screaming going on around them.

"No more, boy. You've taken it all."

Gary nodded, now maybe...

"Now we fuck," the guard said, with just a hint of sadistic satisfaction in his voice.

"Fuck?" Gary said, "You mean... Fuck!"

Gary screamed as the guard pulled his full length out and slammed it back in, reclaiming his conquered territory.

"Fuck, yeah," the guard crowed, "I love this fucking ass!"

Together, Gary and his rapist (he wasn't sugar-coating the situation, or their roles) fell into a rhythm. Eventually Gary found himself sufficiently relaxed that his anal fucking was proceeding as well as it could, all things considered. Then the guard began to speed up his thrusts.

"Ungh! Yeah, boy, I'm getting ready to cum. Tighten that ass up and bring me off!

"Tighten?" Gary thought, "Tighten? After all the time he'd spent trying to relax?"

A hand slapped the captive's ass.

"Tighten that cunt, bitch! Do!. It! Now!"

Sobbing, Gary forced his ass to squeeze around the intruding shaft, not matter how much hurt it precipitated.

"Fuck! Yeah! Like THAT!" the guard screamed.

Gary could actually feel the man's shaft swell with each jet of sperm he let loose in the blond's abused butt.

"Fuck," the guard gasped as he pulled out and staggered back, "That was unreal. Your turn, Reno."

Turn? Oh fuck, yeah there were two guards per captive. Gary shot a glance over his shoulder and took in the second guard, now with a 10 inch cock jutting out of his fly, stepping up to the runner's backside.

"Ready, bitch?" the guard sneered. "'Cause Daddy's going to breed this cunt into the ground."

A second later Gary was actually grateful to the first guard for taking his time and making sure his prisoner had the tools to handle the other guards. Reno slammed in like a bull and fucked the blond hard, deep, and fast. It hurt much worse than Gary's first fuck had, but it didn't take him long to get the measure of his second rapist. This guy, he realized, throve on the power trip. He wanted his victim to fight, to beg, and to scream. The more you gave him that, the more he demanded.

"Well, fuck your little game," Gary thought, "I may be getting fucked, but that doesn't mean I have to lose this battle of wills."

Instead of fighting, Gary relaxed as much as he could. He got control over his vocal cords and forced them to forget words.

"Huh. Huh. Huh," he breathed.

Gary turned his face to the side, and did his best to make it seem he was bored by Reno's performance.

"Bitch!" Reno spat in his face, "Tighten that hole. Give me a boy-cunt worth fucking!"

Gary almost smiled. Tighten? As it. If he could have managed a bored yawn, he would have.

A hand slapped itself down on Gary's ass cheek. Then the other. The blows fell until Gary's ass was cherry red, but the blond still kept his face noncommittal.

"Fuck," Reno said, finally disgusted, "I'm done with this piece of ass."

He pulled out and began to fist his shaft towards completion.

"Fuck, yeah!" Reno grunted, "There it.. fuck.. yeah!"

He pressed the head of his dick against Gary's pucker again and slid inside as his balls gave up their load of sperm.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" the man in uniform howled.

One vocal ejaculation for each genital one until Reno reached eight. Then he pulled out and spat on Gary's back.

"I'll remember you're the worst fuck in this whole herd, bitch," he said. "See if I fuck this hole ever again."

Gary resisted the urge to smile.

Other guards released Gary and steered his spent form to Chamber 3. The door closed, and Gary found himself staggering to the green glowing wall on the far side of the room. He fell against the gel-like surface and felt tentacles catch him before he could side down it onto the floor. One tentacle reached out to encompass his hard prick. (Wait, when had he had time to get hard?), and another slid into his mouth.

"Mmm," Gary moaned as he sucked on the now-comforting pud.

He gave into the realm of vision and saw more tentacles hovering over his butt. They were—confused? This butt had never before carried an additional offering to the blob. (Offering?) The tentacles traced the scent to its source in his asshole, and then carefully, cautiously even, one slid inside. It slithered, absorbing the guards' donated sperm, and then Gary gasped. That place, the one that was supposed to make taking it up the butt all worthwhile, the tentacle found it and carefully stroked it.

"Fuck!" Gary's mind was spinning. "Fuck, yeah. No wonder..."

And then concern flooded Gary's mind. The blob was concerned for him, for the hurt obviously done him, but all it could do was calm him and give him what pleasure it could.

"Mmmmmmmm!" Gary moaned around the pud in his mouth. If he hadn't known better, he could have sworn that the blob, the monster, was fucking making love to him.

Next: Chapter 8

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