The Bingo Game

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Dec 13, 2008



Lester Grayson had been a widower for about eighteen months. For the past eighteen months he had literally become a hermit. He got up in the morning, and performed all of his `esses." He drove his car to work, cursing all the way, at the heavy traffic. He had been at his job so long that he performed his duties mechanically. On the way home, he bought his dinner, ate in silence and in loneliness, and went right to sleep. Maybe once a week, he slipped a porno film in the VCR and whacked off to an unsatisfactory orgasm. This selfish act of self abuse helped him to sleep so that he could get up again the next morning and repeat the routine.

After he had come home from work one day to find his wife dead on the floor in the front hallway, he had gone to stay at his daughter's. Neither he nor she wanted him to remain alone in the empty house. Besides every time he walked through the front door, he saw his wife lying there on the hallway floor. It was impossible for him to stay there.

After three months, Marlene took him aside and said, "Dad, I love you to pieces, but you can't sit alone in my house all day and brood. I'm kicking you out. Go home, and start to socialize again. Rejoin the living. Farewell and goodbye."

He did just as she asked. He went home, but the vision of his dead wife lying on the floor haunted him. He put the house up for sale and sold it at a bargain price to the buyer. Then he bought another house in a nearby community closer to where his daughter lived. Getting resettled in the new house absorbed some more time but not enough, and he resumed his hermit ways.

Les had always loved playing bingo but his wife never wanted to go with him. He was not a gambler at all but he loved playing the lottery and playing bingo. He knew that many of the ladies in his community went to a weekly bingo game at a nearby Catholic church. One day he decided to go, and he asked one of the ladies if he could go with her.

Les was an exceptionally handsome man. If he wanted to, he could still fit into his army uniform, and he still looked dapper in it. Every strand of his brown hair was still on his head, but it had turned to a beautiful silver. His blue-gray eyes had not lost their sparkle in spite of his agony. And no matter where he found himself, no matter the situation, he never left until he had everyone present laughing, or at the least, smiling. The lady was delighted to take Les to the bingo game.

There was never anything between them, and that satisfied both of them. They escorted each other to the game and that was that. At the very least, Les was out of his shell.

One day another lady in the community asked if he played bridge. When he said that he did and was really quite good at it, she asked him to be her partner at the weekly bridge game at the community club house. He assented and now had two nights a week out of the house. He was a little uncomfortable at the weekly bridge game. His bridge partner wanted more from him than just to be his bridge partner, but Les wasn't interested.

The bingo game was more fun. He met lots of people, all ladies, but nobody was pressuring him to do something he didn't want to do. He even started to date one lady named Ruth. After awhile they began to have sex, but when Ruth started talking marriage, he broke off the relationship.

One day, his bingo escort, Susan, said to him, "I have a brother who doesn't get out enough. I keep urging him to come to the bridge game, but he refuses because he doesn't want to play with all women. I told him about you and if you consent to sit with him and talk to him, I might be able to get him to come."

"Sure," Les said. "Why not?"

Several weeks passed and Les forgot all about the conversation. Then one night Susan came with her brother. Les was surprised when he saw him.

As prim and proper as Susan was, Jake was the opposite. His appearance was slovenly. He needed to shave. His clothes were clean but ill fitting. He was missing all but two teeth. In short, he was not a pretty sight. But Les promised to befriend him and he did. They spoke between games and Les was surprised. In spite of his appearance, Jake was glib and intelligent. He was well versed in current events and was a very political being. On his part, Les always avoided anything to do with politics and religion. When the evening was over the two men parted cordially.

For the next two or three weeks, whenever Jake arrived at the church, he gave Les his toothless grin, shook his hand warmly and started some interesting conversation that Les was happy to join in on. At the end of the fourth session that Jake attended, he asked Les if he would like to come back to his apartment after the game and he offered to make coffee.

Les was fastidious in his dress and in the condition of his house. Nobody could find a speck of dust anywhere. He immediately envisioned Jake's apartment as being as slovenly as Jake and he made an excuse not to go. Every week, for several weeks, Jake asked Les to please come for coffee. Finally Les ran out of excuses and consented. They said goodnight to Susan, and Les drove Jake home in his car.

When Jake put his key in the door, Les gritted his teeth, expecting the worst, but when he opened the door, Les gasped. He gazed in and saw the neatest, cleanest, in fact, immaculate, apartment imaginable. He entered happily.

Jake began to make coffee. While it was brewing, he reached into his ultra neat cabinets and took out two cake plates and two coffee mugs. He placed them on the table with two napkins. He put a spoon and a fork on each napkin. Then he went into the fridge and retrieved a coffee cake. He cut two medium size portions, served them and replaced the remaining cake into the fridge. Les was fascinated. Jake was a regular Felix Unger regarding his house and a regular Oscar Madison regarding his appearance.

Les thoroughly enjoyed his repast and the conversation that went with it. He promised Jake that he would come regularly for coffee after the bingo game from now on. When it was time to leave, Les asked Jake to use his bathroom.

Les had never been shy around other men. He had a good size cock and never turned away when using a urinal. He had used a bathroom many times when just the male member of the household was present, and he never bothered to close a door. So it happened that he was pissing away happily and the bathroom door was wide open.

As he was shaking his cock to get rid of the excess urine, he thought he felt something behind him. Jake had come up behind and wrapped his arms around Les's torso. Les froze, but he was at a loss for words until he felt Jake's hand wrap around his cock and start to stroke it.

"What are you doing?" Les asked.

Jake stopped stroking. Remember now, Les was love starved, and another human being jerking him off felt really good, notwithstanding that a man had never done this to him before.

"Did I tell you to stop?" Les asked Jake. Les expected Jake to resume what he was doing, but instead he turned Les around so that they faced each other. Jake fell to his knees. He cupped Les's balls in his hand and started to kiss the head of Les's cut cock. He then ran his tongue along the underside of Les's shaft. Les moaned. He knew this was wrong but it felt so good. Why was he allowing it? He wasn't gay. Or maybe he was gay and never knew it.

Les was not a stranger to a good blow job, but he never got it from his wife and certainly not from another man. I told you he was very handsome. He had many opportunities over the years, which he took advantage of. It did not diminish his love for his wife, but he needed more than she was ever willing to give.

Now Jake was devouring the full extent of Les's more than ample prick. Les had not had an orgasm in several days and he was the kind of guy that could have two and even three in one evening so it wasn't long before he felt his orgasm building. He knew it was going to be a mind blower, not like the weak ones he got when he jacked off. When he came he screamed so loud, he scared Jake. Jake swallowed every drop.

That incident aroused feelings in Les he didn't know he had. He looked forward to bingo nights with a new fervor. Jake was receiving social security disability for some reason and he didn't work. He lived only five minutes from where Les worked, and Les began to spend his lunch hours with Jake, and he would get many a mind blowing orgasm. Never once did Jake ask Les to reciprocate and that was a good thing. Les would not have done it. He was straight after all.

One night after bingo, Jake asked Les if he would like to fuck him. Les was so naïve, he didn't realize what Jake was asking him to do. What do you mean? How can I fuck a man?" he asked.

"You know," Jake said, "In the rear."

Jake had never ass fucked any human being, but he had thought about it often, and had wondered how it would feel. Jake's request did not disgust him at all. "If you'd like me to do that, it's OK," Les consented. With a condom and a lot of lube, Les fucked Jake that night and it was good.

The two men became so comfortable with each other that they began to strip completely before having sex. Jake became hard as a rock when he was servicing Les and he released his sexual tension by masturbating. He never asked Les to do anything to him. But finally one day, he asked Les if he could dry hump himself against Les's body. He pointed out that Les still had the beautiful bubble ass he had when he was twenty. He asked if he could place his well lubed ass in the crack and hump him there. He swore that he would not attempt to enter Les at all. Les consented and Jake began to cum that way. He never tried to enter Les's ass.

Les got an added kick out of feeling Jake's cum shoot up his backside. He asked Jake to scoop it up and coat his cock with it. Jake happily obliged and coated Les's cock with his own cum. "Now go down on me and suck my cum off my cock," Les requested. This really turned Les on and even if he had just cum, he came again. Now Jake would refrain from swallowing, but instead he would rub Les's cum all over Les's body and Les went wild.

Les had gone as far as he was willing to go. He still considered himself to be straight, but he was allowing a gay man to service him. Nothing wrong with that!

One night at bingo a man came over to Jake and said hello. "Hi Ken," Jake said, "I've never seen you here before."

"My wife made me come," he said. "I'll see you later.

Jake whispered in Les's ear. "He lives in my building and he's married, but he has come to my apartment often and we trick together. He loves to suck cock more than I do."

Sometime during the evening Les had to relieve himself. There were several urinals in the men's room. Someone came into the bathroom and began to pee right next to Les. Les did not turn away. He never did. The man was staring at Les's cock. Les looked up and Ken smiled at him. Ken motioned toward one of the stalls. The two men went into the stall and Ken gave Les a blow job, but not as good as toothless Jake.

I told you that Les could cum two or three times a night. That night, Jake brought him off twice more. From then on, Ken gave Les a blow job once during the bingo evening and Jake gave him at least one at home afterward.

Les enjoyed this arrangement for nearly two years. During that time Susan passed away and Les began to pick Jake up at his apartment to go to bingo. Then one day Ken told Les and Jake that he wouldn't be seeing them anymore because he was moving upstate. He gave Les his E Mail address and said that it was only a two hour drive. He was retiring but his wife worked all day and he would like it if Les drove up to visit him sometime. Les took the drive twice during the following year and then they lost touch.

One day Jake was not home when Les went to pick him up. None of his neighbors knew where he was. Fortunately Jake called the next day. "I forgot it was bingo night or I would have called you yesterday," he said. "I'm in the hospital. They found a cancerous tumor on my colon. They're operating tomorrow."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner," Les chastised Jake.

"I guess I didn't want to worry you. I'm very fond of you, you know."

"I know," Les whispered, "and I'm fond of you."

Les visited Jake every day at the hospital, and nursed him when he came home. Eventually Les brought Jake home with him, because it was easier to care for him in his house than at Jake's.

Jake died in Les's bed one year after the operation. His only living relative was a niece who lived in a distant city. She refused to take care of funeral arrangements, but she came and cleaned out Jake's apartment and gave the listing to a broker to sell.

Les made all the funeral arrangements and gave Jake a nice send off. He mourned for a little while, but not like for his wife. After awhile he began to seek out sexual relationships again, and amazed even himself that he was looking only for relationships with men.

Eventually he met a man at a party in the home of a mutual gay friend. They slept together at the man's apartment the very first night. He went down on Les and brought him to orgasm quickly.

"Don't stop," Les told Harry when he was done, so Harry kept right on sucking and Les had another orgasm. Harry was impressed.

"My turn," Harry said turning on his back.

"I don't do that," Les said. "I've never sucked a man's cock in my life."

Harry got out of bed and started to dress. He threw Les's clothes at him, and said, "It's been nice knowing you, but I don't engage in one way streets. It takes two to tango. I was going to beg you to stay the night, but now I'm begging you to get out of here."

Les really liked Harry. He didn't want to say goodbye to him. He wanted to say hello.

"Let me try," he said to Harry.

"I don't want you to try. I want you to want to want to do it, or else what's the use?" Harry asked.

"I want to be with you," Les told Harry, and he gave Harry the first blow job he had ever given any man. In fact, he had never even gone down on a woman before. In all the years they were together, Les never let Harry cum in his mouth. Harry could accept that. Instead he rubbed his cum onto Les's cock, and then he would go down on Les and eat out his own cum. Les would get so excited when Harry did this, that he would cum in no time short.

They slept together almost every night for two years, but neither would give up his home. Finally, they looked at their situation and said, "Fuck it." Shortly thereafter, Les sold his house and Harry sold his apartment. They moved in together in a jointly owned condominium.

When the two lovers looked back at their first sexual encounter, Harry would laugh at Les and point out to him that it was a miracle that when Les finally touched his partner's private parts, he did not become afflicted with strange diseases. It didn't kill him after all, and now they are living happily ever after.

Author's note: This is a true story.

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